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The origin form of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) appeared more than half acentury ago, while the rapid development of SWFs just happened in the last decade.Many newly developing market economies such as China have established their ownSWFs to mergers and acquisitions within developed countries. Especially after theU.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the main SWFs poured money into the financialmarkets of developed countries, and have greatly improved the liquidity of theinternational financial sector and help to boost market confidence as well as recoverythe countries’ economic. As the sources of capital of SWFs are different from privateinvestors, and there are potential conflicts between SWFs’ own sovereignty andmarket-oriented background mode of operation, the ambiguity of investment incentivecaused widespread panic in capital recipient countries, which have increasedregulation and supervision of the SWFs. Meanwhile, the transparency and thegovernance structures of SWFs have a lot of defects which lead to a number of legaldisputes to solve and may evolve into a new round of international investmentprotectionism. In order to solve the former legal issues, this paper uses comparativemethod, and seeks to analyze the concept of SWFs, characteristics, background, etc.After that, the paper reviews the regulatory rules of various countries andinternational organizations about SWFs, clarifies the legal relationship about SWFsand the nature and content of them, and provides the legal basis for the developmentof SWFs. This paper is divided into seven chapters, the specific contents of eachchapter are as follows:
     Chapter Ⅰ discusses the theory foundation of SWFs research. First, aftercomprehensive review of a variety of domestic and international perspectives, itcomes to the meaning characteristics, and classification type of SWFs. Then, followedby the analysis of the development of SWFs in recent years, this part of paper probesinto the reasons why the SWFs grow so rapidly, and points out that the rising prices ofnatural resources, imbalances in world economy development and deepening ofeconomic globalization constitutes the main reasons for the development of SWFs.Moreover, according to the status of the SWFs, the author states the various riskswhen SWFs actually operate, and regards these risks as the incentives which results inthe increasing of regulations and supervisions on SWFs. Finally, by analyzing the relevant subjects and content of legal relations about SWFs, this part brings out thelegal issues concerning SWFs.
     Chapter Ⅱ discusses the international regulatory modes of SWFs from theinternational hard law and soft law norms. It analyzes the possibility of theinternational community to create international hard rules to regulate the SWFs,mainly from the contents of WTO rules, IMF agreement, BIT and other internationaleconomic agreements to explore how to modify the hard rules to establish specialobligations specifically for SWFs and their home countries. Then, the paper discussesthe international soft-law development issues, through the analysis of the backgroundof soft law to stress the importance of the soft law. After the introduce of the"Santiago Principles","the OECD principle","EU common approach","Washingtonagreement","Kuwait Declaration" and other international soft law about the SWFs, itreveals the role and the cause of the international soft law of SWFs, and concludesthat the international soft law is the effective solution to the problems.
     Chapter Ⅲ discusses the transparency of SWFs which is the current hot issue.First, it states and comments the reasons why SWFs need the transparency, and it getsa conclusion that the SWFs should improve the transparency appropriately, and thehost countries' regulatory measures also have to follow the principle of transparency,which means the transparency requirements should not be one-way. Secondly, itanalyzes the contents of the "Santiago Principles", the investment guide for therecipient countries and other transparency standards, which are the efforts of theinternational community to enhance the transparency of SWFs and also the hostcountries’ control measures. At last, it probes into how to improve the transparency ofChina Investment Corporation (CIC), the SWF of China.
     Chapter IV firstly discusses the governance issues of the SWFs themselves,mainly from the experience of Temasek which is the model of domestic governance ofSWFs and the contents of the "Santiago Principles", to explore a set of rules ofgovernance for SWFs. Secondly, it analyzes the governance issues of target companywhere the SWFs are as shareholders, focusing on the inadequacies of measures thatrestrict the SWFs’ shareholder rights, especially the voting rights, and pointing outthat the maintenance of the shareholders' rights of the SWFs is the way to realize theeffective administration of target companies. Thirdly, taking the Norwegian sovereignwealth fund practices as an example, this part explains how to establish and adhere to ethical guidelines, and fulfil the social responsibilities and the interface of goodgovernance between the SWFs themselves and the external. At last, the author hasputs forward some suggestions for improving the governance of CIC.
