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     As the wide application of nuclear energy, the opportunity of people exposed to radiation is increasing, from the food irradiation, accidents in nuclear power plants, medical treatment to ionizing radiation in space, radiation is everywhere. High-dose radiation can cause a variety of the living beings injuries or damages. The risk of radiation induced malignancies as a result of genotoxicity to normal cells is one of the most serious problems during radiotherapy in patients with disease free survival. Tumor control without producing damage to the surrounding normal tissues through the use of chemical agents has a clinical relevance in radiotherapy. Therefore, protection of surrounding normal tissues has a practical relevance in improving the therapeutic outcome. Radioprotectors are needed to protect cancer patient with radiotherapy and other potentially exposed populations, such as workers in the nuchear-power industry, space travelers or operator on radioactive devices.
     Ionizing radiation is considered as ubiquitous environmental carcinogen damaging DNA directly by energy deposition or indirectly by the generation of reactive oxygen species and free radicals. Reactive oxygen species and free radicals react with cellular macromolecules (i.e., proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids) leading to cell death or mutations and chromosome instability when they are not repaired or misrepaired. Several endogenous antioxidant enzymes (such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase) are capable of scavenging reactive oxygen species and has shown pivotal role in the repair of DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen species.
     Although many natural and synthetic/semi-synthetic chemicals have been investigated in the recent past for their efficacy to reduce adverse effects of ionizing radiation, the inherent toxicity of some of the synthetic agents at their radioprotective concentrations necessitated further search for secured and efficient compounds. In view of these limitations, an approach to evaluate the radiation protective ability of non-toxic and physiologically acceptable compounds seems to be hopeful and deserves investigation.
     Salvianic acid A (SAA) is the major water-soluble components of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge and with the molecular structure of which is d(+)-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) lactic acid. SAA has been reported to possess several pharmacological activities, which includes protection of cardiac muscle, dilatation of blood vessel, inhibition of arteriosclerosis and thrombus, improvement of microcirculation, regulation of restoration and regeneration of tissue, antisepsis and anti-inflammation and so on. And our previous studies have shown that SAA could scavenge lipid free radicals and inhibit mice death and damage induced by radiation. Hence the aim of our present study was to investigate the radioprotective effect of SAA on γ-radiation induced damage and its possible mechanism.
     1. To explore the radioprotective activity of SAA in vivo;
     2. To study on the radioprotection of SAA on multiple human normal cell types and to investigate on the protection of SAA on the cell morphology, DNA and mitochondria damaged by radiation;
     3. To identify the mechanisms and involved signal pathway of the radioprotection of SAA.
     Animal experiment
     Male BALB/c mice (22±2g), were randomly divided into five groups,1)saline control group,2) γ-radiation group,3)10mg/Kg SAA group,4)20mg/Kg SAA group,5) E3group. After treatment, the mice were fed for different times for the survival studies, hematological study, spleen histopathological and colony count study, nucleated cells analysis of mouse bone marrow and estimation of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes。
     Cell experiment
     In our present study, we investigate the radioprotective efficacy and cytotoxicity of SAA in vitro by using four types of human normal cells. Radiation-induced DNA damage, apoptosis and changes of cell morphology in human intestinal epithelial cells (HIEC) and human normal liver cells (L-02) in the presence and absence of SAA were examined. Finally, we observe the effect of SAA on ROS formation, the protection on mitochondria and the balance of the pro-oxidant and antioxidant in the cells.
     Cells were allowed to attach for24h; and then treated with SAA1h before γ-radiation and after a further culture for different times. And then cells were investigated for the expressions of proteins in the apoptosis signal pathway, DNA repaired signal pathway, INK pathway and Ca2+pathway and the activities of caspases.
     (1) The radioprotective activity of SAA in vivo.
     SAA increased survival rate, the spleen index and clone of the irradiated mouse. The results also showed that the whole blood cell and the nucleated cells of bone marrow were decreased after the irradiation, and SAA can reverse these damages caused by radiation.
     Splenic corpuscles had a uniform distribution and clear boundaries, and appeared uniformly blue in normal mice, in mice from the radiation-alone group splenic corpuscles were deflated and their number decreased. Compared with radiation-alone group, the splenic corpuscle in mice treated with10and20mg/kg SAA before irradiation, increased and distributed uniformly. In present of SAA, the activities of SOD and CAT and the content of GSH were increased, protein and lipid peroxidation were inhibited in liver.
