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Having been developed for 20 years, the cellular phone industry of our country has got the whole world's attention. By the strong pull of export and domestic need, the industry continues to present a fast growth. 303,670,000 sets had been produced, and 303,860,000 sets had been sold in 2005,the increase rates were 30% and 31.9% respectively, there were also 228,000,000 sets having been exported ,got a 56% increase. The position of world cellular phone manufacturing base has been founded. While the cellular phone manufacturing is experiencing a fast growth, a great change has taken place in channel :on one hand, original channel companies divide continuously, new companies flow out such as the professional cellular phone supermarket and the large appliance chain supermarket ,which gradually become leading roles instead of original business agents ;on the other hand, business operation mode of the industry puts forth new ideas continuously, market quota of the layer class agency system and the layer class retail system wither increasingly, while the direct supplying mode and the FD mode, order to make mode become main stream.
     As the cellular phone channel becoming more and more flat, the profit flows to dealers from suppliers, the words power also transfers toward dealers from suppliers gradually, suppliers' influence to the terminal market descends increasingly, they are also unable to do more to control the dealers. Therefore, suppliers can't do marketing activities by the guide of channel structure theories based on performance, efficiency or channel behavior theories based on outlet power, conflict and cooperation. So ,based on channel relationship theories, transaction cost analysis and social exchange theories ,this research tries to found a mode to find out the variables and mechanism of the relationship between cellular phone channel members .The application of the conclusion to the cellular phone circulation can help domestic suppliers upgrade the channel's stability and strengthen their control to the terminal market, their marketing strategy will also become more pertinent and durative.
     This research reviews channel relationship theories first, then puts forward this research's structure and plan, at last, take it in to verify by the substantial evidence analysis. The main work and innovation of this research is as follows:
     1、Combining channel relationship theory and transaction cost analysis、social exchange theories, this research put forward a trust and commitment model that is applicable to cellular phone industry of our country, and then take in to verify by substantial evidence.
     2、On the foundation of the substantial evidence, this research studies the influence of the variables as scale、character of retail terminal to the channel relationship.
     3、This research uses structure equation model to carry on a verification to the relationship and its strength of the model.
     4、Based on the trust and commitment model, this research gave some suggestion for cellular phone suppliers to strengthen channel constructions.
① Morgan & Hunt, The Commitment-Trust Theory Of Relationshipship Marketing .Journal Of Marketing:58,21.
    ① Ik-whan G.Kwon & Taewon Suh,Factors Affecting the Level of Trust and Commitment in Supply Chain Relationshipships,The Journal of Supply Chain Management,2004(5)
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