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This dissertation aims to study on special problems involving the international registration of non-traditional trademarks under Paris Convention and TRIPS Agreement. After briefly introducing the issues which will be explored later, pointing out their significance, and defining the object of study, this dissertation will discuss this topic in the following chapters.
     Chapter one discusses the theoretical issues about the international registration of non-traditional trademarks. Firstly, Section one defines intention and extension of non-traditional trademarks which lay the preliminary theoretical foundation for the whole dissertation, and discusses the derivation of the term non-traditional trademarks as well as its significance in aspect of international law. Comparatively speaking, traditional trademarks limit to two-dimensional signs which includes word, design, and symbol etc, while non-traditional trademarks include multiple forms. WIPO divides non-traditional trademarks into two main sections according to its visual perceptibility. Visual signs embody three-dimensional, color(s), motion and hologram signs etc; while non-visual signs contain sound, smell, taste and touch marks etc. Section two explores the necessity and feasibility of the international registration of non-traditional trademarks, which consists of the following aspects:the intrinsic connection between increasingly growth of international trade and international registration of non-traditional trademarks; Restrictions confronted by the international registration of non-traditional trademarks resulting from independency principle of trademark; The international law obligation that non-traditional trademarks trademark duly registered in the country of origin shall be accepted for filing and protected as is in the other countries and its corresponding theoretical basis; The special problems involving the international registration for non-traditional trademarks and its roots.
     Chapter two lay emphases upon important international treaties related with the international registration of non-traditional trademarks, in order to determine relevant international law obligation clearly and precisely. Section one maintains that independence principle of trademark and the obligation for member states to register trademarks duly registered in the country of origin as is in the other countries established in Paris Convention equally apply to the international registration of non-traditional trademarks; Section Two concludes that TRIPS agreement which defines the trademark in the broadest way with non-exhaustive list afford immense legal space for the recognition and registration of non-traditional trademarks; Section Three explains that international trademark registration Madrid system facilitates the international registration of non-traditional trademarks procedurally; Section Four comments respectively on Trademark Law Treaty which recognize the visual non-traditional trademark for the first time, and Singapore Treaty on Trademark Law which breaks though the limitation of visual perceptibility and recognizes all types of non-traditional trademarks.
     Chapter three analyzes the domestic law issues of the international registration of non-traditional trademarks from comparative law perspective, in order to find out the legislation and legal practice of relevant countries or regions under the international law obligation. The first three sections introduce and comment relevant legislation and practice concerning the registration of non-traditional trademarks in selected representative countries or regions including United States, European Union and its member states, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, and summarize main obstacles involving the international registration in above-mentioned countries.Based on comparative analysis, it turns out that many countries adopt different attitudes and approaches towards the protection of non-traditional trademarks. Such differences are mainly manifested in the following four aspects:the variety and the scope of non-traditional trademarks; determination of the distinctiveness of non-traditional trademarks; criterion of the functionality of non-traditional trademarks; procedural requirement during application of non-traditional trademarks. Therefore, Section four generalizes and compares such afore-mentioned divergence.
     Chapter four discusses unique legal issues from both theoretical and practical perspective, including determination of distinctiveness and functionality of non-traditional trademarks and procedural requirements involving the application of non-traditional trademarks. The first three sections all outline the theoretical problem first, and then analyze detailed practical issues. It can be concluded that non-traditional trademarks are not deemed as indications to distinguish different product and service in the traditional conception, so most non-traditional trademarks are not inherently distinctive and applicant has to prove such marks have acquired distinctiveness after long time use. Due to the special character of non-traditional trademarks, such marks usually be considered as utilitarian or aesthetic functional and be banned from registration based on functionality principle of trademark. Many countries require marks to be represented graphically; therefore it is always hard for applicants to satisfy the procedural requirement for application of non-traditional trademarks, especially non-visual signs.
     Based on the aforementioned analysis of the binding international treaties and conclusion that international registration of non-traditional trademarks will be inevitable trend, Chapter five focuses on the international registration of non-traditional trademarks in China. Section one analyzes China's international law obligation concerning registration of non-traditional trademarks under Paris Convention and TRIPS Agreement, protected non-traditional trademarks in China Trademark Law, relevant non-traditional trademark registration examination practice and its current problems. Section two discusses the Third Revision of Trademark Law and the perfection of protection of non-traditional trademarks. In this section detailed suggestion about the improvements of registration of non-traditional trademarks will be raised, on the basis of analysis on the necessity and practicability of the registration system of non-traditional trademarks in China.
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    [2]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.154.
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    [5]《商标法条约》(Trademark Law Treaty)(1994年10月27日于日内瓦签订)。英文本见WIPO网站http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ip/tlt/;官方中文本见WIPO网http://www.wipo.int/tre aties/zh/ip/trademark-law/index.html.
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    [10]AIPPI Congress Geneva. Question Q181 Conditions for registration and scope of protection of non-traditional trademarks[R]. Geneva:AIPPI, Apr 2004.
    [11]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.130.
    [12]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.133.
    [13]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.134.
    [14]《商标国际注册马德里协定》(Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks)(1891年4月14日签订;1900年11月14日修订于布鲁塞尔;1911年6月2日修订于华盛顿;1925年11月6口修订于海牙;1934年6月2日修订于伦敦;1957年6月15日修订于尼斯;1967年7月14日在斯德哥尔摩修订;1979年10月2日修订于斯德哥尔摩。)英文本见WIPO网站http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/registration/madrid/;自方中文本见WIPO网http://www.wipo.int/treaties/zh/registration/madrid/index.html.
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    [16]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.133.
    [1]WIPO SCT/16/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva:WIPO,2006.
    [2]WIPO/STrad/INF/3 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Representation of Non-Traditional Marks-Areas of Convergence [R].Geneva:WIPO,2009.
    [3]WIPO SCT/17/8 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Report [R].Geneva:WIPO,2007. The Chair suggested using the terms "non-traditional marks" instead of "new types of marks". He noted that many of these signs were already known and used in several jurisdictions. Thus it would not be appropriate to refer to them as "new".
    [4]WIPO SCT/16/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva:WIPO,2006.
    [5]AIPPI Congress Geneva. Question Q181 Conditions for registration and scope of protection of non-traditional trademarks[R]. Geneva:AIPPI, Apr 2004.
    [6]WIPO SCT/16/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva:WIPO,2006.
    [7]WIPO SCT/16/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva:WIPO,2006.
    [9]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, Part B Examination,7.62-3-Dimensional trademarks can be grouped into three categories:-Shapes unrelated to the goods themselves:-Shapes that consists of the shape of the goods themselves;-The shape of packaging or containers.
    [10]《法国知识产权法典》(France Intellectual Property Code)英文文本见WIPO网站:http: //www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=5563;中文文本见:黄晖.法国知识产权法典[M].北京:商务印书馆,1999:133.
    [12]Philips v. Remington, Case C-299/99,18 June 2002.
    [13]Walmart Stores Inc. v. Samara Brothers Inc.,529 U.S.205 (2000).
    [14]Philips v. Remington, Case C-299/99,18 June 2002.
    [15]WIPO SCT/17/3 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Relation of Established Principles to Non-traditional trademarks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2007.
    [18]INTA Non-traditional Trademarks Subcommittee Issues and Policy Committee Trademark Affairs and Policies Group. Protection of Color Trademarks[R]. New York:INTA, Nov 1996.
    [19]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedure §1202.05.
    [21]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, Part B Examination,7.64.
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    [25]§ L711-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
    [26]UK Trademark Manual, Chapter 3-Unconventional Trademarks § 3.2.
    [27]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21.Article 4.
    [28]Section 5 of the Trade Marks Act 2002 of New Zealand.
    [29]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks.
    [30]WIPO SCT/16/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Non-traditional trademarks [R]. Geneva:WIPO,2006.
    [32]Article 2(1) (i) of the Trade Mark Act of the Republic of Korea.
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    [40]Benelux Registration Number:520574.
    [41]CTM Registration Number:002818334.
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    [44]Kevin McCormick. "DING" You are now free to register that Sound [J]. Trademark Reporter, 2006, vol.96:1102-1121.
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    [48]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedure § 1202.15 Sound Marks.
    [49]Australia Trade Marks Act 1995 Part (2) Section 6 Definition.
    [50]Section 5 of the Trade Marks Act 2002 of New Zealand Trade mark.
    [52]Australian Trademark Reg. No.827728; CTM Reg. No.1772086; New Zealand Trademark Reg. No.610421, USPTO Trademark Reg. No.2442140/
    [53]Australian Trademark Reg. No.844282, CTM Reg. No.3481744, U.K. Trademark Reg. No. 2147828, New Zealand Trademark Reg. No.283397, U.S. Trademark Reg. No.2315261.
    [54]Australian Trademark Reg. No.1019361, CTM Reg. No.3903101, New Zealand Trademark Reg. No.714400, U.S. Trademark Reg. No.3034331.
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    [64]In re N.V. Organon,79 USPQ2d (T.T.A.B.2006).
    [65]USPTO Serial No.76/467,774, Orange Flavor Trademark, filed November 18,2002 based on an intent-to-use basis.
    [66]In re N.V. Organon,79 USPQ2d (TTAB 2006), para.15.
    [68]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.133.
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    [75]世界知识产权网站[EB/OL]http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/statistics/annual_stats.jsp?type=E N,2011-12-22.
    [76]数据来源:澳大利亚知识产权局网站http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/atmoss/falcon.applica tion start,2011-12-22.
    [77]数据来源:新西兰知识产权局http://www.iponz.govt.nz/cms/trade-marks/trade-marks-home page/banner_Template/IPTM,2011-12-22.
    [80]International Registration Number:783985,986273,987293.
    [81]International Registration Number:355076,407360A,835871B,909829,919123A,919123B.
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    [103]International Registration Number:1044642.
    [104]USPTO Registration Number:79026686.
    [105]USPTO Registration Number:3243205.
    [106]Singapore Registration Number:T0410590A.
    11071 New Zealand Registration Number:775926
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    [111]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.154.
    [112]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.154-157.
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    [114]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/R, para8.80.
    [117]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/R, para8.80
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    [129]F. Schechter. The Rational Basis of Trade Mark Protection [J]. Harvard Law Review,1927, vol.40:813.
    [1301 United Kingdom Trade Marks Act 1994 PART I,1.1. In this Act a "trade mark" means any sign capable of being represented graphically which is capable of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. A trade mark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals or the shape of goods or their packaging. A trade mark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals or the shape of goods or their packaging.
    [131]《法国知识产权法典》(Code de la Propriete Intellectuelle)法文文本见WIPO网站http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=179120;英文文本(France Intellectual Property Code)见WIPO网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=180336;中文文本见:黄晖.法国知识产权法典[M].北京:商务印书馆,1999:133.
    [132]《德国商标和其他标志保护法》(Gesetz uber den Schutz von Marken und sonstigen Kennzeichen)(Law on the Protection of Trademarks and other Signs)德文文本见WIPO网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=9994;中文文本见:谢东伟译.德国商标和其他标志保护法(商标法)[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000:448-449.
    [135]Abercrombie & Fitch Co. v. Hunting World, Inc.,537 F.2d 4,9,189 USPQ 759,764 (2rd Cir. 1976).
    [136]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995, § 11:16.
    [137]Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.,505 US 769 (1992)
    [138]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995, § 11:2.
    [139]Judgment of 8 April 2003, Joined Cases C-53/01, C-54/04, and C-55/01, Linde, para.48
    [140]Judgment of 9 October 2002, Case T-173/00, KWS Saat AG/OHIM, para.29.
    [141]Judgment of 6 May 2003, Case C-104/01, Libertal, para.40.
    [142]Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Prods. Co.,514 U.S.159,131 L. Ed.2d 248,115 S. Ct.1300,1304, 34U.S.P.Q.2d 1161,1163(1995).
    [143]Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995).
    [144]TrafFix Devices, Inc. v. Marketing Displays, Inc.,121 S. Ct.1255,1260,149 L. Ed.2d 164, 58 U.S.P.Q.2d 1001 (U.S.2001), on remand to,2001 WL 630049 (6th Cir.2001).
    [145]Brunswick Corp. v. Spinit Reel Co.,832 F.2d 513,4 U.S.P.Q.2d 1497,1501 (10th Cir.1987).
    [146]Restatement Third, Unfair Competition § 17, comment a (1995).
    [147]Morton-Norwich Products Inc.,213 USPQ 9 (CCPA 1982).
    [148]Fisher Stoves, Inc. v. All Nighter Stove Works, Inc.,626 F.2d 193,206 USPQ 961 (1st Cir. 1980).
    [149]Morton-Norwich Products Inc.,213 USPQ 9 (CCPA 1982).
    [150]WIPO SCT/17/3 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Relation of Established Principles to Non-traditional trademarks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2007.
    [151]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 § 4
    [152]Case C-273/00, Ralf Sieckmann v Deutches patent-und Markenamt Chanel's Application.
    [1]Annette Kur. TRIPS and Trademark Law [A]. Friedrich-Karl Beier and Gerhard Schricker. From GATT to TRIPS:the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights. TRIPS and Design Protection [M]. Munich:Max Planck Institute,1996:93-116.
    [3]Bodenhausen. Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property-As Revised at Stockholm in 1967[M]. Geneva:United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI),1968:109.
    [4]Bodenhausen. Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property-As Revised at Stockholm in 1967[M]. Geneva:United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI),1968:109.
    [5]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.132.
    [6]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.133.
    [8]Bodenhausen. Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property-As Revised at Stockholm in 1967[M.]Geneva:United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI),1968:110.
    [10]Annette Kur. TRIPS and Trademark Law [A]. Friedrich-Karl Beier and Gerhard Schricker. From GATT to TRIPS:the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights. TRIPS and Design Protection [M]. Munich:Max Planck Institute,1996:93-116.
