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     试验结果表明:播期越早,营养面积越大,园艺学性状越突出,壮苗指数越高,但不能据此就说产量就越高。在株高方面,定植前由高到低的顺序为:第一播期的7×7 cm~2(14.29cm)、第二播期的7×7 cm~2(12.47 cm)、第二播期的5×5 cm~2(12.47 cm)、第一播期的5×5cm~2(12.11 cm)、第三播期的7×7 cm~2(11.74cm)、第一播期的3×3cm~2(11.19cm)、第三播期的5×5cm~2(10.8cm)、第二播期的3×3cm~2(9.96 cm)、第三播期的3×3cm~2(9.57 cm),在0.05水平上,第一播期的7×7cm~2与第二播期的7×7cm~2相比差异不显著,但与其它处理相比差异显著。在茎粗方面,第一播期的7×7cm~2与其它各处理相比差异都显著。在干物质积累方面,第一播期的7×7cm~2、5×5cm~2的均较高,第三播期的7×7cm~2次之。按壮苗指数排列顺序为:第一播期的7×7cm~2、第一播期的5×5cm~2、第二播期的7×7cm~2、第二播期的5×5cm~2、第三播期的7×7cm~2、第一播期的3×3cm~2、第三播期的5×5cm~2、第二播期的3×3cm~2、第三播期的3×3cm~2。产量由高到低的顺序为,第二播期的5×5cm~2(469.083kg/667m~2)、第二播期的7×7cm~2(460.58kg/667m~2)、第三播期的7×7cm~2(442.621kg/667m~2)、第一播期的5×5cm~2(399.5428kg/667m~2)、第一播期的7×7cm~2(386.0501kg/667m~2)、第二播期的3×3cm~2(331.8065kg/667m~2)、第一播期的3×3cm~2(330.2084kg/667m~2)、第三播期的5×5cm~2(288.9812kg/667m~2)、第三播期的3×3cm~2(276.5978kg/667m~2)。但前三者产量差异不显著,而与其它处理相比差异显著,第一播期5×5cm~2、7×7cm~2产量处于中等水平,二者产量差异不显著,其余处理产量均较低。
     Y二279 .863+9 .9llXI+8.7iX2+8.031X3+3.556X4一10.797XI,一11.493X2,一6.760X3,-
    6 .601x4z一1 .086x久一3 .483XIX3一1.634XIX4+5.445X2X3+0.481X2X4+2.169X3X4
    尿素6 6 .52一74 .74 kg/667砰,硫酸钾48.04一54.56kg/667耐,过磷酸钙77.37一
    8 5 .2 9 kg/6 67m,,株距14 .48一is.52Cm/株。
     辣椒产量在349 kg/667才以上的综合农艺措施为:尿素64.2一72.57
    kg/6 67m,,硫酸钾53 .22一6o.lokg/667Inz,过磷酸钙65.37一75.09 kg/667tnz,
    株距1 5 .7一1 6 .61Cm/株。
In recent years, the cultivated area of chilli became larger and larger. The main problems in cultivating chilli in China were backward techniques and irrational fertilizing. In view of these problems, seedling growth and fertilizing density were studied to provide theoretical basis for agricultural production.
    In seedling experiment, there were 3 seeding times (14, March; 24, March; 3, April). In each phase, there were 3 treatments with different nutrient areas (3x3 cm 2; 5x5 cm 2; 7x7 cm 2).
    The results showed that the earlier and larger were the seeding time and nutrient areas, the more outstanding and higher were the qualitative characters and sound seedling index.
    In the aspect of the seedling heights before field planting, the order from high to low was that '14, March & 7x7 cm 2, (14.29 an), '24, March & 7x7 cm 2, (12.47 on), '24, March & 5x5 cm2, (12.47 cm), '14, March & 5x5 cm 2, (12.11 an), '3, April & 7x7 cm 2, (11.74 cm), '14, March & 3x3 cm 2, (11.19 cm) , '3, April & 5x5 cm 2(10.8 cm), '24, March & 3x3 cm 2, (9.96 cm), '3, April & 3x3 cm 2(9.57 cm). On the level of 0.05, the differences between '14, March & 7x7cm2, and '24, March & 7x7cm2, were not obvious, but that between the above two treatments and other ones were obvious.
    In the aspect of the diameters of stems, compared with the other ones, '14, March & 7x7 cm 2, was the most outstanding.
    In the aspect of the accumulations of dry matters, both '14, March & 7x7 an 2, and '14, March & 5x5 on 2, were the highest ones; '3, April & 7x7 cm 2, took the second place.
    In the aspect of the sound seedling indexes, the order from high to low was that ' 14, March & 7x7 cm 2,,' 14, March & 5x5 cm 2,, '24, March & 7x7 cm 2,, '24, March & 5x5 cm 2,, '3, April & 7x7 cm 2\ '14, March & 3x3 cm 2\ '3, April & 5x5 cm 2\ '24, March & 3x3 cm 2,, '3, April & 3x3 cm 2>.
    In the aspect of yields, the order from high to low was that '24, March & 5x5 an 2,(469.083kg/667m2), '24, March & 7x7 cm 2(460.58 kg/667m2)', '3, April & 7x7 cm 2(442.621 kg/667m2)', '14, March & 5x5 cm 2(399.5428 kg/667m2)', '14, March & 7x7 cm 2(386.0501 kg/667m2)', '24, March & 3x3 cm 2331.8065 kg/667m2)', '14, March & 3x3 cm 2(330.2084 kg/667m2)', '3, April & 5x5 cm 2(288.9812 kg/667m2)', '3, April & 3x3 cm 2(276.5978 kg/667m2)'. '24, March & 5x5 cm 2,, '24, March & 7x7 cm 2, and '3, April & 7x7 cm2, were all higher than the other treatments, among which there was not obvious difference.
    The above data showed that as the criterion to foresee the high yield possibility of chilli, sound seedling index had a certain degree of representative, but also had
    limitations; seeding later combined with enlarging nutrient area, the high yield could be gotten too.
    In this experiment, 625 combinations were compressed into 31 ones by using quadratic rotating combination designs. The data gotten from fields were scientifically processed by computers to set up mathematic models to finish the simulated operations and the statistics and analyzes of this experimental project, to screen the high-quality, high-yield, high-efficiency, low-cost synthetical agricultural schemes and the optimum production conditions, and to realize the quantification of the indexes of cultivation techniques and the standardization of cultivations. The models also provide scientific basis for centralized guidance, technological decision, resource distribution and scientific management.
    There was not many mathematical models of capsanthin content and capsaicin content; especially, that of the latter was not seen by author.
    A 4-factor 5- level experiment was designed. By means of general rotating combination designs, two mathematical models were set up to reflect the relations between four factors N(X1), P(X2), K(X3) and cultivation density(X4) and chilli yield or capsaicin content.
    The mathematical models of chilli yield:
    The mathematical models of capsaicin content:
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