     Chapter V discusses the investment access issues of the SWFs. First it exploresthe investment access of the SWFs in the host countries. According to the latestlegislative practice of the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany and otherWestern countries, the author deems that the American and European countries areusing the "national security" reviews to enhance the market access regulation ofSWFs. And after introducing the bilateral investment conventions,"the GeneralAgreement on Trade in Services" and the international documents on investment rulesprovided by OECD which are concerning the SWFs investment protection provisions,this part analyses how the existing international investment law influence the legalsystem of the host countries for SWFs investment access.
     Chapter VI discusses the issue of the immunity of SWFs. Sovereign immunity isa fundamental principle of general international law. As the SWFs are closely relatedto the countries’ sovereignty, whether the SWFs could enjoy the state immunity meansgreat to the legal status of SWFs which operate in other countries. This chapter beginswith "United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and theirproperty",“the United States' Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act "and other advancedlegislation, and discusses the issue of the judicial immunity of the SWFs, mainly fromthe aspects of the qualification and type of behaviors. In addition, it researches theconditions when the SWFs enjoy the executional immunity of the compulsorymeasures, and the similarities and differences compared with the jurisdictionalimmunity. Since the foreign investment of SWFs will face cross-border tax issues, thepaper analyzes the current U.S. income tax law as an example to know the possibilityto get income tax exemption in other countries, and explores the qualifications andconditions of that.
     The SWFs investment process in overseas would inevitably encounter manyeconomic disputes, and being faced with the issues of the dispute settlement and theconflict of laws. Chapter VII is about the issues concerning the investment disputeresolution and choice of law for SWFs. Taking into account the characteristics ofinternational law on dispute settlement mechanism, this part of the chapter discussesthe international solution to the disputes caused by the regulations from the hostcountries combined with the "Washington Convention" and the WTO "rules and procedures on dispute settlement understanding". And then it researches the choice oflaw for SWFs from the aspect of principles and rules.
    ①David A. Hall: The False Panacea of International Agreements for the U.S. Regulation of Sovereign WealthFunds,5Brigham Young University International law&Management Review,2008.
    ②Paul Rose, Sovereign as shareholders, Moritz College of Law,2008.
    ③Ronald J.Gilson&Curtis J. Milhaupt, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Corporate Governance: A MinimalistResponse to the New Mercantilism,60Stan. L. Rev,2008.
    ①Thomas E. Crocker, What Banks Need To Know About The Coming Debate Over CFIUS, Foreign DirectInvestment And Sovereign Wealth Funds, Banking Law Journal, May,2008, p17.
    ②SWF Institute公布的最新数据显示全世界的主权财富基金规模约为3.562万亿美元。http://www.swfinstitute.org/funds.php伦敦国际金融服务协会(IFSL)认为总规模为3.9万亿美元。
    ③Stephen Jen, How Big Could Sovereign Wealth Funds Be by2015?, Morgan Stanley Global Economic Forum,available at http://www.morganstanley.com/views/gef/archive/2007/20070504-Fri.html, visited on July1,2010.
    ④Andrew Rozanov, Who Holds the Wealth of Nations,4Central Banking Journal,2005, p52-57.
    ②See U. S Treasury Department, Appendix3of Semiannual Report on International Economic and Exchange RatePolicies, June,2007, p.1. available at http://www.treas.gov/offices/international-affairs/economic-exchange-rates/, visited on July2,2010.
    ③See IMF, Sovereign Wealth Funds: Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (Santiago Principles),October2008. available at http://www.iwg-swf.org/pubs/eng/santiagoprinciples.pdf,, visited on July2,2010.
    ①See International Monetary Fund, Sovereign Wealth fund—A Work Agenda, February,2008, p.37. available athttp://www. Imf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2008/022908. pdf, visited on July2,2010.