    [11]See Article 6 quinquies of Paris Convention:Every trademark duly registered in the country of origin shall be accepted for filing and protected as is in the other countries of the Union, subject to the reservations indicated in this Article.
    [12]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, paras.135-136.
    [13]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/R, para.8.80.
    [15]Bodenhausen.Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property-As Revised at Stockholm in 1967 [M]. Geneva:United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI),1968:109.
    [16]Bodenhausen.Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property-As Revised at Stockholm in 1967 [M]. Geneva:United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI),1968:109.
    [17]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.145.
    [18]Article 6quinquies of Paris Convention:Marks:protection of marks registered in one country of the union in the other countries of the union.
    [19]Bodenhausen.Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property-As Revised at Stockholm in 1967 [M]. Geneva:United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI),1968:109.
    [20]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.135.
    [21]Annette Kur. TRIPS and Trademark Law [A]. Friedrich-Karl Beier and Gerhard Schricker. From GATT to TRIPS:the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights. TRIPS and Design Protection [M]. Munich:Max Planck Institute,1996:93-116.
    [22]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.137-139
    [24]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.8.
    [25]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.130.
    [26]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.133.
    [27]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.134.
    [28]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.139.
    [29]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.139.
    [30]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.140.
    [31]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.141.
    [32]Nuno Pires de Carvalho. The TRIPS Regime of Trademarks and Designs [M].Kluwer Law International,2006:207-257.
    [33]Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Trademarks and Territory:Detaching the Trademark Law from the Nation-state [J].Houston Law Review,2004-2005, vol 41:885-974.
    [34]WIPO SCT/21/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Ground for Refusal of All Types of Marks[R]. Geneva.WIPO,2009, para.6.
    [35]WIPO SCT/21/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Ground for Refusal of All Types of Marks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2009, para.9
    [36]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.127.
    [39]Daniel Gervais. The TRIPS Agreement Drafting History and Analysis [M]. London:Sweet & Maxwell,1998:103-107.
    [40]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.154.
    [41]Nuno Pires de Carvalho. The TRIPS Regime of Trademarks and Designs [M].Kluwer Law International,2006:207-257.
    [42]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.154-157.
    [43]Peter-Tobias Stoll, Jan Busche and Karin Arend. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights [M]. Munich:Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 2009:1-25.
    [44]See Article 15.1.1 of TRIPS Agreement:Any sign, or any combination of signs, capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings, shall be capable of constituting a trademark. Such signs, in particular words including personal names, letters, numerals, figurative elements and combinations of colors as well as any combination of such signs, shall be eligible for registration as trademarks.
    [45]Peter-Tobias Stoll, Jan Busche and Karin Arend. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights [M].Munich:Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 2009:1-25.
    [46]Daniel Gervais. The TRIPS Agreement Drafting History and Analysis [M]. Londen:Sweet & Maxwell,1998:103-107.
    [47]WIPO SCT/16/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva:WIPO,2006.
    [48]Annette Kur. TRIPS and Trademark Law [A].Friedrich-Karl Beier and Gerhard Schricker. From GATT to TRIPS:the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights. TRIPS and Design Protection [M]. Munich:Max Planck Institute,1996:93-116.
    [49]Melissa E. Roth. Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue:A New Tradition in Nontraditional Trademark Registrations [J]. Cardozo Law Review,2005, vol.1:496.
    [50]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.155.
    [51]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.4.20.
    [52]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.4.26-4.29.
    [53]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.8.49-8.60.
    [54]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.155.
    [55]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.154-157
    [56]Nuno Pires de Carvalho. The TRIPS Regime of Trademarks and Designs [M].Kluwer Law International,2006:207-257.
    [57]Michael Blakeney. The Impact of the TRIPS Agreement in the Asia Pacific Region [J]. European Intellectual Property Review,1996, vol 10:548.
    [58]See Article 15.1.3 of TRIPS Agreement:Where signs are not inherently capable of distinguishing the relevant goods or services, Members may make registrability depend on distinctiveness acquired through use.
    [59]WIPO SCT/16/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva:WIPO,2006.
    [60]See Article 15.1.3 of TRIPS Agreeement:Members may require, as a condition of registration, that signs be visually perceptible.
    [61]See Article 122 of Brazil Law No.9.279 of 14 May 1996 (Industrial Property). Any distinctive visually perceivable signs that are not included in legal prohibitions shall be eligible for registration as a mark.
    [621 See Article 63 of Eygpt Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, Law No.82, 2002. A trademark is any sign distinguishing goods......In all cases a trademark shall be a sign that is recognizable by sight.
    [63]Michael Blakeney.The Impact of the TRIPS Agreement in the Asia Pacific Region [J]. European Intellectual Property Review,1996, vol 10:548.
    [64]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.155.
    [65]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.4.26-4.29
    [66]Peter-Tobias Stoll, Jan Busche and Karin Arend. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights [M].Munich:Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 2009:1-25.
    [67]Nuno Pires de Carvalho. The TRIPS Regime of Trademarks and Designs [M]. Kluwer Law International,2006:236.
    [69]Bodenhausen.Guide to the Application of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property-As Revised at Stockholm in 1967[M.]Geneva:United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI),1968:109.
    [70]Peter-Tobias Stoll, Jan Busche and Karin Arend. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights [M].Munich:Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 2009:1-25.
    [71]Nuno Pires de Carvalho. The TRIPS Regime of Trademarks and Designs [M].Kluwer Law International,2006:207-257.
    [72]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS 176/AB/R, para.154-157.
    [73]See Article 15.1 and 15.2 of TRIPS Agreement.
    [74]See Article 2 of Madrid Agreement.
    [75]See Article 6.3 of Madrid Agreement.
    [76]See Article 5 of Madrid Agreement:Any such refusal can be based only on the grounds which would apply, under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, in the case of a mark filed for national registration.
    [77]WIPO. Guide to the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol [M]. Geneva:WIPO,2009:B.II.37.
    [78]Rachelle Thompson. International trademark protection strategy [J]. Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues,2010, vol 19:479.
    [80]See Article 3.1 of Madrid protocol.
    [81]Ellen P. Winner, Aaron W. Denburg International Trademark Treaties with Commentary [M]. USA:Oxford University Press,2005:25.
    [82]See Article 5 of Madrid protocol:Any such refusal can be based only on the grounds which would apply, under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, in the case of a mark filed for national registration.
    [83]WIPO. Guide to the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol [M]. Geneva:WIPO,2009 B.II.37..
    [84]WIPO. Guide to the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol [M]. Geneva:WIPO,2009:B.II.38.
    [85]See Article 3 of Madrid Agreement and Article 3.3 of Madrid protocol.
    [86]WIPO. Guide to the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol [M]. Geneva:WIPO,2009:B.II.14.
    [87]WIPO. Guide to the International Registration of Marks under the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol [M]. Geneva:WIPO,2009:B.II.14.
    [88]International registration number:355076、407360A、835871B、909829、919123A、919123B.
    [89]International registration number:783985,986273,987293.
    [90]International registration number:643560.
    [91]International registration number:734731.
    [92]International registration number:367804,711539,676748.
    [93]International registration number:928996.
    [94]International registration number:815200.
    [95]International registration number:684941,663326.
    [96]International registration number:788366.
    [97]International registration number:726077.
    [98]International registration number:834541,749909,829751,829770.
    [99]International registration number:808978.
    [100]International registration number:811634,800700,769557,765333.
    [101]International registration number:890375.
    [102]International registration number:852047.
    [103]International registration number:685410.
    [104]International registration number:791826.
    [105]International registration number:799291.
    [106]International registration number:862270.
    [107]International registration number:894208,895090,895094.
    [108]International registration number:912143.
    [109]International registration number:829607,857704.
    [110]International registration number:881231,881230,881229.
    [111]International registration number:838231.
    [112]International registration number:1042209.
    [113]International registration number:892759.
    [114]International registration number:939509,939508.
    [115]International registration number:1044642.
    [116]International registration number:820269.
    [117]International registration number:1000265.
    [118]International registration number:695878.
    [1191 International registration number:812689.
    [121]See Article 2.1 of Trademark Law Treaty.
    [123]See Article 2 of Trademark Law Treaty.
    [125]See Article 27 of Singapore Trademark Law Treaty.
    [126]See Article 2.1 of Singapore Trademark Law Treaty.
    11281 See Article 29 of Singapore Trademark Law Treaty.
    [130]《商标法新加坡条约实施规则》(Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks,2011年11月1日生效)英文文本见WIPO网站http://www.wipo.int/treaties/ en/ip/singapore/regulations.html.
    [131]Rule 3(7) of Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks [Color Mark] Where the application contains a statement to the effect that the mark is a color per se mark or a combination of colors without delineated contours, the reproduction of the mark shall consist of a sample of the color or colors. The Office may require a designation of the color or colors by using their common names. The Office may also require a description on how the color is or the colors are applied to the goods or used in relation to the services. The Office may require an indication of the color or colors by a recognized color code chosen by the applicant and accepted by the Office.
    [132]Rule 3(5) of Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks [Hologram Mark] where the application contains a statement to the effect that the mark is a hologram mark, the representation of the mark shall consist of one or several views of the mark capturing the holographic effect in its entirety. Where the Office considers that the view or views submitted do not capture the holographic effect in its entirety, it may require the furnishing of additional views. The Office may also require the applicant to furnish a description of the hologram mark.
    [133]Rule 3(6) of Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks [Motion Mark] Where the application contains a statement to the effect that the mark is a motion mark, the representation of the mark shall, at the option of the Office, consist of one image or a series of still or moving images depicting movement. Where the Office considers that the image or images submitted do not depict movement, it may require the furnishing of additional images. The Office may also require that the applicant furnish a description explaining the movement.
    [134]Rule 3(8) of Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks [Position Mark] where the application contains a statement to the effect that mark is a position mark, the reproduction of the mark shall consist of a single view of the mark showing its position on the product. The Office may require that matter for which protection is not claimed shall be indicated. The Office may require a description explaining the position of the mark in relation to the product.
    [135]Rule 3(9) of Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks [Sound Mark] Where the application contains a statement to the effect that the mark is a sound mark, the representation of the mark shall, consist of a musical notation on a stave, or a description of the sound constituting the mark, or ananalog or digital recording of that sound, or any combination.
    [136]Rule 3(10) of Regulations under the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks [Mark Consisting of a Non-Visible Sign Other Than a Sound Mark] Where the application contains a statement to the effect that the mark consists of a non-visible sign, other than a sound mark, a Contracting Party may require one or more representations of the mark, an indication of the type of mark and details concerning the mark, as prescribed by the law of that Contracting Party.
    [1]《兰哈姆法》(Lanham Act of United States),英文文本见美国专利商标局网站http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/law/tmlaw.pdf.
    [2]《美国商标审查程序指南》(Trademark Manual of Examination and Procedure of United States)英文文本见美国专利商标局网站http://tess2.uspto.gov/tmdb/tmep/.
    [3]《美国联邦政府行政法规汇编有关商标法案例的操作规则》(U. S. Trademark Law Title 37 CFR-Rules of Practice and Federal Statutes),2D12年1月6日修订,英文文本参见美国专利商标局网站www.uspto.gov/trademarks/law/tmlaw.pdf.
    [4]15 U.S.C. § 1127 The term "trademark" includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof-(1) used by a person, or (2) which a person has a bona fide intention to use in commerce and applies to register on the principal register established by this chapter, to identify and distinguish his or her goods, including a unique product, from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods, even if that source is unknown.
    [5]Walter Julius Derenberg, Trademark Protection and Unfair Trading [M]. Albany:M. Bender, 1936:16-18,23.
    161 Ex parte Haig & Haig, Ltd.,118 USPQ 229; In re Mrnton-Numberrwich Products, Inc,671 F.2d 1332,213 USPQ 9 (CCPA 1982).
    [7]In re Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co.,335 F.2d 836,142 USPQ 366 (CCPA 1964).
    [8]Registration Number:916,522 issued to NBC, (the numbertes GEC on chimes).
    [9]USPTO Registration Number:1639128.
    [10]USPTO Registration Number:3155702.
    [11]Davis v. Davis,27 F.490,492 (D.Mass.1886); Moorman v. Hoge,17 F.cas.715,718-719 (C.C.D.Cal.1871).
    [12]Diamond Match Co. v. Saginaw Match Co.,142 F.727,729-30 (6th Cir.1906).
    [13]Alan Wood Steel Co. v. Watson,150 F.Supp.861,863,113 USPQ 311,312 (D.D.C.1957).
    [14]In re Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co.,51 CCPA 1546,1547-48,335 F.2d 836,837, 142 USPQ 366,367(1964).
    [15]Rudolf.Callmann, Callmann on Unfair Competition Trademarks and Monumberpolies [M].Thomson/West,1967, §71.4,77.4 (e) and 98.4 (d) (1967).
    [16]Traffix Devices Inc. v. Marketing Display Inc.,532 U.S.23 (2001); Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.,505 U.S.763,775,23 USPQ 2d 1081,1086 (1992).
    [17]Pub. L.No.105-330, §201,112 Stat.3064,3069.
    [18]Inwood Laboratories Inc.v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.,456 U.S.844,850,1982.
    [19]Morton-Norwich Products Inc.,213 USPQ 9 (CCPA 1982).
    [20]Walmart Inc. v. Samara Brothers Inc.,529 U.S.205 (2000).
    [21]Yamaha Int'l Corp. v. Hoshinumber Gakki Co. Ltd.,840 F.2d 1572 (Fed Cir.1988).
    [22]Roux Lab., Inc. v. Clairol Inc.,427 F.2d 823 (CCPA.1970).
    [23]A Leschen & Sons Rope Co. v. Broderick & Bascom Rope Co.,201 U.S.166,171,26 S.Ct. 425,426,50 L.Ed.710 (1906.)
