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Accounting has been traditionally seen as a ‘neutral’ information system whose function ismerely to depicting economic facts objectively. However, in a political perspective, it is more ofan important component of corporations’ power system by which it gets directly the power ofresource-controlling and wealth-distributing. By conforming to the standards it made on behalf ofthe corporation’s interests, the power of resource-controlling and wealth-distributing will beenlarged and eventually the given economic, social and political structures which the corporationsrepresented strengthened.
     Accordingly, on the one hand, accounting looses the neutral position of reflecting economicfacts and proves to be a tool sustaining and legitimizing the particular structures; on the other hand,when corporations from different countries contend in a given market, the competitive power ofthe corporations employing other country’s accounting standards will then be weaken and thepower and interest structure between countries will be readjusted and the states’ power willeventually be called back, so accounting issues become political ones.
     Thus, accounting standards, as one kind of important capital rules, is non-neutral and theformulation of which is full of politics and the evolution of the European Union’s accountingstrategy is more of a political process than a market one.
     The comparable financial information which prepared according to a single set of accountingstandards is the first premise of the free movement of capital pursued by the EEC, but the variousaccounting practices in EEC member states hindered the accounting harmonization process whichpromoted through EEC corporation directives and made the EU’s accounting strategy a tortuouscourse. By virtue of the inevitable contradictions between nationalism and Europeanism, thestrategy of accounting harmonization dominated by EEC corporation directives is not successful.
     It is not until German reunification and the Daimler-Benz’s listing on the New York StockExchange that the EU’s accounting strategy got its turning point. When European global playerslisting on the NYSE had to conform to US’s accounting standards, they were at a competitivedisadvantage compared with its US competitors. Europe then made a new accounting strategy byadopting an EEC regulation and aligning with the International Accounting Standards Committeethrough which it obtained the dominance position in the area of international accountingstandards.
①Arjo Klamer and Donald McCloskey,“Accounting as the Master Metaphor of Economics”, EuropeanAaccounting Review, Vol.1, No.1,1992, pp.145-160.
    ③M. Smith and S. Briggs,“From Bean-Counter to Action Hero: Changing the Image of the Accountant”,Management Accounting, Vol.77, No.1,1999, pp.28-30.
    ④Carol J. Normand and Charles W. Wootton,“Accounting: Historical Perspectives”, in Burton S. Kaliski ed.,Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, Vol.1.2nd ed., Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA,2007, p.7.
    ①John Roberts and R. Scapens,“Accounting as discipline”, in David J. Cooper and Trevor Hopper ed., CriticalAccounts, Macmillan,1990, pp.107-125.
    ③Dieter Schneider,“The History of Financial Reporting in Germany”, in Peter Walton ed., European FinancialReporting: A History, Academic Press, London:1995, p.131.
    ④1991年,科斯就此发表了一篇自传性质的文章对那段学术生涯进行了回顾,参见Ronald Coase,“Accounting and the Theory of the Firm”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.12, No.1,1990, pp.3-13.
    ⑤Michael Chatfield and Richard Vangermeersch ed., The History of Accounting: An International Encyclopedia,New York: Garland,1996, p.543.
    ②George J. Benston et al., Worldwide Financial Reporting: the Development and Future of Accounting Standards,Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press,2006, p.3.
    ③最终,奔驰公司1993年度的利润由德国会计标准下的6.15亿德国马克调整为美国会计标准下的-18.39亿德国马克。见Ray Ball,“Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting at Daimler-Benz (DaimlerChrysler)AG”, in Christian Leuz, Dieter Pfaff and Anthony Hopwood ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting,Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press,2004, pp.127-128.
    ④Assma Sawani,“The Changing Accounting Environment: International Accounting Standards and USImplementation”, Journal of Finance and Accountancy, No.1,2009, pp.1-9.
    ⑤European Parliament and Council, Resolution of19July2002on the Application of International AccountingStandards,(EC) No.1606/2002.
    ⑥Ross M. Skinner, Accounting Standards in Evolution, Toronto: Holt, Rinehart,1987, p.2.
    ⑦Alfred D. Jr. Chandler, The Visible Hand: the Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1977, p.110.
    ⑩Trevor Boyns and John Richard Edwards,“The Development of Cost and Management Accounting in Britain”,in Christopher S. Chapman, Anthony G. Hopwood and Michael D. Shields Edited, Handbook of ManagementAccounting Research, vol.1, Elsevier Science,2006, p.1025.
    ①Jeffrey Fear and Christopher Kobrak, Diverging Paths: Accounting for Corporate Governance in America andGermany, The Business History Review, Vol.80, No.1, Spring,2006, pp.1-48.
    ④Allie F. Miller,“Accounting”, in Burton S. Kaliski ed., Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, Vol.1.2nd ed.Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA,2007,p.1.
    ②Alfred Rappaport,“Economic Impact of Accounting Standards-Implications for the FASB”, Journal ofAccountancy, Vol.143, No.5,1977, pp.89-98.
    ③Stephen A. Zeff,“The Rise of ‘Economic Consequences’”, The Journal of Accountancy, December,1978,pp.56-63.