    ②See International Monetary Fund, Sovereign Wealth fund—A Work Agenda, February,2008, p.5, available athttp://www. Imf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2008/022908. pdf, visited on July2,2010.
    ③并非所有设立主权财富基金的政府都是国家,这一点应当犹为注意,有学者就曾主张,通过主权财富基金的投资运作来扩大台湾在“国际社会”中的“政治影响”,如以此方式参与那些将台湾排除在外的国际性组织,参见Tom Ginsburg著、王志诚等译:《主权财富基金、民主制度及国际法对台湾的影响》,《法学新论》2009年第13期,第45-46页。
    ①关于发展中国家为何要热衷与积累外汇储备以及设立主权财富基金,See Stephany Griffith-Jones and JoséAntonio Ocampo, Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Developing Country Perspective, Columbia University,http://academiccommons.columbia.edu/catalog/ac:127036
    ②http://www.unctad.org/Templates/StartPage.asp?intItemID=2068, visited on July2,2010.
    ①Aaditya Mattoo, Arvind Subramanian, Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Fund: A New Role forthe World Trade Organization, Policy Research Working Paper4668, the World Bank Development ResearchGroup Trade Team, July2008, p15.
    ①Aaditya Mattoo, Arvind Subramanian, Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Fund: A New Role forthe World Trade Organization, Policy Research Working Paper4668, the World Bank Development ResearchGroup Trade Team, July2008, pp15-16.
    ④David A. Hall: The False Panacea of International Agreements for the U.S. Regulation of Sovereign WealthFunds,5Brigham Young University International law&Management Review,2008, p164.
    ①为了剥夺国际投资条约赋予主权财富基金的法律身份,将基金界定为外国投资者可能会在某些接受国内产生争议。Federico Lasconi, the Return of Zheng He? AnAssessment of Chinese Sovereign Wealth Fund FromA Law&Development Perspecttive, p16, http://ssrn.com/abstrct=1760270.
    ②Yvonne C. L. Lee, The Governance of Contemporary Sovereign Wealth Fund,6Hastings BUS. L. J.,2010,p215.
    ②See Brendan J. Reed, Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Barbarians at the Gate? An Analysis of the Legal andBusiness Implications of Their Ascendancy,4Virginia Law&Business Review,2009, p121.
    ①Federico Lasconi, the Return of Zheng He? An Assessment of Chinese Sovereign Wealth Fund From A Law&Development Perspecttive, p14, http://ssrn.com/abstrct=1760270.
    ②Larry Catá Backer. Sovereign Investing in Times Of Crisis: Global Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds,State-Owned Enterprises, And the Chinese Experience, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems,Winter2010, pp.94-96.
    ①SWF Principles Will Help Cross-Border Investment,http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/survey/so/2008/NEW090308B.htm, visited on July2,2010..
    ③A Common European Approach to Sovereign Wealth Fund,http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finances/docs/sovereign_en.pdf.
    ②Francis Snyder, Soft Law and Institutional Practice in the European Community, in Stephen Martin (ed.), TheConstruction of Europe: Essays in the Honor of émile No l, Kluwer Academic Publisher,1994, p198.
    ③Linda Senden, Soft Law in European Community Law, Hart Publishing,2004, p112.
    ①Larry Catá Backer, Sovereign Investing in Times Of Crisis: Global Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds,State-Owned Enterprises And the Chinese Experience, Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, Winter2010, pp.94-96.
    ②Eric Langland, Misplaced Fears Put to Rest: Financial Crisis Reveals the True Motives of Sovereign WealthFunds,18Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law,2009, pp.277-284.
    ①Sovereign Wealth Funds: Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (GAPP)-Santiago Principles.http://www.iwg-swf.org/pubs/eng/santiago-principles.pdf,. visited on July2,2010.
    ②Kenneth W. Abbott, Duncan Snidal.Hard and Soft Law in International Governance,54InternationalOrganization,2000, pp.422-424.
    ③Chris Brummer, Why Soft Law Dominates International Finance-and not Trade,13Journal of InternationalEconomic Law,2010, pp.623-633.
