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The comparative research method、inductive method and the experimental simulationmethod constitute the main research methods of management theory. From the the point ofview on applicability, these three methods have advantages and disadvantages. In arelatively short period of time, for the description of the existence and operation rules onthe object, normative method has certain advantages; for the repeatable managementissures with a small amount variables, experimental simulation method has certainadvantages. In the early stage of management theory, comparative research method isused as an auxiliary method of the other methods. Using comparative study method aims tohelp researchers choose the object of research, defining the range of influence on thedefinition and the factor weight.
     However, since the start of scientific management, researchers have found a greatdeal of enterprise management theory through theory research and practice, the focus ofresearch changed from "what is this" to "Why is this". With the continuous improvement ofthe global economic integration, enterprise managers of various countries and enterprisemanagement researchers have begun to focus on the similarities and differences betweenthe national enterprise management efficiency and management methods;on the study ofthe relationship between efficiency, management mode and different enterprises;andwhether the advantages of enterprise management could be thansfer into inferiorenterprises. The answer to the first question relates to a long span of time managementproblem of the history, the answer to the second question relates to a systemic problem, theanswer to the third question relates to enterprise management and corporate environmentalproblems. From the view of enterprise management, enterprise management system hasfour main features: systematic, continuous dynamic, organic and enterprise environmentembedded. The systematic of enterprise management refers to the object of enterprisemanagement and enterprise management is a whole, there is a complicated relationshipbetween the part and the whole, of any relationship of them has the characteristics are notsimply determined by the surface of both sides, but there are deeper needs and determine.The continuous dynamic of enterprise refers to no equilibrium, enterprise management isalways in a dynamic. In a certain period of time, If researchers observe that enterprisemanagement does not appear bigger change, this is only a temporary phenomenon, this isthe thought and behavior of the manager in the short "balance". This practice behavior andpractices of the relationship organize the contents of enterprise management phenomenon, enterprises do not have unconventional behavior and non institutionalized relationship. Theorganic refers to enterprise management has all the characteristics of organic life, such asthe occasional feature, associated features, self organizing feature etc.. The relationship andmovement between the enterprise internal relation is not same as the mechanicalcomponents. Between the internal relation and behavior not only has a certain degree offreedom, but also has significance in explaining the variation in content and form on thebasis of considerable.The embedded feature is refers to the enterprise is constructed by theenvironment, the enterprise is a part of the enterprise environment, the enterprise, or theenterprise environment cannot represent the relationship between the enterprise andenterprise environment. Only through the interactive relationship between the enterpriseand enterprise environmental inspection, causes of various behavior of enterprise featurescould be explored fundamentally.
     From the point of view of enterprise management and enterprise managementexpectations, and the combination of these characteristics of enterprises with the view, onlythe comparative research method can meet the current management theorists and businessrequirements. Therefore, carrying out the comparative research method is not only theneeds of management knowledge, but also the practical needs of management. Therefore,the research paradigm which can guide researchers international comparative managementscience of become the most urgent things. Although scholars have made greatcontribution.However, comparative management research paradigm of these scholars havenot fundamentally covers enterprises with systematic, continuous dynamic, organic andenterprise environment embedded. This dissertation view the enterprise as an open,complex and active adaptability of organic system, starting from the evolutionaryperspective, the interactive relationship between the enterprise and enterprise environmentas research target, to construct a complete comparative analysis framework. The mainwork is as follows:
     The definition of enterprise manaement. Management definition has its specificbackground and research methods of imprinting.In the new era background, definition ofthe enterprise management should help to answer " why is this ". In the study of relatedliterature, the enterprise management should be defined as: open system for the relevantaction for smoothly in the market value of exchange of value creation and exchangeprocess and relationship of design and implementation of unified planning, There are fourforms: management philosophy, management principle, management system, fieldexperience and technology. And on this basis, analyzed the management of the nature of the subject, the theoretical level, the scope of the study, defines the research object, thestandard definition of the research object and the relationship between business andenvironment, the essence of the relationship between business and environmentcharacteristics. And on this basis, starting from the system perspective to construct aadministrator analysis framework.