    ④Shyam Sunder,“Political Economy of Accounting Standards”, Journal of Accounting Literature, Vol.7, No.5,1988, pp.31-41.
    ⑤Burchell S. et al.,“The Roles of Accounting in Organizations and Society”, Accounting, Organizations andSociety, Vol.5, No.1,1980, pp.5-21.
    ⑥Anthony M.Tinker,“Towards A Political Economy of Accounting: An Empirical Illustration of the CambridgeControversies”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.5, No.1,1980, pp.147-160.
    ⑦关于该领域的详尽的文献综述,详见“Critical Perspective ofAccounting”, in Craig Deegan and JeffreyUnerman, Financial Accounting Theory, European Edition, McGraw-Hill Education,2006, pp.425-455.
    ⑧即David J. Cooper and Trevor Hopper ed.,Critical Accounts, Macmillan,1990.
    ⑨David J. Cooper and Trevor Hopper,“Stimulating Research in Critical Accounts”, in David J. Cooper andTrevor Hopper, ed.,Critical Accounts, Macmillan,1990.
    ⑩Norman B. Macintosh and Trevor Hopper, ed., Accounting, the Social and the Political: Classics, Contemporaryand Beyond, Elsevier Science,2005.
    11David J. Cooper, David Hayes and Frank Wolf,“Accounting in Organized Anarchies: Understanding andDesigning Accounting Systems in Ambiguous Situations”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.6, No.3,
    1981, pp.175-191.
    ①Frank H. Selto and Bruce R. Neumann,“A Further Guide to Research on the Economic Consequences ofAccounting Information”, Accounting and Business Research, Vol.11, No.44,1981, pp.317-322.
    ②Cheryl Lehman and Tony Tinker,“The ‘Real’ Cultural Significance of Accounts”, Accounting, Organizationsand Society, Vol.12, No.5,1987, pp.503-522.
    ③James Guthrie and Lee D. Parker,“Corporate Social Disclosure Practice: A Comparative InternationalAnalysis,” Advances in Public Interest Accounting, Vol.3, No.2,1990, pp.159-176.
    ④Derek Bailey,“Accounting in the shadow of stalinism”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.15, No.6,1990, pp.513-525.以及Derek Bailey,“Accounting in Transition in the Transitional Economy”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.4, No.4,1995, pp.595-623.
    ⑤Richard C. Baker and Mark S. Bettner.,“Interpretive and Critical Research in Accounting: A Commentary on ItsAbsence from Mainstream Accounting Research”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Vol.8, No.4,1997, pp.
    ⑥Dieter Ordelheide,“The Politics of Accounting: A Framework”, in Christian Leuz, Dieter Pfaff and AnthonyHopwood ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting, Oxford: Oxford University,2004, pp.269-284.
    ⑦如Christian Leuz, Dieter Pfaff, and Anthony Hopwood, ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting:International Perspectives on Research Trends, Policy, and Practice, Oxford University Press, USA,2005.以及Alain Burlaud and Bernard Colasse,“International Accounting Standardisation: Is Politics Back?” Accounting inEurope, Vol.8, No.1,2011, pp.23-47.
    ⑧该领域的两本重要文献为:Sidney J. Gray andAdolf Gerhard Coenenberg ed., EEC Accounting Harmonisation:Implementation and Impact of the Fourth Directive, North-Holland,1984; Sidney J. Gray, Adolf GerhardCoenenberg and Paul D. Gordon ed.,International Group Accounting: Issues in European Harmonization, London:Routledge,1993.
    ①Christopher Nobes and Robert B. Parker, Comparative International Accounting, Prentice Hall,1981.该书的第十版已有中文版,见[英]克里斯托弗·诺比斯、罗伯特·帕克:《比较国际会计》(第十版),薛清梅译,东北财经大学出版社2010年版。
    ②关于该组织的历史,详见Kees Camfferman and StephenA. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global CapitalMarkets: A History of the International Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress,2007.
    ③Garry D. Carnegie and Christopher J. Napier,“Exploring Comparative International Accounting History”,Accounting, Auditing&Accountability Journal, Vol.15, No.5,2002, pp.689-718.
    ④Mueller, Gerhard G,“Whys and Hows of International Accounting”, The Accounting Review, Vol.40, No.2,1965, pp.386-394.
    ⑤Baker, C. Richard, and Elena M. Barbu,“Trends in Research on International Accounting Harmonization”, TheInternational Journal of Accounting, Vol.42, No.3,2007, pp.272-304.
    ⑥Geert Hofstede,“The Cultural Context of Accounting”, Accounting and Culture,1987, pp.1-11.
    ⑦可参见Richard C. Baker and Elena M. Barbu,“Trends in Research on International AccountingHarmonization”, The International Journal of Accounting, Vol.42, No.3,2007, pp.272-304.
    ①Justice Arden,“True and Fair View: A European Perspective”, European Accounting Review, Vol.6, No.4,1997,pp.675-679.
    ②Katarzyna Kosmala-MacLullich,“The True and Fair View Construct in the Context of the Polish TransitionEconomy: Some Local Insights”, European Accounting Review, Vol.12, No.3,2003, pp.465-478.
