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The dissertation will put the relationship of China and European Community under the background of long period of investigation in the cold war. From the historical angle of exploring the interactive relationship between China and the European characteristics and evolution course, the author will analyze the international background and the thought of the cold war which influence China and European Community, and summarizes the relationship between China and European sides for achieving common interests and undertaking across ideology divergence, opposing hegemonic cooperation experiences to strengthen the regional international political and economic cooperation under the situation of international relations handling qualification significance.
     The dissertation, by the dialectical and historical materialism as a guidance and history empirical research as a foundation, uses comprehensively the multidisciplinary research methods, longitudinal cut and transverse analysis, combines the history and reality. The author combines with the cold war under the background of China and subjectivity to scientific orientation, plays a prominent role in external international political situation and endogenous environment change. The relations between the two sides are the relative autonomy rather than the completely dependence, the interdependence rather than the direct confrontational, the political guidance rather than the complete trade.
     According to the basic of the pattern of the world on the international relation influence, the particularity of China and European Community as the cold war of the main body, the stage of the cold war under the background of the development of relations between China and European Community and the decision of the national interests of international political behavior affecting foreign activities, the dissertation is divided into five chapters.
     The first chapter selects the background of the cold war as a starting point, discusses the academic researches on the existing cold war on the basis of understanding and limitations and leads the concept of the cold-war subject. At the same time the author makes the thorough analysis of the cold war, gets the differences of specialized subject exploring the superpower extrusion of China and European Community as the main body in the process of the cold war, shows the particularity for the breakthrough point of the main content expansion and provides theoretical foundations.
     The main part of the thesis, according to the relation of China and European Community during the cold war under the background of the evolution of phased characteristics, is divided into four chapters. Chapter Two is about rivalries period in China and the integration of Western Europe early. The third chapter is about the detente period in the establishment and development between China and the European Community. The forth is about new China and European Community relations during the cold war. The last is about the tortuous development at the end of the cold war period in China and European Community's relationship.
     From the end of 1940s to the early 1960s, the U.S.-Soviet led the sharp confrontation period as the two camps. Both depth and breadth in the cold war expanded rapidly. The confrontation was escalating and had a strong ideology color. China of Asia and western European countries of Europe became the forefront confrontation threat in the cold war, which was the most direct and the most serious threat. In order to obtain survival and security, China and western European countries respectively belonged to opposing two camps. Both sides had no direct conflict,but each seldom contacted with the other. China, to the European integration, viewed with quite a number of consciousness prejudices, whichharnpered to European integration understanding of objectivity and delayed the normal relationship of Sino-Euro.
     From the early 1960s to the late 1970s, the confrontation of the international relations in the cold war was easing. The faction of the cold war started to split and collapse, the international political system began with the multi-polarization and the trend of the momentum was getting more and more obvious. In the new situation, the common security needs of China and the European communities is becoming the most important strategic interest to stop superpower nuclear competition and safeguard world peace which become the basis of mutual cooperation. The relationship between China and the European Union member states is developing rapidly and China has formally established diplomatic relations with the European Economic Community.
     In the 1980s, Soviet-American relations backed to combat the new cold war. A new cold war against continuance time was not long, the antagonism degree gentle, the concerning scope narrow. The respective allies of the U.S.-Soviet dealt with Soviet-American policies and actions differently and kept a considerable distance. Basically China had no intervention. China and the European sides are in a relatively loose international environment, which can better understand their mutual economic and political interests and international obligations. The common development of interest in promoting the relationship has got into the best period in history.
     From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, the Soviet Unions and the socialist countries of the Eastern Europe came into upheaval in relatively flat international background. The U.S.-Soviet dominant poles of the standoff pattern began to divorce. NATO and the Warsaw Treaty, two major militaries and political groups, led to an end. The communist movement bottomed in the world. The western countries launched the peaceful evolution and the strong offensive to China. The European Unions and its member states unilaterally sanctions against China with a series of measures, which made China and the European relationship deign to cold. However, the relations between the two sides soon became warm and continued to grow.
     The dissertation selects the national interest as a theoretical analysis of the logical starting point and deeply analyses the basic reason between China and the European Community's evolution and development. The author makes the prospects for China and European Community's development, and then completes the theory analysis and summary under the background of the cold war between China and European Community.
