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背景目前神经电生理诊断神经肌肉接头病变有两种方法:重复神经电刺激(Repeative Nerve Stimulation,RNS)和单纤维肌电图(Single fiberelectromyography,SFEMG)。RNS临床最常用于重症肌无力及肌无力综合症的诊断,SFEMG)临床上最常用于对重症肌无力的诊断,还可用于肌萎缩侧索硬化,和肌肉病等的辅助诊断。研究发现:肌萎缩侧索硬化(Amyotrophic lateralsclerosis,ALS)除上下运动神经元损害外,再生的神经末梢也可引起神经肌肉接头处功能紊乱,SFEMG可发现异常改变,这有助于ALS鉴别诊断。SFEMG虽然敏感性较高但存在技术要求高、病人需主动配合及有创、费用高、难以推广的弊端,因此临床上希望有一种能替代SFEMG的检查,用以研究ALS病人神经肌肉接头的功能和对预后进行判断。国外已有研究认为ALS病人可出现RNS低频递减现象,但均为对单一神经小样本的研究,缺乏对RNS与ALS病情进展速度、起病部位关系的详细研究,更缺乏对ALS患者的RNS与SFEMG的比较性研究及RNS在非ALS肌肉萎缩无力中的鉴别诊断意义的研究。并且仍有国际的诊断标准认为ALS的RNS低频递减不应超过20%。本研究将在较大样本的ALS确诊和拟诊病例临床和电生理研究基础上,对6条神经给予RNS及部分病人同时SFEMG检查。
     目的继续筛查我院2008-09年初散发性患者人群中SOD1基因突变;在以中国人群组成的样本中研究增加SALS致病风险相关的SNP。方法提取样本外周血基因组DNA,PCR扩增SOD1 5个外显子,产物复性结合饱和荧光后进行高分辨熔解突变筛选,可疑样本送测序;不对称PCR扩增包含目标SNP在内的片段,高分辨熔解完成非标记探针的基因分型。
     结论(1)我们发现的一例SOD1 V47A突变患者是我院发现的第二例V47A突变,该类型突变在世界上尚无报导,这两个V47A突变患者临床表型有很大不同;D90A是在欧洲常见的SOD变异,一般认为有很强的区域特异性,国内目前尚无报导。另一无意突变为第10207位由C突变为T,基因库尚无报导。2006年到现在,本研究组已经完成188名SALS和两个FALS家系中的SOD1突变研究,共发现了8个突变位点。(2)我们的研究未发现Rs2306677位点和增加SALS的致病风险相关,这可能和ALS本复杂的遗传异质性相关。
Background and Objectives Thereare two neural electrophysiological ways to diagnosis neuromuscular junction disease:repetitive nerve stimulation(RNS) and single fiber electromyography(SFEMG).RNS is the most common method used to diagnosis myasthenia gravis and myasthenia syndrome.SFEMG is used to MG,ALS, and muscle diseases.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can induce neuromuscular disorders in addition to upper and lower motor neuron damage.SFEMG is generally used for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of ALS.However,there are some defects of SFEMG,such as technically demanding,time consuming,more invasive and so on although the high sensitivity of it.Therefore,there is a clinical need to find a new method to alternative to SFEMG.Some studies suggest that ALS patients may be a decrement with stimulation at slow rate on RNS.But,small samples were used in all of these studies.Moreover,there are international standards that the reduced low-frequency RNS in ALS should not exceed 20%.In addition,those were unknown what is the relationship between RNS and onset of the detailed parts,clinical severity,disease staging or disease progression,what is the consistency in the comparison of RNS and SFEMG,and what's the meaning of the differential diagnosis by RNS study between muscle atrophy in non-ALS and in ALS patient.In this study, larger samples of ALS cases confirmed and suspected by clinical and electrophysiological study have been exanimated using RNS and SFEMG at the same time.We performed following works:(1) To investigate the RNS positive rate and the decrement degree of ALS patients,the area difference of responses to RNS, and if NI index,onset site,clinical disease classification(light-in-weight-critical), progression rate of disease,gender and age are related with RNS.(2) To compare RNS with SFEMG in the diagnosis of ALS.(3) To investigate the RNS positive rate in non-ALS with muscular atrophy and weakness,and if RNS can be used for ALS diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
     Methods 101 ALS patients registered with detailed information in the neurology out-patient or ward of Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Since May 2008 to April 2009.RNS examination was employed for all patients and SFEMG examination only for Some patients(43cases) at the same time.Another 40 cases of non-ALS out-patient with muscle atrophy and weakness were examinated by RNS.
     Reslts(1) ALS was manifest on RNS as a decrement with stimulation at slow rate.The ALS-positive rate was 53%.No case of high-frequency increments occurred.(2) The positive rate of axillary nerve,accessorius nerve,radial nerve, ulnar nerve,facial nerve,tibial nerve is 30.6%,25%,15.5%,7.8%,1%,0%, respectively.(3) No correlation between RNS-positive group and sex,age(P>0.05); higher RNS-positive rate of limb onset than that of bublar onset(P<0.05);The progression rate of disease of RNS positive group was significantly increased than negative RNS group(P<0.05);The ulnar nerve CMAP(motor nerve action potential) of RNS positive group was significantly lower than the RNS negative group(P<0.05); No correlation between RNS positive rate and disease duration(
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