    [24]In Clifton Mfg. Co. v. Crawford-Austin Mfg.Co.,12 S.W.2d 1098 (Tex.Civ.App.1929).
    [25]Yellow Cab Transit Co. v. Louisville Taxicab & Transfer Co.,147 F.2d 407,64 USPQ 348 (6th Cir.1945).
    [26]例如Nutrasweet案中法院绝对禁止单独颜色的保护;Owens-Coring案中法院认定允许使玻璃纤维绝缘的粉色作为颜色注册;Master Distributions案中法院则倾向于在本质上确定禁止保护单独颜色用作商标。
    [27]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.05
    [28]Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995).In Re Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation,227 USPQ 417 (Fed. Cir.1985).
    [29]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.05(b).
    [30]Ferris Corporation,59 USPQ2d 1587 (TTAB 2000).
    [31]Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995). Traffix Devices Inc. v. Marketing Display Inc.,532 U.S.24,58 USPQ 1007 (2001).
    [32]Brunswick Corp. v. British Seagull Ltd.,35 F.3d 1527,32 USPQ2d 1120 (Fed. Cir.1994), cert. denied,514 U.S.1050(1995).
    [33]Pollak Steel Co.,31 F.2d 566,136 USPQ 651 (CCPA 1963).
    [34]R. L. Winson Rod Co.v. Sage Mfg. Co.,838 F.Supp.1396,29 USPQ 1779 (D.Mont.1993).
    [35]Russell Harrington Cutery Inc. v. Zivi Hercules Inc.,25 USPQ 2d 1965 (D.Mass.1992).
    [36]Owens-Corning,227 USPQ at 422,774 F.2d at 1124; Hudson News Co.,39 USPQ2d 1915, 1923 (TTAB 1996).
    [37]Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995). Walmart Stores Inc. v. Samara Brothers Inc.,529 U.S.205 (2000). Thrifty, Inc.,274 F.3d 1349,61 USPQ 2d 1121,1124 (Fed. Cir2001).
    [38]In Re Ferris Corp.,59 USPQ.2d 1587 (TTAB 2000).
    [39]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.15
    [40]In re General Electric Broadcasting Co., Inc.,199 USPQ 560 (TTAB 1978).
    [41]USPTO Registration Number:0916552.
    [42]USPTO Registration Number:1395550.
    [43]USPTO Registration Number:2607415.
    [44]USPTO Registration Number:2743248,76051811.
    [45]USPTO Registration Number:2210506,75326989.
    [46]USPTO Registration Number:2459406.
    [47]USPTO Registration Number:74219263.
    [48]USPTO Registration Number:75143671,4639776.
    [49]USPTO Registration Number:3288274.
    [50]USPTO Registration Number:2308503.
    [51]USPTO Registration Number:2422140.
    1521 In Re General Electric Broadcasting Co., Inc.,199 USPQ 560 (TTAB 1978).
    [53]USPTO Registration Number:1872866 (THX logo theme); USPTO Registration Number: 2607415 (the sound of a duck quacking the word "AFLAC").
    [54]USPTO Registration Number:2463044.
    [55]USPTO Registration Number:2463044.
    [56]USPTO Serial Number:75404020.
    [57]USPTO Registration Number:2560618,2568512.
    [58]USPTO Registration Number:3143735.
    [59]USPTO Registration Number:1639128.
    [60]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.13.
    [61]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §807.11; 37 C.F.R. §2.52(e). An applicant is not required to submit a drawing if the mark consists only of a sound, a scent, or other completely non-visual matter.
    1621 Northwestern Bank of Commerce Corp., USPTO Registration Number:0641872.
    [63]37 C.F.R § 2.52(b)(3) If the mark has motion, the drawing may depict a single point in the movement, or the drawing may depict up to five freeze frames showing various points in the movement, whichever best depicts the commercial impression of the mark. The applicant must also describe the mark.
    [64]Upper Deck Co.,59 USPQ 2d 1688 (TTAB 2001)
    [65]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.14.
    [66]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §807.03.
    [67]USPTO Registration Number:3072417.
    [68]USPTO Registration Number:3257283.
    [69]USPTO Registration Number:3987352.
    [70]USPTO Registration Number:2981375.
    [71]USPTO Serial Number:85006843.
    [72]USPTO Registration Numbe:3266731.
    [73]USPTO Registration Number:4027173.
    [74]USPTO Serial Number:77394414.
    [75]USPTO Serial Number:77461287,77249556,77035805.
    [76]USPTO Serial Number:76066237.
    [77]USPTO Serial Number:75086162.
    [78]USPTO Serial Number:85415592.
    [79]USPTO Serial Number:77126793,77126782.
    [80]USPTO Serial Number:78462749,78436980,78363388.
    [81]USPTO Serial Number:77126731.
    [82]USPTO Serial Number:75096274.
    [83]USPTO Registration Number:3643632.
    [84]USPTO Serial Number:79000458.
    [85]USPTO Serial Number:79040266.
    [86]USPTO Serial Number:79003849.
    [87]USPTO Registration Number:4008364.
    [88]USPTO Registration Number:2459405.
    [89]USPTO Registration Number:3243205.
    [90]USPTO Registration Number:2937242.
    [91]USPTO Registration Number:3305241,3305240.
    [92]USPTO Registration Number:3745706.
    [93]USPTO Registration Number:3852129.
    [94]USPTO Serial Number:78182342,75164899,75159055.
    [95]USPTO Registration Number:79022451,79022450.
    [96]USPTO Registration Number:79026686.
    [97]USPTO Registration Number:79077942.
    [98]USPTO Registration Number:79013781.
    [99]USPTO Registration Number:79080838.
    [100]USPTO Serial Number:77966038,77966023,77965941,77965878,77968855,77965826.
    [101]USPTO Registration Number:79086759,79086645.
    [102]USPTO Registration Numbe:2910381.
    [103]USPTO Registration Numbe:2934710.
    [104]USPTO Serial Number:73823783.
    [105]USPTO Serial Number:76671001.
    [106]USPTO Registration Number:3015771,3023854.
    [107]USPTO Serial Number:79097730.
    [108]USPTO Serial Number:79018732.
    [109]Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Prods. Co.,514 U.S.159,162-63,34 USPQ2d 1161,1165-68(1995).
    [110]In re Rogers,53 USPD2d 1741 (TTAB 1999); Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §§1010 and 1212.08.
    [111]In re Packaging Specialist, Inc.,221 USPQ 917(TTAB 1984); Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures § 1212; 37 C.F.R. §2.41.
    [112]International Registration Number:79062764.
    [113]International Registration Number:7902260.
    [114]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.05(a).
    [115]International Registration Number:7739441.
    [116]International Registration Number:79003849.
    [117]In re Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.,774 F.2d 1116,227 USPQ 417 (Fed. Cir.1985).
    [118]In re Remington Products Inc.,3 USPQ2d 1714(TTAB 1987); Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures § 1202.
    [119]International Registration Number:79002249.
    [120]Trafix Devices, Inc v. Mktg. Displays, Inc.,532 US 23,33,58 USPQ2d 1001,1006(2001).
    [121]International Registration Number:79087924.
    [123]37 C.F.R. §2.61(b).
    [124]International Registration Number:79087924.
    [125]International Registration Number:78462749.
    [126]International Registration Number:79004509.
    [127]International Registration Number:79022660.
    [128]International Registration Number:79082286.
    [129]International Registration Number:79022449.
    [130]International Registration Number:79097730.
    [131]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §§808.02,808.03(d).
    [132]15U.S.C. §1052(d).
    [133]In re E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.,476 F.2d 1357,1361,177 USPQ 563,567 (C.C.P.A. 1973); Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures1207.01(b).
    [134]In re Majestic Distilling Co.,315 F.3d 1311,1315,65 USPQ2d 1201,1204 (Fed. Cir.2003)
    [135]International Registration Number:77126731.
    [136]《欧共体商标条例》(Council Regulation (EC) No.40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trade mark),2009年2月26日修订为Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 of 26 February 2009 on the Community trade mark,英文文本见OHIM网:http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:078:0001:0042:EN:PDF
    [137]Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 on the Community trade mark Article 4:A Community trade mark may consist of any signs capable of being represented graphically, particularly words, including personal names, designs, letters, numerals, the shape of goods or of their packaging, provided that such signs are capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings.
    [138]《欧盟商标审查指南》(The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the Office for Harmonization in Internal Market OHIM),2008年4月修订,英文本见OHIM网站,http://oami.europa.eu/ows/rw/resource/documents/CTM/guidelines/examination_en.pdf.
    [1391 The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §7.6.2 Three Dimensional trade marks can be grouped into three categories:-Shapes unrelated to the goods themselves:-Shapes that consists of the shape of the goods themselves;-The shape of packaging or containers.
    [141]Libertel Group BV v Benelux Markenbureau [2003] ETMR 63.
    [142]Joint statements by the Council and the Commission of the European Communities entered in the minutes of the Council meetings, at which the Regulation on the Community trade mark is adopted on 20 December, OHIM OJ 5/96, p.613.
    [143]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §7.6.1.
    [144]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §7.6.1 sound marks must be filed either in the form of a graphical representation or, if filed electronically, in the form of a graphic representation plus a sound file representing the sound itself. Presently the Office accepts as a graphic representation which is sufficient in particular to comply with the criterion of the ECJ judgment "Shield mark", only traditional musical notations, not frequency oscilograms or sonograms. However, the Office accepts non traditional (non musical) sounds if the graphic representation by means of an oscilogram or sonogram is accompanied by the sound file, through electronic filing.
    [145]Article 4.2 of Decision of the President EX-05-3 of 10 October 2005 concerning electronic filing of sound marks. Where registration of a sound mark is applied for, one sound file containing the sound may be filed as an attachment to the electronic application form. The sound file shall be in the.mp3 format. Its file size shall not exceed one Megabyte.
    [146]UK Registration Number:2000234.
    [147]UK Registration Number:2001416.
    [148]Kinter Earl W and Lahr, Jack; An Intellectual Property Law Primer:a survey of the law of patents, trade secrets, trademarks, franchises, copyrights and personality and entertainment rights [M]. New York:Macmillan 1982:257.
    [149]CTM application Number:521914.
    [150]Case R 156/1998-2, Vennootschap Onder Firma Senta Aromatic Marketing's Application.
    [151]Case C-273/00, Ralf Sieckmann v Deutches patent-und Markenamt Chanel's Application.
    [152]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM,2.3.1 (iv) For smells, there is presently no means of representing them graphically.
    [153]《法国知识产权法典》(Code de la Propriete Intellectuelle)法文文本见WIPO网站http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id= 179120;英文文本(France Intellectual Property Code)见WIPO网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=180336;中文文本见:黄晖.法国知识产权法典[M].北京:商务印书馆,1999:133.
    [154]Article L711-1 A trademark or service mark is a sign capable of graphic representation which serves to distinguish the goods or services of a natural or legal person. The following, in particular, may constitute such a sign:a) Denominations in all forms, such as:words, combinations of words, surnames and geographical names,pseudonyms, letters, numerals, abbreviations; b) Audible signs such as:sounds, musical phrases;c) Figurative signs such as:devices, labels, seals, selvedges, reliefs, holograms, logos, synthesized images;shapes, particularly those of a product or its packaging, or those that identify a service; arrangements, combinations or shades of color.
    [156]District Court of Creteil 25/03/03, PIBD 771 III 452.
    [162]Paris Court of Appeal, November 25,1998-PIBD 1999672 III 114; Colmar Court of Appeal, April 5,2000-PIBD 2000,708 III 561; Paris Court of Appeal, Burburry, June 10,1998, PIBD 661 III 468; [Paris Court of Appeal, June 9,2004-PIBD 2004,796 III 621.
    [163]《德国商标和其他标志保护法》(Gesetz uber den Schutz von Marken und sonstigen Kennzeichen)(Law on the Protection of Trademarks and other Signs)德文文本见WIPO网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=9994;中文文本见:谢东伟译.德国商标和其他标志保护法(商标法)[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000:448-449.
    11651 Federal Supreme Court, I ZB 6/99, WRP 2002 p.452-Processor Cases Coloured in Green; Federal Supreme Court, I ZB 57/98, GRUR 2001,1154-Colour Violet per se.
    [167]Shinichi Irie, Study on International Harmonization for Objects of Protection or the like of Trademarks, IIP Bulletin [EB/OL]http://www.iip.or.jp/e/e_summary/pdf/Detail.2001/e13_01.pdf, 2011-02-08.
    [168]《英国1994商标法》(United Kingdom Trade Marks Act 1994)英文文本见WIPO网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=127271或英国知识产权局网站http://www.ipo.gov.uk/tmact94.pdf
    [169]United Kingdom Trade Marks Act 1994 PART I,1.1. In this Act a "trade mark" means any sign capable of being represented graphically which is capable of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. A trade mark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals or the shape of goods or their packaging. A trade mark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals or the shape of goods or their packaging.
    [170]《英国商标审查指南》(UK Manual of trademarks practice)英文文本见英国知识产权局网 站:http://www.ipo.gov.uk/tmmanual-chap3-exam.pdf
    UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks § 4.1.1.
    [172]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks 4.1.2 graphic representation requirements are met by representation of the sign by a musical stave divided into measures and showing, in particular, a clef, musical notes and rests, indicating relative value, and sharps, flats and naturals (accidentals). This will render the timing and pitch intelligible.
    [173]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks 3.2 A smell may be distinctive as a trade mark if it is not an inherent or natural characteristic of the goods/services but is added by the applicant to identify their goods and is recognized by the public as indicating trade origin.
    [174]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks § 5.1.
    [175]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks § 5.3
    [1791 OHIM Trade mark Number:0943432.
