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人工林在为人类提供木材、减缓大气CO2浓度上升、增加陆地森林覆盖率和减缓人类对天然林依赖的同时,也带来了生物多样性下降、绿色沙漠、抽水机、抽肥机、化感作用等人类普遍关注的林业生态问题。如何使人工林在满足人类对木材的需求的同时发挥其应有的生态功能是当前森林生态研究的热点之一。对于人工林生物多样性的研究将有助于提高人工林的经营与管理水平,减少其负面效应。由于以往研究的环境背景不同或仅选取一个短伦伐周期内某一林龄桉树人工林为研究对象,使得目前桉树人工林生物多样性争议颇多;另外,森林地上和地下生态系统的相互关系是密切的,这种复杂的相互关系能够反馈从而调控整个生态系统。但目前,对于桉树人工林的地上/地下部分生物多样性在群落和生态系统水平上的系统研究还很缺乏。基于此,本研究于2007-2009年,采用立地条件控制的方法,选择1-10年生巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)人工林生态系统为研究对象进行研究,将有助于揭示在退耕还林过程中,土壤条件由农田转为林地,巨桉人工林生态系统生物多样性的形成过程、生物多样性与其生态系统功能之间的关系,进而探明种植巨桉人工林本身会对生物多样性的形成及生态环境造成何种影响。结果如下:
     (2)退耕地营造巨桉人工林10年后,林下植被得以恢复。一个年龄序列巨桉人工林林下共出现植物种类为77种分属44科,65属,以灌木和草本为主,乔木、藤本、蕨类依次次之,草本植物在物种和个体数量上均占据优势。从群落水平上,林下植被物种数和单位面积植物个体丰富度在轮伐期前(1-3年)增加,随后两年(4-5年)降低,轮伐期至超出轮伐期显著增加,10年时这两个指标分别增加为第1年的5.60和5.83倍。林下植被以高位芽植物为主,之后依次是地上芽植物、地面芽植物和一年生草本、隐芽植物最少。随着林龄的增加,10年时,林下植被中不同生活型和生长型的物种丰富度较第1年分别增加了4.09 and 5.22倍,高位芽植物物种数增加了10.67倍。p多样性指数显示轮伐期前物种更替速率快,超出轮伐期物种更替速率减缓。
     (5)一个生长季节内,各类群土壤微生物数量变化不一致,但微生物总数均出现轮伐期前至轮伐期(1-4或者5年)降低,此后随林龄增加显著升高的变化趋势。四季,土壤微生物总数季节变化一致,即秋季>春季>夏季>冬季。4年冬季土壤微生物数量最低(21.79×106CFU·g-1,10年秋季最高(132.61×106 CFU·g-1)。春、夏、秋、冬季,超出轮伐期10时土壤动物密度为1年时的1.97、0.85、2.21、1.50倍。土壤细菌、放线菌、真菌、及微生物总数呈明显垂直变化凋落物层最丰富,随土层加深而降低,偶尔出现逆向分布。土壤细菌在土壤微生物类群中占绝对优势,放线菌次之、真菌数量最低。四季土壤微生物多样性指数,Pielou和Shannon-wiener指数轮伐期前(1-3或4年)有波动的增加,而后随林龄逐渐减小;Simpson指数呈相反趋势。
It is increasingly recognized that the large area development of commercial plantations affects the native biodiversity. Understanding of the biodiversity pattern can provide an important scientific basis for plantation management. Issues around the loss of diversity caused by fast-growing tree plantations have aroused controversy for many years. A crucial problem in the most studies was being conducted in the short-term rotation eucalyt plantations with a certain plantation age, which might limit our understanding of the actual plantation ecosystem process. Furthermore, above- and below-ground components of forest ecosystems interact implicitly. Complex interactions between above-belowground biodiversity may provide important feedbacks regulating ecosystem. Therefore, above- and below-ground biodiversity (soil microbe and soil fauna) in the Eucalyptus grandis plantations with a range of plantation ages (1-10 years) converted from cropland, therefore, were simultaneously measured in order to obtain an understanding of eucalypt effects on biodiversity.
