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Energy is the essential support for economic development. Nowadays, energy consumption and demand have shown a sharp upward trend. China's energy using efficiency is low, and the government pays great attention to the development and utilization of energy, while energy using efficiency in Jilin Province is lower than the national average. Therefore, to Jilin Province the study of sustainable economic development is particularly important.
     Energy also known as energy resources refers a variety of useful resources achieved directly or through processing or conversion ,including the primary energy and secondary energy, as well as other new and renewable sources of energy. Divided according to different methods, energy sources can be divided into different types with different performance, such as material properties, regeneration, development of conversion, attributes of goods, the type of environmental pollution after energy consumption, and nature of energy. Energy using defined as the use and reuse of a variety of material resources for the production and life of human beings is the essential material basis for the national economy as well as the important indicator for the standards of people’s living. The main use of energy measured by the efficiency refers to the level of energy efficiency. According to the actual use of final energy consumption, the main use of energy can be divided into energy in utilization of production and utilization of livelihood The development and utilization of different energy resources vary in the conversion process, the concept of energy efficiency and the method of calculating, the actual utilization rate of energy consumption elasticity coefficient of one-off energy transferring into electric energy, Energy efficiency standards and labels, standard-setting and the relevant provisions of energy efficiency.
     Management of energy use mainly includes energy management system, the general flow management, enterprise energy management systems, enterprise energy consumption structure, and the state energy saving information dissemination mechanism. Energy consumption is the number of standards for reasonable energy consumption under certain conditions for per unit production or the completion of the per unit workload. Management of energy consumption need to determine the power management tasks manages links, work content, and management processes. Management of energy consumption mainly includes formulation, approval and reporting, implementation, check analysis, amendment; assessment and punishments. Factors affecting energy use include industrial structure, scientific and technological equipment, energy supply, energy structure, level of economic development and people's living standards, regional differences in prices of energy consumption, energy use management and so on .Those factors play roles for energy use from different aspects Whether the regional energy using is good or bad is decided by those factors
     Energy using and sustainable economic development are closely related, therefore evaluation index system should be established, such as indicators of energy consumption (electricity consumption, coal consumption, oil consumption), Efficient use of energy indicators (useful work , heat, light), energy efficiency indicators (Yuan /electricity, Yuan / coal, Yuan / oil), emissions targets (the concentration of pollutant discharge, sewage volume / unit product).
     The formula for calculating the target of energy use evaluation:①Basic model: Energy using efficiency = efficient use of energy / energy supply (%).②physical model: Energy efficiency = calories (kcal) / standard coal (tons);③Value Model: Energy efficiency = GDP / standard coal; (or energy efficiency = GDP / energy costs). We use general evaluation and single-target assessment, the combination of vertical evaluation and horizontal evaluation methods, the use of principal component analysis, cluster analysis and management method such as ABC analysis to evaluate.
     Jilin Province has the same trend with nation's economic growth and energy consumption. The level of energy consumption is lower than that of nation, but higher in million out put of energy consumption. After 2006, Jilin million outputs are still higher than the national average, but very close. Compared with other parts of the country-wide comparison, Jilin Province’s single production consumption is higher. In Jilin Province, the major sectors of energy consumption is industrial, about 70% of the total energy consumption .Energy consumption in Jilin Province grows rapidly and has closely relevance with overall economic situation. Energy consumption in the first, second and tertiary industries and energy consumption in people's lives grows rapidly in the last five or six years. From 1995 to 2007 correlation of output and energy consumption in different industries is significant in positive correlation in 2000 but not significant before. In Jilin Province, heavy industrial is the main energy consumption industry with coal-based consumption, and focuses on 10 major industries, followed by the crude oil consumption, mainly concentrated in three industries. Energy consumption and economic development are relevant, 13 targets related to energy and reflecting the evaluation of economic development are chosen. using principal component to analysis 14 years of data from 1994 to 2007 of Jilin Province, trend of comprehensive score of 14-year economic development by integrated measurement goes upward each year. Energy consumption and gross domestic product and the consumption level of residents are related to each other. Before 1998, economic development and energy consumption and lack of coordination, since 1998, energy consumption and economic development shows positive correlation. Using data since 1998 to establish the index model between energy consumption and economic development is set up, energy consumption and two single indicators - gross domestic product and household consumption are relevant with energy consumption and GDP Linear positive correlation and energy consumption per capita and household consumption quadratic positive correlation. In the next 20 years, more and more large gaps will exist between energy supply and economic development.
     In order to ensure the sustainable economic development of Jilin province, measures to increase the energy efficiency are put forward, namely, promoting the national top 10 saving projects, improving the national information dissemination mechanisms clearing the energy work points in Jilin Province; strengthening the management of energy consumption of major energy use industry and building an energy management information systems .
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