    ③Jeffrey Fear and Christopher Kobrak,“Diverging Paths: Accounting for Corporate Governance in America andGermany”, The Business History Review, Vol.80, No.1,2006, pp.1-48.
    ④如Dieter Ordelheide and Dieter Praff, European Financial Reporting: Germany, London; New York: Routledge,1994.以及Wolfgang Ballwieser,“Germany”, in Gary G. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer, A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Emerald Group Publishing,2010.
    ⑤奔驰在NYSE上市的案例引发的对公司治理模式、会计国际协调的广泛讨论至今仍在继续,可参考Lee H.Radebaugh, Günther Gebhardt and Sidney J. Gray,“Foreign Stock Exchange Listings: A Case Study ofDaimler-Benz”, Journal of International Financial Management&Accounting, Vol.6, No.2,2007, pp.158-192.
    ⑥David Alexander and Simon Archer,“On the Myth of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ Financial Accounting”, The International
    Journal of Accounting, Vol.35, No.4,2000, pp.539-557.
    ①Axel Haller,“International Accounting Harmonization”, European Accounting Review, Vol.4, No.2,1995, pp.
    ②John Flower,“The Future Shape of Harmonization: the EU versus the IASC versus the SEC”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.6, No.2,1997, pp.281-303.
    ③James Perry and Andreas N lke,“The Political Economy of International Accounting Standards”, Review ofInternational Political Economy, Vol.13, No.4,2006, pp.559-586.
    ②本文不对法国会计进行介绍的一个重要原因在于:相较英国会计与欧洲大陆会计的巨大差异而言,同属欧洲大陆会计的法国会计和德国会计之间的差别则要小得多。关于欧洲各国会计的较全面的权威介绍,可参考David Alexander and Simon Archer, Miller European Accounting Guide, Beijing: CITIC Pub. House,2004.
    ①accounting standards有两种译法:会计准则或会计标准;二者为同义词。在会计学领域,通常译为“会计准则”,但在经济学领域,则多译为“会计标准”。本文对这两个术语不加区分地使用。
    ⑤Allie F. Miller,“Accounting”, in Burton S. Kaliski ed., Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, Vol.1.2nd ed.,Detroit: Macmillan Reference, USA,2007,p.1.
    ⑥Kees Camfferman,“The Netherlands”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A Global Historyof Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.121.
    ⑦转引自Kees Camfferman and StephenA. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History ofthe International Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.40.
    ⑥Craig Deegan and Jeffrey Unerman, Financial Accounting Theory, European Edition, McGraw-Hill Education,2006, p.430.
    ⑧David J. Cooper and Michael J. Sherer,“The Value of Corporate Accounting Reports: Arguments for A PoliticalEconomy of Accounting”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.9, No.3/4,1984, pp.207-232.
    ⑨Basil S. Yamey,“Aspects of the Law Relating to Company Dividens”, The Modern Law Review, Vol.4, No.4,1941, pp.273-298.
    ⑩David J. Cooper, David Hayes, and Frank Wolf,“Accounting in Organized Anarchies: Understanding andDesigning Accounting Systems in Ambiguous Situations”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.6, No.3,1981, pp.175-191.
    ①见娄尔行、张为国:《确保合理分配是会计的一项职能》,《会计研究》,1999年第4期,以及John Flower,Accounting and Distributive Justice, Routledge,2010. Flower认为财务报告(financial statements)的功能包括报告功能(reporting function)、分配功能(distribution function)和信息功能(information function)。
    ②George J. Benston et al., Worldwide Financial Reporting: the Development and Future of Accounting Standards,Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press,2006, pp.22-24.
    ④Ruth D. Hines,“Financial Accounting: In Communicating Reality, We Construct Reality”, Accounting,Organizations and Society, Vol.13, No.3,1988, pp.251-262.
    ⑧Vivian L. Carpenter and Ehsan H. Feroz,“GAAP as A Symbol of Legitimacy: New York State's Decision toAdopt Generally Accepted Accounting Principles”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.17, No.7,1992,pp.613-643.
    ①Craig Deegan and Jeffrey Unerman, Financial Accounting Theory,European Edition, McGraw-Hill Education,2006, p.448.
    ③Leuz, Christian, Dieter Pfaff, and Anthony Hopwood, ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting:International Perspectives on Research Trends, Policy, and Practice, Oxford University Press, USA,2005, p.xxv.
    ⑦John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Houndmills, Basingstoke,Hampshire; New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan,2004, p.231.在此需要进一步说明的是,即便是在欧洲大陆
    ⑨Dieter Ordelheide and Dieter Praff, European Financial Reporting: Germany, London; New York: Routledge,1994, p.44.
    ⑩若扣除占外部融资7.6%的利润公积(Profit reserves)和1.3%的未分配利润(Unappropriated profit),这个比重将更低。见Dieter Ordelheide and Dieter Praff, European Financial Reporting: Germany, London; NewYork: Routledge,1994, p.36.
    ④John Flower and Gabi Ebbers, Global Financial Reporting, Palgrave,2002, p.38.
    ①Emmanuel N. Emenyonu and Sidney J. Gray,“EC Accounting Harmonisation: An Empirical Study ofMeasurement Practices in France, Germany and the UK”, Accounting and Business Research, Vol.23, No.89,1992,pp.49-58.
