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Since reform and opening up, China's auto industry development adopted a policy of exchanging market with technology from the initial tentative introduction of FDI to the later, in1994and2004, the auto industry policy, policy of exchanging market with technology although has experienced constant fine-tuning, but always is one of the main driving factors for the development of auto industry in our country. And from the point of practice, the policy of exchanging market with technology implementation, our country automobile industry also obtained fast development, especially since China joined the world trade organization after more than ten years, average annual growth rate as high as20%above. In2009China's auto industry after the financial crisis is still maintained the momentum of rapid growth, production more than the United States, leaps to the world; China has become the world's largest economy, either production or consumption. China's auto industry has entered into a deep correction phase, a growing number of independent research and development enterprise success, also started the pace of expansion. All kinds of theory and practical experience proved that to independent innovation are essential to any successful industry road, and at present in China has appeared the momentum of development. In another aspect, our country automobile enterprises' OFDI is also intensified. In this dissertation, it is in this background of our country automobile industry "market for technology" related issues are discussed in detailed analysis. First of all, based on related theory to comb, reviewing the policy of exchanging market with technology and effect evaluation. Secondly, on the basis of the theory and the present situation analysis, the standard measurement gives a more accurate estimate Again, in this paper, combining with the related countries of foreign automobile industry development policy and the effect of comparative analysis, for the future of China's auto industry to provide the reasonable policy recommendations. Research content focused on three aspects:Firstly, carding domestic and foreign theory related to policy of exchanging market with technology research results, and find out the future research direction to make some breakthrough; Secondly, in combination with policy, on the basis of the content itself, contact history, on China's policy of exchanging market with technology are given the appropriate evaluation; Thirdly, by comparing the precision of measurement analysis and comparative analysis of the country to give reasonable Suggestions for future development of China auto industry.
     The first chapter of this dissertation is an introduction to expound the research purpose and significance to our country policy of exchanging market with technology of the background and research significance briefly summarized and introduced. Of exchanging market with technology, generalizes the related literature, and points out the problems needed to be studied. At the same time, expounds the research content of this article, the structure arrangement, innovation and deficiency of this article.
     The second chapter is theoretical basis. This chapter defines the concept and combed the related research theory, has laid a research basis for the later research. And focus on the definition of market for technology operator's related concepts and the range of the car industry and enterprise and the international direct investment spillover effect relevant definition of the definition. Related theory of carding mainly concentrated in the multinational company theory, two aspects of technology spillover effect of foreign direct investment, and the former shows the policy of exchanging market with technology to attract multinational companies to enter the motivation, which expounds the policy of exchanging market with technology can, path and influencing factors of the conditions of success.
     The third chapter is China's auto industry exchanging market with technology of the open policy implementation and influence the present situation of the description section. This chapter will be to exchanging market with technology policy implemented in China's auto industry is the history, present situation and future trends of detailed analysis and carding, to later more in-depth industry analysis and econometric estimates provide reality basis. Through policy review five stages of the process, this chapter points out that China's auto industry policy market for technology representative file for1994years the automobile industry policy and the automobile industry policy in2004, which marks China's auto industry the formal implementation of "exchanging market with technology" policy, which marks China's auto industry into the depth of exchanging market with technology policy development stage, and began a policy shift. Therefore, this section also is given priority to with both policies and analyses the influence of exchanging market with technology policy's impact on the development of China's auto industry.
     The fourth chapter is empirical section. Without considering spillover effects across industry, under the premise of this chapter in view of the spillover effects of FDI in China auto industry using cointegration theory and VAR model to do empirical analysis, respectively, to detect industry influenced the development of domestic enterprises of domestic and foreign enterprises competition effect, demonstration and agglomeration effect, the effect of human capital, as well as the effect of the three dynamic between domestic enterprises industry development and long-term relationships.
     The fifth chapter is compare analysis section for national experience. Through to the United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea's auto industry policy has carried on the detailed induction, review and comparison, this paper argues that the main motor power policy history shows the characteristics of the development of different, but the policy applicable premise analysis showed that Japan, South Korea's experience is more suitable for China now. At the same time, although at the beginning of the auto industry development support and protection policy has its inevitability, but strengthen the enterprise independent innovation ability is the key to the long-term healthy development of the auto industry country.
     Chapter6is conclusions and policy recommendations. On the basis of theory, experience and empirical analysis, this chapter will combine China's actual situation, is for the insufficiency of exchanging market with technology policy, to our country automobile industry development is put forward the feasible policy Suggestions, including:innovation policy of exchanging market with technology, giving full play to the advantages of the market; Create a good environment for the auto industry and protect national auto industry; To take reasonable measures to promote the integration of China's automobile industry chain and upgrade; Establish and improve the automotive finance system; Increase the core technology research and development support; Actively encourage the domestic companies'OFDI.
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