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In the lately years , umbrette's food, growth, breeding were influenced badly and the phenomenon of umbrette's moving to good places appeared ordinarily, for the actions of exploitating the swampland , enclosing lakes and seas to make cropland, loping the forest destroying the bulrush, polluting the environment and disturbing by people . But in the region of little jamming and flourish vegetation, umbrette often nested in a big groop. The big groop habited and curveted on the crown of forest, breaking the nesting timber, clawing the stock, making the coronal flat, leaving the skeleton branches only. The destructed forest is difficult to renew , especially the needle trees. For the nested places were largely covered discard food and excreta , the sanitation was bad, making some plants dead ;also for the bad and high wet air condition, germinas multiplied and spreaded. Temporalitily, umbrette destroyed another new forest again. In the modern times to protect umbrette is to deal with the problems of protection
    and controlling umbrette , not only reinforcing the umbretta in the distructed places, but also settled the problem of controlling its numbers and evacuating its breeding places. The keys were to harmonize the relations of umbrette , vegetation, soil nutrients, soil microorganism. Comparing the studies inside and outside of our country, the studies of our country were simple, appeared late, and mainly focused on the behaviors ,pripagation, food and appetite, populace, communites , also the studies of intercross subjects were little. But the studies outside centralized on the contaminated circumstance of industry and agriculture and other questions they brought, especially the excessive umbrette nesting together.
    Basing on the current studies and existint problems, beginning with the purposing of protecting the biodiversity, the relations of Herons , vegetation ,
    soil nutrients and micro-organism were studied. The studies based on the Herons' nature reserve of Fangcheng Wanheshan Mountain, and investigated other perched places in GX( GuangXi) generally , adopting the methods of combinating macrocosmic and microcosmic ,and many subjects .It explained the laws of Herons' choices to habitation, nesting forest, plant species, nesting tree, and their influences on the nesting forest; nesting region's soil nutrients and micro-organism ;environments' influences on the Herons ect. And protecting technology measures were put forward to harmonize the relations between them and provided theory guidances for the healthful Herons and environment. The result showed that:
    1. Herons' choosing principle for habitat were: rich water and food resource , bloom vegetabion , little disturbance and security . It had little connection with slope direction and angle, distance from civilian residence.
    2. Herons had low demand on the forest, but prefered to strong one. The rules were that: forest had many divarication , dark green , high diversity and complex structures; and bamboo were the best choice; forest neared to water and food; environment conditions were rather good and air was flesh, little disturbed and protected by people.
    3. Request for plant species were weak ,different in kinds of places, but preferred to the predominance trees of strong growth , thick green, high divarication and heterogeneitya ,big chest, especially the bamboo.
    4. The need of nesting materials were little strict, decided to the degree of the materials' convenience, toughness, fixity, resisting the rotting.
    5. The nesting highness differed in different forest , decided to the nesting forest's mean status, concealment and security.
    6. The Herons perching excessively in a big group influence the forest: excessively Long tramlation and residence breaked the tender branch, burthened the crown of trees distorted, dilapidated tree barks ,sometimes maded the trees dead ; the Herons'excrements amassed on the brush woods , contaminating, corroding and perforating the foliages, and hindrancing the photosynthesis; also the germina
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