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食品安全关系到人类的生存与发展。近几年,重大食品安全事件的频频发生以及消费者对安全食品的需求,使得食品安全问题成为全世界瞩目的热点。应用现代化的分析技术,研究建立快速准确的食品安全分析方法势在必行。本论文以高效液相色谱技术在食品安全分析中的应用为主要研究目标,对相关食品安全的食品掺伪、兽药残留、真菌毒素、添加剂及防腐剂方面的液相色谱、液相色谱-质谱分析技术进行了研究;制订了中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 1546-2005《出口中国苦水玫瑰油检验规程》。
     6.对中国苦水玫瑰油进行了研究并制订了中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 1546-2005《出口中国苦水玫瑰油检验规程》。
The food safety is the foundation in mankind's existence and development. In the last few years, so many food safety events occurred. The problem of food safety has become a focus that attracts the whole world attention. To ensure the safety of food, it is necessary to establish some quick, accurate and advanced analytical methods using modern instrument and installations. This thesis is aiming at developing methods of the food safety analysis by liquid chromatographic technology. The primary works are abstracted as follows:
     1. A comprehensive overview of the necessity and the advance of studying in food safety analysis, application of liquid chromatographic technology in food safety analysis and the sample processing technology were provided.
     2. The study of determination of colorants Sudan in food by ultra-performance liquid chromatography.
     3. The study of determination of chloramphenicol residue in casing by ultra-performance liquid chromatography -electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.
     4. The study of determination of aflatoxins content in peanuts and peanut products by high-performance liquid chromatography.
     5. The study of determination of benzoic acid and sorbic acid in meat and meat products by high-performance liquid chromatography.
     6. The study of the oil of rose, Chinese kushui type and the drawing of standard Rules of inspection for export oil of rose (Rosa sertata×Rosa rugosa).
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