①转引自陈兼:“关于中国和国际冷战史研究的若干问题”,见http://www. coldwarchina. com.2005-06-28.
    ④ David Shambaugh, China and Europe:1949-1995, Research Notes and Studies No.11. Contemporary China Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London,1996, p.12.
    ⑤ Kay Moller, Diplomatic Relations and Mutual Strategic Perceptions:China and the European Union, in Richard Louis Edmonds ed., China and Europe since 1978:a European Perspective, pp.14,15.
    ⑥1998年,中欧建立面向21世纪的长期稳定的“建设性伙伴关系”,2001年双方建立“全面伙伴关系”;2003年,中欧决定建立“全面战略伙伴关系”;2006年,欧盟将中欧关系定位为“竞争与合作伙伴关系”。欧盟出于自身战略需要和重大现实利益的考虑,开始改变它在此之前一直相对轻视亚洲与中国的政策,1995年以来,欧盟连续发布了6份对华政策文件:1995年欧盟委员会发表《欧洲—中国关系长期政策》,1998年3月25日,欧盟委员会通过《与中国建立全面伙伴关系》,2001年5月15日,欧盟发布欧盟对中国的战略;2006年,欧盟发布《欧盟与中国:更紧密的伙伴、承担更多责任》与《竞争与伙伴关系——欧盟—中国贸易与投资政策》。2003年10月,中国政府首次发表《中国的欧盟政策文件》。 ①1994年美国颁布的《1994—1999年防务计划指导方针》就明确表示:“美国冷战后基本战略目标应当是,维持美国在世界上唯一超级大国的地位,防止在西欧和东亚出现能够对美国至高无上的地位提出挑战的任何全球性竞争对手的出现。”前美国国防部长佩里则认为,美国的国家安全战略应该是“预防性国防”,即防止欧亚大陆强国对美国利益的威胁。参见Ashton B. Carter, William J. Perry, Preventive Defense:A New Security Strategy for America, Brookings Institute Press,1999, p.18.
    ②比较有代表性的学术论文有:章敏:“中欧关系的历史、现状和前景”,《国际政治》,1996年第3期;伍贻康:“中欧关系新发展及其战略意义”,《国际展望》,1998年第6期;冯仲平:“50年的中欧关系及其特点”,《现代国际关系》,1999年第10期;戴炳然:“中国—欧盟关系:历史、现状与前景”《江西财经大学学报》;2000年第4期:、冯仲平:“从战略高度看待中欧关系”,《求是》,2002年第9期;王毅:“中欧伙伴关系的机遇与前景”,《国际问题研究》,2003年第5期;郭晓琴:“简论中国与欧盟关系史发展的三个阶段”,《乌鲁木齐职业大学学报》,2003年第3期;冯仲平:“中国与欧盟走得更近”,《世界知识》,2003年第23期;邢骅:“中国与欧洲关系进入最佳期”,《共产党员》,2004年第9期;裘元伦:“中欧关系现状与未来”,《世界经济与政治》,2004年第10期;房乐宪:“当前欧盟对华战略及其对中欧关系的政策含义”,《国际论坛》,2004年第3期:戴炳然:“走向成熟、健康、稳定的中欧关系——中欧建交30周年感言”,《欧洲研究》,2005年第2期;火正德:“论中欧战略关系”,《国际问题研究》,2005年第2期;.伍贻康:“不断更新走向成熟的中欧关系——纪念中欧建交30周年”,《国际观察》,2005年第2期;马云:“中国与欧盟关系的现状及发展趋势”,《内蒙古民族大学学报》,2005年第3期;李华:“中欧关系评析”,《国际问题研究》,2005年第6期;石坚,李竹渝:“‘和而不同、求同存异’:中欧关系的发展与展望”,《西南民族大学学报》, 2005年第12期;冯仲平:“以合作精神发展中欧关系”,《瞭望》,2005年第37期;刘晓平:“平等共处互利合作——中欧关系回顾与展望”,《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》,2006年第3期;冯仲平:“如何推动中欧关系深入发展”,《外交学院学报》,2006年第5期;冯仲平:“将中欧战略伙伴关系落到实处”,《燎望新闻周刊》,2006年第10期;冯仲平:“中欧关系:机遇与挑战共存”,《时事报告》,2006年第12期;冯仲平:“中欧关系的大趋势和小曲折”,《时事报告》,2009年第3期;冯仲平:“再看中欧关系风起云涌时”,《世界知识》,2009年第4期。
    ⑤Wang Shaoqi,successful sino-European science and Technology Cooperation,1981-1995,Tsinghua University Press.1996.