    ③共同体法的两个主要形式是欧洲经济共同体指令(EEC Directive)和欧洲经济共同体条例(EECRegulation)。指令反映了一种更分权化的方式,由于它仅规定出了目标、泛泛的禁止或其他原则与标准,但把如何将其付诸实施的确切细节,留给了成员国。而条例则是一种激进的立法方式,通常为(部长)理事会所正式通过且像“联邦”法一样:直接适用于欧洲经济共同体的所有经济行为者。而条例是对所有成员国具有直接法律效力的决定,一旦采纳立即生效,在其所适用的领域具有完全的约束力和直接适用,不需要转化为成员国立法。条例的重要法律力量在于它避免了许多由于成员国立法责任引发的问题,诸如拖延不决或解释误差等等。主要的公司法指令有7个,其中,最主要的是第4号公司法指令(78/660/EEC)和第7号公司法指令(83/349/EEC),前者涉及公司年度财务报告,它促使多数欧盟国家的账户格式、披露或估价程序发生了变化,而后者则在公司的合并财务报告方面取得了比较显著的协调效果。
    ④Karel Van Hulle,“Harmonization of Accounting Standards: A View from the European Community”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.1, No.1,1992, pp.161-172.
    ⑤Karel Van Hulle,“Truth and Untruth about True and Fair: A Commentary on ‘A European True and Fair View’Comment”, European Accounting Review, Vol.2, No.1,1993, pp.99-104.以及European Commission, AccountingHarmonization: A New Strategy vis-à-vis International Harmonization, Communication from the CommissionInternal Document, COM(1995)508final, Brussels.
    ⑥Hermann Niessen,“The Seventh Directive on Consolidated Accounts and Company Law Harmonization in theEuropean Union”, in Sidney J.Gray, Adolf Gerhard Coenenberg and Paul D. Gordon ed.,International GroupAccounting: Issues in European Harmonization, London: Routledge,1993, p.4.
    ①European Commission, Accounting Harmonization: A New Strategy vis-à-vis International Harmonization,Communication from the Commission Internal Document, COM(1995)508final, Brussels.
    ②European Commission, Accounting Harmonization: A New Strategy vis-à-vis International Harmonization,Communication from the Commission Internal Document, COM(1995)508final, Brussels.
    ③European Commission, EU Financial Reporting Strategy: the Way Forward, COM(2000)359final, Brussels.
    ④European Commission, EU Financial Reporting Strategy: the Way Forward, COM(2000)359final, Brussels.
    ⑤European Parliament and Council, Resolution of19July2002on the Application of International AccountingStandards,(EC) No.1606/2002.
    ①European Commission, First Report to the European Securities Committee and to the European Parliament onConvergence between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Third Country National GenerallyAccepted Accounting Principles (GAAPs), COM(2007)405final, Brussels.
    ⑨Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.38-39.
    ④“The Treaty of Rome Establishing the European Economic Community”, in Anjo G. Harryvan and Jan van derHarst, Documents on European Union, Palgrave Macmillan,1997, p.104.
    ①“The Treaty of Rome Establishing the European Economic Community”, in Anjo G. Harryvan and Jan van derHarst, Documents on European Union, Palgrave Macmillan,1997, p.105.
    ④Axel Halle,“Financial Accounting Developments in the European Union: Past Events and Future Prospects”,European Accounting Review, Vol.11, No.1,2002, pp.153-190.
    ⑤Robert Coleman,“The Aims of EEC Company Law Harmonization: Corporate Accounting and DisclosureIssues”, in Sidney J. Gray and Adolf G. Coenenberg ed., EEC Accounting Harmonization: Implementation andImpact of the Fourth Directive, Amsterdam; New York: North-Holland; New York: Sole distributors for the U.S.A.and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co.,1984, pp.4-5.
    ⑥David Alexander and Simon Archer, Miller European Accounting Guide, Beijing: CITIC Pub. House,2004,pp.24-25.
    ①Ulrike Guérot,“How European is the new Germany?”http://ecfr.eu/uploads/files/germany_in_europe_memo.pdf
    ②在《道德情感论》中,斯密的所有论述都是围绕着“人类伟大社会的存在”(the very existence of humansociety/the great society of mankind)也就是“人类社会向何处去”或“我们需要一个什么样的社会”这一宏大主题展开的、在《法学演讲》中,斯密关注的重心是“文明社会”(civilized society)、而在《国富论》中,斯密更加强调“文明社会”的“善治”(well-governed society)。所以我们从他再三强调的社会秩序(thelaws/order of society)、社会美德(the good morals of society)、社会繁荣(the prosperity of society)、社会和
    谐(the harmony of society)、社会稳定(the peace of society)、社会福祉(the welfare of society/the fortune andhappiness of society)、社会的稳定与秩序(the peace and order of society)、社会的整体利益(the general interestof society)等关键概念中不难作出推断:“理想社会”正是斯密进行社会科学研究的出发点和落脚点。详见Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of AdamSmith Vol.1,1978.
