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     6.柽柳根的发生和伸长,芽管的生长速度和初生吸器的建成受环境条件影响。以0.4g/L IBA或者0.8g/LABT1浸泡插条,可缩短插穗的生根时间和提高柽柳生根的整齐度及侧根的发生量;在培养基质含水量为70-80%,温度20-25℃的环境条件下,有利于管花肉幼苗的建成。
Increase inoculation rates of Cistanche tubulosa is a hot issue of production. But It is unclear that how do C. tubulosa haustorium invade host root and seedling establishment as well as what is the corresponding mechanisms? It has important theoretical and practical value of production that we can clear procedure and mechanism of seedling establishment and propose a new technology to increase the vaccination rate. We use C. tubulosa seeds and Tamarix chinensis roots for the test materials, microsection and cytochemical localization of enzyme and other methods to study seedling establishment as well as corresponding parasitic power and regulation. The main findings are as follows:
     1. The secondary haustorium top differentiated into invasive cells after contacting with host root epidermis was observed by using Light microscope and TEM. Under the guidance of the invasive cells, wedge-shaped structure of secondary haustorium to through root cortex、column and xylem of host root. finally, secondary haustorium connect with host xylem. So far,the root end of the seedling morphogenesis is completed.
     2. Invasive cells secrete pectinase and cellulase in the interface of haustorium and host root, at the same time, the host cortical cells are compressional deformation and destruction by the mechanical pressure of haustorium growth.The results show that parasitic powers of C. tubulosa haustorium invades host root include mechanical stress and effect of pectinase and cellulase.
     3. After haustorium invade host xylem, C. tubulosa secondary haustorium which close to the column of host root becoming meristem, this meristem develops into C. tubulosa vessel.
     4. After haustorium invade host xylem, C. tubulosa primary haustorium which close to the epidermis of host root becoming meristem,this meristem develops into a "nodules"and then this "nodules" differentiates one or more growing point. Each of growing point differentiates scale leaf primordia,then scale leaf primordia develops into scale leaf leaves.
     5. The growth of C. tubulosa has a unipolar growth and branching characteristics.
     6. Root formation and growing of Tamarix chinensis as well as growth rate and the completion of primary haustorium of germ tube are influenced by surrounding conditions.0.4g/L IBA or0.8g/LABT1can make rooting time shorten and promote lateral root development; environmental conditions of temperature20-25℃and substrate moisture at70-80%are apt to development of C. tubulosa seeding.
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