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The issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations is an important aspect of the rivalry between China and the United States during the Cold War. This paper elaborates the process of the evolution of the US's policy towards the issue of Chinese representation in the United Nations from1949to1971. The process of evolution of the US's policy is also discussed in the context of the rivalry of the United States and the Soviet Union and in the change of international political structure.
     This paper mainly consists of four parts. The first chapter describes the Sino-UN relationship. Because of the Chinese tremendous contribution to the victory of the World War against Fascism, the international status of China is greatly enhanced and widely recognized by the international community. During the course of the establishment of the United Nations, China became a sponsor country among the four sponsor countries and got a permanent member of the Security Council. After the San Francisco Conference in1946, Republic of China was on behalf of the Chinese all the time.
     The second chapter describes the origin of the Chinese representation and America's China policy from1949to1960. Along with the failure of the Kuomintang government in the civil war and the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the government of the People's Republic of China became the sole legal government in China and it should have and execute the power in the United Nations on behalf of the Chinese. In November1949, the government of China proposed to restore New China's legitimate seat in the UN. In January1951, the representative of the Soviet Union addressed one major objection about the nonrecognition of the representatives of Kuomintang and proposed to drive them out of the UN Security Council. Because of the policy of nonrecognition and "Wait for the dust to be settled" towards China taken by the United States, it insisted upon a netural course on the issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations. After the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States took the comprehensive containment strategy towards the communist China. The United States was opposed to the access of China into the United Nations. In the fifth session of the UN general assembly in September1950, the drafts resolutions about the recognition of China's representation in the United Nations raised by the Soviet Union and India were rejected. America claimed its objection was because of the fighting between China and Armed forces for United Nations in the North Korea. Form the6th general assembly in1951to the15th general assembly in1960, the United States took the measure of "Moratorium Resolution" on the issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations.
     The third chapter is about the dilemma of American containment policy towards China and the stalemate in the issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations from1961to1968. American containment and isolation policy towards China continued be adopted in1960s. But with the American further involvement in the Vietnam War abroad and the national anti-war movement and instability at home, the United States got into trouble and the American foreign policy and strategy was limited. There are two major changes in the United Nations during this time. With more and more African countries becoming the member of the United Nations, the domination of the United States in the United Nations was limited. The number of countries which supports the "Moratorium Resolution" is decreasing. The United States initiated the "important question" resolution in16th General Assembly and regarded Chinese representation in the United Nations as the major issue.
     The forth chapter talks about the Sino-US relation's detente and settlement of the issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations. By the end of1960s and the early1970s, there were changes in the International pattern. The Five-power center appeared in the world, the global hegemony strategy of the United States was pinned down greatly by the Vietnam War and the Sino-Soviet alliance broke down. The changes in the international situation made the United States realize the strategic benefits of the improvement of the China-U.S. relations. The United States began to adjust its policy towards China and mend the relations with China. The block of the Chinese representation in the United Nations was unsustainable at the same time. In the25th general assembly in1970, though the "important question" draft resolution was passed, the draft resolution about the resumption of Chinese legitimate seat in the United Nations won the support of most countries. The United States sought to get rid of the passive status and put forward to the "Dual Representation", which meant seat Peking in the UN while the membership of "Republic of China" would be continued. It was the "Two China" policy in fact and ended in failure. On October25,1971, the26th session of the UN general assembly was to vote on the issue of Chinese representation in the United Nations and the "Important Question Inverse" draft resolution was rejected. Then the Albanian resolution was to vote and it was passed overwhelmingly, which restored the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations. The issue of Chinese representation in the United Nations was finally resolved.
     With a systematic inspection of the issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations, it can be seen that the struggle over this issue not only refers to the diplomatic problem of the Sino-US relations but also refers to internal political problem of the cross-straits relations. In the context of Cold War, America's China policy has changed from contradiction, containment to relaxation. And the settlement of the issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations is the result of fact that the US faces reality and views the changes of China's international status and influence from a strategic perspective, it is also a result of Sino-US's detente.
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    ⑤ (加)唐·佩奇:《中国在联合国的代表权:加拿大的观点和倡议》,载(加)包义文、傅尧乐主编:《新开端:加拿大与中华人民共和国(1949—1970)》,天津师大加拿大研究中心译,郑州:河南人民出版社,1995年,第120—137页;(加)诺尔曼·阿默尔:《美国对中加关系的影响(1963—1968))》,同上书,第143—174页。
    ⑥ 王正华主编:《中华民国与联合国史料汇编.中国代表权》(以下简称《中国代表权》),台北:国史馆,2001年。
    ① 《国际条约集(1934—1944》,北京:世界知识出版社,1961年,第337—338页。
    ② 转引自李铁城:《联合国五十年》,中国书籍出版社,1996年,第26页。
    ③ 李铁城:《联合国五十年》,第26页。
    ① Cordell Hull, Memoirs of Cordell Hull, Vol.2, New York:Macmillan,1948,p1282.
