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石榴干腐病Zythia versoniana Sacc.是我国石榴树上发生普遍、危害最重的病害,给石榴生产造成严重的威胁。目前国内外关于石榴干腐病的研究较少。本论文以陕西临潼石榴产区的净皮甜、天红蛋等主栽品种为材料,针对石榴干腐病的发生规律、生物学特性和防治等方面进行研究。
     利用柯赫氏法则对石榴干腐致病菌进行分离,经鉴定引起石榴干腐病的病原菌为石榴鲜壳孢Zythia versoniana Sacc.。通过对病原菌的生物学特性研究表明,病原菌在5-37.5℃温度范围内均可生长,菌丝生长的最适温度为25-32.5℃,其中在27.5℃时,菌丝生长最快。病原菌在pH3-10的PDA培养基上均可以生长,其中在pH 7时生长最快,在中性及偏酸的情况下病菌生长均较快。分生孢子萌发的最适温度为27.5℃。
Dry Rot, Zythia versoniana Sacc. is the most serious disease of pomegranate, causing severe economic lose annually to pomegranate. However, the study on Z. versoniana Sacc. was very rare around the world. In this paper, the dominant pomegranate cultivars, Jingpitian and Tianhongdan, were used to investigate the occurrence, biological characteristics and control of Z. versoniana Sacc. in Lintong Co. Shaanxi Province.
     The results showed that flowers, fruits and branches of pomegranate were susceptible to the infection of the disease. The most susceptible part was calyx tube. The pathogen could cause the drop of flowers, the drop of fruits and rotten fruits since the flowering date. But the primary period of infection was in the fruit expanding period. The disease occurred rapidly in wounds.
     The results of bagging trial showed that latent infection and secondary infection were the characteristics of this disease. The pathogen overwintered in mummified fruits and warped barks in the form of mycelia or conidia. The infection of pathogen could occur in the low temperature storage period. The results also showed that the pathogen could infect the apple fruits.
     Isolation and identification of the pathogen from pomegranate showed that it was Z. versoniana Sacc. The research of biological characteristics showed that the optimum growth temperature of mycelia was 25-32.5℃, the optimum pH was 4-7, the optimum temperature of conidia germination was 27.5℃.
     The research showed that the treatments by removing stamens and bagging could markedly decrease the occurrence of the disease and improve the quality of fruits. In addition, BTH and SA could prominently improve the disease resistance of fruit trees. The period after anthesis to bagging was the key period in chemical control.
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