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Music, an art containing emotions as well as ideas and perceptions, plays aunique role in public diplomacy which still fails to draw people’s attention.
     This thesis mainly probe into the specific use of music, as an offensiveinstrument and a defensive instrument in public diplomacy. As an offensiveinstrument, this thesis tries to talk about how music, as a political pioneer and an ideaambassador, is used in public diplomacy to explore the political intentions, soften thenegative sentiments and strengthen the cultural identity. As a defensive instrument,this thesis tries to talk about how music, as an identity symbol and a cultural bridge, isused in public diplomacy to draw attention of the public of other countries, create theimage of the country and cultivate the trust of other countries. This thesis takes typicalcases of the United States and the Soviet Union to explore the use of music as anoffensive instrument and defensive instrument in public diplomacy in visitingbackground, target audience, mass media and result evaluation. The comparison andcontrast of the implications of music in the two countries helps us to study music inpublic diplomacy. This thesis also takes the Chinese mainstream Symphony Orchestrawhich directly subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and stands for the intentions ofChinese government as an example to explore the roles and problems of music inpublic diplomacy of China. In the end, this thesis discusses the restrictive factors ofmusic to separate the uncertain factors which might weaken the efficiency of publicdiplomacy and try to build a theory construction of music diplomacy.
     Nowadays, the development of Chinese dream is faced with the bottleneckproblem of how to win support and approval. The deep and through research of music,“the universal lauguage”might provide the useful references for China to sing loudlyin the world and attain response globally.
    10Peter Bachrach and Morton Baratz,“Two Faces of Power,”American Political Science, Vol.56, No.4,1962,pp.948-949.
    12Joseph S. Nye, J r.,Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, New York: Public Affairs,2004, p5.
    13Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and William A. Owen s,“Americans In formation Edge: The Nature of power”, ForeignAffairs, March/April1996.
    14“What is Public Policy”,www. public diplomacy. org/1. htm.
    15Nicholas J.Cull,“Public Diplomacy before Gullion: The Evolution of a Phrase,”in Nancy Snow and PhilipM.Taylor,eds.Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy,p19-23
    16Harold D.Laswell,Propaganda Technique in the World War,New York: A.A.Knopf,1927
    18Athur Hoffman. International Communication and the New Diplomacy[M]. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1968:3
    19Hans N.Tuch. Communicating with the World: U.S. Public Diplomacy Overseas[M]. New York: St. Martin'sPress,1990:7
    20U.S. Department of State. Dictionary of International Relations Terms[M]. Washington: Dept.of State Library,1987:85
    21United States Governmant Accountability Office. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee onScience, Stat, Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House ofRepresentatives[Z]. April,2005: p.4.
    36Robert Hudson,“Popular Music,Tradition and Serbian Nationalism,”in Ian Biddle and Vanessa Knights,eds.,Music,National Identity and the Politics of Location: Between the Global and the Local,pp.167-176
    48Reinhold Wagnleitner, Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The Cultural Mission of the United States afterthe Second World War(可口可乐殖民主义和冷战:二战后美国的文化使命),Chapel Hill: University of NorthCarolina Press,1994; Robert Haddow, Pavilions of Plenty: Exhibiting American Culture Abroad in the1950s (20世纪50年代美国文化海外展览),Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press,1997); Walter Hixson,Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War,1945-1961(铁幕背后:宣传、文化和冷战1945-1961),New York: St Martin's,1997; David Caute, The Dancer Defects: The Struggle for CulturalSupremacy during the Cold War(舞者的缺陷:冷战时期文化霸权的斗争),Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003;
    49参看Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters,New York:The New Press,2000