    [1801 OHIM Trade mark Number:1042209.
    [181]OHIM Trade mark Number:1036748.
    [182]OHIM Trade mark Number:1026524.
    [183]OHIM Trade mark Number:002559144.
    [184]OHIM Trade mark Number:002117034.
    [185]OHIM Trade mark Number:001787456.
    [186]International Registration Number:0852047.
    [187]Case T-348/02 Quick restaurants SA/OHIM, Judgment of 27 November 2003, para.29.
    [188]International Registration Number:881847.
    [189]International Registration Number:942069.
    [190]International Registration Number:943432.
    [191]International Registration Number:1052670.
    [192]Case T-337/99, Henken KGAA/OHIM, Judgment of 19 September 2001, para.49.
    [193]International Registration Number:734731.
    [194]International Registration Number:908136.
    [195]Helen Dawson. Non-traditional Trademarks in Australia [EB/OL] [2009-10-25] http://w ww.china.embassy.-gov.au/bjngchinese/Dawson.html.
    [196]《澳大利亚商标法》(Australia Trade Marks Act 1995)英文文本见WIPO网站:http:// www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=8232或澳大利亚官方网站http://www.comlaw.gov.au/S eries/C2004A04969.
    [197]Australia Trade Marks Act 1995 Section 17 A trade marks is a sign used, or intended to be used, to distinguish goods or services dealt with or provided in the course of trade by a person from goods or services so dealt with or provided by any other person.
    [198]Australia Trade Marks Act 1995 Section 6 sign includes the following or any combination of the following, namely, any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, aspect of packaging, shape, colour, sound or scent.
    [199]Australia Trade Marks Act 1995 Section 40 An application for the registration of a trade mark must be rejected if the trade mark cannot be represented graphically.
    [200]Australia Application Number:886763, International Registration Number:761999;
    [201]Australia Application Number:895183, International Registration Number:767786.
    [202]Australia Application Number:918497, International Registration Number:781769.
    [203]Australia Application Number:912371, International Registration Number:783985.
    [204]Australia Application Number:948345, International Registration Number:798096H.
    [205]Australia Application Number:1075157, International Registration Number:858330.
    [206]Australia Application Number:1025638, International Registration Number:833274.
    [207]Kenman Kandy Australia Pty Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks, [2002] FCAFC 273.
    [208]《澳大利亚商标审查实践和程序指南》(Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practi ce and Procedure),英文文本见澳大利亚知识产权网站http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/pdfs/trad emarkmanual/trade marks examiners manual.htm.
    [209]F.H. Faulding & Son Ltd v Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand Ltd, (the Barrier Cream case (1965) 112 CLR 537 at 555).
    [210]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.3
    [211]Kenman Kandy Australia Pty Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks, [2002] FCAFC 273.
    [212]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.7.
    [213]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.4.
    [214]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.4.
    [215]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.5.
    [216]Australia Application Number:946660.
    [217]Australia Application Number:903215, International Registration Number:773058; Australia Application Number:919279, International Registration Number:782268; Australia Application Number:919286, International Registration Number:782329; Australia Application Number: 925791, International Registration Number:785383; Australia Application Number:925827, International Registration Number:785438;
    [218]Australia Application Number:920821, International Registration Number:783108.
    [219]Australia Application Number:930840, International Registration Number:788018.
    [220]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 4.
    [221]Philmac Pty Ltd v the Registrar of Trade Marks (2002) 56 IPR 452.
    [222]Barraclough Emmal. Singapore's trade mark overhaul explained [J].142 Managing Intellectual Property,2004, vol.142:36-43.
    [223]Re Application by Cadbury Ltd 55 IPR 561.
    [224]BP Plc v Woolworths Limited (2004) 62 IPR 545.
    [225]Australia Application Number:1016245, International Registration Number:829607.
    [226]Australia Application Number:1112780, International Registration Number:881230.
    [227]Australia Application Number:1133962, International Registration Number:892759.
    [228]Helen Dawson. Non-traditional Trademarks in Australia, [EB/OL] http://www.china.emb assy.gov.au/bjngchinese/Dawson.html,2009-10-25.
    [230]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 5.
    [231]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.
    [232]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.2.
    [233]W & G Du Cros Application (1913) 30 RPC 660 ST 672.
    [234]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.2.1.
    [235]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.2.2.
    [236]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.2.3.
    [237]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.2.4.
    [238]Australia Application Number:700019.
    [2391 Australia Application Number:727820.
    [240]Australia Application Number:762280.
    [241]Australia Application Number:821444.
    [242]Australia Application Number:823865.
    [243]Australia Application Number:823865.
    [244]Australia Application Number:1386906.
    [245]Australia Application Number:1386906.
    [246]Australia Application Number:1446529.
    [247]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 7.
    [248]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 7.2.
    [249]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 2.1.
    [250]International Registration Number:881847.
    [251]International Registration Number:982273.
    [252]International Registration Number:881229.
    [253]International Registration Number:982273.
    [254]International Registration Number:909829.
    [255]International Registration Number:892759.
    [256]《新西兰商标法》(Trade Marks Act 2002 of New Zealand)英文文本见WIPO网站:ht tp://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=129230或新西兰官方网站http://www.legislation. govt.nz/act/public/2002/0049/10.0/DLM164240.html.
    Trade Marks Act 2002 of New Zealand Trade mark Section 5 trade mark--(a) means any sign capable of--(i) being represented graphically; and (ii) distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of another person; and sign includes--(a) a brand, colour, device, heading, label, letter, name, numeral, shape, signature, smell, sound, taste, ticket, or word; and (b) any combination of signs.
    [258]New Zealand Registration Number:211575,211576,211577,293730.
    [259]New Zealand Registration Number:285611,285612.
    [260]New Zealand Registration Number:291668.
    [261]New Zealand Registration Number:294930.
    [262]New Zealand Registration Number:611312.
    [263]New Zealand Registration Number:615104.
    [264]New Zealand Registration Number:622338.
    [265]New Zealand Registration Number:651134.
    [266]New Zealand Registration Number:665511.
    [267]New Zealand Registration Number:257793,257797,188266,188267.
    [268]New Zealand Registration Number:292515.
    [269]New Zealand Registration Number:602096.
    [270]New Zealand Registration Number:606090.
    [271]New Zealand Registration Number:607441.
    [272]New Zealand Registration Number:639476.
    [273]New Zealand Registration Number:644331.
    [274]New Zealand Registration Number:666094.
    [275]New Zealand Registration Number:253719.
    [276]New Zealand Registration Number:280511.
    [277]New Zealand Registration Number:283740.
    [278]New Zealand Registration Number:626245.
    [279]New Zealand Registration Number:643781.
    [280]New Zealand Registration Number:717351.
    [281]New Zealand Registration Number:835819.
    [282]New Zealand Registration Number:247094.
    [283]New Zealand Registration Number:283397,736300,804170.
    [284]New Zealand Registration Number:610421,747840,772140.
    [285]New Zealand Registration Number:651944.
    [286]New Zealand Registration Number:714400.
    [287]New Zealand Registration Number:717999.
    [2881 New Zealand Registration Number:770203.
    [289]New Zealand Registration Number:610421.
    [290]New Zealand Registration Number:739484,739486,739487.
    [291]New Zealand Registration Number:949080.
    [292]APEC Intellectual Property Experts Group. Report for APEC Survey on Non-Traditional Trade Marks[R]. Singapore:APEC Committee on Trade and Investment. April 2008.
    [293]New Zealand Registration Number:248231.
    [294]New Zealand Registration Number:646935.
    [295]New Zealand Registration Number:727012.
    [296]New Zealand Registration Number:781035.
    [297]New Zealand Registration Number:775926.
    [298]New Zealand Registration Number:829467.
    [299]《新加坡商标法》(Trade Marks Act of Singapore)英文文本见WIPO网站:http://ww w.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=5299或新加坡知识产权局网站http://www.ipos.gov.sg/top Nav/leg/.
    [300]Trade Marks Act of Singapore Section 2(1) the "trade mark" means any sign capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing goods or services dealt with or provided in the course of trade by a person from goods or services so dealt with or provided by any other person.
    [301]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark §3 Definitions The definition of "trade mark" is a closed and exhaustive definition in that a "sign" must satisfy certain requisite conditions before it will qualify as a trade mark. The requisite conditions are:(i) the sign must be capable of being represented graphically; and (ii) the sign must be capable of distinguishing the goods or services dealt with or provided in the course of trade by a person from those provided by another person.
    [302]Trade Marks Act of Singapore Section 2(1) "sign" includes any letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, shape, colour, and aspect of packaging or any combination thereof.
    [303]《新加坡商标工作指南》(Singapore Trademark Work Manual)英文文本见新加坡知识产权局网站:http://www.ipos.gov.sg/leftNav/tra/IP+Resources.htm.
    [3041 Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark §3 Definitions The definition of "sign" is an open or inclusive definition, in that the definition merely lists some examples of what may constitute a sign. Based on the above, no type of sign is automatically excluded from registration unless it is clear that the sign does not constitute a trade mark based on the definition of a trade mark.
    [305]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 10.
    [306]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 10 (b).
    [307]Singapore Registration Number:T0005455E.
    [308]Singapore Registration Number:T0110716D.
    [309]Singapore Registration Number:T0113078F.
    [310]Singapore Registration Number:T0119426A.
    [311]Singapore Registration Number:T0010088C.
    [312]Singapore Registration Number:T9914946D.
    [313]Singapore Registration Number:T0502402F.
    [314]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark §6.
    [315]Section 7(3) of the Trade Marks Act of Singapore.
    [316]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 7(a).
    [317]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 7(b).
    [318]Yakult Honsha KK's Trade Mark Application [2001] RPC 39.
    [319]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 7(b).
    [320]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 8.
    [321]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks.
    [322]Singapore Trade Mark Number:T0020665G, T0020667C, T0020668A, T0020662B.
    [323]Singapore Trade Mark Number:T0308694F, T0308690C, T0308693H.
    [324]Singapore Trade Mark Number:T0100939A, T0100940E
    [325]Singapore Trade Mark Number:T0415201B.
    [326]Singapore Trade Mark Number:T0900128D.
    [327]Singapore Trade Mark Number:T0517895C.
    [328]Singapore Trade Mark Number:T0722661.
    [329]Singapore Registration Number:T9900636, T9900634E, T9900635C.
    [330]Singapore Registration Number:T0000465E.
    [331]Singapore Registration Number:T0300192D.
    [332]Singapore Registration Number:T9900525Z.
    [333]Singapore Registration Number:T0408412B.
    [334]Singapore Registration Number:T9906795F.
    [335]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4 k.
    [336]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4(b).
    [337]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4(d).
    [338]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4(c) (i).
    [339]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4(b) (i).
    [341]Singapore Registration Number:T 0609135E.
    [342]Singapore Registration Number:T0500413J, T0500415G, T0500416E, T0414167C。
    [343]Singapore Registration Number:T0422860D, T0422861B.
    [344]Singapore Registration Number:T0624648J, T0624647B, T0624649I.
    [345]Singapore Registration Number:T0410590A.
    [346]Singapore Registration Number:T0414739F, T0414741H, T0414740Z, T0518936Z.
    [347]Singapore Registration Number:T0618654B.
    [348]Singapore Registration Number:T0803773J.
    [349]Singapore Registration Number:T0721401I.
    [350]Singapore Registration Number:T0721401I.
    [351]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4.
    [352]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4.
    [353]Singapore Registration Number:T1000854H.
    [354]Singapore Registration Number:T0501368G, T0501369E.
    [355]Singapore Registration Number:T0618749B.
    [356]Singapore Application Number:T0318748C, T0808826B, T0811147G.
    [357]Singapore Registration Number:T0108194G, T0108196C, T0108195E.
    [358]International Registration Number:874083.
    [359]International Registration Number:982273.
    [360]International Registration Number:909829.
    [361]International Registration Number:1042209.
    [362]International Registration Number:838231.
    [363]International Registration Number:892759.
    [364]International Registration Number:939509.
    [365]Zendal Prahl. Making sense of trademarks:An international Survey of Non-visual Marks [J].IP World,1996, vol.18:250.
    [366]§ L711-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
    [367]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Chapter 3 Examination, Unconventional Trademarks.
    [368]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 4.
    [369]Trade Marks Act 2002 of New Zealand Trade mark Section 5.
    [370]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks.
    [371]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure- Part 21 § 7.2.
    [372]In re Clarke,17 USPQ2d 1238 (TTAB 1990).
    [373]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21. § 4.5.1.
    [374]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4(b) (i).
    [375]Kenman Kandy Australia Pty Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks, [2002] FCAFC 273.
    [376]Kevin McCormick. "DING" You are now free to register that Sound [J].Trademark Reporter, 2006, vol 96:1102-1121.
    [1]Abercrombie & Fitch Co. v. Hunting World, Inc.,537 F.2d 4,9,189 USPQ 759,764 (2rd Cir. 1976).
    [2]William M. Landes, Richard A. Posner. The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property [M].Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,2003:166-209.
    [5]Qualitex Cov. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995)
    [6]Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.,505 US 763,768, S. ct 2753(1992)
    [7]Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.,505 US 763,768, S. ct 2760(1992)
    [8]Walmart Stores Inc. v. Samara Brothers Inc.,529 U.S.205 (2000).
    [9]Walmart Stores Inc. v. Samara Brothers Inc.,529 U.S.205 (2000).
    [10]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.02(b)(i).
    [11]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995: §8:12.50.
    [12]Abercrombie & Fitch Co. v. Hunting World, Inc.,537 F.2d 4,9,189 USPQ 759,764 (2rd Cir. 1976).
    [13]Chevron Chemical Co. v. Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc.,659 F.2d 695,212 USPQ 904 (5th Cir.1981), cert denied,457 US 1126(1982).