    ② 方连庆:《现代国际关系史资料选辑》下册,北京:北京大学出版社,1987年,第299页。
    ③ 方连庆主编:《现代国际关系史(1917—1945)》,北京大学出版社,1990年,第559页。
    ④ 《国际条约集(1934—-1944)》,第408页。
    ① 即美苏达成损害中国主权的《雅尔塔会秘密协定》,包括1、外蒙古(蒙古人民共和国)的现状须予维持;2、由日本1904年背信弃义进攻所破坏的俄国以前权益须予恢复,即:甲、库库页岛南部及邻近一切岛屿须交还苏联:乙、大连商港须国际化,苏联在该港的优越权益须予保证,苏联之租用旅顺港的海军基地须予恢复;丙、对担任通往大连之出路的中东铁路和南满铁路应设立一苏中合办的公司以共同经营之:经谅解,苏联的优越权益须予保证而中国须保持在满洲的全部主权。3、千岛群岛须交予苏联。
    ② 后增加为9个理事国。
    ③ 参见(苏)萨纳柯耶夫·崔布列夫斯基主编:《德黑兰、雅尔塔、波茨坦会议文件集》,北京:三联书店,1978年,第251页。
    ① 李铁城:《联合国五十年》,第37页。
    ② 5月9日,葛罗米柯继莫洛托夫之后成为苏联的首席代表。
    ③ (美)舍伍德:《罗斯福与霍普金斯——二次大战时期白宫实录》下册,北京:商务印书馆,1980年,第583页。
    ④ (美)威廉·哈代·麦克尼尔:《美国、英国、和俄国——它们的合作和冲突(1941—1946)》下册,叶佐译,上海:上海译文出版社,1978年,第921-922页。
    ① 李铁城:《中国的大国地位及对创建联合国的贡献》,《中国社会科学》1992年第6期,第132页。
    ② 转引自陈鲁直、李铁城主编:《联合国与世界秩序》,北京:北京语言学院出版社,1993年,第90页。
    ① 秦孝仪主编:《中华民国重要史料初编——对日抗战时期》第三编,战时外交,第1卷,台北中国国民党中央委员会党史委员会,1981年,第616页。
    ② 《罗斯福选集》,北京:商务印书馆,1982年,第361页。
    ③ 参见《战后世界历史长编》编委会编:《战后世界历史长编》第一册,上海:上海人民出版社,1975年,第344页。
    ④ (美)舍伍德:《罗斯福与霍普金斯——二次大战时期白宫实录》下册,第15、19页。
    ⑤ 《国际条约集》(1933—1944),第403页。
    ⑥ 陈鲁直、李铁城主编:《联合国与世界秩序》,第376页。
    ① 荣孟源主编:《中国国民党历次代表大会及中央全会资料》下册,北京:光明日报出版社,1985年,第742页。
    ② 《德黑兰、雅尔塔、波茨坦会议记录摘要》,上海:上海人民出版社,1974年,第38-40页。
    ③ 秦孝仪主编:《中华民国重要史料初编——对日抗战时期》第三编,战时外交,第3卷,第815页。
    ④ 参见刘少华:《中国与联合国的创建》,《世界历史》1996年第3期,第12—13页。
    ⑤ 秦孝仪主编:《中华民国重要史料初编——对日抗战时期》第三编,战时外交,第3卷,第826页。
    ① (苏)C.B.克里洛夫主编:《联合国史料》第一卷,张瑞祥、马华、徐俊人、刘文宗译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1955年,第83页。
    ② (苏)C.B.克里洛夫主编:《联合国史料》第一卷,第84页。
    ④ (苏)C.B.克里洛夫主编:《联合国史料》第一卷,146页。
    ⑤ 《顾维钧回忆录》第五分册,第530—531页。
    ⑥ 《毛泽东选集》第三卷,人民出版社1991年,1085页。
    ⑦ 杨瑞广:《人民的使者——记董必武同志参加旧金山制宪会议片断》,载《人民日报》1985年10月21日。
    ① 中国代表团由10人组成,团长宋子文,成员有顾维钧、王宠惠、魏道明、李璜、张君劢、董必武、胡适、吴贻芳、胡霖。
    ① 《美国国务院、陆军部、海军部协调委员会报告(SWNCC83/1)》,华盛顿,1945年10月22日。见资中筠:《追根溯源:战后美国对华政策的缘起与发展(1945—1950)》,上海:上海人民出版社,2000年,第376页。
    ② 陶文钊:《1949—1950年美国对华政策与承认问题》,《历史研究》1993年第4期,第124页。
    ③ PPS 39, To Review and Define United States Policy Towards China, September 7,1948, FRUS,1948, Vol. Ⅷ, pp.146—155.
    ④ NSC 41, Note by the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council(Souers), on United States Policy Regarding Trade with China, February 28,1949, FRUS,1949, Vol. Ⅸ, pp.826-834.
    ① Memorandum by Acting Secretary of State to President Truman, January 14,1949, FRUS,1949, Vol.9, pp.265-267.
    ② 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949-1972)》中卷,第12页。
    ③ 张小明:《美国与东亚关系导论》,北京:北京大学出版社,2011年,第112页。
    ④ 袁明、哈里·哈丁:《中美关系史上沉重的一页》,北京:北京大学出版社,1989年,第251页。
    ⑤ 资中筠:《追根溯源:战后美国对华政策的缘起与发展(1945—1950)》,第227页。
    ⑥ 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第12页。
    ② The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices, May 6,1949; The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China(Stuart), May 13,1948,FRUS,1949, Vol.Ⅸ,p.p.1721-23.
    ① The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China(Stuart), May 13,1948,FRUS,1949, Vol. Ⅸ, pp.21-23.
    ② Memorandum by Mr. Gerald Stryker of the Office of Chinese Affairs, November 2,1949, FRUS,1949. Vol.9,pp.154-159.
    ③ Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Burma(Huddle), June 4,1949; Memorandum of Conversation, June 10,1949 FRUS,1949, Vol. Ⅸ, p.p.34,37-39.
    ④ the Ambassador in China(Stuart) to The Secretary of State, May 5、9、10,1948; The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices, May 6,1949; The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China(Stuart), May 13,1948, FRUS,1949, Vol.Ⅸ, pp.16-23.
    ⑤ 陶文钊:《中美关系史(1911—1950)》,重庆:重庆出版社,1993年,第470页。
    ⑥ 1949年2月,刚任国务卿不久的艾奇逊应51名共和党众议员的要求,谈论中国问题。当有人问及他对局势的估计时,他答称,森林里一棵大树倒下,需等尘埃落定,才能看清其造成的后果。参见Acheson Dean, Present at the Creation:My Years in the State Department, New York:Norton,1969, p.306国内学者也把1949年初到1950年6月的美国对华政策概括为“等待尘埃落定”,参见资中筠:《追根溯源:战后美国对华政策的缘起与发展(1945—1950)》,第221—252页。
    ② 《人民日报》1949年11月27日。
    ③ 《人民日报》1949年11月29日。当时国民党集团在联大提出“控苏案”,处理苏联“对中国的政治独立和领土完整的威胁,及对远东和平的威胁问题。”由于美英代表的支持,该提案列入议程。
    ④ 《首席代表蒋廷黻驳斥苏联代表马立克否认中华民国代表团法律地位的声明是破坏联合国法律和道德的基础》,1949年12月29日,见王正华主编:《中国代表权》,第6页。
    ⑤ 谢益显主编:《中国外交史——中华人民共和国时期(1949—1979)》),郑州:河南人民出版社,1988年,第40页。
    ① The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State, Jan.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.191-194.
    ② 毛泽东访苏期间致周恩来电文(1950年1月7日),致刘少奇电文(1950年1月13日),分别参见中华人民共和国外交部、中央文献研究室编:《毛泽东外交文选》,北京:中央文献出版社、世界知识出版社,1994年,第123、125页。
    ③ 《人民日报》1950年1月9日。
    ④ 《苏联代表马立克提案否认中华民国在联合国安全理事会合法地位》,1950年1月11日,《中国代表权》,第10页。
    ⑤ 《苏联代表马立克提案否认中华民国在联合国安全理事会合法地位》,1950年1月11日:《中华民国代表蒋廷黻在联合国安全理事会驳斥苏联代表提案违反联合国宪章》,1950年1月12日,《中国代表权》,第10-12页。
    ① 《中国代表权》,第7—9页。苏联、南斯拉夫投的是赞成票,美国、古巴、法国、埃及、厄瓜多尔、英国、挪威、国民党集团反对,印度弃权。对于暂时中止会议的安排,是由南斯拉夫代表先提出的,印度代表劳氏赞同,后美英也表示赞同。
    ② 《外交部长叶公超上呈行政院长阎锡山关于我国联合国安全理事会地位问题》,1950年1月14日,《中国代表权》,第16页:The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State, Jan.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.191-194.
    ② The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State, Jan.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.191-194.
    ③ The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State, Jan.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol.II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.191-194.
