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With the view of studying polymorphism of DQA1gene exon2in864HexiCashmere goat、223Chaidamu Cashmere goat and633Longdong Cashmere goat(1720in total)and the association of alleles with pregnancy in Hexi Cashmere Goat,using PCR-SSCP technology and by cloning and sequencing. We got the followingconclusions:(1) There were9DQA1alleles were obtained, GoLA-DQA1*B、GoLA-DQA1*E and GoLA-DQA1*H were new DQA1alleles in this study. AlleleGoLA-DQA1*F and GoLA-DQA1*H were not found in Chaidamu Cashmere goat.(2)Sequence analysis indicated that there were42single nucleotide polymorphism sites,and23amino acid polymorphism sites were found; there were observed19genotypes,GG、CC、DD is advantage genotype in Hexi Cashmere goat, G is advantage alleles;DG、DE is advantage genotype in Chaidamu Cashmere goat, D is advantage alleles;DD is advantage genotype in Longdong Cashmere goat, D is advantage alleles.(3)The univariategeneral linear model analysis showed significant statistic differencebetween different alleles (P<0.05). Frequencies of GoLA-DQA1*A were higher thanthose in normal group (P<0.01); in contrast, GoLA-DQA1*Hallelic frequencies inabortion group were lower than those in normal group (P<0.05). The result suggestedthat the alleles GoLA-DQA1*A might associated with abortion and GoLA-DQA1*Hmight related to pregnancy protection in Hexi Cashmere Goat.
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