    ①Eric Langland, Misplaced Fears Put to Rest: Financial Crisis Reveals the True Motives of Sovereign WealthFunds,18Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law,2009, pp.277-284.
    ④Kern Alexander, Rahul Dhumale and John Eatwell, Global Governance of Financial Systems: The InternationalRegulation of Systemic Risk, Oxford University Press,2006, p138.
    ④See IMF, Sovereign Wealth Funds: Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (Santiago Principles),October2008. http://www.iwg-swf.org/pubs/eng/santiagoprinciples.pdf, visited on July2,2010..
    ②OECD-Investment Committee Report, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Recipient Country Policies,2008.4,http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/2008doc.nsf/LinkTo/NT000032DE/$FILE/JT03247225.pdf, visited on July2,2010..
    ①Freedom of Investment, National Security and ‘Strategic’ Industries, Progress Report by the OECD InvestmentCommittee, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/56/33/38523191.pdf,. visited on July2,2010.
    ①A Common European Approach to Sovereign Wealth Fund,http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finances/docs/sovereign_en.pdf.
    ①4q-2010-linaburg-maduell-transparency-index (2010年第4季度Linaburg-Maduell透明度指数率),http://www.swfinstitute.org/swf-research/4q-2010-linaburg-maduell-transparency-index-ratings-%e2%80%93-public-release.
    ③新加坡共和国成立初期的一些基础产业,如交通运输、造船业,都是由政府出面兴办的国有企业。在新加坡,人们把这类企业称为与国家有联系的企业,简称“国联企业”(Government-linked Companies)。而将由淡马锡全资拥有或投资控股(含相对控股)的上述“国联企业”称为淡联企业。
    ②IMF, Sovereign Wealth Funds: Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (Santiago Principles), October2008. http://www.iwg-swf.org/pubs/eng/santiagoprinciples.pdf.
    ②Ronald J.Gilson&Curtis J. Milhaupt, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Corporate Governaance: A Minimalist
    Response to the New Mercantilism,60Stan. L. Rev,2007-2008, p1346.
    ①Ronald J.Gilson&Curtis J. Milhaupt, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Corporate Governaance: A MinimalistResponse to the New Mercantilism,60Stan. L. Rev,2007-2008, pp1347-1352.
    ②与金股制相似的一种投资保护主义是,东道国直接设立基金与主权财富基金等外国投资者在资本市场上进行竞争,如法国于2008年11月建立一支拥有200亿欧元的战略基金用以同主权财富基金争夺“杀价”股。See Yvonne C. L. Lee, The Governance of Contemporary Sovereign Wealth Fund,6Hastings BUS. L. J.,2010, p202.
    ④Larry Catá Backer, The Private Law: Public Authorities as Shouder, Golden Shares, Sovereign Wealth Funds,and the Public Law Element in Private Choice Law, available at http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=1135798, visitedon May1,2011.
    ①张明砷:《主权财富基金的监管》《,政治与法律》2008年第7期,第94页。ACommon EuropeanApproachto Sovereign Wealth Fund, http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finances/docs/sovereign_en.pdf.
    ①Simon Chesterman, The Turn to Ethics: Disinvestment from Multinational Corporations for Human RightsViolations-the Case of Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Funds,23Am. U. Int’l L. Rev.,2007-2008, p585.
    ②1976年OECD制订《跨国公司行为准则》(Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises),34个国家政府签署了这一行为准则使其逐渐在全球推广。该准则对于上世纪70年代全球范围开展的企业准则运动做出了重要贡献。2000年,OECD对这一准则进行了修订,将其重点放在了可持续发展上,并包含了国际劳工组织所有的核心劳工协议,这表明新修订的准则更突出对企业在履行社会责任方面的指导。准则的内容具有综合性特点,涵盖一般政策、信息公布、劳资关系、环境、打击行贿、消费者利益、科学技术、竞争、税收等方面。经过三十年的推广应用,OECD《跨国公司行为准则》取得了巨大的进展。
    ①Simon Chesterman, The Turn to Ethics: Disinvestment from Multinational Corporations for Human RightsViolations-the Case of Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Funds,23Am. U. Int’l L. Rev.,2007-2008, p605.