    [14]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995:§ 8.13.
    [15]Palladino, Vincent N.Trade Dress after Two Pesos [J].The Trademark Reporter,1994, vol. 84:408-417. (The spectrum of distinctiveness has so far not proved to be very useful in reaching a reasoned decision regarding trade dress.).
    [16]I.P. Lund Trading ApS v. Kohler Co.,163 F.3d 27,49 U.S.P.Q.2d 1225 (1st Cir.1998) (using Seabrook test to find design of faucet is not inherently distinctive).
    [17]L.& J.G. Stickley, Inc. v. Canal Dover Furniture Co.,79 F.3d 258,38 U.S.P.Q.2d 1202 (2d Cir. 1996) (quoting treatise with approval; reproduction of a classic furniture design cannot be inherently distinctive); Nabisco, Inc. v. PF Brands, Inc.,50 F. Supp.2d 188, (S.D.N.Y.1999), affd, 191 F.3d 208,51 U.S.P.Q.2d 1882 (2d Cir.1999) (fish-shaped crackers are inherently distinctive, citing Seabrook test).
    [18]Devan Designs, Inc. v. Palliser Furniture Corp.,25 U.S.P.Q.2d 1991,1992 WL 511694 (M.D.N.C.1992), affd,998 F.2d 1008,27 U.S.P.Q.2d 1399 (4th Cir.1993) (the test for inherent distinctiveness is to ask if it is a common basic design, unique or unusual and merely a refinement of a well-known form; furniture design held not inherently distinctive and no secondary meaning proven).
    [19]Turtle Wax Inc. v. First Brands Corp.,781 F. Supp.1314,22 U.S.P.Q.2d 1013,1019 (N.D.111. 1991) (trade dress for auto polish held not inherently distinctive under the Seabrook test because it "is merely a combination and refinement of elements already prevalent in the automotive appearance chemicals market");
    [20]Swisher Mower & Mach. Co. v. Haban Mfg., Inc.,931 F. Supp.645,42 U.S.P.Q.2d 1596 (W.D. Mo.1996) (design of tow-behind mower held not inherently distinctive under Seabrook test:"The design of the Swisher T-40 [mower] does not make such an impression that one would assume Swisher to be the source of the mower upon seeing a similar design on other mowers.").
    [21]DCNL Inc. v. Almar Sales Co.,47 U.S.P.Q.2d 1406,1997 WL 913949 (N.D. Cal.1997), affd without opinion,178 F.3d 1308 (9th Cir.1998) (design of hair brush held not inherently distinctive under the Seabrook test).
    [22]Brooks Shoe Mfg. Co. v. Suave Shoe Corp.,716 F.2d 854,857,221 USPQ 536,538 (11th Cir. 1983) ("V"-shaped design on sports shoe held not inherently distinctive under the Seabrook test).
    [23]Seabrook Foods, Inc. v. Barwell Foods Ltd.,568 F.2d 1342,196 USPQ 289 (CCPA 1977) 292.
    [24]I.P. Lund Trading ApS v. Kohler Co.,163 F.3d 27,49 U.S.P.Q.2d 1225,1234 (1st Cir.1998)
    [25]William Levin. Trade Dress Protection [M]. USA:Thomson West,2008, §17:2
    [26]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §
    [27]Judgment of 18 June 2002, Case C-299/99, Philips, para.48
    [28]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §
    [29]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §
    [30]Colgate-Palmolive Co./Vanilla Yellow Sphere, R880/2002-3 (28 May 2003).
    [31]Koninklijke KPN Nederland NV v. Benelux-Merkenbureau, Case C-363/00 (12 Feb.2004).
    [32]Koninklijke KPN Nederland NV v. Benelux-Merkenbureau, Case C-363/00 (12 Feb.2004).
    [33]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §
    [341 Kenman Kandy Australia Pty Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks, [2002] FCAFC 273
    [35]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark §7(b).
    [36]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995: § 8.13.
    [37]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995: § 8.12.50.
    [38]Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.,505 US 763,768, S. ct 2760(1992).
    [39]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.7.
    [40]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.05(a). Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995). Walmart Stores Inc. v. Samara Brothers Inc.,529 U.S.205 (2000). Thrifty, Inc.,274 F.3d 1349,61 USPQ 2d 1121,1124 (Fed. Cir 2001).
    [41]Edward Weck Inc. v. IM Inc.,17 USPQ 2d 1142 (TTAB 1990).
    [42]In Re Ferris Corp.,59 USPQ 2d 1587 (TTAB 2000).
    [43]Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995).
    [44]Liberal Group BV v. Benelux Merkenbureau, C-104/01 [2003] E.C.R.1-3793.
    [45]Charlotte Schulze. Registering Color Trade Marks in the European Union [J]. European Intellectual Property Review,2003:55-65.
    [46]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4(b) (ii)
    [47]In Re General Electric Broadcasting Co., Inc.,199 USPQ 563 (TTAB 1978).
    [48]In Re General Electric Broadcasting Co., Inc.,199 USPQ 560 (TTAB 1978).
    [49]In re Vertex Group LLC, serial nos.76601697; 78940163 (TTAB 2009).
    1501 In re Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation,774 F.2d 1116,227 USPQ 417,424 n.11 (Fed. Cir.1985); Levi Strauss & Co. v. Genesco, Inc.,742 F.2d 1401,222 USPQ 939 (Fed/Cir.1984).
    [51]In re Steelbuilding.com,415 F.3d 1293,75 USPQ2d 1420,1422 (Fed. Cir.2005); In re Ennco Display Systems Inc.,56 USPQ2d 1279 (TTAB 2000).
    [52]Nextel Communications, Inc.v. Motorola, Inc. Opposition No.91164353 to application Serial No.78235365 (TTAB 2009).
    [53]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.2.4.
    [54]UK Trademark Manual Chapter 1 § 4.44 Sound Marks:The following are examples of sound marks that would not be accepted without evidence of factual distinctiveness:a) very simple pieces of music consisting of only 1 or 2 notes; b) songs (such as "Greensleeves") commonly used as chimes by ice cream vans (for ice cream etc);c) jingles commonly associated with amusement arcade machines (for such machines and entertainment services);d) well known popular music in respect of entertainment services, including amusement park services) children's nursery rhymes, for goods or services aimed at children; f) music strongly associated with particular regions or countries for the type of goods/services originating from or provided in that area.
    [55]USPTO Registration Number:75120036 (abandoned).
    [56]USPTO Registration Number:2463044.
    [571 Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.,774 F.2d USPQ 417 (Fed. Cir.1985).
    [58]In re Clarke,17 USPQ2d 1238 (TTAB 1990)
    [59]Kinter Earl W and Lahr, Jack; An Intellectual Property Law Primer:a survey of the law of patents, trade secrets, trademarks, franchises, copyrights and personality and entertainment rights [M]. New York:Macmillan,1982:257.
    [60]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21 § 7.2.
    [61]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21 § 7.2.
    [62]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks § 5.2.
    [63]Case R-772/2001-1, Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A's Application,43 E.T.M.R. at 544. German Registration No.39942129, applied for on July 17,1999 (has since been abandoned).
    [64]Case R-772/2001-1, Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A's Application,43 E.T.M.R. at 543.
    [65]Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Samara Brothers, Inc.,54 USPQ2d at 1068, ["The burden of proving that a color mark has acquired distinctiveness is substantial."]; and Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.13 (4 the ed.2005) ["The amount of evidence required to establish that a scent or fragrance functions as a mark is substantial."].
    [66]Fisher-Price Inc v. Well-Made Toy Mfg Corp.,27 USPQ 2d 1237,1238 (WDNY 1993)
    [67]Chevron Chemical Co. v. Voluntary Purchasing Groups, Inc.,30659 F.2d 695 (5th Cir.1981).
    [68]Herman Miller Inc v Palazzetti Imports and Exports, Inc., F3d 298,60 USPQ 2d (BNA) 1663 (6th Cir 2001).
    [69]Art Attacks Ink, LLC v. MGA Entertainment Inc.,581 F3d 92 USPQ2d 1026 (9th Cir 2009).
    [70]Kramer Mfg. Co. v. Andrews,783 F2d 421,449,228 USPQ 705 (4th Cir 1986). Topps Co. v. Gerrit J Verburg Co.,41 USPQ 2d 1412,1416 (SDNY 1996).
    [71]Knitwaves, Inc v Lolly togs ltd.,71 F3d 996,1008,36 USPQ 2d 1737 (2d Cir 1995).
    [72]Thomas P. Arden, Protection of Nontraditional Marks:Trademark Rights in Sound, Scents, Colors, Motions and Product Designs in the U.S. [M]. USA:International Trademark Association, 2000:137.
    [73]University Book Store v. University of Wisconsin Bd of Regents,33 USPQ 2D 1385,1406 (TTAB 1994).
    [74]Coca-Cola Co. v. Koke Co.,254 US 143,146,41 S.Ct.113,114,65 L.Ed.189 (1920)
    [75]Teresa Rupp. Guidance for Non-traditional Trademarks [M]. USA:International Trademark Association,1998:343.
    [76]Roux Lab., Inc. v. Clairol Inc.,427 F.2d 823 (C.C.P.A.1970). In re Hehr Mfg Co.,279 F2d 526, 126USPQ381 (CCPA 1960)
    [77]Versa Products Co. v. Bifold Co. Ltd.,50 F 3d 189,33 USPQ2d 1801 (3rd Cir 1995)
    [781 In re Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.,774 F2d 1116,227 USPQ 417 (CAFC 1985); In re Clark, 17 USPQ 2d 1238 (TTAB 1990)
    [79]Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition (1985) Section 13, Comment (e).
    [801 Caser Chair Co. v. Infanti Chair Mfg Corp.,155 F3d 565 USPQ2d 1208,1210 (Fed Cir 1998)
    [81]Harlequin Enters. Ltd. V. Gulf & W. Corp.,644 F.2d 946,950 (2nd Cir.1981); Thompson Med. Co. v. Pfizer, Inc.,753 F.2d 208,217 (2d Cir.1985); Sugar Busters LLC v. Brennan,177 F.3d 258, 269 (5th Cir.1999), for evidenced used to establish proof of secondary meaning.
    [82]UK Practice Amendment Notice PAN 6/06 Issued 12 April 2006.
    [83]UK Practice Amendment Notice PAN 6/06 Issued 12 April 2006.
    [84]LeSportsac v. K Mart Corporation,754 F2d 71,78,225 USPQ 654,659 (2d Cir.1985); Paramount Pictures Corp. v. Dorney Park Coaster Company,698 F.supp.1274,1280,9 UPSQ 2d 1161,1163 (ED Pa.1988)
    [85]Edward Weck Inc v. IM Inc.,17 USPQ 2d 1142 (TTAB 1990).
    [86]15 U.S.C. § 1052 (f). The Director may accept as prima facie evidence that the mark has become distinctive, as used on or in connection with the applicant's goods in commerce, proof of substantially exclusive and continuous use thereof as a mark by the applicant in commerce for the five years before the date on which the claim of distinctiveness is made.
    [87]Singapore Trademark Manual §14.11.05 Evidence of distinctiveness acquired through use.
    [88]LA Gear Inc v. Thom McAn Shoe CO.,988 F2d 1117,25 USPQ 1913,1923 (Fed Cir 1993)
    [89]The Isaly Co v. Kraft Inc.,619 F.supp.983,992.226 USPQ 801,805 (MD Fla.1985); In Re Motorola,3 USPQ 2d 1142,1143 (TTAB 1986).
    [90]Edward Weck Inc v. IM Inc.,17 USPQ 2d 1142 (TTAB 1990)
    [91]Thee Nestle Company Inc v. Joyva Corporation,227 USPQ 477,479 (TTAB 1985)
    [92]Giant Food Inc v. Malone & Hyde Inc.,522 F2d 1386,187 USPQ 374 (CCPA 1975)
    [93]Racine Industries Inc v. Bane-Clene Corp.,35 USPQ 2d 1832,1839 (TTAB 1994)
    [94]In re Owen-Corning Fiberglas Corp.,774 F2d 1116,1125,227 USPQ 417,423 (CAFC.1985).
    [95]R H Donnelley Inc v. USA Northland Directories Inc.,2004 WL 2713248 (D. Minn 2004).
    [96]In re Caterpillar Inc.,43 USPQ 2d 1335,1342 (TTAB 1997).
    [97]L A Gear Inc v. Thom McAn Shoe CO.,988 F2d 1117,25 USPQ 1913,1923 (Fed Cir 1993).
    [981 Pebble Beach Co. v Tour 181 Ltd.,155 F3d 526,540,48 USPQ 2d 1065,1073 (5th Cir.1998).
    [99]Pebble Beach Co. v Tour 181 Ltd.,155 F3d 526,540,48 USPQ 2d 1065,1073 (5th Cir.1998).
    [100]Yamaha Intern Corp. v. Hoshino Gakki Co., Ltd.,231 USPQ 926,929 (TTAB 1986), add'd, 840 F2d 1572,1582 (CAFC 1988).
    [101]In re Caterpillar Inc.,43 USPQ 2d 1335,1342 (TTAB 1997).
    [102]In re Pingel Enterprises, Inc.,46 USPQ 2d 1811 (TTAB 1993).
    [103]British Seagull Ltd v. Brunswick Corp.,28 USPQ 2d 1197,1203 (TTAB.1993), aff'd,35 F3d 1527,32 USPQ 2d 1120 (CAFC.1994).
    11041 LeSportsac v. K Mart Corporation,754 F2d 71,78,225 USPQ 654,659 (2d Cir.1985)(对于运动包形状的报道);Dogloo Inc v. Doskocil Mfg. Co.,893 F.sup.911,35 USPQ 2d 1405,1407 (CDCAL.1995)(对狗舍形状的报道);Pebble Beach Co. v Tour 18 I Ltd.,155 F3d 526,540,48 USPQ 2d 1065,1073 (5th Cir.1998)(对高尔夫球洞形状的报道).