    ②Dugald Stewart, Account of the Life and Writings of Adam Smith, in Adam Smith, Essays on PhilosophicalSubjects, The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith Vol.3,1978, p.322.
    ③Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of AdamSmith Vol.1,1978, p.83.
    ⑦[英]H. J.哈巴库克、M. M.波斯坦主编:《剑桥欧洲经济史》(第6卷),王春法等译,经济科学出版社2002年版,第11页。
    ⑧[英]H. J.哈巴库克、M. M.波斯坦主编:《剑桥欧洲经济史》(第6卷),第271-272页。.
    ①转引自Kees Camfferman and StephenA. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History ofthe International Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.420.
    ②“国家联合体”(Staatenverbund)是德国联邦宪法法院在针对《马约》的宪法诉讼时创造的新词,德国联邦宪法法院以此更加明确地表述欧盟自成一体(sui generis)的特性,而没有确定其在关于欧盟的系统是更接近于邦联还是联邦这一法学争论中的立场。见[德]贝娅特·科勒-科赫、托马斯·康策尔曼、米歇勒·克诺特:《欧洲一体化与欧盟治理》,顾俊礼、潘琪昌、周弘等译,中国社会科学出版社2004年版,第103页。
    ②Barry Eichengreen J., Jeffry Frieden and Jürgen Von Hagen,“The Political Economy of European Integration:Introduction”, in Barry Eichengreen J. et al. eds., Politics and Institutions in An Integrated Europe, Springer Verlag,1995, p.8.
    ③Christopher Nobes,“Implementing the European Community Seventh Directive: An Overview”, in S. J. Gray, A.G. Coenenberg and P. D. Gorden ed.,International Group Accounting: Issues in European Harmonization, secondedition, p.33.
    ①John Flower,“The Future Shape of Harmonization: the EU versus the IASC versus the SEC”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.6, No.2,1997, pp.281-303.
    ②Karel Van Hulle, The True and Fair View override in the European Accounting Directives, European AccountingReview, Vol.6, No.4,1997, pp.711-720.
    ③Article2是第4号指令中最重要的条款,即一般条款(General Provisions)中的首条规定。
    ④转引自Karel Van Hulle, The True and Fair View override in the EuropeanAccounting Directives, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.6, No.4,1997, pp.711-720.
    ⑥John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Houndmills, Basingstoke,Hampshire; New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan,2004, p.228.
    ⑦Kees Camfferman,“The Netherlands”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A Global History
    of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, pp.120-121.
    ①Kees Camfferman,“The Netherlands”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A Global Historyof Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.124.
    ②转引自Kees Camfferman and StephenA. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History ofthe International Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.40.
    ④John Flower,“The Future Shape of Harmonization: the EU versus the IASC versus the SEC”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.6, No.2,1997, pp.281-303.
    ⑤G4即澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、美国。关于该组织的历史,亦可参考Street, Donna L. and Kimberley A.Shaughnessy,“The Evolution of the G4+1and Its Impact on International Harmonization of AccountingStandards”, International Accounting, Auditing&Taxation, Vol.7, No.2,1998, pp.131-161.
    ⑥Karel van Hulle,“From Accounting Directives to International Accounting Standards”, in Leuz, Christian,Dieter Pfaff and Anthony Hopwood ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting, Oxford: Oxford University,2004, p.352.
    ③John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.110.
    ①Luca Zan,“Toward A History of Accounting Histories: Perspectives from the Italian Tradition”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.3, No.2,1994, pp.255-310.
    ②因欧盟为其量身打造“凝聚基金”(Cohesion fund,又译“团结基金”)而得名。
    ②Claude Bocqueraz,“France”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A Global History ofAccounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.51.
    ③转引自Nabil Baydoun,“The French Approach to Financial Accounting and Reporting”, The InternationalJournal of Accounting, vol.30,1995:222-241.
    ④fidèle,法语词汇,意为:(人)忠实的,(事)忠于事实的。“une image fidèle”的英文为“a faithful picture”。
    ⑤John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.116.
    ⑥Peter Walton,“Harmonization of Accounting in France and Britain: Some Evidence”, Abacus, Vol.28, No.2,1992, pp.186-199.
    ①Schmidt, M.,“On the Legitimacy of Accounting Standard Setting by Private Organization Institutions inGerman and Europe, Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol.54, No.2,2002, pp.171-193.
    ②Dieter Ordelheide,“True and Fair View: A European and A German Perspective”, European Accounting Review,Vol.2, No.1,1993, pp.81-90.
    ③Dieter Ordelheide,“True and Fair View: A European and A German Perspective”, European Accounting Review,Vol.2, No.1,1993, pp.81-90.
    ④Kristina Artsberg,“International Accounting Standardisation vis-à-vis European Accounting Harmonization”,paper presented at the workshop “Economic Integration in Europe–New Directions in Swedish Research” held bythe Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics and Business at Grand Hotel, M lle in Sweden,23rd-26th,May2000.
    ⑤Karel van Hulle,“From Accounting Directives to International Accounting Standards”, in Leuz, Christian,Dieter Pfaff and Anthony Hopwood ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting, Oxford: Oxford University,2004, p.352.
    ⑥John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.120.
