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     所有数据录入使用Microsoft Excel2003,用SPSS13.0统计软件包进行χ~2检验、秩和检验和t-检验等统计学处理。
Background and Objective
     With the organic solvent widely used in industry,the organic solvent health hazards have become acute.As the organic solvent is highly volatile and lipophilic, which have a wide range of the poisoning effect,in addition to the skin,mucous membrane,many organic solvents can cause central nervous system of non-specific suppression,peripheral neuropathy Disease and the role of general anesthesia.Some of the specific organic solvent can damage the nervous system,blood system and the reproductive system,as well as the lungs,heart,liver and kidneys and other organs, resulting in injury and a special chemical source of sudden death,carcinogenesis,or even have a potential role in cancer.Occupational hazards to workers in organic solvents industry has been severely affected individuals,families and even the national economy.
     With the "Occupational Disease Prevention Law in People's Republic of China" promulgated and implemented,the Ministry of Health in China issued a set of "occupational health management","occupational disease diagnosis directory",the diagnostic criteria of occupational diseases and "the workplace hazards of occupational exposure limit" and a series of laws and regulations Standard.China has developed a corresponding system of domestic standards on the basis of international occupational safety and health management system(OSHMS),and a number of large-scale enterprises have carried out the above-mentioned occupational hazard certification system.It is an effective solution to the enterprise management of occupational disease prevention and control.However,to the domestic medium and small enterprises, OSHMS certification system will not only fail on the basis of material,but also the quality of personnel.How to work out occupational health management system and the elimination of the incidence of occupational diseases prevention and control for these small and medium enterprises has become very important.
     In accord to investigate status quo of occupational hazards in some organic solvents industry,this study aimed to definitude the specific types of organic solvents, chemical toxicity,the performance of poisoning,first aid measures,and grasp its impact on human health.Taking occupational diseases hazard control measures,the implementation of the results of the control measures can be known.According to control measures,the actual business of simple,practical and effective disease control measures and management measures in Jiaxing city has been explored.At last,the formation of local industry standards can guide the scientific enterprise to the prevention of occupational hazards.
     Materials and Methods
     On basis of the 41 companies about synthetic leather,craft gifts,color printing industry in Jiaxing City,the study investigated the status quo of the occupational hazards in 41 enterprises of organic solvents,in which the types of organic solvents have been found out.The study also investigated contracting opportunities of the workers in organic solvents industry.Before and after the actualizing of the control and management measures,surveyed the concentration of the organic solvents,and investigated health status of the workers contracting organic solvents.
     According to the actual production process,adjusted the layout for fixed and mobile sources of isolation,explored the engineering and technology about the ventilation materials,methods and the methods and improved the working conditions of sanitation;explored the option and use of personal protective supplies,prevented organic solvents from the human with the skin,breathing and digestive system;To strengthen occupational health surveillance,early detected the early occupational hazards;Established the control and management measures including an organic solvent system,trade organizations,on-site management,publicity and education of occupational health management account,et al.
     After the implementation of control measures,the eligible rate of organic solvents occupational hazards was compared with before and after the intervention,so was the abnormal rate of occupational health surveillance for the workers contracting organic solvents occupational hazards.At the same time,the score of "Score table for the account of occupational health management in enterprise" designed by Zhejiang Province Health Department was compared in the 41 enterprises before and after the intervention.
     All data entry used Microsoft Excel2003 and SPSS13.0.One-way Analysis of Variance,χ~2test,t-test,and rank-sum test were used in statistical analysis of the data by SPSS 13.0 software.
     Synthetic leather industry:the eligible rate of the dimethylformamide(DMF) concentration in the air of the worksites was risen from 60%(before the reform) to 88.24%(after the reform),and the abnormal rate of occupational health surveillance for the workers contracting DMF was descended from 43.98%to 15.5%(P<0.01); According to the actual control measures,formed "Occupational Health Norms of synthetic leather manufacturers in Jiaxing" to guide the similar enterprises to prevent and treat the occupational diseases;
     Craft gifts industry:The eligible rate of benzene,toluene and xylene("BTX") the concentration in the air of the worksites was risen from 72.36%(before the reform) to 88.57.24%(after the reform)(P<0.01),and the abnormal rate of occupational health surveillance for the workers contracting "BTX" was risen from 2.58%to 9.07%;Formed a "Occupational Health Norms of Craft Gift Industry in Jiaxing " to guide the similar enterprises to prevent and treat the occupational diseases;
     Color printing industry:The eligible rate of "BTX" the concentration in the air of the worksites both was about 90%before and after the reform;The abnormal rate of occupational health surveillance for the workers contracting "BTX" was descended from 10.54%to 2.32%(P<0.01);
     Score for the account of occupational health management in enterprise:The score of occupational health management measure,the situation of occupational diseases, occupational health and management effectiveness and the whole score in score table scale all was risen respectively from 17.9,11.75,16.96,46.63(before the reform) to 33.51(P<0.01 ),12.56(P<0.05 ),22.83(P<0.01 ),68.90(P<0.01 )(after the reform).
     This study combined the traditional occupational disease control measures,soft science of management,health engineering research,which brought cross-subject strengths into play.
     To control occupational hazards,improving the operating environment is fundamental,strengthening health surveillance and personal protection is an important measure,and rising awareness,strict management is a long-term security.Through research,formed the occupational health system and norms of organic solvents industry in Jiaxing,which is actual,effective and practical management system and to adapt most organic solvents industry in Jiaxing.In accord to three-level prevention measures, the occupational hazards can be controlled.
     Carrying out the account of occupational health management in 41 enterprises, guided the enterprises to simply,expediently,roundly perform a series of legal works about "Occupational Disease Prevention Law in People's Republic of China".It strengthened the enterprises' skills and enhanced their level of occupational disease prevention,which was conductive to improve the status of occupational hazards. Combining with engineering and other health control measures,effectively reduced the concentration of organic solvents occupational hazard for workers and protected the workers' health.
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