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本文分为两个部分:第一部分是用蛋白质印迹聚合物分离富集天然微量蛋白质的研究;第二部分是用nested PCR方法阐明编码猪内质网体中FKBP23的cDNA及克隆表达的研究。
     第二部分的研究工作是用nested PCR方法阐明编码猪内质网体中FKBP23的cDNA及克隆表达的研究。我们希望提高蛋白质印迹聚合物的广适性,并且进一步研究纯化的天然蛋白质的性质。我们选取猪FKBP23作为模板蛋白质,因为FKBP23是在内质网体中的一种糖蛋白,具有重要的生物学意义。在内质网体的选择方面,我们选择了猪肝中的内质网体。因为猪肝容易获得且廉价。因此需要克隆表达猪FKBP23为后续的工作奠定基础。
     由于猪FKBP23的序列并未报道,我们根据已知物种的FKBP23序列的同源性分析,设计引物,PCR及序列分析,得到猪FKBP23的一段序列。再根据获得的序列,应用nested PCR的方法找寻FKBP23的5'及3'端序列,接拼得到632 bp cDNA序列。已申请NCBI的GenBank得到的序列号为No.EU545235。根据序列分析猪FKBP23的结构域及性质。我们根据获得的序列构建重组质粒,在大肠杆菌中克隆表达及提纯猪FKBP23蛋白质。采用亲和吸附法研究发现重组猪FKBP23与内质网体中天然BiP可以特异性结合并且结合受Ca~(2+)浓度的调控。为进一步研究蛋白质印迹聚合物的广适性,以猪FKBP23为模板的蛋白质印迹聚合物的制备,及研究纯化的天然猪FKBP23性质奠定了基础。
This dissertation is composed of two parts: the first part investigated separation/enrichment of active natural low content protein using protein imprinted polymer; The second part of this dissertation studied de novo cloning of FKBP23 cDNA from pig ER using nested PCR and protein expression.
     Protein imprinted polymer studied in the first part is based on previous research production of our laboratory. In addition to small molecules, proteins can also be used as templates. There are thousands of types of protein within a cell and most are present at relatively low levels. Indeed, some proteins can exist in just a few copies, even though they perform important biological functions within a cell. Molecular-cloning techniques allow scientists to study these proteins by producing them in large quantities from cloned genes. However, cloned proteins are not identical to natural ones in vivo. Therefore, researchers are interested in purifying natural proteins from cell extracts all the time. In previous work, we reported a new method for protein imprinting with the assistant recognition polymer chains (ARPCs), which shows good recognition specificity.
     In this work, we synthesized a new type of the assistant recogniton polymer chains with random distributed double recognition sites. Pyridyl and carboxyl groups were used as recognition sites. Cloned pig cyclophilin 18 (pCyP18) was used as template. The template protein was selectively assembled with ARPCs from their library. These assemblies of protein and ARPCs were adsorbed by porous polymeric beads and immobilized by cross-linking polymerization. After removing the template, the synthesized imprinted polymer was used to adsorb authentic pCyP18 from cell extract, and its proportional content was enriched 200 times. The concentration of natural pCyP18 adsorbed in eluent in this work enables the assay of PPIase activity to be performed. The assay of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans-isomerase (PPIase) activity showed that natural pCyP18 is more active than cloned pCyP18 and, in particular, it is much more sensitive to the suppressant cyclosporine A (CsA).
     The second part of this thesis studied de novo cloning of FKBP23 cDNA from pig ER using nested PCR and protein expression. We hope to improve the eurytopicity of protein imprinted polymer and research natural protein. FKBP23 is a glycoprotein retained in endoplasmic reticulum (ER). If cloned pig FKBP23 as template protein can be prepared, natural pig FKBP23 in the ER can be acquired by protein imprinted polymer. We are interested in purifying natural FKBP23 and researching the function of glycosyl in FKBP23. Pig liver is a handy and abundant source to acquire the ER.
     The sequence of pFKBP23 was not reported. According to two highly conservative regions of nucleotide sequences of several detected species, we designed primers and used PCR to amplify the middle segment of the pFKBP23 gene. From this sequence we used nested PCR to extend the nucleotide sequence towards 5' and 3' ends for detecting the full length cDNA encoding pig FKBP23. Our result is available from GenBank with accession No. EU545235. We constructed a plasmid to express pFKBP23. Furthermore, we proved that the recombinant pFKBP23 can specifically bind to natural BiP, and the binding is interrelated with the Ca~(2+)concentration. These will be a foundation to research natural pFKBP23.
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