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Since reforming and opening, China's economic development has obtained the result attract worldwide attention. However, in the process of rapid economic development, we encounter the bottleneck, namely, three rural questions (the issues concerning agriculture, farmer and rural area). Land is the lifeblood of farmers, solving the problem of land become the way that can solve three rural questions completely. From the moment of birth, our nation uses the concept of rural land ownership to lead people to utilize farmland in certain natural constraints. Taking performance as indicator of measurement, researching how the farmland property right structure to impact farmland use effect on the basis of the existing theory of property rights of new institutional economics have important theoretical and practical meaning in improving the performance of utilizing farmland, exploring the farmland property right system reform.
     Based on the hot spot of theory research and the need of practice, in this paper, firstly, we focus on the aspect of farmers, using system analysis method to analyze the impact of farmland property right to farmer behavior; Then using the normative analysis method to quantitative evaluate the result of farmer land use (farmland use performance), and taking the "behavior" as the basic way, analyzes the influence of farmland property rights to farmland use performance; thirdly, we analyzed the farmland property right system vary with different farmland use performance since the founding with the method of comparative analysis, and by means of quantitative analysis, we take shaanxi province as example to do empirical examination based on theoretical analysis. Finally, raising the direction of the farmland property right system reform and the goal is sustainable land use performance. Purpose is to explore how farmland property rights influence farmland use performance? Just for the sustainable utilization target, what is perfect direction of China's farmland property right?
     Through the theoretical analysis and empirical test, this paper obtained the following four conclusions:(1) Different kinds of farmland ownership arrangement produce different effect influence on motivation of farm land use behavior and goal, and then influence choice of farmers land use behavior, the different choice of farmland has different use performance. The private farmland ownership can improve the agricultural land use economic performance; we use the property rights to stimulate farmers, When farmland is the state ownership, we use farmer's behavior t in directly to improve social and ecological performance of the farmland use; Collective property is a kind of property organization form between the two sides, and suitable for our present national conditions.(2) Farmer is the main body of farm land use right, the more clear definition of land use right, the higher the stability, the better the fanners to expect future earnings, then we can induce rational utilization of land by determining the interests of farmers, and improve the agricultural land use performance, especially economic performance.(3) Internal structure integrity of the farmland property right and the stronger completeness provide positive incentive effect on rational farmland utilization and the farmland use performance.(4) From1949to2009, farmland utilization performance changes in Shaanxi province have corresponding relation and coincide with farmland property right structure changes by using basic theoretical analysis. In farmers'ownership stage, economic performance of farmland utilization reach maximum value, social performance in medium level, ecological performance is lowest; in the land collective ownership and collective management stage, economic performance of farmland use decline, during this period, economic performance stay in the lowest position in sixty years performance trend line, social performance level is not high, the ecological performance is not optimistic; but in the land collective ownership and farmers management stage, farmland use economic performance, social performance took a turn for the better, and with continuous improvement of the integrity farmland property rights and completeness, farmers seldom consider farmland ecological effect in this period, based on the pursuit of economic performance, and the improvement of farmland use ecological performance mainly rely on the government to carry out.
     Based on the above conclusion, starting from farmland sustainable use, economic, social, ecological performance, this paper puts forward three levels of farmland property right theory model, which apply to the sustainable utilization of farmland according to private or public attribute of each products performance. Through contrasting our country present farmland property right structure to theoretical model, proposed the present China's farmland property right reform suggestions as following:First, perfecting the collective ownership organization form and management system, identifying main body of farmland ownership as the state in the appropriate time through the proper way, in order to improve land use ecological performance; Secend, the limitation of farmers land use main body status covered in economic performance property should be cancelled gradually, improving existing laws, enhancing integrity and completeness of economic property, promoting agricultural economy development; Third, In aspect of the social performance property, we should eliminate the disadvantages of the current land expropriation rights diversification, establish development rights; and the core of policy-making should be farms'right and interests security and how to improve social performance of the land use.
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