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This discourse is about to study gather environment of proverty iciness region of southwest district(inclided yun,gui,chuan).The aim is to provided some feasibility idea of low cost environment space art for economy behindhand region.
    Now most city with efficiency and economy paramount is trying to modify gradully worsen city space environment arosed by flippancy instructive action in early economy developing period.
    They paied much to pursued environment art and failed At the same time,they pay less attention to small towm and country gather environment with most population proportion and low economy,although its environment effect most people.
    Southwest cold region lies to the southwest altiplano, feature largely in its climite, geopraphy, society environment. Study of the special range environment art mode in most behindhand region will redound to popularize region technic in low cost technology mode, as far as create region environment in new period and protect,extend local scene schemely and prevent of tradition environment from destroying by blindfold instructive . Many research has indicate that every gatherinhabitancy has its form reasion ——war,traffic,history,industry and so on,and the roof is lie on safety,healty,and continualy develop living environment.There was many excellent traditional design language in southwest region,but there base has been varied with the time fly;otherwise ,the modern powerful culture inrush has form obvious impact to the traditional culture environment.
    Han culture come into southwest region by war and modern culture by economy inrush.Modern intructive technology appeal great tempt by standard component ,largely produce,all of this greatly promote inhabitance environment,which satisfy human’s conquest of the earth, landscape desire. Amazingly,we get unmercifuly retaliatation by nature and the most important is different resident from different region ,culture,race adopt similar instructive mode to compose environment which shape the same configuration ,we have lost our “home”.
    With the time go on ,city population and gather dmensions has expanded, tranditonal contruction mode and low quality living environment even can’t fit modern life in many sides,the human gather environment contructive would surely go to a new develop stage. Surroundings and architecture artifice can not currency in every region,
    modern thick line artifice is hard to satisfy the need of multi-technology and taste psychology in huge difference region. Region technology and ethical culture is the source of human gather environment contruction,different region should has it’s own technology feature and environment character.
    This discourse is to search the feasibility of new gather space environment art construction in southwest cold region combine with bigreconstruction plan of “mumin new villiage” in sichuan province by theory and practice,besides,to cumulate experence in low cost gather environment construction catefory by practice and improve district environment amelioration of southwest region.
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