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    分析。结果表明 1)对象木种内竞争较其伴生树种间的竞争剧烈。2)竞争强度与
1.Studying on the community dynamics during ecological restoration of the wind-
     damage slash in Jinyun mountain. The seeding dynamic, community structure and
     species diversities of the wind-damaged slash after 11-year restoration were studied.
     The results were as followings: 1) Pinus massoniana and Gordonia acuminata seeding
     were dominated in the first and second years. After 8-year restoration Castanopsis
     carlessii var. spinulosia, Symplocos satchuenesis and others evergreen broadleaf trees
     seeding increased, Pinus massoniana and Gordonia acuminata seeding decreased,
     after 11 years, Castanopsis carlessiivar spinulosia , Symplocos satchuenesis and others
     evergreen broadleaf trees seeding dominated. There was no Pinus massoniana seeding
     and Gordonia acuminata seeding was very few. 2)The vertical structure of community
     tended to be complex, while the horizontal one increased by a wide range.3)The
     species diversity and evenness of trees layer increased, the ecological dominance
     decreased. The community becomes more complicated and multiple-layered evergreen
     broadleaf forest.
     2.Compered the structure of the wind-damaged slash in Mt. before wind-damaged
     with that after 11 years of restoration. The results were as followings: 1) The vertical
     structure of community before wind-damaged slash was outstanding while not after
     11-year restoration.2) The biological spectrum were similarity, both are everygreen
     phanerophytes. The made of the species of community are almost same, Lauraceae,
     Fagaceae, Theaceae and Pinaceae were the most. There are needle-broad forest before
     wind-damaged, it edificatory was Pinus massoniana. But 11-year restoration was
     everygreen broadleaf forest, it edificatory is Castanopsis carlessii var. spinulosia.
     3. Studying on the competition in the course of ecological reconstruction of wind-
    damaged slash in Mt. Jinyun Using Hegyi?single tree competitive index modle, We
     quantitatively analysed the intraspecific and interspecific competitive intensity of
     Pmassoniana G.acuminata C.carlessii var spinulosa S.setchunensis.The dominant
     species ecological reconstruction of the wind-damaged slash. The results are: 1 )The
     intraspecific of objective species in wind-damaged slash were more intensive than
     their interspcific competition with other accompanying species. 2).The competitive
     intensity seemed to be powerful function of DBH. of the objective trees. 3). Growth of
     the objective tree was negatively correlated to the competitive indices.
     4.This paper studied on the dynamics of dominant population during ecological
     restoration and forecasted the dynamics of the domination species of wind-damaged
     slash in Jinyun mountain. The study showed that the succession of community is
     toward the climax community of the evergreen broadleaf, and that the Castanopsis
     carlessii var.spinulosa will be the edificatory of the climax community.
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