    ① The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin), Jan.12,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.194-195宪章第10条规定了大会的职权,“大会得讨论本宪章范围之内任何问题或事项,或关于本宪章所规定的任何机关之职权,并除第十二条所规定外,得向联合国会员国或安全理事会或兼向二者,提出对各该项问题或事项之建议。”参见许光建主编:《联合国宪章解释》,山西:山西教育出版社,1999年,第107页。
    ② The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.238-243.
    ③ The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950,FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.238-243.
    ④ 世界知识出版社编:《中美关系资料汇编》第二辑·上册,第35—36页。
    ⑤ 即经社理事会的程序委员会、防止歧视与保护少数民族委员会、无国籍者及有关问题特别委员会。
    ⑥ 《人民日报》1950年1月19日。
    ① 《联合国秘书长赖伊宣布中共要求派代表团进入联合国由各机构决定,惟中华民国政府仍为中国合法代表》,1950年1月20日,《中国代表权》,第18-19页。
    ② Memorandum of Meeting in the Office of the Secretary of State, Jan.21,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.205-207.
    ③ The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.238-243.
    ④ The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.238-243.
    ① The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.238-243.
    ② The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.239.
    ③ The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.238-243.
    ④ The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.238-243.
    ⑤ 宪章第23条规定了安理会的组成、非常任理事国及选举和任期、安理会理事国的人数等,其中第一款规定:“.....中华民国……应为安全理事会常任理事国。”参见许光建主编:《联合国宪章解释》,第163页。
    ⑤ The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Jan.27,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.210-213.
    ① The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Jan.27,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.210-213.
    ② The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Jan.27, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.210-213.
    ③ 《驻联合国代表蒋廷黻谴责联合国秘书长赖伊关于联合国代表问题法律方面的备忘录有损公正立场,美国代表重申支持中华民国》,1950年3月8日,《中国代表权》,第20-21页。
    ① Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council (Ross), Feb.25,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.227-228.
    ② Memorandum by Mr. John C. Ross, Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council, Mar.7,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol.11, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.233-235.
    ③ Memorandum by Mr. John C. Ross, Deputy United States Representative on the Security Council, Mar.7,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.233-235.
    ① 《驻联合国代表蒋廷黻谴责联合国秘书长赖伊关于联合国代表问题法律方面的备忘录有损公正立场,美国代表重申支持中华民国》,1950年3月8日,《中国代表权》,第20页。
    ② The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Mar.11,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.239.
    ③ 姚百慧:《约翰逊政府与中国在联合国的代表权问题(1964—1968))》,第2页。
    ④ 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第12页。
    ① 苏格:《美国对华政策与台湾问题》,北京:世界知识出版社,1998年,第144页。
    ① NSC 68, Note by the Executive Secretary to the National Security Council on United States Objectivess and Programs for National Security, April 14,1950,FRUS,1950, Vol. I, pp.234-292.
    ② 袁明:《新中国成立前后的美国对华政策观》,《历史研究》1987年第3期,第29--30页。
    ② United States.Dept.of State. Historical Offiee, American Foreign Policy 1950—1955:Basic Documents, New York:Arno Press,1971,pp.2539-2540另见梅孜主编:《美台关系重要资料选编:1948.11—1996.4)),北京:时事出版社,1997,第72页。
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, October 25,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.162.另见资中筠:《追根溯源——战后美国对华政策的缘起与发展(1945—19500》,第283--284页。
    ① NSC 64, Note by the Executive Secretary to the National Security Council on the Position of the United States with Respect to Indochina, February 27,1950, FRUS,1950. Vol. Ⅵ, pp.744-747.
    ② Memorandum by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs(Merchant) to the Assistant Secretary(Butterworth), FRUS,1950, Vol. Ⅵ, p.750.
    ③ 熊志勇:《中国与美国——迈向新世纪的回顾》,郑州:河南人民出版社,1995年,第190页。
    ① Memorandum by Miss Ruth Bacon, United Nations Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern, to the Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Chinese Affairs (Freeman), Jun.29,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. Ⅱ, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.246-247.
    ② Memorandum by Miss Ruth Bacon, United Nations Adviser, Bureau of Far Eastern, to the Acting Deputy Director of the
    Office of Chinese Affairs (Freeman), Jun.29,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. Ⅱ, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.246-247.
    ③ The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin), Jul.3,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.247.
    ① The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State, Jul.23,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol.II. The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.248-249.宪章第27条规定了安理会的表决程序。对于安理会的表决,应该首先区分是程序问题还是非程序问题。对于程序问题,“应该以七理事国(后改为九理事国)之可决票表决之,但对程序问题没有否决权,不需要大国一致原则:而对于非程序问题,“应以七理事国(后改为九理事国)之可决票包括全体常任理事国之同意票表决之”,适用否决权。关于27条的原文和解释,参见许光建主编:《联合国宪章解释》,第182-199页。
    ② The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin), Jul.29,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.249-250:许光建主编:《联合国宪章解释》,第207页。
    ③ The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France, Jul.29,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.250-251.
    ④ The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin), Jul.29,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.249-250.
    ⑤ The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France, Jul.29,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.250-251.
    ⑥ he Secretary of State to the Embassy in France, Jul.29,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.249-250.
    ⑦ The Ambassador in Norway (Bay) to the Secretary of State, Aug. I,FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.253.
    ① The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France, Jul.31,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.252.
    ② 《联合国安理会再次否决苏联提案,蒋廷黻严斥苏联代表马立克无知》,1950年8月1日,《中国代表权》,第21-23页。
    ② The British Embassy to the Department of State, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp. 259-261.
    ③ The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Franks), Aug.4, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.257-258.
    ① 《周恩来外交活动大事记,1949—1975》,北京:世界知识出版社,1993年,第21页。
    ② Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State, Aug.3,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.256-257.
    ① Minutes of Briefing Session of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly, Sep.7,1950,FRUS,1950, Vol. Ⅱ, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.269-274.
    ② 第一委员会隶属于大会,主要处理裁军和国际安全问题。
    ② Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State, Sep.14,1950,FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.287-290.
    ③ Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State, Sep.14,1950,FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.287-290.
    ① Position Paper Prepared in the Department of State, Sep.14,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. Ⅱ, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.287-290; Minutes of the First Meeting of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly, September 18, 1950,FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.291-295.
    ② Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the De Deputy United States Representative in the Security Council (Ross), Aug. 24, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.266.
    ③ The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State, Sep.6,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, pp.268-269.第一委员会隶属于大会,主要处理裁军和国际安全问题。
    ④ 王建朗:《新中国成立初年英国关于中国联合国代表权问题的政策演变》,第189页。
    ④ The United States Delegation at the Tripartite Foreign Ministers Meeting to the Acting Secretary of State, May 11,1950, FRUS, 1950, Vol.3, pp.1037-1038.
    ⑤ The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State, Sep.18,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere, p.295.