     Comparison of manaement analysis framework. On the system of the interactiverelationship between enterprise and environment were analyzed, put forward the concept of"enterprise organizational rationality", think "the interaction between the enterpriseorganizational rationality" and the business environment is the primary feature interactionbetween enterprise and enterprise environment, and that the "enterprise organizationalrationality" through to the enterprise environment cognition to drive the enterpriseorganization structure and the enterprise behavior and enterprise environmental interaction.
     The relationship between enterprise and enterprise environment. On the context,situation, environment, the background of the concept of carding, proposed "the enterpriseenvironment" concept ", according to the business environment of enterprises","shapinginfluence enterprise environment" changes to the enterprise and management, as well aspart of the enterprise management tasks, the definition of the external social factors thatdirectly influence the enterprise value creation and the exchange process as "businessenvironment", and "business environment" is divided into standard regulatory elements,elements and cultural cognitive elements of the three components. Because the enterpriseembedded in the "business environment", so the enterprise also is by the three basicelements to construct, and with the three basic elements as the driving force and the way ofcommon evolution analysis "business environment" and enterprise organization. Thecomparison of management of primordial concept, namely "original management","construction management" and "adaptive management" concept, to compare themanagement research on the construction of the central axis, and the enterpriseenvironment on the effect of three kinds of enterprise organization and management wereinvestigated in detail.
     The enterprise organizational rationality. The reason foundation, rational perspective,rational existence form and nature is analyzed, rational is the essence of social construction,rational existence form is mixed and evolving. Rationality is the only between subject andobject of human action action with reflective connection, remove the only has a reflectiverelation, human reason is the basis and significance of the lost. On this basis, the conceptof "enterprise organizational rationality" in detail, put forward the value rationality, technological rationality and economic rationality is "components of organizationalrationality". The three stage of organizational rationality and enterprise environment fromthe evolutionary perspective of co evolution: mutation, chaos and bifurcation, at the sametime that the technical rationality, economic rationality and value rationality are theenterprise and enterprise environmental co evolution process of "fixed attractor","attractor"and "chaos", and from "enterprise organizational rationality" point of view, the evolution ofenterprise organization mode is defined as three modes:the force, rational norms andimitate.
     The organizational structure of enterprises. Through research that the nature oforganizational structure is an orderly system, organization structure is the embodiment ofthe relationship between man and man in the process of human labor, and order of humanaction is the basic organizational structure existence. Therefore, in the study of tissuestructure, should be regarded as an organic system, in the system from the perspective ofthe opening up, with the basic means end chain as a unit of analysis to analyze theorganizational rationality and the organizational environment, organizational structure andmeans end chain relationship, organization structure and individual rational relation so, notonly can find the enterprise organization structure contains the "ideal type of organizationstructure","building structure" and "adaptive", but also can find common evolution of theorganizational structure of enterprises and enterprise environment process, the fundamentalreason of enterprise organizational structure of the convergence and divergence occurred atthe same time.
     The behavior of enterprises. The nature of the general organizational behavior andexistence basis of that nature, organization behavior is an orderly, continuous process.Logical and orderly organization behavior from the organization reason given, andpersistent in organizational behavior from the limitation of organization reason.Organizational behavior is the basis of the existing organization ability, organization abilitycan not only will organize the whole task appropriate subdivision, and the tasks of thesystem can be formed into after the breakdown of the capacity allocation. On this basis, theenterprise ability is divided into five kinds: organizational cognitive ability, planningability, construction ability, coordination ability and capacity of deconstruction. Think thatthese five kinds of organizational ability is not only the enterprise "the basic behavior","constructive behavior" and "adaptability" basis, but also reflects the business risk and allbehavior uncertainty. Since different countries have different regulatory elements, thenormative elements and cultural cognitive elements associated with cognitive ability, different enterprises in different countries, and thus lead to enterprises in differentcountries have different "organizational consensus" and "enterprise organization". Thesedifferent "organizational consensus" and "enterprise motto" so that different countries havedifferent beliefs and principles of enterprise management, and ultimately lead toenterprises in different countries have different cognitive, planning, construction anddeconstruction, coordination ability and content, these different abilities and content is theprimary cause of enterprises in different countries have different behavior in dealing withspecialization, organization, institution, and the problems of stability and flexibility. Andfundamentally determines which enterprise behavior can be transplanted.
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