    [105]Braun Inc. v. Dynamics Corporation of American,975 F2d 815,82724 USPQ 2d 1121,1130 (CAFC.1992).
    [106]Henri Bendel Inc. v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.,25 F.supp 2d 198,200,48 USPQ 2d 1948,1948 (SDNY.1998)
    [107]William Levin. Trade Dress Protection [M]. USA:Thomson West,2008: §13.15.
    [108]Thomas P. Arden, Protection of Nontraditional Marks:Trademark Rights in Sound, Scents, Colors, Motions and Product Designs in the U.S. [M]. USA:International Trademark Association, 2000:137.
    [109]Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition (1985) Section 13, Comment (e).
    [110]In re Clarke,17 USPQ2d 1238 (TTAB 1990)
    [111]In re Denticator International Inc.,38 USPQ 2d 1218 (TTAB 1995).
    [112]Master Distribution Inc v. Pako Corp.,986 F2d 219,220,25 USPQ 2d 1794 (8th Cir.1993).
    [113]Thomas & Betts Cprporation v. Panduit Corp.,48 F.supp 2d 1088,34 USPQ 1545 (ND Ill. 1994).
    [114]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.9
    [115]Stuart Hall Co v. Ampad Corp.,51 F3d 780,34 USPQ 2d 1429 (8th Cir 1995).
    [116]Sunbeam Products Inc. v. West Bend Co.,123 F3d 246,254,44 USPQ 2d 1161,1167 (5th Cir. 1997).
    [117]Adjustable Fixture Co v. Schumaker Lighting Inc.,47 USPQ 2d 1856,1859 (ED Wis 1998).
    [118]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995: § 15.9.
    [119]Thomas P. Arden, Protection of Nontraditional Marks:Trademark Rights in Sound, Scents, Colors, Motions and Product Designs in the U.S. [M]. USA:International Trademark Association, 2000:138.
    [120]Yamaha Intern Corp. v. Hoshino Gakki Co., Ltd.,231 USPQ 926,929 (TTAB 1986), add'd, 840 F2d 1572,1582 (CAFC 1988)
    [121]TrafFix Devices, Inc. v. Marketing Displays, Inc.,121 S. Ct.1255,1260,149 L. Ed.2d 164, 58 U.S.P.Q.2d 1001 (U.S.2001), on remand to,2001 WL 630049 (6th Cir.2001).
    [122]Morton-Norwich Products Inc.,213 USPQ 9 (CCPA 1982).
    [123]Inwood Laboratories Inc.v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.,456 U.S.844,850,1982.
    [124]William Levin. Trade Dress Protection [M]. USA:Thomson West,2008, §17:6.
    [125]Fisher-Price Inc v. Well-Made Toy Mfg Corp.,27 USPQ2d 1237,1238 (WDNY 1993)
    [126]Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Prods. Co.,514 U.S.159,131 L. Ed.2d 248,115 S. Ct.1300,1304, 34 U.S.P.Q.2d 1161,1163-64 (1995) ("'In general terms, a product feature is functional'and cannot serve as a trademark,'if it is essential to the use of purpose of the article or if it affects the cost or quality of the article,'that is, if exclusive use of the feature would put competitors at a significant non reputation-related disadvantage."
    [127]In re EBSCO Industries, Inc.,41 USPQ 2d 1917,1920 (TTAB 1997).
    [128]WIPO SCT/17/3 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Relation of Established Principles to Non-traditional trademarks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2007.
    [129]In re Caterpillar Inc.,43 USPQ 2d 1335,1342 (TTAB 1997).
    [130]In re Virshup,42 USPQ 2d 1403,1405 (TTAB 1997).
    [131]Traffix Devices Inc. v. Marketing Display Inc.,532 U.S.24,58 USPQ 1007 (2001).
    [132]In re Zippo Mfg Co.,50 USPQ 2d 1852 (TTAB 1999).
    [133]Gibson Guitar Corp.,61 USPQ 2d 1948 (TTAB 2001); M-5 Steel Mfg., Inc. v. O'Hagin Inc., 61 USPQ 1086 (TTAB 2001).Visual Communications Co., Inc.,51 USPQ 2d 1141 (TTAB 1999); Edward Ski Products, Inc.,49 USPQ 2d 2001 (TTAB 1999); Caterpiller Inc.,43 USPQ 2d 1335 (TTAB 1997); Bio-Medicus Inc.,31 USPQ 2d 1254 (TTAB 1993); Witco Corp.,14 USPQ 2d 1557 (TTAB 1989).
    [134]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.02(a)(v)(A).
    [135]Gibson Guitar Corp.,61 USPQ 2d 1948 (TTAB 2001); Bio-Medicus Inc.,31 USPQ 2d 1254 (TTAB 1993); Witco Corp.,14 USPQ 2d 1557 (TTAB 1989).
    [136]In re Bose Corp.,772 F.2d 866,227 USPQ 1 (Fed Cir 1985).
    [137]In re Gibson Guitar Corp.,61 USPQ2d 1948 (TTAB 2001).
    [138]American Greetings Corp v. Dan-Dee Imports Inc.,807 F2d 1136,1142-43 (3d Cir.1986).
    [139]Restatement Third, Unfair Competition § 17, comment b (1995) ("The [functional] benefit may lie, for example, in greater economy in manufacturing, shipping, or handling, in increased utility or durability, or in enhanced effectiveness or ease of use.").
    [140]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.02(a)(v)(B).
    [141]Valu Engineering, Inc. v. Rexnord Corp.,278 F.3d 1268,61 USPQ 2d 1429 (Fed.Cir.2002).
    [142]Maharishi Hardy Blechman Ltd. v. Abercrombie & Fitch Co.,292 F. Supp.2d 535,546,69 U.S.P.Q.2d 1493 (S.D. N.Y.2003).
    [143]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995: §7:75.
    [144]Valu Engineering, Inc. v. Rexnord Corp.,278 F.3d 1268,61 U.S.P.Q.2d 1422 (Fed. Cir.2002).
    [145]In re North American Phillips Corporation,217 USPQ 926 (TTAB 1983).
    [146]Meadowcraft In v. Compex International Co.,47 USPQ 2d 1665,1670 (N.D.Ga.1998).
    [147]In re American National Can.,41 USPQ 2d 1842,1845-46 (TTAB 1997).
    [148]William Levin. Trade Dress Protection [M]. USA:Thomson West,2008, §17:2.例如M-5Steel案同时涉及实用功能性和美学功能性的认定,一方面申请人的专利申请书存在有关功能性的证据,商品促销材料中也宣传了标志的实用特征,另一方面申请人的设计与四周屋瓦相匹配,在各种方向都看不到通风口的瓦片,使得房屋外表更加美观
    [149]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995:§ 7.79.
    [150]Restatement of Torts § 742, comment a (1938). When goods are bought largely for their aesthetic value, their features may be functional because they definitely contribute to that value, and thus aid the performance of the object for which the goods are intended.
    [151]Paligero v. Wallace China Co.,198 F.2d 339,343 (CA 9,1952).
    [152]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995: § 7.79.
    [153]The Restatement of the Law of Unfair Competition §17, comment c at 175-176.
    [154]Wallace Int'l Silversmiths Inc v. Godinger Silver Art Co.,916 F2d 76,80,16 USPQ 2d 1555 (2d Cir 1990), cetr denied,499 US 976 (1991).
    [155]Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 USPQ 2d 1161 (1995). Traffix Devices Inc. v. Marketing Display Inc.,532 U.S.24,58 USPQ 1007 (2001).
    [156]Krieger. The Broad Sweep of Aesthetic Functionality:A Threat to Trademark Protection of Aesthetic Product Features [J]. Fordham L. Rev,1982, vol.51:345-380.
    [157]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995:§ 7.79.
    [158]J. Thomas McCarthy. McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition [M].USA:Clark Boardman Callaghan,1995:§ 7.81.
    [159]A. Donell. Trade dress protection of products designs:Stifling the progress of science and the useful arts for an unlimited time [J]. Notre Dame Law Review,1994:188.
    [162]Morton-Norwich Products Inc.,213 USPQ 9 (CCPA 1982).
    [163]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21.Article 3.4 Shapes and Fucntionality.
    [164]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, Part B Examination,7.62-3-Dimensional trademarks.
    [165]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, Part B Examination,7.62-3-Dimensional trademarks.
    [166]WIPO SCT/17/3 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Relation of Established Principles to Non-traditional trademarks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2007.
    [167]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 §4.5.1
    [168]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks 4(b) (i)
    [1691 Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.05(b).
    [170]Inwood Laboratories Inc.v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.,456 U.S.844,850,1982.
    [171]In Re Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation,227 USPQ 417 (Fed. Cir.1985).
    [172]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 4.5.1; Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks §4(b) (i)
    [173]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 4.5.1; Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 2 Color Marks §4(b) (i)
    [174]In Re Ferris Corp.,59 USPQ 2d 1587 (TTAB 2000).
    [175]Orange Communications, Inc.,41 USPQ 1036 (TTAB 1996).
    [176]Inwood Laboratories Inc.v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.,456 U.S.844,850,1982.
    [177]InNor-Am Chemical v. GM Scott & Sons Co.,4 USPQ 2d 1316,1320 (E.D Pa 1987)
    [178]California Crushed Fruit Corp. v. Taylor Beverage & Candy Co.,38 F.2d 885 (D. Wis 1930).
    [179]Smith, Kline & French Laboratories v. Clark & Clark,157 F.2d 725,730 (3rd Cir), cert denied, 329 US 796 (1946).
    [180]WIPO SCT/17/3 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Relation of Established Principles to Non-traditional trademarks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2007.
    [181]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.2.1.
    [182]In re Vertex Group LLC, serial nos.76601697; 78940163 (TTAB 2009).
    [183]Traffix Devices Inc. v. Marketing Display Inc.,532 U.S.23 (2001). Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164USPQ2d 1161 (1995).
    [184]In re Clarke,17 USPQ2d 1238 (TTAB 1990).
    [185]Case R-772/2001-1, Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A's Application, at 543
    [186]Case C-273/00, Ralf Sieckmann v Deutches patent-und Markenamt Chanel's Application.
    [187]Linda Annika.The future of Scents as Trademarks in the European Community-Based comparison to the American Experience [D].Lund:Lund University,2002:45.
    [188]Publications Int'l, Ltd. v. Landoll, Inc.,164 F.3d 337,49 U.S.P.Q.2d 1139 (7th Cir.1998)
    [189]Moy. Lanham Act Registration of Container or Product Shape as Trademark [J]. U.S.F. L. Rev, 1969,vol.3:327-335.
    [190]Crescent Tool Co. v. Kilborn & Bishop Co.,247 F.299 (2d Cir.1917)
    [191]In re North American Phillips Corp.,217 USPQ 926 (TTAB.1983) (any evidence of secondary meaning, including a consumer survey showing high consumer association, cannot transform a utilitarian shape into a registrable trademark).
    [192]Dorr-Oliver, Inc. v. Fluid-Quip, Inc.,94 F.3d 376,39 U.S.P.Q.2d 1990 (7th Cir.1996).
    [193]In re Deister Concentrator Co.,289 F.2d 496,129 USPQ 314 (C.C.P.A.1961). Accord:In re Water Gremlin Co.,635 F.2d 841,208 USPQ 89 (CCPA.1980) ("To the extent [that permitted imitation of functional features] causes a modicum of confusion of the public, it will be tolerated.").
    [194]WIPO SCT/17/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Methods and Representations of Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva: WIPO,2007, para.3.
    [195]Singapore Trademark Rules § 15(2).
    [196]WO/GA/38/7 WIPO General Assembly. Report of the Work of The Standing Committee on The Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications on the Areas of Convergence Concerning the Representations of Non-traditional Marks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2009.
    [197]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark §4; Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 3.1.
    [198]37 C.F.R. §§2.37,2.52(a) (2) (ⅲ) 2.52(a)(2)(ⅵ); Water Gremlin Co.,635 F.2d 841,208 USPQ 89(CCPA1980).
    [199]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.02(d).37 C.F.R. §2.52(a)(2)(ⅲ).
    [200]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21.Article 3.1
    [202]See Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21.Article 3.1; Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 3(a); 37 C.F.R. §2.52(a) (2) (ⅲ).
    [203]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 3 Shape Mark § 3(a).
    [204]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21.Article 3.1.
    [205]37 C.F.R. § 2.52(a) (2) (ⅲ).
    [206]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §807.
    [207]37 C.F.R. §2.21 (a)(3).
    [208]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §1202.05(d)(ⅰ).
    Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21 § 4.1.
    [210]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §
    [211]37 C.F.R.§2.52(a)(2)(ⅴ); Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(c); Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 4.1.
    [212]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 4.1.
    [213]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures § 1202.05(e).
    [214]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(c).
    [215]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures § 1202.05(f).
    [216]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, § 7.6.4; Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(c); Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 4.1.
    [217]TyNant Spring Water Ltd's Trade Mark Application [2000] RPC55.
    [218]Communication No 6/03,OJ OHIM 2004,88.
    [219]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks §1.1.
    [220]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4.
    [221]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM § 4.4.1.
    [222]Kevin McCormick. "DING" You are now free to register that Sound [J].Trademark Reporter, 2006, vol 96:1102-1121.
    [223]五线谱是一种为人熟悉的音乐标记方式,利用五条平行横线,在其上面记入标示不同音高及拍子的音符。这些线,可称为“五线谱”或简称“谱表”(Staff or Stave)。并依据拍子记号将五线谱上音符依拍分成小节,用小节线标示。简谱(Numbered musical notation)为记谱法之一,主要以数字作表达,故亦称为数字谱.