    ① 关于四项提案的内容,分别参见《中国代表权》第27—29页。在表决加拿大提案前,澳大利亚曾对加拿大草案加以修正,以“由主席推荐经大会任何之委员七人”字样,代替“由大会主席及主席选派之其他代表六人”等字,此项修正,为加拿大代表所接受。
    ② 委员会由加拿大、印度、厄瓜多尔、伊拉克、墨西哥、菲律宾、波兰组成。
    ① 《人民日报》1950年9月19日。
    ② 《人民日报》1950年11月26日。
    ③ 《人民日报》1950年11月30日。
    ④ 《驻美大使顾维钧报告联合国安全理事会邀中共代表出席》,1950年11月13日,《中国代表权》,第43-44页。
    ⑤ 伍修权:《回忆与怀念》,北京:中共中央党校出版社,1991年,第257页。
    ① 《人民日报》1950年11月30日。
    ② 外交部情报司编:《中国在联合国内的代表权问题》,1954年。
    ① 《七国委员会再次集会未能对中国代表权问题达成任何建议》,1951年11月16日,《中国代表权》,第46-47页。
    ② 《联合国大会第五届常会末次会议否决苏联所提“将中国代表权问题提交第六届大会讨论案”》,1951年11月5日,《中国代表权》,第47页。
    ③ 《我外交部发言人就5月18日五届联大决议的声明》,1951年5月22日,《中美关系资料汇编》第二辑·上册,第475页。
    ① 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第99—100页。
    ② 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第99页。
    ③ 陶文钊、牛军主编:《美国对华政策文件集(1949—1972)》第二卷·上,第438页。
    ④ NSC 64, Note by the Executive Secretary to the National Security Council on the Position of the United States with Respect to Indochina, February 27,1950, FRUS,1950, Vol. Ⅵ, pp.744-747.
    ① 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第107页。
    ② 杜勒斯:《1954年1月12日在纽约外交学会关于美国外交政策的演说:“外交政策的演变”》,《杜勒斯言论选辑》,北京:世界知识出版杜,1959年,第88页。
    ③ 《联合国大会第六届常会通过泰国对中国代表权缓议案》,1951年11月13日,《中国代表权》,第48页。该建议后来经不同的国家的提过,但文字大同小异。
    ① 《艾森豪威尔对记者谈话称“彻底而无可更改地反对红色中国在目前加入联合国”(一九五四年七月七日)》,见外交部情报司:《联合国内中国代表权问题参考资料》,1954年。
    ② 《美国国务卿杜勒斯对记者谈话说他深信我国不会在联合国任何一个主要机构中取得席位,一九五四年七月八日》,见外交部情报司:《联合国内中国代表权问题参考资料》,1954年。
    ③ 《美国众议院通过重申反对我国进入联合国的决议,一九五四年七月十五日》,见外交部情报司:《联合国内中国代表权问题参考资料》,1954年。
    ① 《美国参议院通过重申反对我国进入联合国的决议(对“共同安全法案”的修正案中的一段)一九五四年七月二十九日》,见外交部情报司:《联合国内中国代表权问题参考资料》,1954年。
    ① 《联合国大会第九届会议讨论关于中国代表权问题的临时记录,一九五四年九月二十一日》,见外交部情报司:《联合国内中国代表权问题参考资料》,1954年。
    ② 《“基督教科学箴言报”记者坎汉评九届联大搁置中国代表权的决议(原题为“为了在重大问题上的和睦,走中间路线”,一九五四年九月二十二日》,见外交部情报司:《联合国内中国代表权问题参考资料》,1954年。
    ③ Lincoln P. Bloomfield, "China, the United States, and the United Nations", p.673.
    ① 王缉思:《论美国“两个中国”政策的起源》,载资中筠、何迪主编《美台关系四十年(1949—1989)》,北京:人民出版社1991年版,第62页。
    ② 王缉思:《论美国“两个中国”政策的起源》,第62页。
    ③ 王缉思:《论美国“两个中国”政策的起源》,第63页。
    ④ Leonard A. Kusnitz, Public opinion and foreign policy:America's China policy,1949-1979, Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Pr, 1984, pp.803-842,87 note 3.
    ① 《中美关系(文件和资料选编)》,北京:人民出版社,1971年,第277页。
    ② 王缉思:《论美国“两个中国”政策的起源》,第67页。
    ③ 王缉思:《论美国“两个中国”政策的起源》,第67页。
    ④ 王缉思:《论美国“两个中国”政策的起源》,第67页。
    ⑤ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》上册,北京:世界知识出版社,1994年,第310页。
    ⑥ 转引自孙岩编著:《台湾问题与中美关系》,北京:北京大学出版社,2009年,第130页。
    ⑦ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》上册,第310页。
    ⑧ 中华人民共和国外交部、中央文献研究室编:《周恩来外交文选》,北京:中央文献出版社、世界知识出版社,1990年,第107页、225页。
    ① 中华人民共和国外交部、中央文献研究室编:《毛泽东外交文选》,第267页。
    ② 《周恩来同各国驻华使节的谈话》,1957年11月15日,载《周恩来外交文选》,第253、257页。
    ③ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》上册,第312页。
    ④ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》上册,第313页。
    ⑤ 毛泽东:《在关于国际情况的一些简讯上的批语》,1960年1月6日,转引牛大勇:《肯尼迪政府与1961年联合国的中国代表权问题之争》,第84页。
    ① 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》上册,第349页。
    ② 苏格:《美国对华政策与台湾问题》,第324页。
    ③ 西奥多·索伦森:《肯尼迪》,上海:上海译文出版社,1981年,第500—504页。
    ④ 刘子奎:《肯尼迪政府对华政策新论》,《中共党史研究》2010年第3期,第49页。
    ⑤ 李长久、施鲁佳主编:《中美关系二百年》,北京:新华出版社,1984年,第205-206页。
    ① 参见陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第252-253页。
    ② John F. Kennedy:"The President's News Conference," April 12,1961. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=8055.2013-03-26.
    ③ 陈志奇:《美国对华政策三十年》,第189—191页。
    ④ 李长久、施鲁佳主编:《中美关系二百年》,第174页。
    ⑤ 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第252页。
    ① 陶文钊主编:《中美关系史(1949—1972)》中卷,第253页。
    ② 朱明权主编:《约翰逊时期的美国对华政策(1964—1968)》,第4页。
    ③ 刘绪贻、杨生茂主编:《美国通史·战后美国史(1945—2000)》,北京:北京人民出版社,2002年,第296--297页。
    ④ 苏格:《60年代后期美国对华政策的“解冻”》,《美国研究》1997年第2期,第73页。
    ① 《美国对亚洲的外交政策——美国康仑公司研究报告》,何慧译,北京:世界知识出版社,1960年,第218、263页。
    ② Chester Bowels,"The China Problem Reconsidered",Foreign Affairs,Vol.38,No.3,April 1960,pp.476-487.
