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As the Knowledge-driven economy and the global economic integration course being accelerated, core competitiveness of a company is no longer to be technology but talent,it is the only way to strengthen enterprise independent innovation that we must arouse man’s go-aheadism, enthusiasm and creativeness. Then the people-oriented management pattern is asked to be used. Designer is the innovative main force, the personalization management is especially necessary.
     Design is creationary activity, those designs are prodigious difference, and they structure the immensity design space and the diversiform world. But how is the difference structured? Does it have some relationship between them? Does different kind of character have different predominance and inferior position ? Can we optimize them in the design management?
     First, administrative background, purpose and significance is expatiated, designer's individuality is analysed detailedly in relevance theory field studies and then , the designer’s character is categorized, bring forward that designer should be managed by using Character and Post Matching. After that we do some research about several artists and designers, discover the extremely intense correlativity between their character and designing. So the accuracy of designers’characters classification and the realistic possibility of applying designer's personality-post matching are testified.
     Based on discussing of Humanism ideological trend and managing essence, it is bringed forward that people oriented is applied on design management,and then this paper expatiates the meaning and applying method of people oriented. The method is using designer's character-post matching theory to assign their posts. After that we elaborate on the method of assigning on management post and design process post.
     Finally we take some automobile design company as an example. Based on analysis of managing post and designing process , we measure designers’character and then point out their best match post.
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