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A field experiment was conducted in2008-2010to study the effects of differentirrigation schedule and planting patterns on the water consumption characteristics, dry matteraccumulation and distribution of winter wheat-summer maize in North China plain. Usingwinter wheat cultivar “Jimai22” and summer maize cultivar “Zhengdan958” as materials, wegave priority to field experiments, and in combination with the indoor physiological andbiochemical analysis. Four irrigation schedules (W0, no irrigation; W1, irrigation at jointingstage; W2, irrigations at jointing and anthesis stages; W3, irrigations at jointing, anthesis andmilking stages) and three planting patterns (uniform row, wide-narrow row and furrow) weredesigned in winter wheat experiments. The irrigation amount was60mm each time. On thebase of different irrigation of winter wheat, we set bed planting and row planting to summermaize. The main results were as follows:
     1. Effects of irrigation schedule and planting patterns on water consumptioncharacteristics of winter wheat
     Total water consumption of different irrigation was307.11~396.54mm. With theincrease of irrigation amount, total water consumption increased significantly, and the ratio ofirrigation water to total water consumption also increased. Simultaneously, the ratio of soilwater consumption to total water consumption decreased significantly. With the increase ofirrigation amount, it reduced soil water consumption of0~40soil layer, but increased soilwater consumption of middle and deep layer. Compared with uniform row, total waterconsumption of wheat field with furrow and wide-narrow row both increased. Further, furrowincreased more significantly. Simultaneously, patterns of furrow and wide-narrow rowincreased the utilization of soil water. In comparison, furrow could be better use of soil waterof80~120cm deep soil layer.
     2. Effects of irrigation schedule and planting patterns on dry matter accumulation anddistribution of winter wheat
     Increased irrigation could delay wheat leaves’ senescence (especially the lower leaves),and make the physiological function of the blade maintain higher activity to increasephotosynthesis ability and improve photosynthesis product accumulation. Compared with W0treatment, irrigation increased dry matter accumulation and distribution of kernels in matureperiod significantly. The increased dry matter in kernels was mainly the result of improvedassimilation products accumulation after flower. Compared with uniform row, both furrow and wide-narrow row could improve leaf area atdifferent places and leaves’pigment content of winter wheat. Also, the two patterns coulddelay leaves’ senescence and enhance flag leaf’s photosynthesis rate to obtain more dry matteraccumulation. And more, furrow increased more significantly. It increased dry matteraccumulation of kernels in mature period, decreased dry matter distribution proportion ofvegetative organs, and improved the contribution of dry matter accumulation to kernels afterflower. In brief, the enhancement of physiological function of individual in wheat birth latewas the physiological basis of its output improvement
     3. Effects of irrigation schedule and planting patterns on nitrogen accumulation anddistribution of winter wheat
     With the increasing of irrigation, nitrogen accumulation in wheat plants and kernelsfirstly increased and then decreased. The W2treatment was the highest. When enhancingirrigation on the base of W2, the nitrogen accumulation would decrease in plants and kernels.In late period of wheat, increased irrigation was good for improving redistribution efficiencyfrom nitrogen after flowering to kernels. But too much irrigation was bad for improvingnitrogen accumulation in plants. Furrow and wide-narrow row improved nitrogenaccumulation in wheat plant and kernels of mature period, and furrow increased significantly.
     4. Effects of irrigation schedule and planting patterns on grain filling of winter wheat
     No irrigations (W0) could reach the maximum milking rate earlier. With the increasingof irrigations and irrigation frequency, filling rate of the early filling stage decreased, butdropping rate of late period become slowly. In the same irrigation conditions, the time thatreached the maximum milking rate of furrow and wide-narrow row was earlier than uniformrow. With the different irrigation, filling active period prolonged3~5d in comparision withuniform row. It suggests that decreased irrigation was good for speed up its growth, andheading and filling earlier. Increase irrigation and delay irrigation period could help postponesenility, and played important role for yield enhancement. Because furrow and wide-narrowrow changed the population structure, it increased light ventilation within population, delayedplants senility, and changed filling characteristic of grains.
     5. Effects of irrigation schedule and planting patterns on grain yield and WUE of winterwheat-summer maize
     In range of irrigation60~180mm in all grow period, grain yield increased with increasedirrigation. It was positive relation between yield and irrigation. Simultaneously, winter wheat could not full use of irrigation. With increasing irrigation during wheat growth, soil waterstorage increased significantly when seed maize. The influence of wheat irrigation on soilwater storage continued until maize flowering. As winter wheat irrigation increased, bothmaize grain yield and all year crop yield would increase. But WUE of winter wheat W2treatment was the highest. From all year yield and WUE, winter wheat W2treatment couldobtain higher grain yield and higher WUE. It is suitable for widespread irrigation way.
     Furrow of winter wheat enhanced water storage of soil, and obtained higher grain yield.Also, it owned higher irrigation usage efficiency and WUE. With soil surface shape changed,ridge planting of summer maize could harvest rainwater, reduce surface runoff and enhancewater usage. All year crop yield of furrow (winter wheat) and ridge planting (summer maize)increased5.14%than row all year. Irrigation usage efficiency increased6.89%. The resultssuggested that, compared with traditional row planting, furrow (winter wheat) and ridgeplanting (summer maize) could be better use of water. It improved grain yield with increasedirrigation efficiency, and it was a suitable planting model with saving water and high yield.
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