    ① 资中筠:《缓慢的解冻:中美关系打开之前十几年之间美国对华政策的转变过程》,《美国研究》1987年第2期,第13—15页。
    ② 唐小松:《遏制的困境——肯尼迪和约翰逊政府的对华政策(1961—1968)》),第72页。
    ③ 朱明权主编:《约翰逊时期美国对华政策(1964—1968)》,第10页。
    ④ 资中筠:《缓慢的解冻:中美关系打开之前十几年之间美国对华政策的转变过程》,第16页。
    ① 顾宁:《美国“遏制但不孤立”中国政策提议的历史由来、反响及其意义》,《世界历史》1997年第1期,第48页。
    ② 罗斯玛丽·福特:《重新定义:国内局势及60年代美国对华政策》,载姜长斌、(美)罗伯特·罗斯主编:《1955—1971年的中美关系——缓和之前:冷战冲突与克制的再探讨》,北京:世界知识出版社,1998年,第315页。
    ③ 唐小松:《遏制的困境——肯尼迪和约翰逊政府的对华政策(1961—1968)》,第100页。
    ④ U.S. Department of State, American Foreign Policy:Current Documents,1966, Washington, D. C.:Government Printing Office,1967, pp.657-659.
    ① Study Prepared by the Special State-Defense Study Group, Jun.1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.332-343.
    ② Editorial Note, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China,p.356.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, Feb.3,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.5; Memorandum of Conversation, Mar.17,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.35.
    ① Lung-Chu Chen, Harold D.Lasswell, Formosas,China,and the United States——Formosa in the World Community, p.53.
    ② (美)小阿瑟·施莱辛格:《一千天——约翰·菲·肯尼迪在白宫》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1981年,第432页。
    ② Memorandum of Conversation, Feb.24,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.14-15
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, Feb.3,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.5.
    ⑤ 社论:《国际现局势与共匪的入会问题》,《联合报》,1961年2月11日,第2版。
    ④ Memorandum of Conversation, Feb.24,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.14-15.
    ⑤ Memorandum of Conversation, Mar.3,1961, FRUS.1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.20-22.
    ⑥ Memorandum of Conversation, Aug.1,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.105
    ⑦ Memorandum of Conversation, Feb.3,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.5.
    ① Memorandum of Conversation, Aug.1,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.105.
    ② 邹耀勇:《1961年美英关于联合国中国代表权的分歧》,第94页。
    ② Memorandum of Conversation, Mar.14,1961,FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.28-33.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, Apr.5,1961,FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.42-45.
    ⑤ 梁志:《论1961年中国在联合国代表权问题中的蒙古因素》,第49页。
    ⑥ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》上册,第426页。
    ⑦ 陈志奇:《美国对华政策三十年》,第203页。
    ④ FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.103 footnote 1.
    ① 转引自陈红民:《蒋介石与1961年联合国“外蒙入会案”》,第124页。
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, Feb.3,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.4-8.
    ④ Memorandum of Conversation, Mar.17,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.33-36.
    ④ 梁志:《论1961年中国在联合国代表权问题中的蒙古因素》,第49页。
    ⑤ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Mar.20,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.37-38.
    ① Memorandum of Conversation, Apr.5,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.43.
    ② Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy, May 26,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.66-69.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, Apr.5,1961, FRUS,1961-1963. Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia,pp.42-45.
    ① Memorandum of Conversation, May 24,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.63-65.
    ② 陈红民:《蒋介石与1961年联合国“外蒙入会案”》,第124页:Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Apr.5, FRUS.1961-1963, Vol. XXII. Northeast Asia, pp.46-48.
    ② Letter From President Kennedy to President Chiang Apr. 17.FRUS.1961-1963. Vol. XXII. Northeast Asia. pp.50-51.
    ③ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Consulate General in Hong Kong, May 15,1961, FRUS, 1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.58-62.
    ④ Editorial Note, FRUS.1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.81-82对于国民党、国内政府人士和军方的反对,可以参见唐小松:《遏制的困境——肯尼迪和约翰逊政府的对华政策(1961—1968)》,第126-128页。
    ① 梁志:《论1961年中国在联合国代表权问题中的蒙古因素》,第50页。
    ② 梁志:《论1961年中国在联合国代表权问题中的蒙古因素》,第50页。
    ③ 据联合国宪章第4、6条的规定,联合国会员会籍的取得和取缔,需要经过安理会推荐,所以就与否决权联系在了一起。
    ④ FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.77 footnote 3.
    ⑤ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Jun.21,1961,FRUS,1961-1963, Vol.XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.76-79.
    ① Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Kennedy, Jul.7,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.89-91.
    ② Letter From President Kennedy to President Chiang, Jul.14,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.95-97
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, Jul.28,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol.XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.99-101.
    ④ 陈志奇:《美国对华政策三十年》,第207—209页。
    ① Memorandum of Conversation, August 5,1961, FRUS.1961-1963, V. XXII, pp.112-113; Editorial Note, Ibid, pp.133-134.
    ② Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to the Deputy Under Secretary of
    State for Political Affairs (Johnson), Aug.22, FRUS.1961-1963. Vol. XXII. Northeast Asia, p.128.
    ③ Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Johnson), Aug.22,FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, p.128.
    ④ Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Kennedy, Oct.4,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia,p.145.
    ⑤ 王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第15页。
    ⑥ 陈红民:《蒋介石与1961年联合国“外蒙入会案”》,第130页。
    ⑦ 陈红民:《蒋介石与1961年联合国“外蒙入会案”》,第125-126页。
    ⑤ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Sep.6, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.134-135.
    ⑥ Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State, Sep.29, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp. 140-141.
    ① 陈红民:《蒋介石与1961年联合国“外蒙入会案”》,第126页。
    ② Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to the Representative to the United Nations (Stevenson), Sep.13, FRUS, 1961-1963, Vol. ⅩⅫ. Northeast Asia, pp.135-136.
    ③ 王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第15页。
    ④ Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State, Sep.29,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. ⅩⅫ, Northeast Asia,pp.140-141.
    ⑤ Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State, Sep.29,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. ⅩⅫ, Northeast Asia, pp.140-141.
    ⑥ 王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第14页。
    ⑦ 王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第14页。
    ⑧ 陈红民:《蒋介石与1961年联合国“外蒙入会案”》,第126页。
    ⑨ 这些在台湾“官员”的发言中也有所体现。10月4日,国民党代理“外长”胡少昌告诉庄莱德,肯尼迪给蒋介石的函电在说服蒋介石方面起到到了很大作用:同日,叶公超在与邦迪的谈话中也提到,台湾对布拉柴维尔集团的劝说的结果不好和腊斯克10月28日的严厉谈话是蒋介石政策松动的原因。Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Kennedy, Oct.4,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. ⅩⅫ, Northeast Asia, pp.145-146; Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Oct.5,1961, ibid, pp.147-148.
    ① Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Oct.2,1961,FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.142-144:王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第14—15页。
    ② Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Oct.5,1961, ERUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.147-148.
    ③ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Oct.6,1961,FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.148-149.
    ④ Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy, Oct.10,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asi pp.152-154.
    ⑤ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Oct.7,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol.XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.150-151.
    ① 王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第16页。
    ② Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy, Oct.10,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.152-154.
    ③ Editorial Note. FRUS.1961-1963. Vol. XXII. Northeast Asia, pp.161-162.
    ④ Message From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to the Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency Station in Taipei (Cline), Oct.11,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.154-155.
    ⑤ Message From the Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency Station in Taipei (Cline) to the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy), Oct.14,1961, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.156-157.
    ⑥ 王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第16页:Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Oct.16,1961,FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia,p.160.