     1 Germination rates of the three target species decreased with the increase of the concentrations of eucalyptu roots extracts. At the lowest concentration, little variation was observed on germination rate among the treatments from plantations with different ages. The highest dose roots extracts from 4 years old E. grandis showed the strongest inhibitory effects on the germinations of all target specie, the inhibitory rates were about 48%,51.2%,56.56%, respectively. Seedling's growth of the three target plants were reduced as the concentration of root extract increase and toxic effect of extract was much more pronounced for younger E. grandis. Soils of 4 years old E. grandis plantation exhibited the most remarkable inhibitory effect on the targe plant, followed by 2 years old. However, after 4 years old, the inhibitory effect was weakened and a stimulatory effect was presented with the increased forest ages on germination and growth of target. Twenty eight allelopathic potential compounds were confirmed present in roots extracts of E. grandis. The contene of that were in great abundance before E. grandis rotation age. Thirty eight chemical components were found in E. grandis rhizosphere soils and were in great abundance in younger stands. Twenty common components including alkane, aromatic ester, arene and phenol have been observed both in root and rhizosphere soils.
     2 A total of 77 species from 44 families with shrub and herbaceous species dominated were recorded across 1-10 year old E. grandis plantations. The species richness and abundance of understory plants increased in the first 3 years and then decreased in the following 2 years, however, those indices thereafter increased by 4.60 and 4.83 times in the 10-year plantation compared to 1-year stands, respectively. The species number of life forms and growth forms over roatation age (10-year old) increased by 4.09 and 5.22 times compared to 1-year old stands. Regardless of the stand age, phanerophytes have a large amount (27.27-66.67%) followed by chamaephytes (16.67-31%), hemicryptophytes (4.16-27.27%). After 10 years, the number of phanerophytes species increased by 10.67 times. It is worth noting that broad leaved herb occurred all along the 10 year old stands.β-diversity reflecting the successional rates of understory community were higher before rotation age but lower over rotation age. The species richness and diversity indices of herb species were significantly higher than shrub layer in younger stands (1 to 4 years), thereafter lower than shrub species in 5 years old plantations and paralleled with shrub layer in older E. grandis.
     3 The samples in the ten year-old sites in autumn yielded 3068、4355、8326、3690 individuals of soil animals from thirty taxonomic genera belonging to seven phylum, fourteen class, and thirty three orders. More abundant soil fauna communities occurred in organic horizons (about 1.2-2.3 times that in top soil) and decreased with soil depths except for the conversely vertical distribution in soil in the 6 th and 8 th year plantations). The density of micro-fauna was quantitatively more abundant than meso- and macro-fauna regardless of plantation age. A large amount of micro-mesofauna occurred in the litter layer. Fewer amounts of meso-fauna but considerably abundant micro-fauna were found in the studied soil. The densities of macrofauna (Hymenoptera dominated), mesofauna (Acarina and Collembolan dominated), microfauna (nematode and enchytraeidae dominated) in the 10-year plantation. In spring, soil faunal density decreased (4.560×104 ind. m-2-2.627×104 ind. m-2) before rotation age, and then increased with forest age, it was 2.02 times over rotation age (10-year stands) than that in 1 year-old stands. In summer, soil faunal density increased in the first 2 years and then decreased and was lowest in 4 years, thereafter increased with forest age, the density in 10 year stands was 2.47 times higher than 1a. In autumn, soil faunal density decreased from 7.40 in the 1-year plantation to 5.77×104 ind. m-2 in the 4-year plantation, and then increased to 22.31×104 ind. m-2 in the 10-year stand. In winter, the soil faunal density increased with fluctuation, was lower in 2 year-old plantations (1.51×10 4 ind. m-2) and peaked in 8 year-old plantations (9.44×104 ind. m-2), it in 10 year old plantations was 2.41 times higher than the lth year. DG indix were ranked as autumn, spring, summer, winter and the other diversity indices didn't showed similar seasonally trend. Soil protozoa density increased in the first 2 years and decreasd from 3 to 6 years and then increased with forest age, it in 10 year old plantations was 2.30 times higher than 1 year old plantations.
