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Two experiments were conducted to study the effects of milk replacer and Bio-Mos on performance, blood parameters, density of bacterial populations, nutrient apparent digestibility, health condition and economy benefit in calves.The research of feeding early-weaned calf with milk replacer: 24 holstein calves were randomly divided into 4 groups with 6 in each group according to the principle of body weight and birth similarity. Regarded the first group as control group, fed with milk; the second, the third and the forth group fed with 3 kinds of milk replacer in different digestible energy and different crude protein: the second group is high digestible energy and high crude protein (HEHP), its nutrient level is 23.74MJ/kg, 27.20%; the third group is middle digestible energy and middle crude protein (MEMP), its nutrient level is 21.76MJ/kg, 24.80%; the forth group is low digestible energy and low crude protein (LELP), its nutrient level is 19.78MJ/kg, 22.40%. The effect of different digestible energy and different crude protein level on body size, average daily gain (ADG), diarrhea rate, death rate, nutrient digestion rate, and blood biochemistry index of calves was studied in the experiment. During the experiment, the death rate is 0% of 4 groups. In 3 groups feed with milk replacer, the diarrhea rate of HEHP group is 0%, lower than control group, which is 2.08%; but the diarrhea rate of LELP group is 4.46%, higher than control group, and MEMP group is 1.49%. In the early experiment, the ADG of control group, HEHP group, MEMP group, LELP group is 262.14g, 299.11g, 250.00g and 205.36g, respectively; In the late experiment, the ADG of control group, HEHP group, MEMP group, LELP group is 443.21g, 540.18g, 464.29g and 379.46g, respectively; During the whole experiment, the ADG of control group, HEHP group, MEMP group, LELP group is 352.68g, 419.64g, 357.14g and 292.41g, respectively. The ADG of HEHP group is evidently higher than LELP group (p<0.01); The ADG of MEMP group is higher than control group and MEMP group (p<0.05); but the ADG of MEMP group and control group were not significantly (p >0.05). From the whole experiment, the body height and the body inclined length of LELP group and control group have no difference (p>0.05), the body height and the body inclined length of LELP group and control group were lower than HEHP group evidently (p<0.01), MEMP group is higher than control group and LELP group (p<0.05); Body heart girth of HEHP group is higher than control group (p<0.05). The nutrient digestion rate of milk replacer groups were not so good as the milk group but not significant(p>0.05). Blood glucose and total protein (TP) of HEHP group is higher than the other groups, but have no evident difference(p>0.05), too. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of each group increased with the rising of crude protein level. The cost of feed with milk replacer was lower Y46.95, $30.20, $13.85 than control group, respectively. Analysis indicates that the feeding effect of HEHP group is the best, and may be regarded
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