    ⑦John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.120.
    ⑧Nabil Baydoun,“The French Approach to Financial Accounting and Reporting”, The International Journal ofAccounting, vol.30,1995, pp.222-241.
    ①Axel Halle,“Financial Accounting Developments in the European Union: Past Events and Future Prospects”,European Accounting Review, Vol.11, No.1,2002, pp.153-190.
    ②Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ③Jeffrey Fear and Christopher Kobrak,“Diverging Paths: Accounting for Corporate Governance in America andGermany”, The Business History Review, Vol.80, No.1, Spring,2006, p.3.关于20世纪德语区会计的发展,可参考Hans-Ulrich Küpper and Richard Mattessich,“Twentieth Century Accounting Research in the GermanLanguage Area”, Accounting, Business&Financial History, Vol.15, No.3,2005, pp.345-410.
    ①其全名为The Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies。
    ⑦Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.246.
    ①Julian Hoppit,“The Myths of the South Sea Bubble”, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Vol.6, No.12,2002, pp.141-165.
    ②Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.245.
    ③Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.246.
    ⑥Richard P. Brief,“The Origin and Evolution of Nineteenth-century Asset Accounting”, The Business HistoryReview,1966, pp.1-23.
    ⑤Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.250.
    ⑥C. W. Nobes and R. H. Parker,“The development of company financial reporting in Great Britain1844-1977”,in Thomas Alexander Lee and Robert Henry Parker ed., The Evolution of Corporate Financial Reporting, Garland,1984, p.197.
    ⑦Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.250.
    ①Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.251.
    ②Colin Gilmore and Hugh Willmott,“Company Law and Financial Reporting: A Sociological History of the UKExperience”, in Michael Bromwich and Anthony Hopwood ed., Accounting and the Law, Prentice Hall,1992,p.171.
    ③转引自Colin Gilmore and Hugh Willmott,“Company Law and Financial Reporting:ASociological History ofthe UK Experience”, in Michael Bromwich and Anthony Hopwood ed., Accounting and the Law, Prentice Hall,1992, p.171.
    ④John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.31.
    ①John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, pp.30-33.
    ②转引自Ross L. Watts,“Conservatism inAccounting PartⅠ: Explanations and Implications”, AccountingHorizons,2003, Volume17, Issue3, pp.207-221.
    ③Robert R. Sterling,“Conservatism: The Fundamental Principle of Valuation in Traditional Accounting”, Abacus,1967, Volume3, Issue2, pp.109-132.
    ④Michael Chatfield and Richard Vangermeersch ed., The History of Accounting: An International Encyclopedia,New York: Garland,1996, pp.160-163.
    ⑤Michael Chatfield and Richard Vangermeersch ed., The History of Accounting: An International Encyclopedia,p.161.
    ①Michael Chatfield and Richard Vangermeersch ed., The History of Accounting: An International Encyclopedia,p.162.
    ④Richard Mattessich, Two Hundred Years of Accounting Research, Routledge,2007, p.38.
    ⑤这三个组织于1951年合并为苏格兰特许会计师协会(Institute of CharteredAccountants of Scotland)。
    ⑥John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.226.
    ①Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.251.
    ③Michael Chatfield and Richard Vangermeersch ed., The History of Accounting: An International Encyclopedia,New York: Garland,1996, p.502.
    ①Colin Gilmore and Hugh Willmott,“Company Law and Financial Reporting: A Sociological History of the UKExperience”, in Michael Bromwich and Anthony Hopwood ed., Accounting and the Law, Prentice Hall,1992,p.172.
    ②Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, Bingley: Emerald,2010, p.258.
    ③Christopher Napier,“United Kingdom”, in Gary J. Previts, Peter Walton and Peter Wolnizer ed., A GlobalHistory of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe, pp.260-261.
    ④Tony Arnold and Paul Collier, The Evolution of Reserve and Provision Accounting in the UK,1938-50, Instituteof Chartered Accountants of Scotland,2007, p.24.
    ①Christopher Napier,“The History of Financial Reporting in the United Kingdom”, in Peter Walton ed., EuropeanFinancial Reporting: A History, Academic Press, London,1995, p.276.
    ②Christopher Napier,“The History of Financial Reporting in the United Kingdom”, in Peter Walton ed., EuropeanFinancial Reporting: A History, Academic Press, London,1995, p.276.
    ①Peter Walton,“Introduction: the True and Fair View in British Accounting”, European Accounting Review, Vol.
    2, No.1,1993, pp.49-58.
    ②Peter Walton,“Introduction: the True and Fair View in British Accounting”, European Accounting Review, Vol.
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    ③Justice Arden,“True and Fair View: A European Perspective”, European Accounting Review, Vol.6, No.4,1997,pp.675-679.
    ⑤Daivid Flint,“A True and Fair View in Consolidated Accounts”, in Sidney J.Gray, Adolf Gerhard Coenenbergand Paul D. Gordon ed., International Group Accounting: Issues in European Harmonizatio, London: Routledge,1993, pp.15-17
    ⑥Christopher Napier,“The History of Financial Reporting in the United Kingdom”, in Peter Walton ed., EuropeanFinancial Reporting: A History, Academic Press, London,1995, p.279.
