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The RMB exchange rate formation mechanism has undergone a colorful and dramatic course of nearly 60 years ever since the birth of RMB exchange rate on January 18, 1949. The Chinese Government and academics have come to realize the fundamental role played by equilibrium exchange rate in the formation of RMB exchange rate. Particularly there do exist a variety of factors causing the deviation of exchange rate from economic fundamentals in the current economic transformation period of China. With the market-oriented reform put forward by the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, some in-depth conflicts have gradually turned up and sharp, demanding theoretical and technical methods and tools to identify the rationalization of RMB exchange rate. Therefore it is essential and pressing to estimate RMB equilibrium exchange rate levels based on economic fundamentals of China, and so we have undertook two key projects of the State Bureau of Statistics: Statistic Research of RMB Exchange Rate Determination (2006B26) and Statistic Research of RMB Exchange Rate Variance Effects over Economic Operation (2007Z015). This essay is part of the research result of the projects combined.
     The interest to conduct equilibrium exchange rate estimation lies in two parts. On the one hand, it will provide methods and tools from the perspective of theory and technique to identify RMB exchange rate rationalization, and further the market-oriented reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism. On the other hand, by means of combing out exchange rate determination theories, it will construct theoretic logics for RMB exchange rate estimation, bring forward, and resolve, the methodology of statistic and measuring tools’application in exchange rate research, and promote cross research of statistics and finance.
     This research follows the paradigm of theoretical to empirical and whole to part. It adopts Black Box Testing and uses multiple date/information processing technologies to do the research. Firstly, based on combing out equilibrium exchange rate theories, it builds the theoretic foundation for RMB equilibrium exchange rate determination, and constructs the logic analysis framework for behavioral equilibrium exchange rate theories. Secondly, it identifies the factors for RMB equilibrium exchange rate determination on the basis of theoretic logics, and carries out statistic research into RMB real exchange rate and determining factors on the basis of IMF data, and conducts RMB equilibrium exchange rate estimation and analysis. Finally, it has improvement and expansive research into behavioral equilibrium exchange rate estimation model and methods, and finds out some key methods and policymaking room for rationalization analysis of RMB exchange rate.
     The essay is divided into 6 chapters, contents and structural arrangements as follows:
     Chapter 1 Introduction. Research background and interests. Summary of essays related to equilibrium exchange rate estimation. Basic research framework.
     Chapter 2 Research of basic theories concerning RMB exchange rate determination. Comb out exchange rate determination theories and bring out a development line of purchasing power parity - Balassa-Samuelson model - equilibrium exchange rate. With reference to researches made by Sarno and Taylor (2003), start by purchasing power parity and interest parity to select the dynamic Mundell-Flemming Model and monetary analysis models as the theoretic foundation to identify determining factors for RMB exchange rate.
     Chapter 3 Research of behavioral equilibrium exchange rate theory. Based on exchange rate determination theories in typical economic equilibrium, it is the first time in China to conduct a systemic analysis of behavioral equilibrium exchange rate theory, including its formation, theoretic logics, and estimation framework, etc, and establish a logic analysis framework for behavioral equilibrium exchange rate theory.
     Chapter 4 Data definition and statistic analysis for RMB equilibrium exchange rate. Identify economic factors for RMB equilibrium exchange rate determination on the basis of theoretic logics for behavioral equilibrium exchange rate. Adopt IMF data to conduct statistic analysis of RMB real exchange rate and determining factors.
     Chapter 5 Estimation of RMB equilibrium exchange rate levels. Based on the theoretic framework of behavioral equilibrium exchange rate and the statistic analysis conclusion of RMB real exchange rate and determining factors, estimate RMB equilibrium exchange rate levels, look into their long term relations with the determining factors, and explore the determination mechanism for RMB equilibrium exchange rate, meanwhile estimate the deregulation degrees of RMB real and nominal effective exchange rates.
     Chapter 6 Expansion and testing of RMB equilibrium exchange rate estimation method. Conduct economic tests on RMB equilibrium exchange rate estimation results, and based on that carry out improvement and expansive research on behavioral equilibrium exchange rate estimation model and methods. By means of researches on variables regulation tests of estimation model and its effects, change of variable data/information processing technique of estimation model and effects evaluation, effects of division of long-termed and short-termed factors over exchange rate determination, experience analysis based on impulse-response function and variance decomposition, etc., and explore some key methods and policymaking room to conduct rationalization analysis of RMB exchange rate.
     Innovative efforts have been made in the following 4 aspects:
     1. From the perspective of estimation to comb out exchange rate determination theories, bring out a development line of purchasing power parity - Balassa-Samuelson model - equilibrium exchange rate, and conclude that the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate theory is quite fit for equilibrium exchange rate estimation in China as transformation economy;
     2. Bring out theoretic logics behind the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate. Discover the reasoning for behavioral equilibrium exchange rate, and establish a strict logic analysis framework for experience analysis of RMB equilibrium exchange rate;
     3. Adopt IMF data to conduct RMB equilibrium exchange rate estimation for international comparison; and
     4. Carry out expansive research on the estimation model by means of multiple data/ information processing techniques on the basis of adaptability evaluation of classic equilibrium exchange rate models, and explore according policymaking room.
    3《2008政府工作报告》,中国发展门户网,www.chinagate.com.cn,2008 - 03 -20。
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