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     采用抑制菌丝生长速率法,测定了 No.24 菌株发酵液对农业和食品中常见 20 种真菌
    进行抑菌活性测定。结果表明,No.24 菌株发酵液对多种真菌的菌丝生长均有强烈的抑
    制作用,在干物质含量为 2000mg?L-1 时,对菌丝生长的平均抑制率均在 70%以上。其
    中对玉米大斑病菌(Exserohilum turcicum)、苹果轮纹病菌(Macrophoma kawatsukai)和番
    茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis.cintrea)的 EC50 分别是 238.95 mg?L-1、146.87 mg?L-1 和
    365.34mg?L-1,对绿色木霉(Rhizopus oryzae)的 EC50 是 421.57 mg?L-1 。抑制孢子萌发
    法的毒力测定结果表明,对玉米大斑病菌、马铃薯干腐病菌的 EC50分别是 129.33 mg?L-1
    和 184.99 mg?L-1。
     盆栽试验结果表明,No.24 菌株发酵液对黄瓜霜霉病、小麦白粉病、番茄灰霉病和
    烟草花叶病毒病均有一定的防效,保护作用均优于治疗作用。在 6000mg.L-1的浓度下,
    除了烟草花叶病毒病外,防效均在 60%以上。田间药效试验结果表明,No.24 菌株发酵
     显微观察发现,No.24 菌株的次生代谢产物致使菌丝在带毒培养基上生长缓慢,菌
     此外,试验也表明 No.24 菌株产生的活性物质具有较强的传导性,局部施药,对小
    麦白粉病的防治效果为 47.54%。其持效期可达 10d 左右。
     对 14 种农作物的安全性测定表明,No.24 菌株发酵液可以初步认为在农作物上使用
This thesis studies on bio-activity of one actinomycetes isolated by institute of pesticide of Northwest
    Sci-tech University of Agriculture and Forestry. Agricultural antagonistic spectrum and action of mode
    and safety appraisement have been studied. The main results are as follows:
     By means of mycelium growth rate, the fermentation products of No.24 were tested against 20 kinds
    of fungi. The results showed that the fermentation products of No.24 have strong inhibition on various
    fungi. At the concentration of 2000mg·L-1,the fermentation had an inhibition of rate more than
    70% .EC50 were 238.95 mg·L-1、146.87 mg·L-1、and 365.94 mg·L-1 respectively against Exserohilum
    turcicum、Macrophom kawatsukai and Botrytis.cintrea. The bioassay results of spore germination showed
    that the fermentation had an inhibition against Exserohilum turcicum and Fusarium solani with an EC50 of
    129.33 mg·L-1 and 184.99 mg·L-1.
     At the concentration of 6000mg·L-1, the results of pot tests showd that the fermentation products
    had a certain degree protective efficacy and therapeutic efficacy against Pseudoperonospora cubensis、
    Blumeria guaminis、Botrytis cintrea and TMV, The control efficiency were over 70%, and the protective
    efficacy was better than therapeutic efficacy.The field trails results indicated that the
    fermentation product of No.24 had a certain degree control effect against Pseudoperonospora cubensis、
    Blumeria guaminis and Botrytis.cintrea.
     The mode of action of No.24 secondary metabolize against disease fungi had been studied, the results
    showd that the fermentation had a high degree inhibition on mycelium growth and spore germination. The
    microscope observation results showed that mycelium growed slowly and upward and formed umbrella
    structure in the poisonous medium. Mycelium presented abnormal shap and crassitude. But It had no
    influence on producing spores and germinating. It had intensive inhibition on gemma elongation.
     Activity products of No.24 have strong conductibility, by means of local appling drugs, In pot
    test ,control effect against Blumeria guaminis is 47.54%; and it can persists 10d.
     Safety appraising had been studied on activity products of No.24, through appraising 14 agricultural
    crops, preliminarily judged that it was safe on agricultural crops.
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