    [224]Case C-283/01 Shield Mark BV v. Joost Kist [2004] RPC 17.
    [225]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks §4.44; Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(d).
    [226]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.1.
    [228]Metro Goldwyn-Mayer Lion Corp's Application, Case R-781/1999-4,2003.
    [229]CTM application 4928371,28 February 2006. A sonogram of this sort must not be confused with an oscillogram, which is a two-dimensional depiction of the volume of a sound; a spectrum, which is a two-dimensional depiction of the frequency changes in a sound; or a sound spectrogram, also known as a sonogram, which does not contain an analysis of the pitch, relative volume, and progression over time of the sound.
    [230]See CTM application Nos.4987178,4983128,4928371,4901658,3886471,369920, 3661329 and 2919967.
    [231]The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM §7.61.
    [232]37 C.F.R.§2.52(a)(3); Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures §807.11
    [234]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(d); Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.1.
    Advocate General Colomer conducted research on the various onomatopoeia of a cockcrow in the various official languages of the European Union (at that time 15 Member States) and mentioned as follows "The onomatopoeia of a cockcrow in the various official languages of the European Union is as follows:kikiriki, in German; kikeli-ki in Danish; quiquiriqui, in Spanish; kukkokiekuu, in Finnish; cocorico, in French; kokoriko, in Greek; cock-a-doodle-doo, in English; chichirichi, in Italian; kukeleku, in Dutch; cocorococo, in Portuguese; and kukeliku, in Swedish." With the recent and upcoming enlargements of the European Union, we would appreciate to learn the additional versions of the cockcrow.
    [236]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks § 4.44.
    [237]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedures § 807.11; 37 C.F.R. §2.56(d)(3). In the absence of non-bulky alternatives, the Office may accept an audio or video cassette tape recording, CD-ROM, or other appropriate medium.
    [238]Commission Regulation (EC) No 1041/2005 of 29 June 2005amending Regulation (EC) No 2868/95 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 on the Community trade mark.
    [239]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 § 6.1
    [240]WO/GA/38/7 WIPO General Assembly. Report of the Work of The Standing Committee on The Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications on the Areas of Convergence Concerning the Representations of Non-traditional Marks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2009.
    [241]WIPO SCT/17/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Methods and Representations of Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva: WIPO,2007.para.37.
    [242]Trademark Manual of Examination Procedure § 807.11.
    [243]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21.Article 7.1.
    [244]Case C-273/00, Ralf Sieckmann v Deutches patent-und Markenamt Chanel's Application.
    [245]WIPO SCT/17/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Methods and Representations of Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva: WIPO,2007 para.37.
    [246]Australian Trademark Manual of Practice and Procedure-Part 21.Article 7.1.
    [247]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM,2.3.1 (iv) For smells, there is presently no means of representing them graphically. Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(3) It appears that at present stage of technology, there has not been found an acceptable graphical representation for "scent marks".
    [248]WO/GA/38/7 WIPO General Assembly. Report of the Work of The Standing Committee on The Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications on the Areas of Convergence Concerning the Representations of Non-traditional Marks[R].Geneva:WIPO,2009.
    [[249]] UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks § 4.4.5; Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(d) Movement(moving) marks can be graphically represented by a series of still images and each case may have its own individual requirements, but the representation of the mark should include:that the mark is a moving image; what the image depicts, that is, what the change in appearance is; how many images are involved in the complete sequence of movement; what the sequential order is of the images; and that there is a single sequence of movement (not variable).
    12501 WIPO SCT/17/2 Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications. Methods and Representations of Non-traditional trademarks [R].Geneva: WIPO,2007 para.23.
    [251]Ralf Sieckmann.Hologramsthe next generation of trademarks? [EB/OL]. http://www.cp aglobal.com/sites/default/files/ip_review_13.pdf,2010-04-18.
    [252]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks § 4.4.6; Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark § 4(g).
    [3]See Article 6 quinquies of Paris Convention:Every trademark duly registered in the country of origin shall be accepted for filing and protected as is in the other countries of the Union, subject to the reservations indicated in this Article.
    See Article 3.1 of Madrid protocol.
    [5]Ellen P. Winner, Aaron W. Denburg International Trademark Treaties with Commentary [M]. USA:Oxford University Press,2005:25.
    [29]国际注册第G778306号德国geobra brandstatter公司立体商标申请案.
    [45]国际注册第G659177号德国Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall公司声音商标申请案.
    [47]国际注册第G889242号法国Bechtola Rachid公司声音商标申请案.
    [49]我国商标局拒绝注册的理由原文为:Sound mark is not acceptable in China at present.参见我国商标局拒绝国际注册号659177、836242、881229、889242、1026524的商标国际注册的理由。参见WIPO网站:http://www.wipo.int/madrid/en/romarin/.
    [51]INTA Non-traditional Trademarks Subcommittee Issues and Policy Committee Trademark Affairs and Policies Group. Protection of Color Trademarks[R]. New York:INTA, Nov 1996.
    [55]Helen Dawson非传统标[EB/OL]http://www.china.embassy.gov.au/bjngchinese/Dawson.ht m1,2012-2-22.
    [56]United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement(《美国澳大利亚自由贸易协定》),英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/austr alian-fta.
    [57]United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement(《美国新加坡自由贸易协定》),英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/singap ore-fta.
    [58]United States-Peru Free Trade Agreement(《美国秘鲁自由贸易协定》),英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/peru-tpa.
    [59]United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement(《美国摩洛哥自由贸易协定》),英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/morocc o-fta.
    [60]United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement(《美国智利自由贸易协定》),英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/chile-fta.
    [61]Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement《澳大利亚智利自由贸易协定》英文文本见澳大利亚商务部网站http://www.dfat.gov.au/fta/aclfta/index.html.
    [62]《中华人民共和国商标法(修订草案征求意见稿)》,文本见中央政府门户网站:http://ww w.gov.cn/gzdt/2011-09/02/content_1939013.htm.
    [63]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R, para.154.
    [64]Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 on the Community trade mark Article 4:A Community trade mark may consist of any signs capable of being represented graphically, particularly words, including personal names, designs, letters, numerals, the shape of goods or of their packaging, provided that such signs are capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings.
    [66]United Kingdom Trade Marks Act 1994 PART Ⅰ,1.1. In this Act a "trade mark" means any sign capable of being represented graphically which is capable of distinguishing goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings. A trade mark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals or the shape of goods or their packaging. A trade mark may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals or the shape of goods or their packaging.
    [67]The Guildelines Concerning Proceedings Before the OHIM, §7.6.
    [68]Singapore Trademark Work Manual Chapter 1 What is a trade mark §3 Definitions The definition of "sign" is an open or inclusive definition, in that the definition merely lists some examples of what may constitute a sign. Based on the above, no type of sign is automatically excluded from registration unless it is clear that the sign does not constitute a trade mark based on the definition of a trade mark.
    [69]UK Manual of trademarks practice, Unconventional Trademarks.
    [70]Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Practice and Procedure Part 21 Shapes, Sounds, Colors, Scents, and Aspects of Packaging.
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    [4]《协调成员国商标立法欧盟理事会第2008/95号指令》(Directive 2008/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade mark),英文本见欧共体内部市场协调局网站http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2008:299:0025:0033:EN:PDF,该指令取代《协调成员国商标立法欧盟理事会第一号指令》(First Council Directive 89 /104/EEC of 21 December 1988 to approximate the laws of the Member States relati ng to trademark)英文本见http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUri Serv/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELE X:31989L0104:en:HTML.
    [5]《欧盟理事会第207/2009号共同体商标条例》(Council Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 of 26 February 2009 on the Community trade mark),参见OHIM网:http://eur-lex.eu ropa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:078:0001:0042:EN:PDF),该条例取代之前的《欧盟理事会第40/94号共同体商标条例》(Council Regulation (EC) No.40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trade mark)
    [6]《欧盟商标审查指南》(The Guidelines Concerning Proceedings Before the Office for Harmonization in Internal Market OHIM),2008年4月修订,英文本见欧盟内部市场协调局网站http://oami.europa.eu/ows/rw/resource/documents/CTM/guidelines/examination_en.pdf.
    [7]《德国商标和其他标志保护法》(Gesetz tiber den Schutz von Marken und sonstigen Kennzeichen) (Law on the Protection of Trademarks and other Signs)德文文本见WIPO网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=9994;中文文本见:谢东伟译.德国商标和其他标志保护法(商标法)[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000:448-449.
    [8]《法国知识产权法典》(Code de la Propriete Intellectuelle)法文文本见WIPO网站htt p://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id= 179120;英文文本(France Intellectual Prop erty Code)见世界知识产权组织网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=180336;中文文本见:黄晖.法国知识产权法典[M].北京:商务印书馆,1999:133.
    [9]《英国商标法》(United Kingdom Trade Marks Act 1994)英文文本见WIPO网站:ht tp://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=127271或英国知识产权局网站http://www.i po.gov.uk/tmact94.pdf
    [10]《英国商标审查指南》(Manual of trademarks practice)英文文本见英国知识产权局网站ittp://www.ipo.gov.uk/tmmanual-chap3-exam.pdf
    [11]《澳大利亚商标法》(Australia Trade Marks Act 1995)英文文本见WIPO网站:http: //www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=8232或澳大利亚知识产权局官方网站http://ww w.comlaw.gov.au/Series/C2004A04969
    [12]《澳大利亚商标审查实践和程序指南》(Australia Trade Marks Office Manual of Prac tice and Procedure),英文文本见澳大利亚知识产权局官方网站http://www.ipaustralia.g ov.au/pdfs/trademarkmanual/trade_marks_examiners_manual.htm.
    [13]《新西兰商标法》(Trade Marks Act 2002 of New Zealand)英文文本见世界知识产权组织网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file_id=129230
    [14]《新加坡商标法》(Trade Marks Act of Singapore)英文文本见世界知识产权组织网站:http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=5299或新加坡知识产权局网站http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/leg/.
    [15]《新加坡商标条例》(Singapore Trade Marks Rules),英文文本见新加坡知识产权局网站http://www.ipos.gov.sg/topNav/leg/.
    [16]《新加坡商标工作指南》(Singapore Trademark Work Manual),英文文本见新加坡知识产权局网站http://www.ipos.gov.sg/leftNav/tra/IP+Resources.htm.
    [1]《美国澳大利亚自由贸易协定》(United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement)英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/ australian-fta.
    [2]《美国新加坡自由贸易协定》(United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement)英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/si ngapore-fta
    [3]《美国秘鲁自由贸易协定》(United States-Peru Free Trade Agreement)英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/peru-tpa.
    [4]《美国摩洛哥自由贸易协定》(United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement)英文文本见美国贸易代表办公室网站http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/m orocco-fta.
    [5]《美国智利自由贸易协定》(United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement)英文文本见美 国贸易代表办公室网http://www.ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/chile-fta.
    [6]《澳大利亚智利自由贸易协定》(Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement)英文文本见澳大利亚商务部网站http://www.dfat.gov.au/fta/aclfta/index.html.
    [1]A Leschen & Sons Rope Co. v. Broderick & Bascom Rope Co.,201 U.S.166,171,26 S.Ct. 425,426,50 L.Ed.710(1906.)
    [2]Abercrombie & Fitch Co. v. Hunting World, Inc.,537 F.2d 4 (2d. Cir.1976)
    [3]Adjustable Fixture Co v. Schumaker Lighting Inc.,47 USPQ 2d 1856,1859 (ED Wis 1998)
    [4]Alan Wood Steel Co. v. Watson,150 F.Supp.861,863,113 USPQ 311,312 (D.D.C.1957).
    [5]American Greetings Corp v. Dan-Dee Imports Inc.,807 F2d 1136,1142-43 (3d Cir.1986)
    [6]Art Attacks Ink, LLC v. MGA Entertainment Inc.,581 F3d 1138,1145,92 USPQ2d 1026 (9th Cir 2009)
    [7]Automobili Lamborghini Holding S.p.A's Application,43 E.T.M.R Case R-772/2001-1,
    [8]Black & Decker Inc v. Hoover Service Center,886 F2d 1285,1291,12 USPQ 2d 1250, (CAFC 1989)
    [9]Bonito Boats, Inc. v. Thunder Craft Boats, Inc.,489 U.S.141,160 (1989)
    [10]BP Plc v Woolworths Limited (2004) 62 IPR 545
    [11]Braun Inc. v. Dynamics Corporation of American,975 F2d 815,82724 USPQ 2d 1121,1130 (CAFC.1992).
    [12]British Seagull Ltd v. Brunswick Corp.,28 USPQ 2d 1197,1203 (TTAB.1993), aff'd,35 F3d 1527,32 USPQ 2d 1120 (CAFC.1994)
    [13]British Sugar Plc v James Robertson & Sons Ltd [1996] R.P.C.281
    [14]Brooks Shoe Manufacturing Co., Inc. v. Suave Shoe Corporation,513 F.supp 75,221 USPQ 536(SDFla.1981)
    [15]Brunswick Corp. v. British Seagull Ltd.,35 F.3d 1527,32 USPQ 1120 (Fed.Cir 1994)
    [16]California Crushed Fruit Corp. v. Taylor Beverage & Candy Co.,38 F.2d 885 (D. Wis 1930).
    [17]Campbell Soup Co. v Armour & Co.,81 F supp 114 (1948).
    [18]Cartier Inc v. Sardell Jewelry Inc.,294 Fed. Appx 615 (2d Cir 2008).
    [19]Case C-273/00, Ralf Sieckmann v Deutches patent-und Markenamt Chanel's Application.
    [20]Case C-283/01 Shield Mark, BV v. Joost Kist.
    [21]Case R 156/1998-2, Vennootschap Onder Firma Senta Aromatic Marketing's Application.
