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On the basis of research object, the brand scientific research can be divided intotwo categories: one is brand activities as the object of study; second is brand theory asthe object of study. To brand activities as the object of study, development history fornearly20years in China, it has formed a spectacular knowledge results. In thisbackground, brand theory as the research object, the dissertation introducesscientometrics theories and methods, explores the inherent law of theory evolution ofChinese brand theory, finds that the knowledge base, the knowledge structure of maintheory and evolution path, reveals the frontier hot spots, evaluation of the mainstreamacademic group and its representatives, explores and builds a subject system of brandsciences.
     The first, the dissertation draws and analyzes network mapping of main theory ofbrand theory, reveals dynamic knowledge structure of main theory of brand theoryand theme change at different stage of development based on keywords co-occurrenceand cluster analysis method, based on4806papers and24960references data ofCSSCI source journal published from1998to2011, in scientometrics research ofknowledge structure and knowledge base of Chinese brand theory; builds keyevolutionary path analysis model by combining development stage and researchdimension, establishes key evolutionary path of main theory of brand theoryrespectively from the literature keyword change trend year by year, the evolution pathof research themes from three perspectives as well as the evolution of time sequence;draws and analyzes co-citation document mapping, reveals knowledge base ofChinese brand theory.
     The second, the dissertation reveals research hotspots and main research field ofbrand theory in combination with content analysis of highly cited frequency literaturefrom mapping of documents co-citation network and mapping analysis on keywordsco-occurrence network, based on2256papers and17750references data of CSSCIsource journal published from2007to2011, in scientometrics analysis of researchhotspots and research front of Chinese brand theory; finds that research front of brandtheory forms the pattern of “core-derivative-edge” three levels and19research topics,by drawing document co-citation mapping, in combination with content analysis ofcited literature, word frequency and content analysis of subject headings and key words of citation literature.
     The third, the dissertation draws and analyzes co-author network of core authorsand keywords co-occurrence network based on2-network model, discoverys andevaluates high influence authors, mainstream academic groups, faction andrepresentative personage, by means of statistics, citation, co-occurrence, socialnetwork analysis and other methods, based on5462authors and8267keywords dataof4806papers of CSSCI source journal published from1998to2011, inscientometrics analysis of mainstream academic groups and representative personageof Chinese brand theory research.
     Finally, the dissertation puts forward an experimental operational branddefinition and total brand management model on the basis of defining intension andextension of brand, relationship between the concepts. Based on intrinsic mechanismof subject form and the subject composition, the dissertation puts forward brandscientific classification standard and Framework, builds discipline system of Chinesebrand sciences, explores and puts forward general paradigm of theoretical system ofbrand sciences, Basic framework and block diagram of “Discipline-research-object”on three-dimensional dynamic structure.
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