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It was lack of systematic research on characteristic and the impact factors of scientific particularly biology concept's forming process under the teaching condition. Most of the research was the summary of the teaching experience, causes the teaching practice lack the effective theory instruction. Therefore, explore the characteristic's in concept forming process has the theory and the practice value. It was lack the systematical research on character of the . scientific concept formation especially the biological concepts. This paper selects three biological concepts as the objects of research, explores the features that biology concepts formation and relations among the impact factors deeply in the angle of psychology and nerve biology by the means of the combination of traditional psychology and multiple-statistics in order to give some references to the biology teaching and research. It has a certain theory and practice value about enriching the theory of the biology concepts formation and realizing them further.
     This research explore the three issues: Firstly, the characters of biological concept formation. Secondly, the difference of the biological concept formation under the different impact factors. Thirdly, the relations between different impact factors.
     The paper is made up of three parts which has a hierarchy research on the biology concepts formation
     The first part mainly summarizes the existing concepts formation researches, and then open out the research signification, ideas and methods by analyzing the theory that the concepts formations and impact factors
     In Part Two we get some references value results by the series of experiments on the students' the biology concept formation in the teaching and the exploration the relationship of the influenced factors using hypothesis-testing model, factor analysis methods, classroom coding analysis technologies and the path analysis. The part is divided into three steps on the research of the concept formation. Firstly, explore the characteristics of the concept formation. Secondly, compare the process of the concept formation in the different conditions. Finally, study the relationship of the influenced factors.
     In Part Three, after recalling the theories and experiments done in the research, we point out its limits and have an expectation on the future research trends.
     This research suggest:
     1. The process of biological concept formation was divided into three steps. Firstly, it beginning at higher lever. Secondly, it growth slowly and thirdly, oscillation on plateau. Without the phenomena of mutative process.
     2. Maybe there is a threshold in the concept learning. The time that the different concept students spend is different in reaching the threshold. The more difficulties, the more time they will spend. The time that the different kinds of the students spend is different in reaching the threshold of the same concept. The more level they have, the less time they will spend. The explorative teaching helps to reach the threshold better under the condition of the same concept and the students' learning level with the different teaching influencing.
     3. The results of path analysis on the biological concept formation:
     Firstly, The student's ability is the most important direct factor in the concept formation and its total efficiency is the biggest, too. The student's ability is not direct related with other factors, so it has a direct influence on the concept formation.
     Secondly, The difficulties of the concepts are also the important factor that influences the concept formation. It not only directly influences the concept formation but also indirectly influences the concept formation through the students' cognizing.
     Behind it, the factor of teaching effectiveness influences the concept formation less than the student's ability and concept difficulties from the analysis of the results. It is the direct influences that influences the concept formation and indirectly influence it through the students' cognizing.
     Fourthly, the students' cognizing has zero influence on the concept formation, which makes us focus on.
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