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Micro-satellite formation flying, can achieve the same or even better application effects compareto large satellite, such as distributed radar, electronic reconnaissance, three-dimensional imaging andspace interferometer et al. In this paper, research of distributed micro-satellite autonomouslyformation flying control problem was carried out with simulation and theoretical validation, finallydesigned a semi-physical verification platform of formation flying, the main research content andinnovative results are as follows:
     (1) studied the theory of satellite attitude and the relative motion, then gave the satellite formationmodel in kinematics and dynamics, provided equations of the C-W method and the relative orbitalelements, analyzed formation flying conditions based on analytic solution of relative movement;
     (2) proposed a system of micro-satellite rotation formation method based on tether, the tether wasused to maintain the formation shape and spin provided stabilization. Analysed stability of differenttether control and auxiliary strategy, finally optimal control strategy carried out based on simulationresults;
     (3) proposed a formation control method by atmospheric drag, this method depended on specificstructure of satellite, with four drag panels formation control and attitude control was realized usingatmospheric drag, and control effect was proved for the rate of damping, three-axis stabilization,formation establishment and formation reconstruction, it showed that the method is simple, clean,green and renewable;
     (4) information consensus theory was applied to the micro-satellite formation control problems,consistency of cooperative control method is proposed for relative position control, it suit for spacerendezvous and docking and formation construct; as for satellite attitude synchronization and attitudetracking problem, it gave solutions based on information consensus, the theory was suit forcollaborative task of independently formation satellite and other aspect;
     (5) dual quaternion was applied to formation flying. Dual quaternion as a new mathematical toolhas been used in the field of mechanical and graphic visual, it is able to describe attitude and positionwith a unified form, ideal for satellite formation flying which require orbit and attitude information,this paper established a satellite kinematics model based on the dual quaternion, and gave the updatemethod, at last information consensus will be combined with dual quaternion in formation flyingcontrol problem, to achieve the attitude and relative movement control of formation satellite.
     (6) designed a semi-physical simulation platform of satellite formation, multiple satellite weresimulated by PC104system. The system be used to develop satellite management software andvalidate the formation control algorithm effect, the ground terminal and communication networksystem can be used to verify the information consensus theory.
     (7) based on VxWorks operating system a embedded software was developed integrated withsatellite management and attitude orbit control, it increased system integration, more suitable formicro-satellite applications; and the software is modular designed, it is easy to transplant and withmore reliability; designed software modules in-orbit update strategy, using satellite ground links toupdate software modules in-orbit, it improved software flexibility and extended satellite’s life.
     This study has a certain theoretical value in micro-satellite formation problem, also gave technicalsupport for the engineering application.
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