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In the background of three networks convergence, industry convergence, andculture system reform, This dissertation is studied deeply on broadcasting andtelevision regulation from regulation econmomics and journalism, communicationangle of view, Focus on principle line of public benefit broadcasting and televisionenterprise and business broadcasting and television industry coordinated development,research broadcasting and television regulation change,regulation subject,regulationmeans,regultion reform, especially focus on three core fields in economic regulation:who provide service, access and exit regulation in communication network andprogram production; provide what kind of service, universal service,price and qualityregulation; how to provide service, ownership convergence and anti-monopolicregulation.
     With respect to broadcasting and television economics regulation history changeresearch, the dissertation summarize broadcasting and television econmics regulationin china and main countries, put farword three main broadscasting and televisionmodels, commercial broadcasting and television dominance double-track model withAmerica as representative, public broadcasting and television dominance double-trackmodel with England as representative,relative balance between public broadcasting andtelevision and commercial broadcasting and television with Germany as representative,the dissertation divide broadcasting and television regulation history into four phases,including bureaucracy phase, marketization phase, industrialization phase,and publicbenefit enterprise and business industry double-track approach phase, the dissertationgo deep into broadcasting and television regulation ways.
     With respect to broadcasting and television regulation subject research, thedissertation makes classification about regulation subject in context of three networksconvergence, that is wholly convergence model with England as representive,specialized supervision under convergence subject with America as representive,specialized supervision model with france as representive,and think that convergenceregulation is benefit for increasing efficiency,eliminate department barriers. threenetworks convergence regulation in china is commanded by the State Council three convergence coordination group, at last should form uniform regulationsubject,supervised respectively in content,network,and infrastructure aspect, thedissertation put forward necessity of building independent regulation departmentthrough entrust-agency theory,regulatory capture theory,and the public and the dealerseek common interest theory, achieve transition from administrative management toscientific industry regulation.
     With respect to network commucation and program production access and exitregulation research, on base of Contestable Market theory, the dissertion put forwardeliminate too high access market barrier through three networks convergence andproduction and broadcasting separation reform, increase industry efficency andconsumer benefit,eliminate barriers between higher and lower levels or betweendifferent departures and regions in broadcasting and television realms,rebuild marketsubject, make market become major factor in resource allocation. the dissertationwholly summarize industry policy,regulation idea,regulation content in westerncountries,analyse three networks convergence industry chain reconstitution andintegration, the dissertion differentiate and analyse production and broadcastingseparation, intergration and unification,deem that production and broadcastingseparation is necessary means to peel contestable business assets and build marketsubject, on base of production and broadcasting separation, achieve production andbroadcasting integration, reduce transaction cost, become stronger and bigger.
     With respect to broadcasting and television universal service,price and qualityregulation research, the dissertion put forward broadcasting and television universalservice goal, principle,and paths in china.in aspect of price,analyse mainly priceregulation measure in natural monopoly industry in western country,including priceupper limit regulation, rate of return on investment regulation, and yardstickcompetition regulation, argue that cable television price regulation shoule absorbwestern regulation merit in context of three network convergence, in early days ofnetwork development, should take rate of return on investment regulation, in laterstage,should take price upper limit regulation. In aspect of quality,the article analyse itthrough information asymmetry and externality, put forward regulate about quality onbroadcasting and television through measures of industry motivation,industrysupervision,and media automomy.
     With respect to broadcasting and television convergence and anti-monopolyregulation research, the article analyse media industry convergence in economics angle,after business media assets become company under changing system, be able tointegrate business assets through market measure as such merger,alliance, andrecombination, allocate resource through market, bring into economies of scale andeconomy of scope effect, at same time, analyse structuralism and behaviourismanti-monoply idea,and ways to define product market, geography market marketconcentration in western countries, introduce anti-monoply regulation in economicssphere to media industry,and consider fully media industry ownership structureparticularity.
     In a word, broadcasting and television economics regulation is very complexquestion, refer to broadcasting and television system reform, competition inbroadcasting and television communication and program production market,broadcasting and television program quality and externality, meger, acquisition andreconstruction in broadcasting and television market,at same time, refer to regulationsubject,regulation measure,regulation domain,etc.From multiple relations of regulationsubject,media,market,and citizen,the dissertation make systemic and deep reseach inChinese broadcasting and television regulation reform from much angle ofeconomics of scale,social benefit and public interest.
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