    51参看Ian Wellens's detailed book Music on the Frontline: Nicolas Nabokov's Struggle against Communism andMiddlebrow Culture,David Monod's article "Disguise, Containment and the Porgy and Bess Revival of1952-56."《波吉与贝斯》(Porgy and Bess)是描写美国黑人生活并带有爵士风格的歌剧,是第一批接受总统国际事务紧急基金资助进行海外巡回演出的剧目之一,被用来当作意识形态上的“秘密武器”。据当时某些美国官员评论,(黑人)演员们“举止有度、衣着良好、快乐自由”的形象,使得“共产主义关于(美国)种族歧视、虐待黑人的宣传不攻自破。”参看John Harper Taylor, Ambassadors of theArts: An Analysis of theAdministration’s Incorporation of Porgy and Bess into Its Cold War Foreign Policy, Ph.D. Dissertation, Ohio StateUniversity, Theatre,1994
    52Jennifer L. Campbell, Ph. D. Dissertation,Shaping Solidarity: Music, Diplomacy, and Inter-American Relations,1936-1946,University of Connecticut,2010
    53Naima Prevots,Dance for Export: Cultural Diplomacy and the Cold War,Middletown: Wesleyan UniversityPress,1998
    54Penny M. Von Eschen,Satchmo Blows Up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2004
    55Lisa E. Davenport,Jazz diplomacy: Promoting America in the Cold War Era,University Press of MississippiJackson,2009
    57Jacques Attali,Noise, The Political Economy of Music,University of Minnesota Press
    58David J. Jackson,Entertainment&Politics The influence of Pop Culture on Young Adult Political Socialization;Peter Lang Publishing Inc, New York,2009
    59Anthony Arblaster, Viva la Libertà!: Politics in Opera
    60Celia Applegate and Pamela Potter, Music and German national identity
    61Jane F. Fulcher,The Composer as Intellectual: Music and Ideology in France1914–1940
    62Wai-Chung Ho,"Music and cultural politics in Taiwan," International Journal of Cultural Studies2007
    63Tim Edensor,National Identity, Popular Culture and Everyday Life
    64Timothy Rice,“Reflections on music and identity in Ethnomusicology”
    65Claire Taylor-Jay, The Artist-Operas of Pfizner, Krenek and Hindemith, Politics and the Ideology of the Artist
    66John Deathridge,Wagner beyond good and evil
    67Michael H.Kater,The twisted muse: musicians and their music in the Third Reich
    68Matthew Frase(r加拿大《国民邮报》总编辑,知名学者,曾任赖尔森大学教授),Weapons of Mass Distraction:Soft power and American Empire,Thomas Duune Books St. Martin’s Press New York
    69Craig Robertson,"Music and Conflict Transformation in Bosnia: Constructing and Reconstructing the Normal,"Music and Arts in Action, Volume2,Issue2
    70Lesley J. Pruitt,"Music, youth, and peace building in Northern Ireland," Global Change, Peace&Security,23:2,207-222
    71Nasser AL-taee,“Voices of peace and the legacy of reconciliation: popular music, nationalism, and the questfor peace in the Middle East," Popular Music (2002) Volume21(1)
    72Jonathan Pieslak, Sound targets: American soldiers and music in the Iraq war
    73Rachel Beckles Willson,“The Parallax Worlds of the West–Eastern Divan Orchestra,” Journal of the RoyalMusical Association,134:2,2009,319-347
    82参看2008年2月27日《青年报》,它以“纽约爱乐‘破冰’行”为主题,用两个整版的版面将纽约爱乐乐团访朝的台前幕后各项细节与相关背景进行了详细报道,其中对美苏之间的交响乐外交进行了回顾。纽约爱乐乐团(NewYork Philharmonic,简称纽约爱乐)是美国最早的交响乐团。1842年创立之初,创办人希尔命名为“纽约爱乐交响协会”。它也是世界上历史最悠久的乐队之一,位列美国五大交响乐团(纽约爱乐、芝加哥交响、波士顿交响、费城交响以及克利夫兰管弦乐团)之首。
    106参看Jennifer L. Campbell, Ph.D. Shaping Solidarity: Music, Diplomacy, and Inter-American Relations,1936-1946,University of Connecticut,2010
    107David M. Carletta,“Those white guys are working for me: Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz, and the Cultural Politics ofthe Cold War during the Eisenhower Administration”, international social science review,p118
    108比如在1954-1955年,当冰岛人民反对美国时,古典音乐被用来提升美国声望,希望冰岛政府可以继续忍受对于美国在建立军事基地。参看Emily Abrams Ansari,“Cultural Diplomacy to Mitigate Cultural Imperialism:Music in U.S.-Icelandic Relations,1954–1958,” paper presented at the Society for American Music, Cincinnati,Ohio,2011.
    115The White House, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, September2002, P.6.
    125Yale Richmond,“Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: How the West Won”, American Communist History,Vol.9, No.1,2010(Yale Richmond在美国驻外事务处工作了30年,曾经担任负责文化交流的外交官,在德国、老挝、波兰、澳大利亚和前苏联等国工作。此文节选自其Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: Raising the IronCurtain (Pennsylvania State University Press,2003)
    126Emily Abrams Ansari,“Shaping the policies of the cold war musical diplomacy:An Epistemic Community ofAmerican Composers”, Diplomacy History,Vol.36,No. I (January2012),p44
    128Willis Conover, quoted by John S. Wilson, Who is Conover: Only We Ask, New York Times Magazine,13September1959.
