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Traffic construction is the artery of the infrastructure construction of our country. It playsa decisive role in the development of the national economy. Highway is one of the importantsigns of the development level of a country, and it is the key component of traffic constructionsystem as well. The highway construction in mountainous area is a complex system, wherethe safety of the construction is affected by the arrangement of construction, safety measures,hydrological geology, natural environment and other aspects. These risk factors are highuncertainty and have complicated relation between each other and lead to many accidents inthe highway construction, which induces great national property loss and bad social influence.It is an urgent problem to be solved that how to provide scientifically analysis of safety riskand safety management in the mountain highway construction, to effectively control safetyrisk, prevent safety accidents, reduce the property loss and casualties of workers, and improveeconomic benefit and social benefit as well. This requires researches of the safetymanagement system from a new angle. It needs thorough understanding in the theory of thepolicy system, identification and control of dangerous factors, accident-causing mechanism,mathematical theory and method of evaluating, as well as careful analysis in the practice ofthe organization and personnel duties, safety management measures, emergency managementmethods and procedures, to establish effective safety management system. Based on the fieldinvestigation and study on literature information, and with the applications of the theory ofsafety system engineering, theory of security, safety management system and fuzzymathematics theory, this paper analyzes the main effective factors on the safety managementof mountain highway construction, and safety management policy system, risk elementssource identification and risk assessment, construction safety assessment, warning systemconstruction are also studied. It provides a systematic research on construction safetyassessment and security warning in mountain highway construction from the side of owner ofthe construction. Important research works of this paper are given as following:
     The policy system of safety management on mountain highway construction is studied.Based on the complex engineering geology and construction technical characteristics inmountainous aero, the analysis of construction safety management policy is set out from theconstruction phase of the project management. Combined with highway construction safetymanagement status in our country, detailed analysis and system summary on the safety management and supervision mechanism, security incentive and constraint mechanism, safetyinvestment and resources guarantee mechanism, and safety culture construction andeducational mechanism are conducted to provide a safety management policy system onmountain highway construction that adapts to the situation of our country.
     The basic theory of risk evaluation is applicated in mountain highway constructionproject. The meaning, composition and classification of risk source are analyzed and theaccident-causing mechanism of risk source in the construction is also studied. Based on theanalysis of risk source identification process, identification method and classification inmountain highway construction, quantitative and qualitative evaluations on risk source aregiven. Combined with the engineering practice, the risk evaluation purpose, procedures andmethods are provided. The construction risk evaluation of road and bridge is conducted usingLEC method, when that of tunnel is conducted by considering the expert weight of riskprobability assessment method.
     The safety evaluation indicator system of mountain highway construction is determinedon the base of analysis on connotation, meaning and characteristics of highway constructionsafety evaluation. The fuzzy mathematics method is used to establish fuzzy comprehensivesafety evaluation model of mountain highway construction. The safety evaluation indexweight is determined by the method of expert questionnaire scoring and the safety assessmentis accomplished combining with the project example. The risk factors involved in mountainhighway construction are dynamic clustering analyzed and optimal scheme clusteringanalyzed based on the objective function with fuzzy clustering method.
     Based on the safety risk analysis of mountainous highway construction and combinedwith the theory of early warning management, a safety prevention system concept andconstructing, the concept of mountain highway construction is put forward and the framesystem construction is built up. Different main responsibilities in the safety precautionssystem are made clear and the preventive subjects of different phases of construction arepointed out. The principles and strategies of emergency management, principle of emergencydisposal, organizational structure and functions, and operation mechanism and supervision arealso studied.
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