     (2) The cytotoxicity and radioprotection of SAA on multiple normal cell types
     The results showed that different concentrations of SAA exhibited no significant cytotoxicities on L-02、HIEC、GES、HaCaT cells, and SAA could improve the viability of these cells after1h incubation. Pretreatment (1h) of cells with0.1,1,10μg/ml SAA provided protection compared to cells treated with radiation alone. Moreover, the maximum and marked protection achieved at10μg/ml SAA with radiation at4Gy.
     (3) Pretreatment with SAA reduced radiation-induced cell damages
     Compared with4Gy group, SAA could significantly increase the clone count and decrease apoptosis and promote proliferation on radiated cells (P<0.01). It can also maintain the morphology of cells and nuclear.
     The foci positive cells and fluorescence intensity of y-H2AX were significantly reduced which means the DNA damage was alleviated. Micronuclei assay and the comet assay also showed the same results.
     It is possible that SAA can protect mitochondrial from radiation induced damages by maintaining mitochondrial membrane potential and scavenging ROS. The results indicated that SAA can antagonize the reduction in the levels of both enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in irradiated cells. An increase in the level of TBARS induced by γ-radiation (4Gy) was effectively reduced by pretreatment with10μg/ml SAA (P<0.05).
     (4) Inhibition of SAA on radiation-induced activated cell apoptosis related signal pathway
     Western blotting results showed that the SAA-mediated radioprotection also involved down-regulating Bax and P53expressions and up-regulating Bcl-2expression, and suggested that SAA treatment shifted the balance between pro-and anti-apoptotic proteins towards cell survival.
     Pretreatment of cells with SAA for1h before γ-radiation was found to significantly block the release of cytochrome c and AIF from mitochondria, and these changes were statistically significant (P<0.05). SAA treatment also significantly reversed the increase of caspase-3/8/9activity in irradiated cells (P<0.01). This result implied that inhibition of the mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway was involved in the radioprotective effect of SAA.
     (5) Protection of SAA against radiation-induced DNA damage
     When exposed to4Gy γ-radiation, cells showed a prompt and temporary increase in the expression of y-H2AX within3h. When the cells were pretreated with SAA before4Gy γ-radiation, the peak expression of y-H2AX occurred at1h. Western blotting results showed that SAA significantly promoted the expression of DNA repair-related factor, ATM. And the results of RT-PCR indicated that change of ATM expression was related to protein degradation.
     (6) Inhibition of SAA on the radiation-induced activated JNK pathway
     SAA was added to cultured cells maintaining the final concentration (1μg/ml) for1h before y-radiation (4Gy) and after a further culture for24h, the expressions of p38, JNK, p-p38had no significant changes. But JNK phosphorylation was greatly increased by radiation and SAA could inhibit the phosphorylation of JNK (p-JNK). And radiation-induced activity of the upstream molecular MKK4of the JNK pathway could also be inhibited by SAA. The NFκB pathway can not be influenced by SAA. The inhibitor of JNK had almost the same effect with SAA in radiated-cells. It is possible that SAA achieved its radioprotective action, at least in part, by suppressing the MKK4/JNK pathway and reduced the radiation-induced apoptosis.
     (7) Inhibition of SAA on the radiation-induced activated Ca2+pathway
     SAA was added to cultured cells maintaining the final concentration (lμg/ml) for1h before y-radiation (4Gy) and after a further culture for3h, the concentrations of Ca2+in cytoplasm were significantly increased in the irradiation group. The positive cells and fluorescence intensity of Ca2+in cells treated with SAA were decreased. Western blotting results showed that the level of calmodulin protein, calpain-2, was up-regulated by the radiation and down-regulated in the SAA pretreated cells.
     1. SAA increased survival rate, the spleen index and clone of the irradiated mouse and could reverse the decrease of the whole blood cell and the nucleated cells of bone marrow induced by radiation. It is clear that SAA could increase antioxidative ability and reduce lipid peroxidation induced by radiation in mice.
     2. SAA exhibited no significant cytotoxicities on L-02、HIEC、GES、HaCaT cells, and preincubation1h of SAA could improve the viability of these cells after radiation.
     3. SAA exerted its protective effect on the proliferative activity of L-02and HIEC cells as evidenced by decreased cytotoxicity after exposure to γ-radiation. It was possible that SAA achieved its radioprotective action, at least in part, by reducing DNA damage, enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzymes and scavenging ROS.
     4. SAA exhibited its radioprotective activity via enhancing DNA repair and inhibiting the activities of JNK pathway and mitochondria and/or Ca2+-dependent apoptotic pathway in L-02cell line.
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