    133参看Cynthia P. Schneider,“The Unrealized Potential of Cultural Diplomacy: Best Practices and What CouldBe, If Only...,”P264,“Cultural Diplomacy: Hard to Define, but You'd Know It If You Saw It”,P199
    136当吉莱斯皮有一次在雅典进行演出时,正值人们对美国支持希腊右翼组织独裁政策感到十分愤怒的紧张时期,反美情绪十分浓厚,他回忆说:“那些学生在我们表演之后,开始脱下夹克扔到空中,把我扛在他们的肩膀上穿街过巷。”参看Penny M. Vom Eschen, Satchmo Blows up the world:Jazz ambassadors play thecold war, Havard University Press,p97。突尼斯青年活动家Achref Aouadi曾宣称,“当代潮流比国务卿希拉里·克林顿对突尼斯更有影响。”参看南加大公共外交学者联谊会《公共外交杂志》http://publicdiplomacymagazine.com/remarkable-current-music-as-public-diplomacy
    139Joseph T. Klapper and Leo Lowenthal,“The Contributions of Opinion Research to the Evaluation ofPsychological Warfare,” The Public opinion Quartely, Vol.15, No.4(Winter,1951-1952),pp.651-662
    140Danielle Fosler-Lussier,“Music Pushed, Music Pulled: Cultural Diplomacy, Globalization, and Imperialism,”Diplomacy History,Vol.36,No. I (January2012) p64
    141Frank Thompson, Jr.“Are the Communists Right in Calling Us Cultural Barbarians?” Music Journal,13,no.6(July-August1955):5,20.
    142David M. Carletta,“Those white guys are working for me: Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz, and the Cultural Politics ofthe Cold War during the Eisenhower Administration,” international social science review, p118
    143David M. Carletta,“Those white guys are working for me: Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz, and the Cultural Politics ofthe Cold War during the Eisenhower Administration”, international social science review, p118
    144Danielle Fosler-Lussier,“Music Pushed, Music Pulled: Cultural Diplomacy, Globalization, and Imperialism”,Diplomacy History,Vol.36,No. I (January2012) p55,此文通过听众的反应考察了美国音乐外交中的互动因素
    146Gleason, Ralph.1956. Perspectives. Down Beat, February
    147Hixson, Parting the Iron Curtain, p115
    148Penny M. Vom Eschen, Satchmo Blows up the world:Jazz ambassadors play the cold war,HavardUniversity Press,p97此书详细讨论了爵士乐在冷战中的运用及影响
    149Natalia Grincheva,“U.S. Arts and Cultural Diplomacy: Post-Cold War Decline and the Twenty-First CenturyDebate,”The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society,40:169–183,2010,P174
    150Anonymous,“Big Jazz behind the Iron Curtain,” Look (November20,1962).
    152Smith, William H.1958. Acting Country Public Officer, AmEmbassy, Baghdad]. Foreign Service Despatch#1219to Department of State, Educational Exchange: President’s Program:Dave Brubeck Program,25June1958.In RG59,032,1955–59, Box96.
    153David M. Carletta,“Those white guys are working for me: Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz, and the Cultural Politics ofthe Cold War during the Eisenhower Administration”, international social science review, p118
    154Graham Carr,“Diplomatic notes: American Musicians and Cold War Politics in the Near and MiddleEast,1954-60”,Popular Music History PMH1.1(2004)37-63, p43
    155Graham Carr,“Diplomatic notes: American Musicians and Cold War Politics in the Near and MiddleEast,1954-60”,Popular Music History PMH1.1(2004)37-63, p45
    156Hill, Robert C.1957.[Assistant Secretary of State]. Letter to Sen. John F. Kennedy,29Apr.1957. In RG59,032Gillespie, Dizzy, Box103.
    157David J. Jackson, Entertainment&Politics: The influence of Pop Culture on Young Adult PoliticalSocialization, Peter Lang Publishing Inc, New York,2009
    158Smith, William H.1958. Acting Country Public Officer, AmEmbassy, Baghdad]. Foreign Service Despatch#1219to Department of State, Educational Exchange: President’s Program:Dave Brubeck Program,25June1958. In RG59,032,1955–59, Box96.
    159Hill, Robert C.1957.[Assistant Secretary of State]. Letter to Sen. John F. Kennedy,29Apr.1957. In RG59,032Gillespie, Dizzy, Box103.