    ④ Dick Wilson, China and the European Community, the China Quarterly. Vol.56,1973.
    ⑤ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, Dordrecht Boston Lancaster, 1986.
    ⑥ Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe. Pinter Publishers, London and New York 1990, preface.
    ① Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p1.
    ② Robert Taylor, China, Japan and the European Community, Athlone Press London,1990.
    ③ Hu Yuanxiang, Legal and Policy Issues of the Trade and Economic Relations between China and the EEC:A Comparative Study, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers Deventer Boston 1991.
    ④ David Shambaugh, China and Europe:1949-1995, Contemporary China Institute School of Oriental and African Studies University of Oriental and Afican Studies University of London,1996, p.p.11,15.
    ⑤ Kay Moller, Diplomatic Relations and Mutual Strategic Perceptions:China and the European Union, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe Since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ⑥ Eberhard Standschneider, China's Diplomatic Relations with the States of Europe, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe Since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ① Eberhard Standschneider, China's Diplomatic Relations with the States of Europe, Richard Louis Edmonds. China and Europe Since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ② Giovanni Bressi, China and Western Europe, the China Quarterly, Vol.56,1973.
    ③ Carol M. Glen and Richard C. Murgo, EU-China Relations:Balancing Political Challenges with Economic Opportunities, Asia Europe Journal, Volume 5, Number 3,2007.
    ④ Philip Baker, Human Rights, Eurpe and the People's Republic of China, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe Since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press.2002.
    ⑤ Francoise Mengin, A Functional Relationship:Political Extensions to Europe-Taiwan Ecomonic Ties, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe Since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ⑥ Robert Ash, Economic Relations between Taiwan and Europe, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe Since 1978:A Europe Perspective,.Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ⑦ Sigrid Winkle, Can Trade Make a Sovereign? Taiwan-China-EU Relations in the WTO, Asia Europe Journal, Volume 6, Number 3,2008.
    ① Tang Shaocheng, EU's Taiwan Policy in the Light of its China Policy, Asia Europe Journal, Volume 1, Number 4, 2003.
    ② David Scott, Environmental Issues as a'Strategic'Key in EU-China Relations, Asia Europe Journal, Volume 7, Number 2.2009.
    ③ Cristina Pinna, EU-China relations in higher education:Building-bridges in global cultural dialogue, Asia Europe Journal,Volume 6, Number 5,2007.
    ④ Brain Hook and Miguel Santos Neves, The Role of Hong Kong and Macau in China's Relations with Europe, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ⑤ Werner Meissner. Cultural Relations between China and the Member States of the Europen Union, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ⑥ Shao Cheng Tang, The EU'Policy towards China and the Arms Embargo,Asia Europe Journal, Volume 3, Number 3.2005.
    ⑦ Franco Algieri,EU Economic Relations with China:An Institutionalist Perspective, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ⑧ Krzysztof J. Pelc, Europe's Role in China's Transition to Superpower Status, Transition Studies Review, Volume 16,Number2,2009.
    ① Maker Taube, Economic Relations between the PRC and the States of Europe, Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press,2002.
    ② Olaf Griese, EU-China Relations-an Assessment by the Communications of the European Union, Asia Europe Journal, Volume 4, Number 4,2006.
    ③ David Scott, China-EU Convergence 1957-2003:towards a Strategic Partnership, Asia Europe Journal, Volume 5, Number 2,2007.
    ④ Richard Louis Edmonds, China and Europe since 1978:A Europe Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2002. ⑤ Daniel Van Den Bulcke, Haiyan Zhang and Maria do Ceu Esteves, European Union Direct Investment in China, Characteristics, Challenges and Perspectives, Routledge London and New York,2003.
    ⑥ Wenhua Shan, The Legal Framework of EU-China Investment Relations:a Critical Appraisal, Hart Publishing. 2005.
