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Now, our country, especially the region in the sea coast, is at the stage that industrialization process is faster and faster. Industrialization process of Hunan province has already situated after other provinces'. So, how to speed the process of industrialization, e.t. which of ways should we select to realize industrialization, becomes the problem that states and related men concern very much and are researching together.
    Author believe that industrial clusters can strengthen industrially competitive power of a region and promote long-run growth of the regional economy for it can gain the advantage of economics of scale and scope economy, lower transaction cost of enterprises, possess learning effect and polarization effect, benefit innovation, adapt to the variation of market demand, favour to construct regional brand and implement region marketing. So, to carry out industrial clusters' development strategy is the best way to realize industrialization.
    Through positive studying and comparing to developmental reality and latent capacity of all Hunan province's industries author suggest the industries that Hunan province should be prior to implement clusteral development strategy are ordinary machinery, electric equipment and machinery, electronic and telecommunications, medical and pharmaceutical products, transport equipment and special purposes equipment, papermaking and printing and record medium reproduction, food processing and beverage production and tourism etc.
    To carry out development strategy of industrial clusters must adopt relative policy or measures. For example, differ industrial clusters concept from industrial policy concept and implement the policy to encourage development of clusters. By Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan developing knowledge intensive industries or capital intensive industries mainly, the other regions developing labor intensive industries or natural resource intensive industries mainly, cultivate mul-layer industrial clusters system of our province. Implement favourable policy and carry out institutional innovation so as to improve regional soft and hard settings. Introduce managers hard, exalt entrepreneur's quality and construct an entrepreneur team who
    take on internationally strategic eye-sight. Mould confident, collaboral, innovatory region and clusters culture. Construct special markets and regional brands hard and propel region marketing etc...
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