    160Cynthia P. Schneider,“The Unrealized Potential of Cultural Diplomacy: Best Practices and What Could Be, IfOnly...”The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society,Winter2009,p263
    161Penny M. Vom Eschen, Satchmo Blows up the world:Jazz ambassadors play the cold war, HavardUniversity Press,p97
    162Graham Carr,“Diplomatic notes: American Musicians and Cold War Politics in the Near and MiddleEast,1954-60”,Popular Music History PMH1.1(2004)37-63,p53
    163Cynthia P. Schneider,“Cultural Diplomacy: Hard to Define, but You'd Know It If You Saw It”,The BrownJournal Of World Affairs,Fall/Winter2006Volume XIII, ISSUE,p193
    165Quoted in Hixson, Parting the Curtain,227,
    168Yale Richmond,“Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: How the West Won”, American Communist History,Vol.9, No.1,2010(Yale Richmond在美国驻外事务处工作了30年,曾经担任负责文化交流的外交官,在德国、老挝、波兰、澳大利亚和前苏联等国工作。此文节选自其Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: Raising the IronCurtain,Pennsylvania State University Press,2003
    170Graham Carr,“Diplomatic notes: American Musicians and Cold War Politics in the Near and MiddleEast,1954-60”,Popular Music History PMH1.1(2004)37-63,p54
    175本尼迪克特·安德森著,吴叡人译:《想象的共同体:民族主义的起源与散布》,上海人民出版社,2011年版,第139页。另可参看John Street,“Breaking the Silence: Music’s Role in Political Thought and Action,”p330
    184Shepherd, John&Wicke, Peter,Music and Cultural Theory [M] London: Cambridge University Press,1997,P199
    193Cynthia P. Schneider,“Cultural Diplomacy: Hard to Define, but You'd Know It If You Saw It”,TheBrown Journal Of World Affairs,Fall/Winter2006Volume XIII, ISSUE, p193
    194Ibid, p195
    197Danielle Fosler-Lussier,“Music Pushed, Music Pulled: Cultural Diplomacy, Globalization, and Imperialism”,Diplomacy History,Vol.36,No. I (January2012),P58
    199John Street “, Breaking the Silence: Music’s Role in Political Thought and Action”,University of East Anglia,Norwich, UK, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Vol.10, No.3,321–337,September2007,p327
    201Frank A. Ninkovich, The Diplomacy of Ideas: U.S. Foreign Policy and Cultural Relations, p.27
    203Anthony Parsons,“‘Vultures and Philistines’: British Attitudes to Culture and CulturalDiplomacy,”International Affairs,Vol.61,No.1,1984/1985,pp.6-7.
    205【美】Dr. Baruch Meir (巴鲁德·梅尔,美国ASU音乐学院终生教授,博士生导师)、丁彦华:从小提琴协奏曲“梁祝”的全球化视角看中西文化交流,载于《西南民族大学学报》(人文社科版),2008年9月总第205期
    237Penny M. Von Eschen,Satchmo Blows up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2004,p150-154,P259.
    239Jennifer L. Campbell, Ph.D. Shaping Solidarity:Music, Diplomacy, and Inter-American Relations,1936-1946,University of Connecticut,2010
    240Penny M.Von Eschen,Satchmo Blows up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2004,P251
    242Michael Kennedy,Richard Strauss: Man,Musician,Enigma,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999,pp287-288。
    246Maxwell McCombs, Juan-Pablo Llamas, Esteban Lopez-Escobar, Federico Ray,/Candidate Images in
    250China's orchestra sumptuously Romantic,Sunday Telegram (Massachusetts),February17,2013Sunday,Local News; Music Review;633words
    255China symphony to perform in city,Telegram&Gazette (Massachusetts),February12,2013TuesdayLiving;601words
    256China National Symphony: Solid without standing out,Washington post,February4,2013Monday, Style,251words
    261Requiem open to Russian end,Tampa Bay Times,January24,2013Thursday,Local; Review China NationalSymphony;377words
    262A Most Welcome Overture From China,The Washington Post,May15,2006Monday,Style;583words
    263Sounds of Two Hemispheres In a Tentative Peace Treaty,The New York Times,May11,2006Thursday,TheArts/Cultural Desk; Classical Music Review;389words
    268Akira Iriye,Cultural Internationalism and world Order, The Johns Hopkins Press,1997,p.3.