    ①卡普尔在《中国与欧共体:新的联系》(China and the European Economic Community:The New Connection)直接表述为“中国与欧共体”,《遥远的邻居:中国与欧洲》(Distant Neighbours:China and Europe)既叙述了中国与东欧国家的关系,也叙述了中国与西欧国家的关系。布雷西在叙述中国与西欧地区关系时直接表述为《中国与西欧》(China and Western Europe)。
    ③ David Shambaugh, China and Europe:1949-1995, Research Notes and Studies No.11. Contemporary China Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London,1996, p.12.
    ④ Michel B. Yahuda, China and Europe:The Significance of a Secondary Relationship, in Thomas W. Robinson and David Shambaugh (ed.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Oxford, Clarendon Press,1994, p.272.
    ①长期以来,西方学者认为,冷战是“发生于美苏两个超级大国以及以它们为首的两大集团之间的一场全球性的政治军事对抗,由于热核武器的出现,人类拥有了足以毁灭人类自身的手段,因而使得这种对抗的升级受到限制,不能不局限在冷战的范围内,而未能发展为热战”,“仅仅将冷战所要解决的问题归结为两个超级大国及其集团之间的利益之争是不恰当的,从根本上看,冷战所要解决的是意识形态、思想观念与制度层面的问题”(Gaddis,We Now Know:Rethinking Cold War History,p.282);是“从1945年至1991年间美苏两个超级大国之间所进行的激烈对抗”([英]约翰·W·梅森:《冷战(1945—1991)》,上海译文出版社2003年,第17页);是“彼此还没有发生实际战争的两国,其政治关系处于不友好的状态,通常指第二次世界大战后,美苏之间的不友好关系”,“国家间处于没有真正打起仗来的敌对状态,是用敌意宣传、威胁、经济压力来相互斗争”,“第二次世界大战后美国与苏联及各自盟国之间所显示的公开却有限制的对立状态,冷战在政治、经济和宣传战线上进行,曾仅有限地诉诸武力”(《LONGMAN DICTIONARY of CONTEMPRORARY ENGLISH》(英文版),外语教学与研究出版社1997年版,第252页,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER'S ENGLISH DICTIONARY》商务印书馆1994年版,第264页)。俄罗斯学者认为,冷战“主要是两大军事—政治集团地缘政治利益的对抗,它们之间的矛盾最突出地表现在西方集团在经济、贸易和科技领域歧视苏联及其盟国并且企图控制这些国家”([俄]尼·雷日科夫:《大动荡的十年》,中央编译出版社1998年版,第268页)。中国学者认为,冷战是“两国或两个国家集团之间除直接军事交战以外的一切敌对行为的总称,特指第二次世界大战后东西方之间尤其是美苏之间的对抗状态”(中国大百科全书总编辑委员会《政治学》编辑委员会:《中国大百科全书:政治学》,中国大百科全书出版社1992年版,第200—201页):是“美国和苏联争夺全球利益和世界影响的斗争,也是它们遏制反遏制斗争所形成的两国关系和整个战后国际关系的一种状态,也是1947年至1991年的一种国际体系”(刘金质:《冷战史(上)》,世界知识出版社2003年版,第9页)。
    ① Bernard A. Weisberger,Cold War Cold Peace:the United States and Russia since 1945, New York:American Heritage,1984, p.15.
    ③关于冷战的起点与终点问题也是学术界讨论的重点,冷战时间跨度常见的有三种观点:第一种,1945—1991年([英]约翰.W.梅森,冷战(1945—1991)上海译文出版社2003年中文版,Joseph Smith, The Cold War 1945 —1991, Blackwell,1998; John.W. Young, Cold War Europe 1945—1991:A Political History, London.Arnold, 1996; David S. Painter, The Cold-War:an International History, New York,1999.);第二种1947—1991年(S.J.Ball. The Cold War:an International History,1947-1991, London. New York. Sydney. Auckland,1998; Andreas Wenger, International Relations:from the Cold War to the Globalized Word,刘金质:《冷战史(上)》,世界知识出版社2003年版);第三种,冷战有明确的起点,但是冷战没有结束。笔者倾向于第二种观点,“随着1989年以苏联为首的阵营的崩溃、1990年德国的统一、1991年苏联自身的最终解体,冷战宣告结束”。
    ② S. J. Ball, The Cold War:An International History 1947-1991, London. New York. Sydney. Auckland,1998, p4.
    ①Roy Medvedev, China and the Superpowers, Basil Blackwell,.1986, p.223.
