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Security and stability are a prerequisite for development. Tourism security is the basic guarantee for sustained and healthy development of tourism industry. However,a series of tourism security issues have had a profound impact on the tourism industry because of its highly sensitive nature. It is a serious threat to the basic security needs of tourists and it has greatly influenced the sustainable development of tourism. Security problems have become one of important studies in the development of the tourism industry.
     As we all know , science and technology are primary productive forces. We must rely on science and technology in order to ensure tourism security. If there is no science and technology,tourism security management can only be on paper. Science and technology provide a powerful weapon for people to resist and overcome security problems. They play an important supporting role especially in the control and treatment process of tourism security. For example,satellites,remote sensing technology,high-tech means of computer analysis have been widely applied to monitor various security problems;satellite television,fiber optic technology,wireless communications and other modern means of information transmission can publish early warning and forecasting of tourism security in time;safety and emergency three-dimensional transport system have been formed by the helicopter,lifeboat,lifeboats and a variety of motor vehicles. These modern technology equipment and advanced technology means enhance people’s ability to solve security problems. They not only provide scientific methods and means,but also simplifies steps and procedures of treating tourism security issues. However , because the origins of dominant and recessive tourism security problems are very widespread,it causes that the control and management of tourism security changes more complex and difficult. It also proposes more and more demands to the support of science and technology in the tourism security management.
     This dissertation is based on the above background and the latitude of science and technology to study the support platform of tourism security management,that is,the scientific method,scientific and technological means and resources input,with a view to guide practice for tourism security management.
     This dissertation takes Maslow hierarchy of needs,security theories,risk and crisis management theories,science and technology management and innovation theories as guiding ideologies and basic theories. It analyses scientific and technological specific applications and steady roles at three stages(prevention and pre-warning,control and treatment,evaluation and recovery)of tourism security. They accompanied by dominant or recessive security elements,quantitative and qualitative change process of security risk factors in tourism system. That is how science and technology prop up tourism security and support role dimensions of different science and technology. Its purpose and significance are not only to improve scientific and technological investment efficiency in the process of tourism security,but also in the conditions of limited resources,it can provide decision endorsement and theoretical basis for tourism management subjects of scientific and technological investment in management process of tourism security. It analyses support roles and efforts to tourism security of different science and technology,weight performance in the process of tourism security management. In addition,the improvement of human material,culture and living standards cause that people’s consumer preferences,spiritual needs show diversification and high-level. The interaction between tourism demand and supply make the supply have comprehensive,complex,dynamic and innovative features. This is bound to bring great challenges to tourism security management. It is the significance of this study,which is how to enhance the scientific and technological support of tourism security to improve the quality of tourism security management. Totally the dissertation has seven chapters as follows:
     The first chapter is the introduction to this research. It mainly includes research subjects,related concepts,research background, research objective,significance of this research,technological route and innovation points.
     The second chapter is the literature review. It reviews the relevant literatures on the research of domestic and foreign tourism security,the support of science and technology,the support of science and technology to tourism security. Also it explores the opportunity and break point of this research through reviewing research literature.
     The third chapter is the theoretical basis of this study. This chapter provides an overview of the basic theory, including Maslow's hierarchy of needs, safety-related theory, risk and crisis management theory, science and technology management and innovation theories,etc.
     The fourth chapter is the study of scientific and technological support system of tourism security. This chapter analyses specific application of electronic and information technology,materials technology,energy technology,space technology,transportation technologies in three stages:Prevention and Pre-warning of tourism security(including Discrimination and Assessment,Pre-warning,Prevention),Control and Treatment(including Confirmation,Insulation and Control,Treatment and Settlement),Evaluation and Recovery(including Recovery,Learning,Inquisition and Evaluation),through studying research document of tourism security and science & technology,considering the actual conditions of tourism industry and science & technology. Also it analyses the scientific and technological support function dimension,degree of tourism security management and importance situation of science and technology in the management practice of tourism security. Then it obtains the corresponding data by a questionnaire survey. Data analysis and research mainly takes prevention and pre-warning of tourism security as an example. It studies support degree and importance sequencing of different science and technology in this stage and in different aspects. The main purpose is to provide a preliminary basis of decision making for scientific and technological input of tourism security management.
     The fifth chapter is the input-output analysis of scientific and technological support to tourism security.based on questionnaire investigation and interviews , the dissertation obtains the firsthand materials. Also it constructs input-output index system of scientific and technological support to tourism security through the Delphi method. Then it explores the weight value of every target by using AHP. At last,it analyses input-output efficiency of scientific and technological support to tourism security by using CCR model of DEA. The main purpose is to provide further decision making for scientific and technological input of tourism security management.
     The sixth chapter is the mechanism and safeguard system study of scientific and technological support to tourism security. First of all, it analyses that science and technology role in tourism security through influencing the level of efficiency and management,management tools and methods,management procedures.Then it elaborates the safeguard system of scientific and technological support to tourism security,including the concept safeguard system,people and wealth safeguard system,technology and equipment and facilities safeguard system , as well as management and application safeguard system,and so on.
     The last chapter is the research conclusion and the prospect. It summarizes the viewpoints of this research,and carries out the relevant discussions,and finally presents the contributions,the innovation,the limitation and the prospect of this research.
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