    ⑦ 王正华:《从外交部档案看1961年外蒙案》,第16页。
    ① 转引自郑启荣、李铁城:《联合国大事编年(1945—1996)》,北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,1998年,第356-57页。
    ② 顾宁:《肯尼迪政府阻挠中国重返联合国始末》,第95页。
    ③ 牛大勇:《肯尼迪政府与1961年联合国的中国代表权问题之争》,第80页。
    ④ Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to the Representative to the United Nations (Stevenson), Sep.13, FRUS, 1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.135-136.
    ① Editorial Note, FRUS,1961-1963, Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia, pp.161-162.
    ① Memorandum of Conversation, Jan.24,1964,FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China, p.12.
    ② 参考姚百慧:《论美国与中法建交的关系》,《世界历史》2010年第3期。
    ③ 陈长伟:《1960年代中期美台关于联合国中国代表权问题的合作与分歧之研究》,第50—51页。
    ④ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Mar.6,1864, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.27-29.
    ⑤ State Department Bulletm,1964年5月11日,转引自苏格:《美国对华政策与台湾问题》,第330页。
    ⑥ Memorandum for the Record, Apr.16,1964, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.53-55. Paper Prepared in the Policy Planning Council, undated, FRUS.1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.57-58.
    ⑦ (加)包义文、傅尧乐主编:《新开端》,第147页。
    ⑧ 唐小松:《遏制的困境——肯尼迪和约翰逊政府的对华政策(1961—1968)》,第142页。
    ⑦ New York Times, April 22,1964.
    ① National Policy Paper, Sep.11,1964, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China,pp.86-94.
    ② Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Cleveland) to Secretary of State Rusk,Nov.5,1964,FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China, pp.120-123.
    ③ Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Cleveland) to Secretary of State Rusk, Nov.5,1964, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China, pp.120-123.
    ④ U.S. Department of State. American Foreign Policv:Current Documents.1964.p.886.
    ⑤ Memorandum From Robert W. Komer of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy), Nov.23,1964,FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.130-132.
    ① 姚百慧:《约翰逊政府与中国在联合国的代表权问题(1964—1968)》,第17—18页。
    ② Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Nov.20,1964, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX. China, pp.129; Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Dec.21,1964, ibid, pp.142-143.
    ③ Memorandum of Conversation, Nov.14,1964, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.124-125.
    ④ Memorandum of Conversation, Nov.30,\964, FRUS.1964-1968, Vol. XXX. China, pp.137-140.
    ⑤ 联合国宪章第19条规定,“凡拖欠本组织财政款项之会员国,其拖欠数目如等于或超过前两年所应交纳之数目时,即丧失其在大会的投票权。”美国主张按规定停止这些未交维和军费国家之投票权,围绕第19条美苏争执不下,结果导致所有国家均不能形势投票权。参见许光建主编:《联合国宪章诠释》,第150页:《外交部长沈昌焕电告出席联大观感》,1965年2月20日,《中国代表权》,第234--235页。
    ① 转引自姚百慧:《约翰逊政府与中国在联合国的代表权问题(1964-1968)》,第21—22页。
    ② 《参考消息》,1965年11月25日,第1版。
    ③ Leonard A Kusnitz, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy:America's China Policy,1949-1979, Westport conn: GreenwoodPress,1984,p.103.
    ① Letter From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Berger) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Bundy), Feb.23,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, p.261; Memorandum From James C. Thomson, Jr., of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Special Assistant (Valenti), Mar.1,1966, ibid, pp.262-264.
    ② Letter From the Representative to the United Nations (Goldberg) to President Johnson, Apr.28,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.293-294.
    ③ Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson, May 14,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp. 301-303.
    ④ 《外交部北美司长蔡维屏与加拿大外交部长马丁洽谈联合国中国代表权问题》,1966年1月18日,《中国代表权》,第267—279页。
    ④ Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson, May 17,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.304-306.
    ① 《外交部长沈昌焕呈报总统蒋中正、行政院长严家淦,因应联合国大会第二十一届常会中国代表权之基本策略》,1966年5月11日,《中国代表权》,第286-290页。
    ② Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Jul.1,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.344-348.
    ③ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Jul.5,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.348-350.
    ④ 张颖、迟海波:《研究委员会决议与60年代中期美国对华政策的调整》,第19页。
    ④ Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts, Sep.16,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.390-391.
    ① Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Canada, Jul.25,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp. 358-360.
    ② Memorandum of Conversation, Aug.21,1966,FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China, pp.372-373.
    ③ (加)包义文、傅尧乐主编:《新开端》第191页。
    ④ Memorandum of Conversation, Sep.20,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.396-399.
    ⑤ Memorandum of Conversation. Nov.3.1966. FRUS.1964-1968. Vol.XXX. China, pp.412-414.
    ⑥ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Thailand, Oct.28,1966, FRUS.1964-1968. Vol. XXX. China, pp. 407-408.
    ⑦ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Canada, Jul.25,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp. 358-360; Memorandum of Conversation, Sep.20,1966, Ibid, pp.396-399.
    ① Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson, Nov.5,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.418-419.
    ② 唐小松:《加、美在中国联合国代表权问题上的分歧(1964—1966)》,第108页。
    ③ FRUS.1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China,p.424 note 3.
    ④ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Canada, Nov.9,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.420-425.
    ⑤ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom, Nov.10,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.425-426.
    ⑥ Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, Nov.9,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China,pp.430-421.
    ⑦ Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson, Nov.14,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX. China, p.432.
    ⑧ FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China,p.431 note4
    ① Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson, Nov.14,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, p.432; ibid, p.438 note 3.
    ② FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, p.425 note 5; Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Nov.23,1966, ibid, p.446.
    ③ FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, p.427 note 2; Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Nov.10, ibid, pp.427-430.
    ④ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Nov.15,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.437-440.
    ⑤ 《联合国大会第二十一届常会辩论中国代表权情形》,1966年11月18日-29日,《中国代表权》,第317—318页。
    ⑤ Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts, No v.23,1966,FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China, pp. 453-454.
    ⑦ 《联合国大会第二十一届常会义大利等六国设立研究委员会草案》,1966年11月21日,《中国代表权》,第305-306页。
    ⑧ 这些辩论的详细情况参见:《联合国大会第二十一届常会辩论中国代表权情形》,1966年11月18日-29日,《中国代表权》,第318—320页。
    ⑥ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Nov.21,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.440-441; Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, ibid, pp.467-469.
    ① Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Nov.21,1966, FRUS,1954-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.443-445.
    ② Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Nov.23,1966, FRUS.1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.445-452.
    ③ 陈长伟:《1960年代中期美台关于联合国中国代表权问题的合作与分歧之研究》,第54页。
    ④ 《驻美大使周书楷电告蒋总统中正,说明美国支持义大利提案为打消加拿大提案,及争取支持重要问题案暨反对阿尔巴尼亚案》,1966年11月26日,《中国代表权》,第306—307页。
    ③ Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts, Nov.23,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp. 453-454.
    ④ Telegram From the White House Situation Room to President Johnson at the LBJ Ranch, in Texas, Nov.26,1966, FRUS, 1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.457-461.