    ① Robert C. North, Nobutaka Ike, and Jan F. Triska, the World of Superpowers:the United States, the Soviet Union,China, Japan, and Western Europe, Notrik Press,1985, p.242.
    ② Robert C. North, Nobutaka Ike, and Jan F. Triska, the World of Superpowers:the United States, the Soviet Union,China, Japan, and Western Europe, p:243
    ③ Robert C. North, Nobutaka Ike, and Jan F. Triska, the World of Superpowers:the United States. the Soviet Union, China, Japan, and Western Europe, p.247
    ⑤ Robert C. North, Nobutaka Ike, and Jan F. Triska, the World of Superpowers:the United States, the Soviet Union,China, Japan, and Western Europe, p.236.
    ⑥ Robert C. North, Nobutaka Ike, and Jan F. Triska, the World of Superpowers:the United States, the Soviet Union,China, Japan, and Western Europe, pp.236,237.
    ①Roy H. Ginsberg, Foreign Policy Actions of the European Community, London,1989, p.60.
    ②Roy H. Ginsberg, Foreign Policy Actions of the European Community, p.3.
    ① Roy Medvedev, China and the Superpowers, Basil Blackwell,1986, p.2.
    ② Roy H. Ginsberg, Foreign Policy Actions of the European Community, p.179.
    ②Joseph M.Jones,The Fifteen Weeks,New York,1955,p.166.
    ③ FRUS,1950, Vol.6, p.1194.
    ④ RG59, Records of Executive Secretariat, Department of State, National Archives and Record Services(NARS).
    ⑤ H. Bradford Westerfield, Foreign Policy and Party Politics:Pearl Harbor to Korea, New Haven:Yale Universi Press,1955, p.360.
    ⑥ David Mclean, American Nationalism, the China Myth, and the Truman Doctrine:the Question of Accommodation with Peking,1949-1950, Diplomatic History, Vol.10, No.1, p:36.
    ⑦ FRUS,1949,Vol.9, pp.122-123.
    ⑧ Thomas H. Etzold and L. Gaddis, Containment:Documents on American Strategy and Policy,1945-1950, New York:Columbia University Press 1978, p.274.
    ⑨ FRUS,1950, Vol.6, p.638.
    ⑩ FRUS,1950, Vol.6, pp.672,673,674,682,683.
    ① FRUS,1952-1954,Vol.7,pp.278-306.
    ④ FRUS,1950, Vol.7,pp.139-140,143,151.
    ⑦ FRUS,1952-1954,Vol.7.ppo.157-259.307-330.
    ③Roy Medvedev, China and the Superpowers, Basil Blackwell,1986, p.24.
    ④Roy Medvedev, China and the Superpowers, p.p.27,28.
    ⑤Roy Medvedev,China and the Superpowers, p.27.
    ② FRUS.1949.Vol.9.p.127.
    ③ John L. Gaddis, Strategies of Containment:A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy, New York and Oxford:Oxford Univerdity Press 1982, p.273.
    ④ FRUS,1951,Vol.7,pp.1059-1064.
    ⑦ Monica, Ernst:Bonn-Peking, Die Beziehungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zur Volksrepublik China. Stuttgart, Verlag W. Kohlhammer,1971. S.36.
    ①FRUS,1949, Vol.9,p.842.
    ②Harish Kapur. Distant Neighbours:China and Europe. p.27.
    ③Harish Kapur. Distant Neighbours:China and Europe. p.27.
    ④Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.12.
    ⑤Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.12.
    ①杨元华著:《中法关系史》,上海人民出版社2006年版第141页。 ① Alexander Eckstein, Communist China's Economic Growth and Foreign Trade, New York:McGraw Hill.1966. p.17.
    ② Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Communitv:the New Connection. Dordrecht Boston Lancaster 1986, p3,
    ③ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.4.
    ④ Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.47.
    ③Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p2.
    ① Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection. p4.
    ② Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Communitv:the New Connection. p4.
    ③ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p4.
    ④ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p3.
    ⑤ Harish Kapur. Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.11.
    ①Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p1.
    ② Michael B. Yahuda. China and Europe:The Significance of a Secondary Relationship, in Thomas W. Robinson and David Shambaugh (ed.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Clarendon Press,1994, p.268.
    ① Giovanni Bressi, China and Western Europe, The China Quarterly, Vol.56, p.825.
    ⑤ Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.55.
