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The thesis intends to find a more effective and efficient way for the instruction of argumentative writing in Chinese universities. The result of the research can help college English teachers gain insights into the theory of scaffolding instruction and its application to writing classes.
     The thesis reviews the development of scaffolding approach, which derives from Vygotsky's theory of Zone of Proximal Development. The current situation of English argumentative writing in Chinese universities has also been introduced. Since scaffolding approach is feasible in the argumentative writing class, a research was conducted to find out its effectiveness.
     The research consists of two phases. The first phase was a three-month experiment. Two classes of freshmen were selected, one class as experimental class and the other as control class. In the experimental class, "scaffolding" was built for the subjects to facilitate their writing process, while the control class still used the traditional method. After three months' instruction, a final test was given for both classes for the purpose of comparing the testing results in terms of theme, unity, transition, topic sentences and idiomatic writing. The second phase was a survey with questionnaires conducted in the experimental class to find the subjects' feelings about the new approach and the steps taken during the instruction.
     According to data analysis, the scaffolding approach was proved to be effective in all the aspects except the area of unity. The majority of the students in the experimental class was satisfied with this new approach and preferred it to continue.
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