    ⑤ Telegram From the White House Situation Room to President Johnson at the LBJ Ranch, in Texas, Nov.26,1966, FRUS, 1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.457-461.
    ⑥ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Nov.28,1966, FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.462-467.
    ① Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Nov.29,1966,FRUS,1964-1968, Vol.XXX, China, pp.467-469.
    ② 在意大利提案投票以前,叙利亚提议,既然重要问题案的投票通过在先,意大利提案就必须要三分之二多数通过才能有效,这一要求遭到意大利反对,但刚果(布)和巴基斯坦支持。后投票表决,这一建议以51:37:30而获得通过,从而给意大利提案以沉重打击。
    ③ Information Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Popper) to Secretary of State Rusk, Nov.29,1966,FRUS,1964-1968, Vol. XXX, China, pp.469-470.
    ④ Evan Luard, China and the United Nations, p.733.
    ① 张曙光:《接触外交:尼克松政府与解冻中美关系》,第29页。
    ② 张曙光:《美国对华战略考虑与决策(1949—1972)》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003年,第316页
    ③ 张曙光:《美国对华战略考虑与决策(1949—1972)》,第317页。
    ④ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》下册,第596页。
    ① 张曙光:《美国对华战略考虑与决策(1949—1972)》,第329页。
    ② 方连庆、刘金质、王炳元主编:《战后国际关系史(1945—1995)》上,北京:北京大学出版社,1999年,第464页。
    ③ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》下册,第605-606页。
    ④ National Security Study Memorandum 14, Feb.5,1969, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, p.481.
    ⑤ 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》下册,第596页。
    ⑥ 张曙光:《接触外交:尼克松政府与解冻中美关系》,第118页。
    ① Draft Response to National Security Study Memorandum 106, February 16,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. XVII, China,1969-1972,pp.259-265.参见张曙光:《接触外交:尼克松政府与解冻中美关系》,第43--45页。
    ② 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》下册,第63页。
    ③ 《毛泽东外交文选》,第594页。
    ① 中共中央文献研究室编:《周恩来年谱(1949—1976)》下,北京:中央文献出版社,1997年,第451页。
    ② 李长久、施鲁佳主编:《中美关系二百年》,第219-220页。
    ③ Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, September 29,1969, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. XVII, China,1969-1972, pp.101-103.
    ④ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Nov.4,1969, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, p.492.
    ⑤ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan, Nov.7,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.538-539.
    ⑥ Telegram From Secretary of State Rogers to the Department of State, Oct.11,1969, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.488-489.
    ① Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, Mar.18,1969, FRUS.1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.483-484.
    ② Airgram From the Consulate General in Hong Kong to the Department of State, Jan.26,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.498-500.
    ③ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Mar.12,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.501-503.
    ④ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Oct.7,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.520-522.
    ⑤ Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon, Oct.13,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations 1969-1972, p.523.
    ⑥ Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon, Nov.18,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.542-543.
    ⑦ Memorandum From Winston Lord of the National Security Council Staff to Kissinger, Oct.27,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.527-529.
    ① National Security Study Memorandum 107, Nov.19,1970, FRUS.1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.545-546
    ② National Security Study Memorandum 107,Nov.19,1970,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,pp.545-546.
    ③ Telegram From the Embassy in Italy to the Department of State, Dec.22,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.556-557.
    ④ Memorandum of Conversation, Jan.14,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.560-563 Memorandum of Conversation, Jan.20,1971, ibid, pp.565-568.
    ⑤ Telegram From the the Embassy in Australia to the Department of State, Mar.2,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.603-605.
    ⑥ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Belgium, Sep.28,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations 1969-1972, pp.515-517.
    ⑦ Telegram From the Consulate General in Hong Kong to the Department of State, Nov.23,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.546-548.
    ① Response to National Security Study Memorandum 107, undated, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp. 580-584.
    ② Letter From the Represenative to the United Nations (Yost) to Secretary of State Rogers, Feb.8,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.587-590.
    ① Memorandum From Marshall Wright of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), Mar.3,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,pp.606-612.
    ② Minutes of the Senior Review Group Meeting, Mar.9,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,pp. 614-628.
    ① Memorandum From Kissinger to President Nixon, undated, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp. 637-644.
    ② Minutes of Meeting of the National Security Council, Mar.25,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,pp.645-655.台湾曾经向美国提出要F4和3艘潜艇以更新军事装备,但因为开支巨大且需要国会同意,美国一直没有答复。
    ③ Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts, March 31,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, p.656.
    ④ 《外交部陈报联合国大会第25届常会审议中国代表权案情形及表决结果》,1970年11月27日,《中国代表权》,第 485-486页。
    ① FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V,pp.530-531, pp.551-553张绍铎:《20世纪70年代初台湾当局对美“外交”与联合国中国代表权问题》,《当代中国史研究》2009年第1期,第95页。
    ② Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Oct.27,1970, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.530-531; Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Mexico, Dec.2, 1970,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.551-553.
    ③ 钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,台北:天下远见,2005年,第145—146页。
    ④ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Feb.1,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.584-586.
    ⑤ 赖暋访谈:《赖名汤先生访谈录》下册,台北:国史馆,1994年,468-469页。
    ⑥ 钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第147—148页。⑦ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Jan.13,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.558-559; Memorandum of Conversation, Jan.25,1971, ibid, pp.72-580.
    ⑧ Telegram From the Consulate General in Hong Kong to the Department of State, Mar.12,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.628-629.
    ① 《驻联合国军事代表团团长王叔铭与美国代表团海军代表谢德高商谈联合国中国代表权问题》,《中国代表权》,第496-497页。
    ② 王景弘:《采访历史—从华府档案看台湾》,第339页;裘兆琳:《台美关系:1969—-1978)),载宫力主编:《从解冻到建交:中美关系正常化进程再探讨,1969—1979》,第306页。
    ③ 沈剑虹:《使美八年纪要——沈剑虹回忆录》,北京:世界知识出版社,1983年,第242页。
    ④ Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs to President Nixon,April 9,1971,FRUS, 1969-1976,Vol.V,United Nations,1969-1972,PP.657-660.
    ⑤ FRUS,1969-1976,vol,V, United Nations,1969-1972,p.659 note2、p.668 note 2.实际上,还有另外一个因素是,马康卫是有名的亲台派。据钱复回忆,每年中国代表权问题投票结束后,马康卫都会在台湾举行酒会庆祝。1970年25届联大,由于阿尔巴尼亚方案第一次获得多数,马康卫取消了这一庆祝,并于11月23日拜访台湾“外交部”,对投票结果表示“失望、悲痛、烦恼、愤怒”。其亲台态度可见一斑。参见《钱复回忆录》卷一,第145页。
    ⑥ Record of Conversation,Apr.23,1971,FRUS,1969-1976,Vol.V,United Nations,1969-1972,pp.666-674.
    ① Memorandum for the President's File by the President's Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Haig), May 21, 1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,p.683.
    ② Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, May 26,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.686-688.陶文钊、牛军主编:《美国对华政策文件集(1949—1972)》第三卷·下,北京:世界知识出版社,2005年,第1080-1083页。
    ③ Meeting Among President Nixon, Secretary of State Rogers, and the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), May 27,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.692.