    ⑥ Michael B. Yahuda, China and Europe:The Significance of a Secondary Relationship, see Thomas W. Robinson and David Shambaugh, Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice. Clarendon Press.1994. p.266.
    ⑦ Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe. p.55.
    ⑧ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.5.
    ②[法]阿尔弗雷德·洛罗塞: 《战后欧美关系》,第234页。
    ③[法]阿尔弗雷德·洛罗塞: 《战后欧美关系》,第235页。
    ④[法]阿尔弗雷德·洛罗塞: 《战后欧美关系》,第231页。
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    ④Walt Hallstein, United Europe:Challenge and Opportunity, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1962, p.79.
    ⑤Walt Hallstein, United Europe:Challenge and Opportunity, p.79.
    ⑥Walt Hallstein, Europe in the Making, London:Allan & Unwin Press,1972, p.57.
    ③ Robert C. North, Nobutaka Ike, and Jan F. Triska, the World of Superpowers:the United States, the Soviet Union,China, Japan, and Western Europe, Notrik Press,1985, p.236.
    ①Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.33.
    ②Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, pp.5,6
    ③Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.7.
    ⑥Stephen Kux, The Chinese Press on West Europe 1960-1981:A Content Analysis of the Peopies Daily,p216.
    ② Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.119.
    ③ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.27.
    ④ Le Mnode,11 January 1973.
    (?) Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.27.
    ⑧ China and the EEC:What's in it for them, The Economist,2 June 1973, p.20.
    ⑨ Introduction:European Integration and the European Community's External Relations, International Journal of Politics,1975 (5).
    ⑩ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.30.
    ① Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.31.
    ② European Communities, European Parliament Working Documents 1976-1977, p.8.
    ③ European Communities. European Parliament Working Documents 1976-1977,p9.
    ④ Clvde H. Farnsworth. China with Energy potential seeks goods, arms in Europe, International Herald Tribune,12 November 1975.
    ⑤ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.31.
    ⑥ European Communities, European Parliament Working Documents 1976-1977, p.10.
    ⑦ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:tne New Connection, p.55.
    ⑧ Michel B. Yahuda, China and Europe:The Significance of a Secondary Relationship, in Thomas w. Rodinson and David Shambaugh (ed.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Oxford, Clarendon Press,1994, p.272.
    ⑨ Lawrence Freedman, The Triangle in Western Europe, in Cerald Segal (ed.), The China Factor:Peking and the Superpowers, New York, Hdmes and Meier Publishers,1982, p.111.
    ⑩ Dick Wilson, China and the European Community, The China Quarterly, Vol.56,1973, p.662,664.
    11 Malcolm Caldwell, China's View on the Common Market, China Now, (32)1972, p.3.
    ③Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.34.
    ④Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.35:
    ②Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connecnon, p.3.
    ③Text in FBIS Daily Report,9 May 1975, p.A-19.
    ① European Parliament Working Documents 1976-1977, p37
    ② Text in FBIS Daily Report,18 July 1975, p.A-19.
    ③ European Parliament Working Documents 1976-1977, p.19.
    ① Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.48.
    ② Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.66.
    ③ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.66.
    ①Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.49.
    ③ Lawrence Freedman, The Triangle in Western Europe, in Cerald Segal (ed.), The China Factor:Peking and the Superpowers, New York, Hdmes and Meier Publishers.1982,p.111.
    ⑥ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 28,1978.
    ①Debates of the European Parliaments. Official Journal of the European Communities,18 June 1975, in Harish Kapur. China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, pp.123-125.
    ② European Parliament Working Documents 1976-1977, p56。
    ④ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.51.
    ⑤ International Herald Tribune,4 April 1978, p.18.
    ⑥ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.51.
    ⑦ Official Journal,239 (February 1979), p.202.
    ⑧ Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.55.
    ① Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Communitv:the New Connection,p.56.
    ② Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Communitv:the New Connection, p.58.
    ④ Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, pp.3,7.
    ① T. E. Vadney, The World since 1945:A Completel History of Global Change from 1945 to the Present, New York. 1987, p.424.
    ④Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, Pinter Publishers, London and New York,1990, p.153.
    ⑤Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.154.
    ③Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.83.
    ④Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, pp.85,86
    ① Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.86.
    ② Harish Kapur,Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.164.
    ③ Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.171.
    ⑤ Speech by GU Mu at the EEC-China Business Week in Brussels (30 March 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.276.
