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     跨文化语境中教师的主观文化体验可分为两个维度、四种状态。两个维度是:(1)文化自在维度;(2) 文化自觉维度;四种状态是:(1) 未意识到的、难以言表的安然与宿命;(2) 未意识到的、难以言表的焦虑与无奈;(3) 意识到的、可以言表的安然与宿命;(4) 意识到的、可以言表的焦虑与无奈。基于不同的“文化体验”,提出教师发展的五个阶段,即准备——濡化期、入职——探索期、热情——适应期、困惑——焦虑期与稳定——淡泊期五个时期,这五个阶段的顺序并非固定不变,且对每个教师而言具有个体差异。
The particular cultural context in certain time and space is essential to the teacher development. However, the current literatures put the teacher development in a fixed context as the necessary logic preposition while actually the previous supposed mono-stagnated context has been replaced by a multiple and dynamic cross-cultural context. Based on the concern about the cultural field dynamic evolution and the impact on the teacher development, this study tends to examine the teachers physical existence and mentality existence under such cross-cultural context by using the theoretical instruments within the framework of Geertzian Cultural Hermeneutics (Interpretive Theory of Culture), tracing the historical experience of teacher development, scrutinizing the cultural confusions and integrations, conflicts and oppositions, and the upshots consequently which arose in the inner worlds of teachers. The rationale for this study is that the writer believes that all of the subjects to be examined, traced and scrutinized are the essentials as the cultural cultivation which empowers the teacher development.
    Not as the space or magnetic fields in terms of physics, cultural field is a virtual space in which time and space together with concepts act upon and to each other to form a comprehensive field of what we call the "Cultural Field". The current cultural field that teachers are emerged is one that is multiply woven with all the elements of the international cultures and national cultures of different ethnics, and all these cultural agents are in constant conflicts and transferences to shape in turn the cultural field in which teacher development occurs. This study examines 5 cases of teacher development under the cultural impacts thus described. The 5 teachers are Miao ethnic people, and their life and education events along their development are the core concerns in the study. Their educational concepts, knowledge capacity formation, cultural characteristics, sense of responsibilities and multicultural environment are the perspectives to be examined to reveal the cultural evidences for teacher development.
    The subjective cultural experiences of teachers in the cross-cultural context can be viewed in two dimensions, that is, cultural unconscious dimension and cultural conscious dimension, with four suppositional stages, which are first, the unaware-unexpressive contend and ease; second, the unaware-unexpressive anxiety and hopelessness; third, the aware-expressive cultural contend and ease; and forth, the aware-expressive cultural anxiety and hopelessness. Five teacher developmental phases are also concluded on the bases of the such cultural experiences. The five phases are preparatory-assimilation; on-duty exploration; enthusiastic-adjustment;
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