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This paper studied the mechanism of plant roots damage from modern coal miningand the ecological effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on environmentalmanagement in Shendong coal mining area. This is the first time to continuous observe theroots of pioneer plants Populus、Salix psammophila and Artemisia sphaerocephala in BuLianta coal mining, with CI-600root growth monitoring system. And the damage ofmodern coal mining to roots of three types of plants was mastered and it is pointed out thatthe roots harm caused by shortage of water and coal mining is the bottle-neck forecological and environmental management in Shendong coal mining. On this basis, theenvironment of shortage of water and artificial roots harm was simulated indoor, the effectof AMF and exogenous calcium on the growth of corn and the improvement effect ofMycorrhiza on degraded soil in mining area were studied in adverse circumstances withcorn as the host plant and soil in coal mining as matrix. The results show that AMF andexogenous calcium applied can improve the biomass of corn and promote the cornabsorption of the mineral elements in soil and GRSP secreted by AMF can improve therhizosphere soil of corn. This study applied AMF to reclamation of subsided area inShendong coal mining with the results obtained from indoor experiments as theory support,and achieved good ecological effect. Application of Mycorrhiza increases biologicalcomponents in subsided area, and helps the stability and sustainable utilization ofecological system.
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