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The marine fishery disaster result in the huge economic loss and personnel's high dead rate, so the risk management of the marine fishery becomes the essential part in modern marine fishery activity. Then the most important and direct meaning of studying marine fishery risk's managing is to separate the marine fishery risk and share the risk loss.
     This thesis is not proceeded according to the basic frame of risk management, namely risk management of the target, risk identify, risk analysis, risk valuation, risk management the valuation launch a research, but from the part of resolving the realistic problem, put forth effort in researching the choice and usage in marine fishery risk management tools, the national policy supporting the management of the marine fishery risk. The main contents of this thesis includes: the problems existed in Chinese risk management of the marine fishery; Marine fishery insurance; the choice and the usage of financial tool in the marine fishery risk manages; the choice and the usage of non-financial tools in the marine fishery risk management.
     The problems existed in the management of our marine fishery are mainly: the absence of comprehensive management concept of marine fishery risk; The risk management mechanism need to be improves; the corpus function of the government in managing the risk of the marine fishery disaster not enough; the tools of risk management are scare;The disaster management mechanism that the market turns hasn't built up; The huge disaster risk of the marine fishery's guarding against system hasn't built up.
     The basic way of thinking of the fishery risk of the marine management in our country can concretely change into five aspects: Set up the comprehensive management a principle of marine fishery risk; enhance the function and efficiency of the government in the marine fishery the risk management; Develop the demand according to the marine fishery to certain marine fishery risk management of point;Adopt the marine fishery insurance means which supports by government; establish the management mechanism of the risk in the marine fishery aimed at huge disaster; Quicken the innovation of the tools used in the disaster risk of the marine fishery manage.
     Developing marine fishery insurance is the important choice of management of the marine risk. The existed fishery insurance in our country has played an important part in stabilizing fisherman living, stabilizing the fishing area public finance income, decreasing succor expenditure of the nation, but still can't satisfy fishery production the objective request of the development, the key problems are as follows: The fishery insurance compensative rate is high, the business insurance system disadvantage in the development of the marine fishery, the insurance market of the marine fishery's trading a demanding condition hasn't appeared, the fishery protects with each other of the management system haven't managed to follow, the marine fishery insurance lacks law support.
     Development our country marine fishery insurance three greatest problems that need to be resolved: Definition the policy attribute of fishery insurance, make sure the policy implement of the fishery insurance corpus, make sure the fishery insurance mode of in keeping with Chinese state of the nation. The Chinese marine fishery insurance develops the concrete contents of mode: With the policy marine fishery insurance for rely on, with the fishery mutual aid helps insurance totally for corpus, with the business marine fishery of the insurance company management insurance for add. In addition to marine fishery insurance, the fishery risk of the marine management of the means our country still needs to ask for help an marine fishery risk fund, government public finance a succor, huge disaster risk management tool, subsidy letter loan etc. financial tool.
     Study the management of the marine fishery risk just from the financial tool angle can't also bag all contents of risk management, from the marine fishery risk management of inside request to set out, need to study the non-financial tool that the Chinese marine fishery risk manages, such as the quarter rest fishing system, developing ecosystem fishery, developing the high and new technique of the marine fishery, , construct the risk information of the marine fishery management system, develop to lie organization etc. in the marine fishery.
     The market risk as another important risk in marine fishery, according to an agricultural product market the general regulation of management of the risk, need to study the functions of the measures, such as the construction, subsidy of the price protection, market system letter loan and information service...etc. in the market risk of the marine fishery of the management.
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