    ⑥ Speech by GU Mu at the EEC-China Business Week in Brussels (30 March 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.276.
    ② Charlotte Bretherton, John Vogler, The European Union as a Global Actor, New York, Routledge,2006.p.187
    ③ Charlotte Bretherton, John Vogler, The European Union as a Global Actor,2006, p.188.
    ③ Speech by G. Thorn at the Opening of the Trade Week for China and European Community (30 March 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.280.
    ④ Speech by G. Thorn at the Opening of the Trade Week for China and European Community (30 March 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.281.
    ⑥ Address by Mr. Gilles Martinet, Chareman of the European Parliament Delegation, at the Formal Reception-Dinner at Beijing (1 September 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Communitv: the New Connection, p.293.
    ① Address by Mr. Gilles Martinet, Chareman of the European Parliament Delegation, at the Formal Reception-Dinner at Beijing (1 September 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community: the New Connection, p.294
    ② Opening Remarks by Umberto Toffano, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General of External Relations, Commission of the European Communities, at the Seminar on China's Foreign Trade System (7 July 1982). see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.296.
    ③ Opening Remarks by Umberto Toffano, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General of External Relations, Commission of the European Communities, at the Seminar on China's Foreign Trade System (7 July 1982), p.298.
    ④ Harish Kapur. Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.174.
    ⑤ Opinion of the Political Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Regarding Sino-EEC Relations (25-27 January 1984), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.307.
    ⑥ Opinion of the Political Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Regarding Sino-EEC Relations (25-27 January 1984), p.308.
    ⑦ Opinion of the Political Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Regarding Sino-EEC Relations (25-27 January 1984), p.308.
    ⑧ Opinion of the Political Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Regarding Sino-EEC Relations (25-27 January 1984), p.309.
    ①Opinion of the Political Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Regarding Sino-EEC Relations (25-27 Ianuary 1984).see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection,p.310.
    ②Harish Kapur.Distant Neighbours:China and Europe,p.171.
    ③Harish Kapur.Distant Neighbours:China and Europe,p.171.
    ④Harish Kapur.Distant Neighbours:China and Europe,p.172.
    ⑤Europe Informatiom External Relations,No.76 1984,p.6.
    ①Harish Kapur,Distant Neighbours:China and Europe.p.173.
    ②Harish Kapur,Distant Neighbours:China and Europe.p.174.
    ③Harish Kapur,Distant Neighbours:China and Europe.p.174.
    ① Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.174.
    ② Speech by GU Mu at the EEC-China Business Week in Brussels (30 March 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.275.
    ③ Speech by Wilhelm Haferkamp at the EEC-China Business Week in Brussels (30 March 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.283.
    ④Speech by G Thorn at the Opening of the Trade Week for China and European Community (30 March 1981), see Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.279.
    ⑤ Speech by G Thorn at the Opening of the Trade Week for China and European Community (30 March 1981), p.280.
    ⑥ Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.175.
    ②Harish Kapur,China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection,p.77.
    ①Michel B. Yahuda China and Europe:The Significance of a Secondary Relationship, in Thomas W. Robinson and David Shambaugh (ed.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Oxford, Clarendon Press,1994, p.269.
    ⑥Roy H. Ginsberg, Foreign Policy Actions of the European Community:the Politics of Scale, p.276.
    ①Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.171.
    ① Harish Kapur, Distant Neighbours:China and Europe, p.176.
    ⑤European Commission, The General Report on the Activities of the (?) Luxembourg February 1991. p.27.
    ④ European Political Coperation Bulletin,89/204.
    ① Michel B. Yahuda, China and Europe:The Significance of a Secondary Relationship, in Thomas W. Robinson and David Shambaugh (ed.), Chinese Foreign Policy:Theory and Practice, Oxford. Clarendon Press.1994. p.270
    ①Alexander Eckstein, Communisr China's Cconomic Growth and Foreign Trade,New York:McGraw Hill,1966.
    ②Harish Kapur,Distant Neighbours:China and Europe,p.188
    ⑧Kay Noller,Diplomatic Relations and Mutual Strategic Perceptions,in Richard Louis Edmonds,China and EuroPe since 1978:A Europe Perspective,Cambridge University Press,2002,p.18.
    ② Harish Kapur, China and the European Economic Community:the New Connection, p.82.
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