    [22]Case C-299/99 Koninklijke Philips Elec. NV v. Remington Consumer Prods. Ltd.
    [23]Caser Chair Co. v. Infanti Chair Mfg Corp.,155 F3d 565 USPQ2d 1208,1210 (Fed Cir 1998)
    [24]Chevron Chemical Co. v. untary Purchasing Groups, Inc.,30659 F.2d 695 (5th Cir.1981).
    [25]Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Inc v. Pussycat Cinema, Ltd.,604 F2d 200,203 USPQ 161, [63] (2d Cir 1979)
    [26]Diamond Match Co. v. Saginaw Match Co.,142 F.727,729-30 (6th Cir.1906).
    [27]Disc Golf Association, Inc. v. Champion Discs, Inc.,158 F.3d 1002,1005 n.3,48 USPQ 2d 1132,1134n.3(9th Cir.1998)
    [28]District Court of Creteil 25/03/03, PIBD 771 III 452.
    [29]Dogloo Inc v. Doskocil Mfg. Co.,893 F.supp.911,35 USPQ 2d 1405,1407 (CD CAL.1995)
    [30]Duraco products, Inc. v. Joy Plastic Enterprises, Ltd.,40 F.3d 1431,32 USPQ 2D 1724 (3rd Cir.1994)
    [31]Edward Weck Inc. v. IM Inc.,17 USPQ 2d 1142 (TTAB 1990).
    [32]First Brands Corp v. Fred Meyer Inc.,809 F2d 1378 n.3,1 USPQ2d 1779 (9th Cir 1987)
    [33]Fisher-Price Inc v. Well-Made Toy Mfg Corp.,27 USPQ2d 1237,1238 (WDNY 1993)
    [34]Fre-Mar Industries, Inc.,158 USPQ 364,367 (TTAB 1968)
    [35]Gasser Chair Co v. Infanti Chair Mfg. Corp.,47 USPQ 2d 1208,1211 (CAFC 1998)
    [36]Geneso v. Levi Strauss,742 F2d 1401,1403,222 USPQ 939,940 (CAFC 1983)
    [37]Giant Food Inc v. Malone & Hyde Inc.,522 F2d 1386,187 USPQ 374 (CCPA 1975)
    [38]Gibson Guitar Corp. v. Paul Reed Smith Guitars, LP,311 F. Supp.2d 690, (M.D.Tenn.2004).
    [39]Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co v. Interco Tire Corp.,49 USPQ 2d 1705,1717 (TTAB 1998)
    [40]Haig & Haig Ltd.,118 USPQ 229,230 (Comm'r Pats.1958)
    [41]Henkel KGaA v. German Patent and Trademark. Trademark Office; case no. C-218/01.
    [42]Henri Bendel Inc v. Sears, Roebuck & Co.,25 F.supp 2d 198,202,48 USPQ 2d 1948,1951 (SDNY 1998)
    [43]Herman Miller Inc v Palazzetti Imports and Exports, Inc., F3d 298,60 USPQ 2d 1663 (6th Cir 2001)
    [44]In re American National Can Co.,41 USPQ 2d 1841,1843 (TTAB 1997)
    [45]In re Bongrain Sa's Appn (21 Mar.2003)
    [46]In re Bose Corp.,772 F.2d 866,227 USPQ 1 (Fed Cir 1985).
    [47]In re Caterpillar Inc.,43 USPQ 2d 1335,1342 (TTAB 1997)
    [48]In Re Clarke,17 U.S.P.Q.2d 1238 (TTAB 1990).
    [49]In re Corning Glass Works,6 USPQ 2D 1032,1034 (TTAB 1988)
    [50]In re Dennison Mfg. Co.,17 CCPA 987,988,39 F.2d 720,721,5 USPQ 316,317 (1930).
    [51]In re Denticator International Inc.,38 USPQ 2d 1218 (TTAB 1995)
    [52]In re E.I DuPont De Nemours & Co.,476 F.2d 1357,1360,177 USPQ 563,566 (CCPA 1973).
    [53]In re EBSCO Industries, Inc.,41 USPQ 2d 1917,1920 (TTAB 1997)
    [54]In Re Ferris Corp.,59 USPQ.2d 1587 (TTAB 2000).
    [55]In re Gammon Reel, Inc.,227 USPQ 729,730 (TTAB 1985)
    [56]In Re General Electric Broadcasting Co., Inc.,199 USPQ.560 (TTAB 1978).
    [57]In re General Petroleum Corp. of California,49 F.2d 966,9 USPQ 511 (CCPA 1931)
    [58]In re Hehr Mfg Co.,279 F2d 526,126 USPQ 381 (CCPA 1960)
    [59]In re Honeywell Inc.,532 F.2d 180,182,189 USPQ 343,344 (CCPA 1976).
    [60]In re Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co.,335 F.2d 836,142 USPQ 366 (CCPA 1964)
    [61]In re Mogen David Wine Corp.,328 F.2d 925,14 USPQ 575 (CCPA 1964).
    [62]In re Morganroth,208 USPQ 284 (TTAB 1980).
    [63]In re N.V. Organon,79 USPQ2d (T.T.A.B.2006).
    [64]In Re Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation,227 U.S.P.Q.417 (Fed. Cir.1985).
    [65]In re Pingel Enterprise Inc.,46 USPQ2d 1811 (TTAB 1998).
    [66]In re Remington Products Inc.,3 USPQ2d 1714,1715 (TTAB 1987).
    [67]In re Shaw,184 USPQ 253 (TTAB 1974).
    [68]In re Vertex Group LLC, serial nos.76601697; 78940163 (TTAB 2009).
    [69]In re Villeroy & Bosch SARL 5 USPQ 2d 1451 n.3 (TTAB 1987)
    [70]In re Virshup,42 USPQ 2d 1403,1405 (TTAB 1997)
    [71]In re World's Finest Choclate, Inc.,474 F.2d 1012,177 USPQ 205 (CCPA 1973).
    [72]In re Zippo Mfg Co.,50 USPQ 2d 1852 (TTAB 1999)
    [73]International Jenson Inc. v. Metrosound USA Inc.,4 F3d,28 USPQ 2d 1287(9th Cir.1993)
    [74]International Playtex Corp.,153 USPQ 377 (TTAB 1967)
    [75]Inwood Laboratories Inc.v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.,456 U.S.844,850,1982.
    [76]IP. Lund Trading.v. Kohler Co.,163 F.3d 27,41,49 USPQ 2d 1225,1233 (1st Cir.1998)
    [77]John Lewis of Hungerford Ltd's Trade Mark Application[2001] RPC 575
    [78]Kawasaki Motors Corp. v. H-D Michigan, Inc.,43 USPQ.2d 1521 (T.T.A.B.1997)
    [79]Kellogg Co. v. National Biscuit Co 305 U.S.111 (1938).
    [80]Kenman Kandy Australia Pty Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks [2002] 56 IPR 30.
    [81]Knitwaves, Inc v Lollytogs ltd.,71 F3d 996,1008,36 USPQ 2d 1737 (2d Cir 1995)
    [82]Kramer Mfg. Co. v. Andrews,783 F2d 421,449,228 USPQ 705 (4th Cir 1986)
    [83]Krueger Int'l Inc. v. Nightingale Inc.,915 F.supp.595,40 USPQ 2d 1334 (SDNY.1996).
    [84]L A Gear Inc v. Thom McAn Shoe CO.,988 F2d 1117,25 USPQ 1913,1923 (Fed Cir 1993)
    [85]L.D.Kichler Co. v. Davoil Inc.,52 USPQ.1307 (CAFC 1999).
    [86]LeSportsac v. K Mart Corporation,754 F2d 71,78,225 USPQ 654,659 (2d Cir.1985)
    [87]M-5 Steel Mfg., Inc. v. O'Hagin Inc.,61 USPQ 1086 (TTAB 2001).
    [88]Master Distribution Inc v. Pako Corp.,986 F2d 219,220,25 USPQ 2d 1794 (8th Cir.1993)
    [89]Meadowcraft In v. Compex International Co.,47 USPQ 2d 1665,1670 (N.D.Ga.1998)
    [90]Morton-Norwich Products Inc.,213 U.S.P.Q.9 (CCPA 1982).
    [91]Nextel Communications, Inc.v. Motorola, Inc. Opposition No.91164353 to application Serial No.78235365 (TTAB 2009)
    [92]Paligero v. Wallace China Co.,198 F.2d 339,343 (CA 9,1952).
    [93]Park'N Fly, Inc. v. Dollar Park and Fly, Inc., U.S.105 S.Ct.661,224 USPQ 329 (1985).
    [94]Pebble Beach Co. v Tour 181 Ltd.,155 F3d 526,540,48 USPQ 2d 1073 (5th Cir.1998);
    [95]Permatex Co. v. California Tube Prods. Inc.,175 USPQ 764 (TTAB 1972) 7.
    [96]Philmac Pty Ltd v the Registrar of Trade Marks (2002) 56 IPR 452
    [97]Plastulite Corp. v. Kassnar Imports,508 F.2d 824,184 USPQ 348 (CCPA 1975).
    [98]Pollak Steel Co.,31 F.2d 566,136 USPQ 651 (CCPA 1963).
    [99]Qualitex Co v. Jacobson Products Co.,514 U.S.159,164 U.S.P.Q.2d 1161 (1995).
    [100]R H Donnelley Inc v. USA Northland Directories Inc.,2004 WL 2713248 (D. Minn 2004)
    [101]R. L. Winson Rod Co.v. Sage Mfg. Co.,838 F.Supp.1396,29 USPQ 1779 (D.Mont.1993).
    [102]R. M. Smith, Inc.,734 F.2d 1482,1484,222 USPQ 1,3 (Fed.Cir.1984).
    [103]Racine Industries Inc v. Bane-Clene Corp.,35 USPQ 2d 1832,1839 (TTAB 1994)
    [104]Radio Corp of America v Decca Records,51 F supp 493 (1943).
    [105]Ralf Sieckmann v Deutches patent-und Markenamt Chanel's Application. Case C-273/00
    [106]Roux Lab., Inc. v. Clairol Inc.,427 F.2d 823 (CCPA.1970).
    [107]Russell Harrington Cutery Inc. v. Zivi Hercules Inc.,25 USPQ 2d 1965 (D.Mass.1992).
    [108]Schwinn Bicycle Co. v. Murray Ohio Mfg. Co.,172 USPQ 14,19 (M.D.Tenn.1971).
    [109]Sunbeam Products, Inc v. West Bend Co.,123 F3d 246,44 USPQ 2d 1168 (5th Cir.1997)
    [110]Seabrook Foods, Inc. v. Bar-Well Foods, Ltd.,568 F.2d 1342 (C.C.P.A.1977)
    [111]Shire US Inc v. Barr Laboratories Inc.,329 F3d 348,66 USPQ 2d 1837(3d Cir 2003)
    [112]Singer Manufacturing Co. v. June Manufacturing Co163 U.S.169 (1896).
    [113]Smith, Kline & French Laboratories v. Clark & Clark,157 F.2d 725,730 (3rd Cir), cert denied,329 US 796 (1946).
    [114]Stuart Hall Co v. Ampad Corp.,51 F3d 780,34 USPQ 2d 1429 (8th Cir 1995)
    [115]Teledyne Industries Inc.,696 F.2d 968,971,217 USPQ 9,11 (Fed.Cir.1982)
    [116]Thee Nestle Company Inc v. Joyva Corporation,227 USPQ 477,479 (TTAB 1985)
    [117]Thomas & Betts Cprporation v. Panduit Corp.,34 USPQ 1545 (ND Ill.1994)
    [118]Thompson Medical Co., Inc. v. Pfizer Inc.753 F.2d 208 (CANY.,1985)
    [119]Topps Co. v. Gerrit J Verburg Co.,41 USPQ 2d 1412,1416 (SDNY 1996)
    [120]Traffix Devices Inc. v. Marketing Display Inc.,532 U.S.23 (2001).
    [121]Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc.,505 U.S.763, USPQ 2d 1081,1086 (1992).
    [122]University Book Store v. University of Wisconsin,33 USPQ 2D 1385,1406 (TTAB 1994)
    [123]Upper Deck Co.,59 USPQ2d 1688 (TTAB 2001).
    [124]US-Section 211 Appropriations Act, WT/DS176/AB/R
    [125]Valu Engineering, Inc. v. Rexnord Corp.,278 F.3d 1268 (Fed. Cir.2002)
    [126]Versa Products Co. v. Bifold Co. Ltd.,50 F 3d 189,33 USPQ2d 1801 (3rd Cir 1995)
    [127]Wallace Int'l Silversmiths Inc v. Godinger Silver Art Co.,916 F2d 76,80,16 USPQ 2d 1555 (2d Cir 1990), cetr denied,499 US 976 (1991)
    [128]Walmart Stores Inc. v. Samara Brothers Inc.,529 U.S.205 (2000).
    [129]Witco Corp.,14 USPQ 2d 1557,1560 (TTAB 1990)
    [130]World's Finest Chocolate, Inc.,474 F.2d 1012,177 USPQ 205 (CCPA 1973)
    [131]Yamaha Int'l Corp. v. Hoshino Gakki Co. Ltd.,840 F.2d 1572 (Fed Cir.1988).
    [132]Yellow Cab Transit Co. v. Louisville Taxicab & Transfer Co.,147 F.2d 407,64 USPQ 348 (6th Cir.1945).
    [133]Zatarian's, Inc. v. Oak Grove Smokehouse, Inc.,698 F.2d 786 (5th Cir.1983).
    [11]国际注册第G659177号德国Bausparkasse Schwabisch公司声音商标申请案.
    [14]国际注册第G778306号德国geobra brandstatter公司立体商标申请案.
    [21]国际注册第G889242号法国Bechtola Rachid公司声音商标申请案.

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