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     (3) 1988-1991年北京市土地利用程度综合指数变化量为-8.07,综合指数变化率为-3.18%,说明该区域土地利用还未达到发展期阶段,只处于调整期阶段。其它各期也处于调整期阶段,而2004-2007年综合指数有所提高,但仍处于调整期阶段。土地实际利用程度只达到理论可利用程度的60%左右,说明土地利用程度还非常低,有待于进一步提高土地利用程度。
     (4) 1988-2007年期间,北京平原地区土地利用/覆被类型之间的双向转换比较北京山区更为频繁,建筑用地和草地都朝着规模增加的方向发展,处于“涨势”状态,北京平原地区其“涨势”更为明显;耕地都朝着规模减小的方向发展,处于“落势”状态,北京山区其“落势”更为明显。从整体趋势和状态指数来看,北京平原地区双向转换更为频繁,均衡转换态势比较山区更为明显。
There is a long history in the land use in the city of Beijing.The degree of land use and its benefits is increasing day by day via the comprehensive effects of natural and humanistic factors.The factors like rapid development of economy,reform of policies and regulations,population growth,as well as the construction of the satellite city have promoted the land use change in Beijing in recent years.On the basis of remote sensing and geographical information system,the paper took the methods of classification-comparison to extract the positions,area and types of the five-phase land use change of six periods of LANDSAT/TM remote sensing images from 1988 to 2007,based on the processing and interpretation of the images.Various kinds of mathematical models were used for further analysis of the regulation,features,procedure and landscape patterns of the dynamic change of land use in Beijing,and the models included the shift matrix of land use,land use dynamic degree,land use degree index and ecological landscape index.In addition,the driving factor index system and driving factor-oriented comprehensive mathematical model were established.The results showed the following seven aspects of the study.
     (1) There was an obvious change of land use types in each phase from 1988 to 2007 in Beijing. On the whole,farmland conversion output was more than the input,and the main output was the conversion to construction site and forestland,while the main input source was the grassland.The forest land output was the conversion to grassland and farmland,and the main input sources were also the grassland and farmland.The main flow of the grassland was the conversion to forestland and farmland and the sources were mainly from farmland and forestland.The main source of conversion to construction site was the farmland,and the output was mainly the conversion to grassland.
     (2) In the view of the trend and state index of the single land use,there was frequent bidirectional conversion of all the land use types in the region,showing balanced conversion.On the whole,the area of the farmland conversion to other land use types was more than the opposite,showing the falling trend.The area of the construction site conversion to other land use types was less than the opposite,showing the rising trend.In the view of the overall trend and state index of all the land use change in the region,there was frequent bidirectional conversion of all the land use types,showing irregular variation in the balanced conversion.
     (3) The comprehensive index variation quantity of the land use degree in Beijing was -8.07 from the year 1988 to 1991,with the variation rate was -3.18%,which showed that the land use degree failed to reach the development stage and instead it belonged to the adjustment stage in this region. And the land use in other stages also belonged to the adjustment stage,with improvement from the year 2004 to 2007.The land use degree could only reach the 60%of the theory,which demonstrated that the land use degree was so low that it waited to be improved.
     (4) During the year from 1988 to 2007,there was more frequent bidirectional conversion of the land use type in the plain area than in the mountainous area.There were more construction site and grassland,showing the rising trend,with the more obvious phenomenon in the plain area.And the farmland tended to be decrease,showing the falling trend,with the more obvious phenomenon in the mountainous area.In the view of the overall trend and the state index,there was more frequent bidirectional conversion of the land use type in the plain area,showing more obvious trend in the balanced variation.
     (5) The comprehensive index of the land use degree could reach over 75%of the theory in the plain area of Beijing,demonstrating high degree of the land use.While the land use degree could only reach 50%of the theory,obviously less than that of the plain area.From the view of the variation rate of the comprehensive index concerning the land use in Beijing from the year 1988 to 2007,the land use in the plain area of Beijing would quickly end the adjustment stage,reaching the development stage.While the land use degree was far from the requirement of the development stage,only staying at the adjustment stage.
     (6) In the view of the calculation and analysis of the ecological landscape indexes of Beijing,the overall landscape types stayed in the unstable state.There was more active state of the landscape ecological process and there was rather large difference among each landscape plaque.The clustering degree of the multi-element landscape was common,with the intensity of the landscape heterogeneity, rising degree of the fragmentation and low landscape diversity.
     (7) The results concerning the establishment of the land use driving force index system,relevant analysis and the principle components analysis in Beijing demonstrated that the driving force could be concluded as the four factors concerning the economy,population growth,technical progress and policies and regulations.The establishment of the comprehensive driving force model showed that each factor would have various effects on the land use,with the high or low of the coefficients in the model showing the difference concerning the effects.
     As a result,according to the comprehensive land use in Beijing,it is necessary that adaptation to local conditions should be paid attention to in the future work for scientific plan of the land use and management,trying to decrease the contamination and waste of the land resources.Then,it is needed to adjust the agricultural structure,promote the agricultural technical progress,optimize the land use structure and improve the land use degree.What is more,it is needed to implement the projects concerning the ecological recovery and reconstruction,improve the stability,spatial heterogeneity and landscape diversity of the overall ecological system in Beijing,construct the reasonable natural and humanistic landscape patterns and promote the overall optimization of the landscape patterns.In addition,it is necessary to establish the scientific development view,set up the new type of society-economy development mode featuring in the effectively-used resources,ecological consumption and environmental protection concept,which can control the population growth, improve the population quality,and realize the ecological sustainable development and sustainable use of the land resources in Beijing.
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