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以匀速DDoS攻击流的源端网络自适应检测算法研究为核心,重点讨论了与源端网络DDoS对抗有关的五个问题,即(ⅰ)DDoS攻防技术;(ⅱ)对TCP DDoS攻击流的行为建模;(ⅲ)针对匀速DDoS攻击流的源端网络自适应检测算法的设计;(ⅳ)不同发送方式下DDoS攻击流的破坏性;(ⅴ)源端网络中不同发送方式下DDoS攻击流的可检测性。
     第三,建立了描述TCP DDoS攻击流破坏行为的数学模型。在攻击源数目和攻击源发送速率相同的情况下,利用该模型可以对匀速攻击流、迸发式脉冲攻击流和组群式脉冲攻击流三者之间的行为差异做出如下解释。(ⅰ)匀速攻击流和组群式脉冲攻击流对网络资源的占用均与时间无关,但二者相比,组群式脉冲攻击流的链路带宽占用率和资源占用函数值均低于匀速攻击流。(ⅱ)对于进发式脉冲攻击流而言,其链路带宽占用率、资源占用函数和网络资源占用增益函数均与时间有关,但其突发期间对网络资源的占用与匀速攻击流的情况接近。
     第四,分析了当前国内外有关源端网络DDoS攻击流检测方法研究的发展现状和最新成果,重点关注了三类检测方法,即基于攻击特征匹配的攻击流检测、基于网络流量自相似性的攻击流检测和基于双向报文比的攻击流检测。提出了基于双向报文比统一构建源端网络TCP/UDP DDoS攻击流检测统计量的方法,并建立了相应的数学模型。
Five problems on source-end defense against DDoS attacks are discussed. Respectively,they are(ⅰ) DDoS attacks and defense,(ⅱ) TCP DDoS traffic modeling, (ⅲ) adaptive algorithms for source-end detection of constant rate DDoS traffic,(ⅳ) disruption caused by different DDoS traffic,and(ⅴ) detectability of different DDoS traffic.
     Firstly,DDoS attacks are systematically discussed,including their classification, organization,some typical attacks and other problems involved in an attack.We conclude that countermeasures against DDoS attacks will be focused on their source-end networks.Analysis on current DDoS defense mechanisms is made following a line of victim-end defense,intermediate defense and source-end defense.
     Secondly,a new kind of traffic transmitting policy named grouped pulsing transmission is proposed.Under the ground of two typical scheduling mechanisms, FCFS(First Come First Served) and SFQ(Start-time Fair Queuing),discussion is made on the disruption of constant rate traffic,pulsing traffic and grouped pulsing traffic,emphasized on the influence of scheduling mechanisms on these different DDoS traffic.Simulation results show that grouped pulsing traffic with flexible configurations can not only result in heavy disruption at the victims,but also decrease the efficacy of scheduling mechanisms in suppressing DDoS traffic.
     Thirdly,a model is proposed for describing behavior of different TCP DDoS traffic.According to this model,explanation is made as follows on the behavior diversity of constant rate traffic,pulsing traffic and grouped pulsing traffic when the number of attacking machines and the transmission rate are equally configured.(ⅰ) Occupation on network resources by constant rate traffic and grouped pulsing traffic is independent of time.However,grouped pulsing traffic may result in less link bandwidth occupation ratio and resource occupation compared with constant rate traffic.(ⅱ) As far as pulsing traffic is concerned,the link bandwidth occupation ratio, function of resource occupation and plus function of resource occupation are all independent of time.However,the resource occupation by pulsing traffic during its pulsing time is similar with that of constant rate traffic.
     Fourthly,development of source-end detection of DDoS traffic is analyzed, emphasized on three detection methods,namely,character matching,detection based on self-similarity of the traffic and detection based on two-way packets ratio.A generic detection statistic is constructed for source-end detection of TCP/UDP DDoS traffic based on the two-way packets ratio,and a model is established for it.
     Fifthly,an adaptive algorithm named A-EWMA is proposed based on the assumption of normal distribution.Performance analysis is made in terms of probability of false alarms,probability of a miss during an attack,probability of detection,and detection delay.Compared with the traditional EWMA algorithm, A-EWMA has three distinct characters,that is,(ⅰ) forming on-line estimations of the statistical characters of the detection statistic,(ⅱ) adjusting its detection threshold according to the variations of network traffic and the latest detection result,(ⅲ) decreasing disturbance of random abnormalities in the normal network traffic by consecutive cumulation of threshold violations.Simulations results on source-end detection of SYN flooding and UDP flooding show(ⅰ) A-EWMA excels methods with fixed threshold following the same valid detection confirmation rules,(ⅱ) A-EWMA excels the existing source-end detection algorithms in detecting the same kind of attacks,(ⅲ) A-EWMA works better in detecting SYN flooding than it does in detecting UDP flooding;However,the discrepancy in detecting SYN flooding and UDP flooding by A-EWMA is less than that by methods with fixed threshold.
     Sixthly,a nonparametric adaptive CUSUM algorithm named A-CUSUM is proposed.In the traditional CUSUM algorithm,detection threshold can not be set adaptively,which is solved by A-CUSUM based on the Chebyshev inequality.In addition,a distinct function is added which can continue monitoring the anomaly for its possible end after an alarm is raised.Analytical results on probability of false alarms,probability of a miss during an attack,probability of detection,and detection delay are deduced.By comparing the simulation results of A-CUSUM and A-EWMA in detecting SYN flooding and UDP flooding,we suggest adopting both algorithms in parallel anomaly detection of network traffic so as to further improve the detection of subtle DDoS traffic.
     Lastly,comparisons on the detectability of constant rate traffic,pulsing traffic and grouped pulsing traffic in their source-end networks are made in a way independent of any detection algorithms.Simulation results show that grouped pulsing traffic excels the other two.
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