    ④其中于2006年6月出售超过四亿美元的零售巨头沃尔玛的股份,原因在于沃尔玛在发展中国家的供货商使用了童工。2009年11月道德委员会认为俄罗斯的冶金矿山公司诺里尔斯克镍破坏环境而将其剔除。2010年1月,挪威财政部再次根据道德指引又剔除了17家烟草制造商。这17家烟草制造商的名单为:Alliance One International Inc., Altria Group Inc., British American Tobacco BHD, British American TobaccoPlc., Gudang Garam tbk pt., Imperial Tobacco Group Plc., ITC Ltd., Japan Tobacco Inc., KT&G Corp, LorillardInc., Philip Morris International Inc., Philip Morris Cr AS., Reynolds American Inc., Souza Cruz SA, SwedishMatch AB, Universal Corp VA and Vector Group Ltd,http://www.regjeringen.no/en/dep/fin/press-center/Press-releases/2010.
    ①在基金决定对沃尔玛不予投资即出售持有的股票的案件中,该决定引起美国大使Benson K. Whitney的严重抗议,后者指控对基金潦草的审查程序和不公平地将美国公司排除在外。Simon Chesterman, The Turn toEthics: Disinvestment from Multinational Corporations for Human Rights Violations-the Case of Norway’sSovereign Wealth Funds,23Am. U. Int’l L. Rev.,2007-2008, p606-613.
    ③难怪有外国学者会提出这样的质疑:“有人会真正相信中投公司的投资经理会挂掉这些政府高级官员提供投资建议的电话吗?”Ronald J.Gilson&Curtis J. Milhaupt, Sovereign Wealth Funds and CorporateGovernaance: A Minimalist Response to the New Mercantilism,60Stan. L. Rev.,2007-2008, pp1346.
    ①Monitor Group, Assessing the Risks, June2008, P11.
    ②Monitor Group, Assessing the Risks, June2008, P90.
    ①除了下文中的关于安全审查的法规外,美国还针对交通、通讯、银行、原子能、矿产、国防和农业等具体经济部门制定了具体的投资准入规则。Daniel Etlinger, Sovereign Wealth Funds Liability: Private InvestorsLeet Out in the Cold,18U. Miami Bus. L. Rev., Fall2010, p85.
    ②这里的控制,根据2008年美国财政部颁布了实施FINSA所需要修改的规则——《外国人合并、收购和接管条例》(Regulations Pertaining to Mergers,Acquisitions, and Takeovers by Foreign Persons)的规定是指,无论是直接的还是间接获得,无论是否行使,也无论通过拥有主要所有权还是拥有多数少数的投票权、合同安排或者其他方式,能够拥有决定、引导影响一个实体的事项。Department of the Treasury,RIN1505-AB88, Regulations Pertaining to Mergers, Acquisitions and Takeovers by Foreign Persons(Nov.18,2008), available at http://www.Ustrcas.gov/offices/international-affairs/cfius/docs/finalregs_111408-%20.pdf.
    ①Exon-Florio Amendment, App.,§2170(f).
    ②See Industry Canada Investment Canada Act Guidelines—Administrative Procedures, available athttp://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ica-lic.nsf/eng/lk00064.html, visited on July1,2011.
    ②See Mathias Audit, Is The Erecting Of Barriers Against Foreign Sovereign Wealth Funds Compatible WithInterntional Investment Law, available at http://www.ssrn.com/link/SIEL-Inaugural-Conference.html, visitedon July1,2011.
    ③See Foreign Investment Guidelines,available at http://reiwa.com.au/inf/inf-ForeignInvestment-Display.cfm,visited on July1,2011.
    ①UNCTAD (2007), Bilateral Investment Treaty1995-2006: Trends in Investment Rulemaking. Available at:http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/iteiia20065_en.pdf,visited on July1,2010.
