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     1 大垄沟以及大垄沟配合地膜,液膜,保水剂和PAM等覆盖材料能够有效的提高土壤温度,其中地膜和液膜配合大垄沟处理增温最为明显,平均提高0~10cm土层温度3℃以上。保水剂和PAM配合大垄沟增温1.5℃左右,单用大垄沟增温1.2℃左右。大垄沟及其改良措施由于增温作用,能够促进玉米早发,延长玉米籽粒形成时间,促进籽粒灌浆。
     2 地膜、保水剂、PAM和间作配合大垄沟处理能够很好的保持土壤水分。保水剂和PAM由于具有特殊的物理化学结构,施用于土壤后,在土壤中形成与地膜相似的结构,从而较好的保持了土壤水分。玉米生育期内地膜,保水剂和PAM处理的土壤水分含量平均比对照高出15%,8%,7%左右。间作处理土壤水分比对照高4%左右。大垄沟及其与液膜的配合对水分消耗有促进作用,大垄沟在生育期内的土壤水分含量平均比对照少2%左右,液膜配合大垄沟处理平均比对照低5%左右。
     3 大垄沟及其改良措施能够明显的促进玉米生长,主要表现在株高、茎基粗、叶面积和生物产量的增长。其中以地膜和液膜覆盖效果最好,间作、PAM和保水剂次之,大垄沟效果不明显。在玉米生长中期,地膜和液膜处理的玉米株高比对照高30~50%,茎基粗增加20~40%,叶面积增加40~90%,生物量平均增加150%以上。间作,保水剂和PAM在生育中期增加株高20%左右,茎粗增加20~30%,叶面积增加20~40%,生物量平均增加30~50%。而单用大垄沟种植对玉米的生长无明显的增进作用。
     4 大垄沟及其改良措施对玉米叶片气孔生理影响效应不一。单叶光合速率在孕穗期和籽粒形成期较高,拔节期较小。地膜,液膜,保水剂和PAM覆盖对玉米单叶光合速率的提高具有较强的促进效果,间作对玉米单叶光合作用不明显,大垄沟和对照的光合速率相对较低。玉米生殖生长期的气孔生理显示:地膜和对照的光合(Pn)和蒸腾(Tr)速率最高,水分利用效率(WUE)也较高;液膜的Pn和Tr处于中上水平,而其WUE却保持了较高水平,这可能与液膜处理后玉米的气孔生理变化有关;间作,保水剂和PAM在该时期的Pn,Tr和WUE处于中间水平;大垄沟处理的Pn,Tr和WUE最低,这可能是因为大垄沟处理的土壤湿度比较低,叶片气孔活动能力弱。
In order to change the status of low yield of crop, severe water shortage and soil erosion, low benefit of traditional cultivation in hill and gully region of Loess Plateau, a experiment that broad ridge cultivation and its improving measures, such as broad ridge covered by plastic film, emulsion asphalt, aquasorb, polyacrylamide and intercropped with soybean was carried out. The experiment plot was arranged in BaoTa District in Yanan City, Shaanxi Province, Northwest of China, the material of maize variety, Shendan No 10. was used, which was spreaded in local farmland planting. There were seven treatments in this experiment: broad ridge cultivation (BR), broad ridge covered plastic film (PFR), emulsion asphalt (EAR), aquasorb (AR), polyacrylamide (PR), intercropped with soybean (IR), and control (CK), respectively. It was measured that soil moisture and temperature, growth status and water use efficiency (WUE) of maize and the benefit of improving measures, the major results were as followings:
    1. The soil temperature was increased effectively by broad ridge and its improving measures. Especially, soil temperature of measure in PFR and EAR was increased significantly, mean higher 3癈 compare with CK in soil depthlOcm. AR and PR could raise soil temperature 1.5癈 averagely, BR could raise 1.2癈 about. The improving measures that PFR, EAR, IR, AR and PR could make maize premature markedly, because of the temperature effect, and then they could prolong the time of seed filling.
    2. Soil moisture was conserved well in PFR, PR, AR and IR, tfye soil water content was higher 15%, 8%, 7%, 4% than that of CK in maize growth phase, respectively. The special physical and chemical characters of Aquasorb and polyacrylamide made them to form a structure with soil particle, which structure had the function as plastic film, so the soil miosture was retained well in treatments of AR and PR. While BR and EAR accelerated soil water consuming, the soil moisture was lower 2%, 5% than that of CK respectively in maize growth phase.
    3. Broad ridge and its improving measures could promote maize growth, such as, in
    height, leaf area, stem diameter and biomass. Treatments of PFR and EAR had the same most remarkable effect, which could averagely increase maize height 30~50%, stem diameter 20-40%, leaf area 40-90%, biomass 150% than that of CK in maize mid-growth period, respectively. IR, AR and PR also favorably promoted maize growth, their effects were resemble, which could increase height 20%, leaf area 20-40%, stem diameter 20-30%, biomass 30-50% than that of CK, respectively. While, the effect of BR on maize growth was not marked.
    4. The photosynthetic rate (Pn) result showed that maize leaf Pn at booting and seed filling stage was higher than that at seedling and jointing stage. The leaf Pn in treatments of PFR, EAR, AR and PR were increased significantly, while the effect of IR was not marked on leaf Pn. The results of maize photosynthetic physiology in development stage showed that the highest Pn, transpiration rate (Tr) and water use efficiency (WUE) were found in treatment of PFR and CK. Pn and Tr in EAR treatment were medium, but the WUE in EAR was the same as PFR and CK, which may be related with stomata physiology. Pn, Tr and WUE in treatments of IR, AR and PR were all at the medium level. The Pn, Tr and WUE in treatment of BR were the lowest level, which may because of lower soil moisture in BR that caused low leaf stomata function.
    5. Grain yield of maize in treatments of PFR, EAR, IR, PR, AR and BR, compare with that of CK, were increased 72.0%, 77.7%, 64.1%, 30.8%, 10.8% and 4.3% respectively. The relative analysis showed that grain yield was major related with maize twins ear spike rate, ear length, and seed weight to ear spike.
    6. The WUE of maize was notably different in different stages. The peak point of WUE appeared in seed filling stage, followed by booting stage, jointing stage, and seedling stage orderly. WUE of maize grain was correlated significantly with the WUE of maize jointing stage (R2=0.
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