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Apple industry is the pillar and competitive industry in Shaanxi. Apple juice is one of thefew agricultural products with international competitiveness in Shaanxi Province and China.The development of apple industry is important to adjust and optimize regional industrialstructure, promote the development of regional distinctive industry, and increase farmers'earnings and job opportunity in Shaanxi province. China’s apple industry has entered animportant historical period that transferring from traditional industry to modern industry, andfrom global apple production big country to powerful country. As the biggest apple producingprovince in China, Shaanxi should consider how to take the lead in realizing thetransformation from traditional mode to modern mode seriously, and the this as the mostimportant task for the development of Shaanxi apple industry. Therefore, searching about asuccessful path to enhance the market competitiveness and profitability of Shaanxi appleindustry, finding its comparative advantage and characteristics, problems as well asbottlenecks in the context of global trade, and discussing how to expand the apple industrialchain after measuring and analyzing the competitiveness and potential of this industry, areundoubtedly a research topic with great meaning. This study provides scientific support forShaanxi fruit industry management authority to make reasonable policies, and can provideguidance for Shaanxi apple industry to face to global market better. It is also helpful inpromoting the upgrade and sustainable development of this industry, and makes it owncontribution to the theory of exploring a path to developing foreign-oriented agriculture inChina.
     Therefore, This study analyzes and concludes the developing status of Shaanxi appleindustry at the background of global trade. In concrete, the author uses the methods ofintegrated comparative advantage index and exporting product quality upgrading index toanalyze and estimate the producing and exporting comparative advantage of Shaanxi apples.In the next, we also use the trading gravitation model to measure the exporting potential ofShaanxi apple juice, and try to find the factors influencing the production and trade ofShaanxi apples through multiple regressions. Finally, the author proposed the suggestions toenhance the competitiveness of apple industry and to promote the industrial development of modern apple industry in Shaanxi.
     The main contents and conclusions of this study are as follows:
     (1) The planting acreage, output and trade quantity of the apples on the world keepsincreasing. The producing efficiency and revenue improves also. At present, China hasbecome the biggest apple producing and trading country. Its proportion of producing andtrading quantity to the world almost climbs yearly, while its pricing right on the global marketis limited. The fluctuation of global market will bring great influence to the development ofChina apple industry. Therefore, improving the competition strength and pricing right ofChina apple industry on the global market, should be an important task of this industrycurrently.
     (2) Shaanxi province is the best apple producing district and the largest concentratedapple juice producing and processing base on the world. Its producing and exporting quantityare both number one domestically, and its ratio also climbs year after year. Depending on thecheap labor and perfect industry chain from R&D to production, the planting acreage andoutput of Shaanxi apples climbs quickly, but it faces a high barrier that its exporting countriesare too concentrated.
     (3) Shaanxi apple production and apple juice export has shown its comparative advantageamong all the provinces domestically obviously, no matter from the angle of single production,scale, revenue, or inner resource cost. While its EAI index is lower than Shandong, means theproducing technology in Shaanxi still needs to be improved, so as to promote its comparativeadvantage in efficiency continuously. Judging from the displaying comparative advantageindex, Shaanxi owns better export competition advantage when compares to the main applejuice export countries, while its power is still weaker than Poland, Argentina, Austria and soon, needs to be improved more.
     (4) Through analysis to the resource endowment index of28apple planting base countiesin Shaanxi province, Shaanxi apple resource distribution shows a dumbbell-type construction.The developing space of this industry still exists. The main factors influencing Shaanxi appleproduction are water and technology, but not those traditional factors such as pesticide orfertilizer. Besides, the degree of industry systematization influence apple production to largeextent, which is decided by the educational background of the farmers, merchandise level ofthe apples, as well as whether there are apple producing corporations in the village.
     (5) The main export market of Shaanxi apples are USA, EU, Russia and Japan. Thesecountries heighten the barrier to Chinese apples step by step though both tariff wall andnon-tariff wall, especially technology wall. According to the demand and consumptioncharacteristics of these markets, we divide them into three types: trading potential mature, trading potential growing and trading potential huge. Taking different export strategiesaccording to their types is help to enlarge apples’ export.
     (6) The development of apple industry and its main processing and exportingproduct-concentrated apple juice, is important to Shaanxi village economy. People should paymore attention to the relative technological innovation to improve production and quality;strengthen the construction of infrastructure and optimize local distribution and varietystructure; build modern industry organization so as to improve the farmers ability to front thefluctuation of the market; break through foreign technological wall and build canonicalcompetitive order, try to improve the competitive power and sustainable development abilityof Shaanxi apple industry ever more.
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