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Financial geography is a newly developed discipline. The motif of financial geography is spatial disparities、 spatial process and spatial reciprocity. The paper provides us with a new method and a new angle for studying economic problems. This paper mainly studies the regional financial development disparities in the round in China. The thesis is an organic whole and goes forward one by one.The actuality of regional financial discrepancies is the core of the study of spatial disparities. Chapter 3 deals with comparing regional financial discrepancies from different angles. It not only compares bankings insurance markets security market in all the provinces, but also establishes the regional overall financial competitiveness system of indices which include display indices and explainable indices. This part also uses principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster procedure to analyze financial actuality of all the regions. It suggests "Fuzzy Curve" method application to validate theoretical hypothesis. Display indices reveal the regional financial discrepancies; However explainable indices explain the reason for the financial gap.On the basis of the above investigative outcome, chapter 4 constructs a model of spatial distributing center of gravity of finance to probe into the spatial process of regional finance. It makes use of the data of 1985、 1995、 1999 and the latest three years to explore the changing tendency of the spatial distributing center of gravity of finance. This part points out the westward moving of the financial distributing center of gravity. The fourth chapter takes full account of each region's individuality and makes hierarchical cluster analysis. Going on this premise, it also utilize the theory of information hinterland to fix on regional financial centers and draws a conclusion that the district finance would be taken place by economic zone finance naturally and gradually.In order to integrate qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, chapter 5 analyzes the reasons for financial discrepancies in He Nan、 Shan Xi and Zhe Jiang. It emphasizes the importance of geography, financial character, entrepreneur screening
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