    ⑦可参考Jens Wüstemann and Sonja Kierzek,“True and Fair View Revisited-a Reply to Alexander and Nobes”,Accounting in Europe, Vol.3, No.1,2006, pp.91-116;以及David Alexander and Eva Eberhartinger,“The Trueand Fair View in the European Union”, European Accounting Review, Vol.18, No.3,2009, pp.571-594.
    ①Julian Franks, Colin Mayer, and Hannes F. Wagner,“The origins of the German corporation-Finance, ownershipand control”, Review of Finance, Vol.10, No.4,2006, pp.537-585.
    ②七年战争(Seven Years' War)是指1756~1763年间,由欧洲主要国家组成的两大交战集团(英国与法国,以及普鲁士的侵略政策与奥地利和俄国的国际政治利益发生冲突)在欧洲、北美洲、印度等广大地域和海域进行的争夺殖民地和领土的战争。这次战争对于18世纪后半期国际战略格局的形成和军事学术的发展均产生了深远影响。由于参战国家众多,温斯顿·丘吉尔认为这才是真正的第一次世界大战。
    ⑤George J. Benston et al. ed.,Worldwide financial reporting: the development and future of accounting standards.Oxford University Press, USA,2006, p.107.
    ⑦Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ⑨John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.32.
    ①Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ②Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ③德语为stillen Ruecklagen,英语为hidden reserves或secret reserves。
    ⑥Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ⑤Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ①Rainer Fremdling,“Railroads and German Economic Growth: A leading Sector Analysis with A Comparison tothe United States and Great Britain”, The Journal of Economic History, Vol.37, No.3,1997, pp.583-604.
    ⑤Jeffrey Fear and Christopher Kobrak, Diverging Paths: Accounting for Corporate Governance in America andGermany, The Business History Review, Vol.80, No.1, Spring,2006, pp.1-48.
    ⑤Jeffrey Fear and Christopher Kobrak, Diverging Paths: Accounting for Corporate Governance in America andGermany, The Business History Review, Vol.80, No.1, Spring,2006, pp.1-48.
    ⑦Jeffrey Fear and Christopher Kobrak, Diverging Paths: Accounting for Corporate Governance in America andGermany, The Business History Review, Vol.80, No.1, Spring,2006, pp.1-48.
    ②Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ⑥Walther Busse von Colbe,“Accounting and the Business Economics Tradition in Germany”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.5, No.3,1996, pp.413-434.
    ⑧按照法玛的观点,在一个“有效市场”中,价格可完全反映所有可获得的信息。可参见Eugene F. Fama,“TheBehavior of Stock-Market Prices”, The Journal of Business, Vol.38, No.1,1965, pp.34-105.以及Burton G. Malkieland Eugene F. Fama,“Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work”, The Journal ofFinance, Vol.25, No.2,1970, pp.383-417.不幸的是,尽管呼声很高,但法玛一直未能获得诺贝尔经济学奖,这大概是因为他的理论为历次金融危机所证伪。
    ⑨Charles M. C. Lee,“Market Efficiency and Accounting Research: A Discussion of ‘Capital Market Research inAccounting’by SP Kothari”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol.31, No.1,2001, pp.233-253.
    ①Tom Mouck,“The Rhetoric of Science and the Rhetoric of Revolt in the Story of Positive Accounting Theory,”Accounting, Auditing&Accountability Journal, Vol.5, No.4,1992, pp.35-56.
    ⑦Dennis E. Logue and James K. Seward,“Anatomy of A Governance Transformation: The Case ofDaimler-Benz”, Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol.62, No.3,1999, pp.87-111.
    ⑧Christopher Nobes,“The Survival of iInternational Differences under IFRS: Towards A Research Agenda”,Accounting and Business Research, Vol.36, No.3,2006, pp.233-245.
    ①John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.131.
    ②Steve Lawrence, International Accounting, Cengage Learning Business Press,1996, p.255.
    ③Ray Ball,“Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting at Daimler-Benz (DaimlerChrysler) AG”, inChristian Leuz, Dieter Pfaff and Anthony Hopwood ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting, Oxford; NewYork: Oxford University Press,2004, p.126.
    ④Michael Siconolfi and Kevin G. Salwen,“Big Board, SEC Fight over Foreign Stocks”, Wall Street Journal, May
    ⑥Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.315.
    ⑦最终,奔驰公司1993年度的利润由德国会计标准下的6.15亿德国马克调整为美国会计标准下的-18.39亿德国马克。Ray Ball,“Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting at Daimler-Benz (DaimlerChrysler) AG”,in Christian Leuz, Dieter Pfaff and Anthony Hopwood ed., The Economics and Politics of Accounting, Oxford;New York: Oxford University Press,2004, pp.127-128.
    ⑧Assma Sawani,“The Changing Accounting Environment: International Accounting Standards and USImplementation”, Journal of Finance and Accountancy, No.1,2009, pp.1-9.
    ①Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.39-40.