    269Daniel Barenboim,“Lecture5: The Power of Music,”BBC Radio Reith Lectures,2006,http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/reith2006/lecture5.shtml.
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    2. Athur Hoffman. International Communication and the New Diplomacy[M].Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1968
    3.Hans N.Tuch. Communicating with the World: U.S. Public Diplomacy Overseas[M].New York: St. Martin's Press,1990
    4.Reinhold Wagnleitner,Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The5.Cultural Missionof the United States after the Second World War,Chapel Hill: University of NorthCarolina Press,1994;
    5. Jacques Attali,Noise, The Political Economy of Music,University of MinnesotaPress,2000
    6. Robert Haddow,Pavilions of Plenty: Exhibiting American Culture Abroad in the1950s,Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press,1997
    7. Walter Hixson,Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the ColdWar,1945-1961,New York: St Martin's,1997
    8. David Caute,The Dancer Defects: The Struggle for Cultural Supremacy during theCold War,Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003
    9. Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Artsand Letters,New York: The New Press,2000
    10. Naima Prevots,Dance for Export: Cultural Diplomacy and the Cold War,Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,1998
    11. Penny M. Vom Eschen,Satchmo Blows Up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play theCold War,Cambridge: Harvard University Press,2004,
    12. Lisa E. Davenport,Jazz diplomacy: Promoting America in the Cold War Era,University Press of Mississippi Jackson,2009
    13. David J. Jackson,Entertainment&Politics:The influence of Pop Culture on YoungAdult Political Socialization,Peter Lang Publishing Inc, New York,2009
    14. Michael H.Kater,The twisted muse: musicians and their music in the Third Reich,Oxford University Press,1996
    15. Matthew Fraser,Weapons of Mass Distraction: Soft power and American Empire,Thomas Duune Books St. Martin’s Press,2008
    16. Shepherd, John&Wicke, Peter,Music and Cultural Theory [M] London:Cambridge University Press,1997
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    18. Akira Iriye,Cultural Internationalism and world Order, The Johns Hopkins Press,1997
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    23. M.I.Franklin,Resounding international relations on music, culture,and politics,Palgrave macmillan,2005
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    3. EmilyAbramsAnsari,“Shaping the policies of Cold War Musical Diplomacy:AnEpistemic Community ofAmerican Composers”,Diplomacy History,Vol.36,No. I(January2012)
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    10. John Street,“Breaking the Silence: Music's Role in Political Thought andAction,” Critical Review of International Social and Political PhilosophyVol.10, No.3,321–337, September2007
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    15. Ian Wellens,“Music on the Frontline: Nicolas Nabokov's Struggle againstCommunism and Middlebrow Culture”,American Music, Vol.22, No.2(Summer,2004)
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    22. Nasser-al-taee,“Voices of peace and the legacy of reconciliation: popular music,nationalism, and the quest for peace in the Middle East,”Popular Music (2002)Volume21(1)
    23. Rachel Beckles Willson,“The Parallax Worlds of the West–Eastern DivanOrchestra,” Journal of the Royal Musical Association,2009,
    24.David M. Carletta,“Those white guys are working for me: Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz,and the Cultural Politics of the Cold War during the EisenhowerAdministration,”international social science review.
    25. Emily Abrams Ansari,“Cultural Diplomacy to Mitigate Cultural Imperialism:Music in U.S.-Icelandic Relations,1954–1958,”Society for AmericanMusic,Cincinnati, Ohio,2011
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    27. Joseph T. Klapper and Leo Lowenthal,“The Contributions of Opinion Researchto the Evaluation of Psychological Warfare”, The Public opinion Quartely, Vol.15,No.4(Winter,1951-1952)
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    29. Graham Carr,“Diplomatic Notes:American Musicians and Cold War Politics inthe Near and Middle East,1954-60,”Popular Music History,2004
    1.U.S. Department of State. Dictionary of International Relations Terms[M].Washington: Dept.of State Library,1987
    2.United States Governmant Accountability Office. Report to the Chairman,Subcommittee on Science, Stat, Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies,Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives[Z]. April,2005
    3. Giles Scott-Smith,“The ‘Masterpieces of the Twentieth Century’Festival and theCongress for Cultural Freedom: Origins and Consolidation,1947–52,” Intelligenceand National Security15(Spring2000)
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    5. Smith, William H.1958. Acting Country Public Officer, AmEmbassy, Baghdad].Foreign Service Despatch#1219to Department of State, Educational Exchange:President’s Program:Dave Brubeck Program,25June1958.In RG59,032,1955–59,Box96
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