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With the serious shortage of energy, the research on building energy-saving, which one of the hottest points of the society, keeps developing in depth and gets worldwide attentions. In research of building energy-saving, Descartes thinking mode has been used to decompose the building energy-saving system into several factors, which had been the key investigating points, and the relationship among them. However, the integrity of the building energy-saving system is ignored. In this work, the building energy-saving was investigated by means of systematic thinking mode. The building energy-saving was constructed and the optimization method for the building energy-saving system was presented by taking advantage of the related theory and means of architecture, systems theory and optimization theory and taking the situation as a whole. This work chose university gymnasiums as the carrier, and focused on studying Naturalization Technical Level of the building energy-saving system, in order to make the system optimization in its entirety.
     Considering the limitations of Descartes thinking mode used in building energy-saving, this word changed the thinking mode first. With the method of systematic thinking model and some lessons from the relative theory of systems theory, the relative design factors of building energy-saving are developed from the process of architecture design to construct the building energy-saving system. Meanwhile, the mathematical model that reflects their interior structure is established. Based on all of these, the concurrent subsystem optimization method, which is suitable for the building energy-saving system, has been put forward by adopting relevant theories and methodologies of the multidisciplinary design optimization into the building energy-saving system.
     In order to distinct the composing of building energy consumption and direction of building energy-saving of university gymnasiums, this work analyses the relationship between building energy consumption and weather features as well as the body characteristics of university gymnasiums. It also analyses the building energy consumption of one of representative university gymnasium in Qiqihar by means of computer simulating. The final results show that the key point of building energy-saving in university gymnasiums should be the tournament hall.
     Based on the research results mentioned above, parallel design is performed for the Naturalization Technical Level of the building energy-saving system, which is parallel optimized for the daylighting subsystem and natural ventilation subsystem of the Naturalization Technical Level of the building energy-saving system of university gymnasiums. Within the process of optimize design, this study deployed quantitative analysis of the main optimize variation of natural-lighting subsystem and natural ventilation subsystem, together with method of the combination of the project comparison Comparative Law Programme that in accordance with the optimization methods of the optimization problems which is difficult to draw out a suitable mathematical model and the method of computer simulating, finally worked out the feasible way that satisfy each constraint conditions. In accordance with the points above, this work puts forward the fundamental strategy and concrete measures pointing at the daylighting subsystem and natural ventilation subsystem.
     Finally, this work optimized the Naturalization Technical Level of the building energy-saving system which is for university gymnasiums that contain daylighting subsystem and natural ventilation subsystem of building energy-saving system in combination, and worked out the coordinated optimization feasible way of the system and made an investigation with living examples.
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