    ②国际会计准则委员会发布的准则被称为国际会计准则(InternationalAccounting Standards,IASs),该组织的基本目标是发布准则并推动其在世界范围内被接受。2001年,IASC被国际会计准则委员会基金会
    (InternationalAccounting Standards Committee Foundation, IASCF)所代替,IASCF的执行机构即国际会计准则理事会(InternationalAccounting Standards Board,IASB),它发布的准则被称为国际财务报告准则
    (International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRSs)。IASC一共发布了40项国际会计准则,现在仍然有效的有31项。目前的国际财务报告准则由IASB发布的IFRSs(共7项)、仍然有效的国际会计准则以及相关解释公告组成。
    ③Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.1.
    ①John Flower,“The Future Shape of Harmonization: the EU versus the IASC versus the SEC”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.6, No.2,1997, pp.281-303.
    ③Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.419.
    ④Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.419.
    ⑤Christopher Nobes, A study of the International Accounting Standards Committee, London: Coopers andLybrand.转引自John Flower,“The Future Shape of Harmonization: the EU versus the IASC versus the SEC”,European Accounting Review, Vol.6, No.2,1997, pp.281-303.
    ⑥Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.5.
    ①David M. Cairns,“The Future Shape of Harmonization: A Reply”, European Accounting Review, Vol.6, No.2,1998, pp.305-348.
    ②European Commission, Accounting Harmonization: A New Strategy vis-à-vis International Harmonization,Communication from the Commission Internal document, COM(1995)508final, Brussels.
    ③1996年3月,在欧盟发布1995会计新战略后,IASC理事会的英国代表大卫·泰迪爵士(Sir David Tweedie)倡导发起了G4+1组织并成为该组织主席,G4+1即澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、美国加IASC。该组织在IASC改组后解散。Flower(1997)认为G4+1的成立显然是盎格鲁-撒克逊集团对欧盟的反击。
    ④John Flower,“The Future Shape of Harmonization: the EU versus the IASC versus the SEC”, EuropeanAccounting Review, Vol.6, No.2,1997, pp.281-303.“grand realignment”的用法也许是受到丘吉尔《伟大的同盟》(The GrandAlliance)的启发。
    ⑦John Flower, European Financial Reporting: Adapting to A Changing World, Routledge,2004, p.174.
    ①European Commission, Financial Services Action Plan Progress Report, COM(1999)630final, Brussels.
    ②1998年,有210家欧洲公司采用IAS,235家采纳US GAAP。IASC在2000年的统计显示有275家欧洲公司采用IAS。
    ③European Commission, EU Financial Reporting Strategy: the Way Forward, COM (2000)359final, Brussels.
    ④European Commission, Proposal for A Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on theApplication of International Accounting Standards, COM (2001)80final,2001/0044(COD), Brussels.
    ⑥European Parliament and Council, Resolution of19July2002on the Application of International AccountingStandards,(EC) No.1606/2002.
    ⑧世界银行曾以申请贷款国接受国际会计准则作为发放贷款的条件。见Kees Camfferman and StephenA. Zeff,Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of the International Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.441.
    ⑨Barry J. Eichengreen J., The European Economy since1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2007, p.425.
    ②George J. Benston, Michael Bromwich and Alfred Wagenhofer,“Principles-versus Rules-based AccountingStandards: the FASB's Standard Setting Strategy”, Abacus, Vol.42, No.2,2006, pp.165-188.
    ⑤Alain Burlaud and Bernard Colasse,“International Accounting Standardisation: Is Politics Back?” Accountingin Europe, Vol.8, No.1,2011, pp.23-47.
    ①European Parliament and Council, Resolution of19July2002on the Application of International AccountingStandards (EC) No.1606/2002.
    ③Alain Burlaud and Bernard Colasse,“International Accounting Standardisation: Is Politics Back?” Accounting inEurope, Vol.8, No.1,2011, pp.23-47.
    ①Working Group on External Financial Reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fürBetriebswirtschaft,“German Accounting Principles: An Institutionalized Framework”, Accounting Horizons, Vol.9,No.3,1995, pp.92-99.
    ①当时的欧盟会计事务主管Karel Van Hulle(此君是1990年代在会计事务上对欧盟委员会施加最主要影响的人,也是Hermann Niessen的原班子成员)提议修改第4号和第7号指令以避开部长理事会和欧洲议会冗长的决策程序,但德国和英国均表示反对。德国反对是因为德国司法部(German Ministry of Justice)认为,修改指令会导致会计协调失去法律基础,并破坏已经在股东导向和债权人导向方法之间建立起来的微妙平衡;英国反对是因为它不希望刚刚成立的准则制定机构ASB受到欧洲大陆的影响。见Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff, Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of theInternational Accounting Standards Committee,1973-2000, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007. p.422.
    ③Peter Saunders,“Turning Back the Tide: Welfare Lessons from America”, Policy, Vol.19, No.1, Autumn,2003,pp.8-14.
    ②Big GAAP是上市公司在编制合并会计报表时所必须遵循的,而Little GAAP则是对上市公司编制个别会计报表以及非上市公司编制财务报表的要求。David Alexander and SimonArcher, Miller European AccountingGuide, Beijing: CITIC Pub. House,2004, p.1.
    ⑤Martin Hoogendoorn,“Regulation and IFRS Implementation in Europe and Beyond: Experiences with First
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