    ④ 《驻美大使沈剑虹会晤美国副国务卿强生讨论中美关系与联大中国代表权问题》,1971年5月27日,《中国代表权》,第514—515页。
    ④ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, May 29,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.701-703.
    ⑤ Memorandum of Conversation, Jul.1,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.716-717.
    ① 姚百慧:《尼克松政府与中国在联合国的代表权问题——围绕安理会席位问题的美台交涉》,第101页。
    ② Meeting Among President Nixon, Secretary of State Rogers, and the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs, May 27,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.691-700.
    ③ Action Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretaries of State for International Organization Affairs (Herz) and East Asian and Pacific Affairs (Brown) to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Johnson), June 4,1971,FRUS, 1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.706-708.
    ① Memcon, Kissinger and Zhou, July 10,1971,Afternoon(12:10p.m.-6:00 p.m.), July 1,1971, Electronic Briefing Book No.66.
    ② 张曙光:《接触外交:尼克松政府与解冻中美关系》,第248-249页。
    ③ 《外交部长周书楷呈报总统蒋中正拟就<关于今秋联合国大会中国代表权问题与日本外相会谈我方基本立场说贴>》,1971年7月4日,《中国代表权》,第523-526页Telegram From the Embassy in Japan to the Department of State,Jul.6,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.720-721姚百慧:《尼克松政府与中国在联合国的代表权问题——围绕安理会席位问题的美台交涉》,第101页。
    ④ Letter From Australian Prime Minister McMahon to President Nixon, May 13,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.681-682.
    ① Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon, Jul.3,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.718-720.
    ② Information Memorandum From the Assistant Secretaries of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (Green) and International Organization Affairs (DePalma) to Secretary of State Rogers, Jul.12,1971.FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.723-726.
    ③ Memorandum From Melvin H. Levine of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), Apr.14,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,p.661.
    ④ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Jun.3,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.705-706.
    ① 钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第148—149页。
    ② Information Memorandum From the Assistant Secretaries of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (Green) and International Organization Affairs (DePalma) to Acting Secretary of State Irwin, Jul.12,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, p.722.
    ③ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Jul.15,1971,FRUS.1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.727-730.
    ④ 《驻美大使沈剑虹报告美国总统尼克森宣布访问大陆后应邀赴国务院晤罗吉斯谈话要点》,1971年7月19日,《中国代表权》,第533-535页:沈剑虹:《使美八年纪要》,第63-67页:钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第149-150页。
    ④ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Jul.22,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.735-737.
    ⑥ 《行政院副院长蒋经国与美国驻华大使马康卫谈话要点》,1971年7月23日,《中国代表权》,第535-539页;Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Jul.23,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.735-737; Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Jul.23,1971, ibid, pp.738-741.
    ⑤ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Jul.24, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.742-747.
    ① 《外交部长周书楷电告驻美大使沈剑虹答复国务卿罗吉斯我方对中国代表权案立场》,1971年7月23日,《中国代表权》,第539-541页。
    ② Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Jul.24, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.742-747沈剑虹所指的是宪章第23条,该条规定“……中华民国……应为安全理事会常任理事国。”
    ③ 《外交部长周书楷再告驻美大使沈剑虹约晤国务卿罗吉斯说明我方对中国代表权案立场》,1971年7月27日,《中国代表权》,第542-543页:钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第150—151页Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Jul.27,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.748-752.; Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Jul.27,1971,ibid, pp.752-754.
    ④ 《人民日报》,1971年8月5日,第5版。
    ⑤ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Aug.4,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.770-771《驻联合国代表刘锴电告外交部美国代表布希面交中国代表权问题草案稿》,1971年8月3日,《中国代表权》,第557-558页。
    ① 《美国驻联合国常任大使布希致秘书长宇谭有关<中国在联合国之代表权>备忘录》,1971年8月17日,《中国代表权》,第568-569页。
    ② Memorandum From the Executive Secretary of the Department of State (Eliot) to the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), Aug.4,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.769-770; Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Aug.11,1971, ibid, p.778; Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts, Aug.18, ibid,786; Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan, Aug.30,1971, ibid, p. 792; Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, undated, ibid, p. 799.
    ③ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Aug.30,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, p.795.
    ④ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Japan, Aug.30,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, p.792.
    ⑤ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Aug.30,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.794-796钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第152页。
    ① Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon, undated, FRUS, 1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.799-802.
    ② Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Sept.8,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,pp.802-805.
    ③ Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State, Sep.8,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.805-806.
    ④ 钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第152页④ Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China, Aug. 30,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.794-796.
    ⑤ 钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第152-153页。
    ① Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon, Sept.11,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972,pp.807-808.
    ② Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts, Sept.16,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972 pp.809-810.
    ③ U.S. Department of State, Public papers of the Presidents of the United States, Richard Nixon,1971, GPO, Washington, 1972, p.p.950,956.
    ④ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Sep.17,1971,FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,pp.811-815.
    ⑤ FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, p.815 note4.
    ⑥ Telegram From the Embassy in Japan to the Department of State, Sep.22,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972, pp.816-819.
    ⑦ 《总统府秘书长黄少谷电告外交部长周书楷对中国代表权问题处理原则》,1971年9月18日,《中国代表权》,第580 页。
    ① Telegram From the Department of State to All Posts, Oct.1,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp. 820-824; Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Oct.8, ibid,1971, pp. 827-828.
    ② Conversation between Nixon and Kissinger, followed by Conversation Among Nixon, Kissinger, and U.N. Ambassador George Bush,30 September 1971, Negotiating, U.S.-Chinese Rapprochement, Naitonal Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No.70, doc.6; Conversation Among Nixon, Rogers, and Kissinger, Sept.30,1971, ibid. Document 8, Conversation Between Nixon and Kissinger, Sept.30,1971, ibid, doc.7.
    ③ 《外交部长周书楷访晤美国罗吉斯国务卿对季辛吉宣布再访大陆对联合国中国代表权案之影响》,1971年10月5日,《中国代表权》,第606-610页。
    ① Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Oct.21,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V. United Nations,1969-1972, pp.843-843.
    ② Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, Oct.22,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.847-848.
    ③ Memorandum From the President's Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Haig) to President Nixon, undated, FRUS, 1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972, pp.838-841; Memorandum for the President's Files by Haig, Oct.22,1971, ibid, pp.844-846.
    ④ Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State,Oct.26,1971, FRUS,1969-1976, Vol. V, United Nations,1969-1972,pp.856-857.
    ① 转引自王泰平主编:《中华人民共和国外交史(第三卷)1970--1978》,北京:世界知识出版社,1999年,第462-463页。
    ② 钱复:《钱复回忆录》卷一,第166--167页。
    ① [美]基辛格:《白宫岁月——基辛格回忆录》第三册,北京:世界知识出版社,1980年,第51页。
    ② 陶文钊、牛军主编:《美国对华政策文件集(1949—1972)》第二卷·上,第171页。
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    2、Richard Nixion, The Memoirs of Richard Nixion, New York:Grosset & Dunlan,1978.
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