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Society's development has led the people intellectual property rights consciousness enhancement, takes intellectual property rights of a copyright three big constituents, also for the people knew very well gradually and takes. The respect copyright, the protection copyright have become people's mutual recognition. Especially the new revision "Copyright Law" promulgated the implementation after 2001, the society from all walks of life the protection even more had legal support to the copyright. The academic periodical society as the edition, publishes the author intelligence achievement the unit, with "Copyright Law" and question and so on copyright protection close relation degrees is self-evident. At present our country academic periodical type complete, quantity is multitudinous, but while academic periodical industry piece of prosperous, academic periodical society infringement author copyright; The author plagiarizes other people work, does not observe agrees a manuscript to throw; Under the network background questions and so on electronic periodical infringement paper periodical copyright day after day in relief, have actually affected the academic periodical normal development. The taking this into consideration, this cultural spy in conducts the research to our country academic periodical copyright protection present situation in the foundation, unifies country academic periodical copyright protection and so on the Britain and America methods and the related international joint pledge stipulation, to the academic periodical concept, the right content, the right characteristic and so on certain important questions has conducted the analysis research, proposed take "Copyright Law" as the backing, protects the academic periodical copyright, the balanced author, the periodical society, the user three between benefit viewpoints, can provide some references take the time as the academic periodical copyright protection.
     The full text besides the introduction and the conclusion, the main text altogether divides six parts:
     First part: Academic periodical outline. The first two sections elaborated the academic periodical concept and the academic periodical in our country's birth and the development, is an academic periodical macroscopic introduction. The third section through to our country academic periodical main body analysis, pointed out the academic periodical this kind of assembly work is different in the copyright protection aspect with the common publication most major characteristic is the copyright ambiguity, namely overall copyright and partial copyright.
     Second part: Academic periodical copyright content. Although the academic periodical copyright also equally has the work personal rights and the work property rights division of with the common publication. But because it assembles the work, therefore also has its own characteristic in the work personal rights and the work property rights concrete content and the protection way, is different in the common publication. This part mainly through the quite academic periodical and the common publication in the copyright content aspect difference, clarifies the people to the academic periodical work personal rights and work property rights some wrong understanding.
     Third part: Encroaches upon the academic periodical copyright behavioral analysis. This part has mainly analyzed the denial academic periodical overall copyright and the partial copyright wrong understanding as well as the common infringement academic periodical copyright which in the practice exists, in particular work property rights and format design power behavior.
     Fourth part: Academic periodical copyright protection system consummation. This part elaborated from three aspects has consummated the work which this system needed to do first, "Copyright Law" has some to the work use way stipulation in to be close with the academic periodical relations, but in these stipulations also has some loopholes, needs to improve. Next, the sign copyright contract is at present protects the academic periodical copyright one good method, overseas already were massive uses, our country each academic periodical society also should use positively. Finally, emphasized between the author and the academic periodical respects each other the copyright, is advantageous in the academic periodical healthy development.
     Fifth part: This part mainly introduced the European and American some famous academic periodical copyright protection method as well as the Japanese academic periodical copyright protection policy environment, can have the model by the time to our country's academic periodical protection.
     Sixth part: Digitized periodical to paper periodical copyright right infringement and protection. The networking rapid development causes the digitized periodical to the paper periodical right infringement question day after day in relief. This part first introduced the digitized periodical concept, then through renowned a thing who occurred to several years ago infringes upon the right the document analysis to propose under the network environment paper academic periodical copyright protection several suggestions. Actually after finally elaborated the digitization the periodical copyright this to belong to who question.
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