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Subcontracting model is the main form of survival for Chinese foundries with cooperation of multinational companies, is still the practical choice.OEM tendency has also become an important strategic choice. However, with further global economic growth gradually slowed down, increasing international competition, the drawbacks of OEM is gradually revealed, subcontracting manufacturers must consider restructuring. Therefore, independent brand strategy decision is an important strategic choice.
     OEM and independent brand decision is choosing between dependent management and independent management. Strategic options is affected by many kinds of factors, not only internal resources and capabilities, but also the opportunities and threats brought the complexity and the dynamic nature of the environment, entrepreneurship and Strategic orientation. Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO)is the critical construct in the strategic management and entrepreneurship, which is increasingly paid more attention by the scholars. Development of own brands is an important aspect of independent innovation of enterprises. Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) has an important impact on the selection of innovation-oriented mode.However, there is little integrate research on the Environment Uncertainty (EU), Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and independent brand decision, which is the purpose of and direction this research.
     In conjunction with this background, through literature review, from the perspective of the foundry business, the paper makes comprehensive consideration of the environment uncertainty, Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and independent brand decision of foundries, finding out the relationship among them to raise assumptions and use the statistics analysis to validate them.
     Specifically, through the Pearson correlation analysis, we find entrepreneurial orientation, environmental uncertainty and independent brand decision-making has significant correlation. And also, though regression analysis, we find entrepreneurial orientation is significantly and positively associated with independent brand decision-making; environmental uncertainty has negative impact on independent brand decision-making. Finally, though hierarchical regression analysis, we find the uncertainty of the environment play a regulatory role for the relationship between entrepreneurial Orientation and self-brand tendency.
     Finally, based on the investigation and analysis above, some suggestions are put forward to the independent brand decision-making of subcontracting manufactures, and summarizes the research gaps and future research prospects.
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