    ②Kenneth J. Vandevelde, United States Investment Treaties: Policy and Practice, Kluwer Law International,1992,p72.
    ③参见姚邦文:《BITs视野下的主权财富基金及对中国的启示》,《福建法学》2010年第3期,第33页。YvonneC. L. Lee, The Governance of Contemporary Sovereign Wealth Fund,6Hastings BUS. L. J.,2010, p215.
    ①OECD-Investment Committee Report, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Recipient Country Policies,2008.4,available at http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/2008doc.nsf/LinkTo/NT000032DE/$FILE/JT03247225.PDF, visitedon July1,2010.
    ①R.Higgins, Recent developments in the Law of Sovereign Immunity in the United Kingdom, The AmericanJournal of International Law Vol.71, No.3, July1977, p428.
    ①See UN Doc. A/46/10,1991, P17.
    ②See UN Doc. A/46/10,1991, P17.
    ②Restatement of the Law: The Foreign Relations Law of the United States (Vol.1), American Law InstitutePublishers, p402.
    ④See C.Sehrener, State Immunity: Recent Development, Grotius Publications,1988, p10.
    ②See generally Matthew A. Melone. Should The United States Tax Sovereign Wealth Funds?,26B. U. Int’l L.J.,2008, p217.
    ①See generally Matthew A. Melone. Should The United States Tax Sovereign Wealth Funds?,26B. U. Int’l L.J.,2008, p219.
    ①Jack J. Coe, Jr., Secrecy and Transparency in Dispute Resolution: Transparency in the Resolution ofInvestor-State Disputes-Adoption, Adaptation, and NAFTA Leadership,54Kan. L. Rev.,2006, pp1340-1442.
    ④Maffezini v Spain, Decision on Jurisdiction,25January2000,5ICSID Rep.396,434:’Just as the Center has nojurisdiction to arbitrate disputes between two states, it also lacks jurisdiction between two private parties’.
    ①Broches A., The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of OtherStates,135Recue de Cours331,1972, pp354–355. See also Salini v Morocco, Decision on Jurisdiction,23July2001, ICSID Rep.400, par.33.
    ②Yvonne C. l. lee, The Governance of Contemporary Sovereign Wealth Fund,6Hastings BUS. L. J.,2010, p214.
    ③Brendan J. Reed, Sovereign Wealth Funds: The New Barbarians at the Gate? An Analysis of the Legal andBusiness Implications of Their Ascendancy,4Virginia Law&Business Review,2009, p122.
    ①Aaditya Mattoo, Arvind Subramanian, Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Fund: A New Role forthe World Trade Organization, Policy Research Working Paper4668, the World Bank Development ResearchGroup Trade Team, July2008, p16.
    9.[美]Robert A. Strong著,黄卉等译:《投资组合管理》,北京:清华大学出版社2005年版。
    65.[美]Tom Ginsburg著,王志诚等译:《主权财富基金、民主制度及国际法对台湾的影响》,《法学新论》(台湾)第13期。
    1. Daniel D. Bradlow and Alfred Escher, Legal Aspects of Foreign Direct Investment,Kluwer Law International,1999.
    2. Theodore R. Giuttari, The American Law of Sovereign Immunity: An Analysis OfLegal Interpretation, Praeger in New York,1970.
    3. C.Sehrener, State Immunity: Recent Development, Grotius Publications1988,
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    5. Eric C. Anderson, Take The Money And Run: Sovereign Wealth Funds and ThisDemise of American Prosperity, Praeger Security International,2009.
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    13. Justin O’Brien (ed.), Private Equity, Corporate Governance and the Dynamics ofCapital Market Regulation, London: World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc.,2007.
    14. Cheshire, North&Fawcett, Private International Law(14ed), Oxford UniversityPress,2008
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    16. Paul E.Comeaux&N.Stephan Kinsella, Protecting Foreign Investment underInternational Law, Oceana Publications Inc.,1997.
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    18. Wenhua Shan, Penelope Simons&Dalvinder Singh, Redefining Sovereignty inInternational Economic Law, Hart Publishing,2008.
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