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In this paper,Chinese, Japanese and Western art of landscape gardening are the research object .China,Japan and Western Landscape of different origin and development of the art of the many research results were collected and described in detail; and through in Chinese,Japanese and Western landscape gardening use of various techniques, as well as garden art in the three geographic origin, cultural background differences on the comparative study of the system, summed up the three garden-style art of their own advantages, and the difference between their characteristics. Eventually the article concluded that three types of landscape gardening art of the similarity of the law of development practices. By contrast to the above, research and summarize, you can make a world of garden art features the following conclusion: that of Western garden art that "a complete, harmonious, clear the" three elements, the pursuit of strict rationality. Since ancient times, Europeans tend to explore the habit of thinking of things inherent regularity, like the way with clear questions and solve problems, form a clear understanding. This habit of thinking is reflected in the aesthetic symmetry, balance and order, symmetry, balance and order is a simple geometric relationship between the number and determined. Cultural communication, integration, search for cultural integration is overwhelming. Chinese and Western cultural landscape reconstruction, development, and should be the garden behind the cultural awareness, the concept of reconstruction. First, based on their rational side, and then each other from each other for less than face value. Specifically, for Chinese culture, the importance of social and moral rationality, discard the weakness of the individual, drawing attention to the individual in Western culture, originality, scientific rational core, discard the individual closed isolation. China, Japan and the West Garden to summarize the development of context and in order, with the materialist conception of history to explore the source of the Landscape, in-depth grasp of the different point of view of civilization to create garden art and features, to enrich the theory and promote the China Garden Landscaping Positive Development of Landscape Architecture has positive significance. Contrast to the above conclusions of the work of these into practice to achieve its positive significance, through Yingze Park in Taiyuan of Shanxi Province will be the integrity of the park and functional art combined with the landscaping of garden art in these two areas were a comprehensive analysis, and techniques used in gardening and foreign landscape to enhance the park, Yingze Park in recent years has been the transformation of these remarkable results, especially in‘Yingze Park North Gate’and‘Merchants Hall of Jin’,the construction of the two project construction is particularly prominent. Yingze Park North Gate and Merchants Hall of Jin renovation and construction of fully highlights the foreign master of landscape gardening ideas, highlighting the Chinese garden is currently in the construction of an innovative garden, gardening techniques will be parties to the spirit of the times fit, consistent with the actual needs, and social change combined with the integration of economic development, and constantly promote the new urban landscape, features and modern cultural city livable city. Throughout the art of landscape gardening and foreign development practices and characteristics of Remarks of flow more than they like a spring of art for the future of the garden to provide a steady stream of business development and innovation outline the theoretical basis. As long as landscape workers can continue to draw its essence, I believe our side there will be more and more fine garden, among the urban re-integrate into the natural, true for urban residents to provide health, beauty, sustainable development should living environment.
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