     4 The abundance and the proportions of omnivores, saprozoic, predators and phytophage groups were varied with forest age. In the four seasons, the proportions of predators or phytophage were lower and with the phytophage groups lowest and decreased insignificantly with the increasing forest ages. The abundance and proportion of predators in summer and winter increased and decreased in spring and autumn insignificantly. The abundance of the omnivores groups decreased in the first 5years and increased with plantation age, the proportion of it fluctuated and increased significantly with plantation age. In the four seasons, the abundance of the omnivores groups in 10a were 10.6、14.5、4.71、9.20 times, the proportion of that in 10a were 4.63、4.34、1.57、2.26 times higher than in 1 year old plantations. The abundance of saprozoic groups decreased before and in rotation age (1-5 or 6a), and then increased significantly with forest age in spring, summer, autumn. In winter, the abundance of saprozoic groups increased significantly from 1-3year, and decreased from 3 to 5 year, thereafter increased with plantation age. The proportion of the group fluctuated and decreased with plantation age; The abundance of the group in 10 year old Kgrandis plantations were 1.17、1.15、2.50、2.26 times than 1 year old plantations; the proportion of that were 0.51、0.34、0.83、0.56 times than in 1 year old plantations. No similarly seasonal trend was found on the functional groups of soil fauna; the common characteristics were that the abundance and proportions of the varied groups were higher in autumn.
     5 In four seasons, bacteria quantitatively dominated the soil microbe in E. grandis regardless of plantation age, follwed by actinomycete and fungi. The counts of the microbes were higher in organic horizons and decreased with soil depths except for the converse distribution in certain year old stands. Although the seasonal difference of different types of soil microbe. The microbial counts decreased before rotation and then increased with the plantation age, the connts in four seasons increased by 1.97、0.85、2.21、1.50 from 1 to 10 year-old plantations. Although the variation of the three microbe type, they all showed similarly seasonal trend viz. autumn> spring>summer> spring. The soil microbe counts in 4a in winter reached the minium (21.79×106 CFU·g-1), and peaked in 10a in autumn (132.61×106 CFU·g-1). The diversity indices generally represent the following trend viz. Shannon-wiener and Pielou index increased in the first 3 or 4 years and then decrease with forest age. Simpson index showed a converse trend.
     6 MBC and MBN concentration were higher in surface soil (0-10cm) and decreased with soil depths, MBC content decreased in fluctuation with plantation age in younger stands, and then increased with forest age. From 1 to 10 years, MBC content increased from 455.59 mg Kg-1to 2138 mg Kg-1 in spring; It increased by 3.94times,1.82 and 3.94times in summer, autumn and winter respectively. Soil MBN decreased before rotation age (1-4 years), and thereafter increased. The MBN concentration increased by 3.59、3.26、1.83、6.59 times. A similar seasonally trend was found in MBC, ranked as autumn, winter, spring, summer. No seasonally similar trend was found in MBN.
     7 There were significantly positive correlations between plant richness, soil faunal abundance (macro-, meso- and micro-fauna), and the the abundance of culturable soil microbeand microbial biomass except for the soil fauna trophic groups (Omnivores and Saprozoic fauna). There were significant correlations between above and below-ground diversity indices. Abundance and diversity indices of plants and soil biota were significantly correlated with soil properties. The understory vegetation in E.grandis plantations reestablished after 10 years afforestation. After 10 years, the abundance of soil microbe and its diversity indices were higher than crop lands but lower than Pinus massoniana (> 30a). There were no signicant varations of soil faunal density and diversity indices between (< 4a) E.grandis plantations before rotation age and crop lands, but significant varations were found between plantations over rotation age and crop lands. Soil faunal density and diversity indices in E.grandis plantaions before rotation age and in rotation age varied significantly, but varied not signicantly in plantaions over the rotation age, when compared with Pinus massoniana (> 30a) stands.
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