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香根草(Vetiveria zizanioideis )是一种高大的、簇生成丛的禾本科多年生草本植物,也是一种优良的热带牧草,有很多用途,特别是作为一种廉价而有效的,抗击土壤侵蚀的工具方面具有广泛应用价值。目前它己被世界上100多个国家列为理想的水土保持植物种之一。香根草生态工程技术也曾被国际评估委员会评为全世界71项可持续发展技术中最为优秀的项目,受到热带、亚热带地区的政府、科学家和使用者的高度重视,并已广泛应用于这些地区的山坡地水土保持、路基护坡、海滩和河岸固土以及污染治理等领域。而以往的香根草研究主要应用于生态治理,而忽略了香根草的饲用价值,这不但远未能充分发挥香根草的经济效益,同时还增加了香根草的管理成本。针对该现状,对收集的14个国内外香根草种质资源材料的形态特征、生物学特性、生理抗性并结合营养价值分析和比较,研究结果表明: 1.香根草各生态型的形态特征在长期的自然驯化中已经出现了较大的变异,变异系数较大。其中长轴茎直径、短轴茎直径、叶长、叶宽出现了较大的差异,平均变异系数分别为12.24%、16.90%,15.4%和15.3%;而叶面积和叶长宽比的平均变异系数分别为4.50%和6.50%。这些不同生态型性状特点为不同功用香根草的优良生态型筛选提供了丰富的种质资源。
     3.香根草各生态型粗蛋白含量、粗纤维含量、粗灰分含量差异显著,各生态型香根草粗蛋白含量平均值为4.73%,粗纤维含量为36.33%,粗灰分含量平均值为6.37%,采用常规打分法发现:1号Karnataka,2号Parit buntar ,3号Lilongwe饲用价值高,是可以考虑在广东省推广应用的生态型。
     4.以青绿期、相对电导率,可溶性糖含量,叶绿素含量和脯氨酸含量的变化为指标,对14个生态型香根草的耐寒能力进行了试验研究和综合评价。结果表明各生态型之间的抗寒性存在着较大差异,其中1号Karnataka,5号Kandy,10号Monto,11号Sabak bernam四个生态型的抗寒性较好,有望成为将来优良抗寒品种的原始育种材料。
     5.香根草具有非常强的抗旱能力,通过PEG胁迫试验,以叶片持水力,相对电导率,可溶性糖含量和脯氨酸含量的变化为指标,对来自不同国家和地区的14个香根草种质资源的抗旱性能进行了试验研究和隶属函数综合评价。结果表明:各香根草种质资源之间的抗旱性存在着较大差异,其中来自马拉维的Lilongwe,印度的Karnataka和马来西亚的Parit buntar三个生态型材料的抗旱性较好,在本研究中被确定为抗旱生态型材料,有望成为将来优良抗旱品种的原始育种材料。
     6.通过不同浓度Nacl溶液胁迫处理后,各生态型香根草的相对电导率,可溶性糖含量和脯氨酸含量呈现不同程度的变化,其中5号Kandy,3号Lilongwe ,10号Monto耐盐性最强,将来可有望成为优良耐盐品种的原始育种材料。
Vetiever grass (Vetiveria zizanioideis ) is a perennial gramineae plant with high plant and bunches of production clump, a kind of good tropics forage grass, which has many uses, especially being taken as one inexpensive and effective tool in slope protection and soil erosion. At present, the vetiever grass is listed as one of ideal water and soil conservation plants by more than 100 countries. The vetiever grass eco-technology has also been evaluated the most outstanding project of the world 71 items to continue to develop in the technology by the International Appraisal Committee, which receives the tropic, the subtropical area government, the scientist and user highly takes. And the vetiever grass technology has applied at these domains widespread on local hill side water and soil conversation, roadbed slope protection, beach and river bank solid earth as well as pollution management. Previous study of vetiver was focus on ecological management, but far failed to give full play to vetiver of the economic benefits, also increased the cost of management. While the nutritional value of vetiver grass has not received much attention. The morphological characteristics, biological characteristics, physiological resistance and nutritional value evaluation were preliminary investigated on 14 vetiver germplasm materials collected both from home and abroad. The results showed as follows:
     1. The morphological features of different vitiver grass ecotypes appeared some obvious difference at long natural domestication, and the variation cofficient was very big.The variation cofficient such as diameter of long axis stem and shrot axis stem, leave length, and leave width reached 12.24%, 16.90%, 15.4% and15.3%. However, leave area as well as ratio of length and width reached 4.5% and 6.5%. These characters of different vitiver grass ecotypes will be good material for difrerent usages and enrich resouce on screening for excellent ecotypes.
     2. Hoffman was the highest, reaching 283 cm, and Wuhua was the shortest , only 168 cm, which was significantly lower than that of others (P <0.05) , the growth pattern followed slow -fast–slow, which were "S" curve of growth changes. And Karnatakthe was creeping growth, different from other ecotypes.
     3. Nutritional components analysis indicated that there were significant differences in crude protein content, crude fiber content, coarse ash content of 14 vetiver grass ecotypes. The average crude protein content of different vitiver grass ecotypes reached 4.73%, the average crude fiber content reached 36.33%, the average coarse ash content reached 6.37%; The conventional score method showed that the feeding value on Karnataka, Parit buntar, Lilongwe were higher than others, and they can be the ecotype to be applied in Guangdong Province .
     4. Based on cold stress theory, the indexes of green period electrical conductivity rate, soluble sugar contents and proline contents in leaves were tested on the cold tolerance of 14 ecotypes of vetiver grasses. The results showed that obvious differences of cold resistance existed in each ecotype of vetiver grasses. Ecotypes of Karnataka,Kandy, Monto, Sabak bernam had the excellent ability to resist cold stress, and worthy of be extended.
     5. Physiological indexes such as water-holding capacity in leaves, electrical conductivity rate, free proline contents and soluble sugar content were determined to evaluate drought tolerance of vetiver grasses. Results showed that obvious differences of drought resistance existed in each ecotype of vetiver grass, the ecotypes material of Lilongwe,Karnataka and Parit buntar had the excellent ability on drought resistance, and worthy of be extended.
     6. Based on different concentration NaCl solution stress, the indexes of electrical conductivity rate, soluble sugar contents and proline contents in leaves were use to evaluate salt tolerance. The results showed that ecotypes of Kandy, Lilongwe, and Monto had the excellent ability resist salt stress, and worthy of be extended.
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